Never Again, No More 2

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Never Again, No More 2 Page 17

by Untamed

  “Mama, why did you tell him that? This is our time,” Aldris asked, and I noted the irritation in his voice.

  She looked at him strangely and scoffed. “Nonsense. You and Mike have been friends since you were in grade school. He’s practically a member of this family.” With that, she rushed off to answer the door.

  “Who is Mike?” I asked Aldris, noting his tense demeanor.

  He smoothed his hand over the top of his head as he sat back in his chair. A look of uncertainty graced his face as he reached over and caressed my hand. “Don’t freak out, but he’s the one who set me up to see you dance at Club Moet that night.”

  Instantly, my palms got sweaty, and my bottom lip began to quiver. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to sit here staring at this dude who knew me as Spanish Fly while I tried to win over Aldris’s mom. She’d already confirmed that Mike was basically an honorary member of the Sharper clan, so there was no battling that. I’d been happy for the break, not realizing I was welcoming the “worst” that I’d been expecting all night. At this point, we were beyond worst. We were at a wreck, a whole-ass train wreck.

  “What? Does he know about us?”

  Aldris continued grudgingly, “The reason I haven’t talked to him is because I told him about how we knew each other. I had already told him about my crush on you, but after the whole club fiasco, he told me not to get involved with you. I told him that I made my own decisions and that you were more than just a stripper at a club. We exchanged a few words, and that’s the last I spoke to him and the reason I haven’t called him back,” he confessed to me.

  My stomach did monkey flips as I could literally hear the steps that his mom and Mike took toward the dining room. Thinking quickly, I tried frantically to plan my escape, but the only way out was the same way in. I bit my bottom lip to quell the wave of nausea that threatened to spew from my mouth and wiped my hands on the handkerchief.

  “Don’t be nervous. I got your back,” Aldris whispered to me as if that was supposed to make me feel any better.

  Lo and damn behold, not only was it Mike but the other dude who had rained money on me too! I could’ve crawled up somewhere and straight died!

  “We are eating in here,” Ms. Lily said as she ushered Mike and the other guy inside.

  “Hey, man,” the two guys greeted Aldris.

  “Sup, y’all,” he responded unenthusiastically.

  “Long time no hear from, Dri baby,” Mike said, patting his shoulder.

  “Yeah, you went from not hanging with the fellas to not talking to us either,” the other one added.

  “It’s probably because of this beautiful young woman. Stop being rude, and introduce Lucinda to your friends,” Ms. Lily insisted.

  “Um, Mike Johnson and Rod Campbell, this is my girlfriend, Lucinda Rojas. Lucinda, this is Mike and Rod.”

  “Hello. It’s nice to meet you both,” I said softly.

  “It’s nice to formally meet you,” Mike said as he smiled at Rod.

  “Yeah, it is,” Rod agreed.

  “Do you guys want to sit and eat?” Ms. Lily asked.

  “No, Mama. I’m sure they just wanted to speak and leave. Ain’t that right, fellas?” Aldris asked as more of a command.

  “Actually, I’m pretty hungry. How about you, Rod?” Mike said.

  “I could use a helping of your mom’s good fried chicken and collards,” Rod added.

  “Then it’s settled. Have a seat,” Ms. Lily said and got up to set two more plates.

  Once Mike and Rod had a place at the table, the phone rang. “I’ll get it. You boys help yourselves,” she said, dashing out to the living room.

  “Why are you two here?” Aldris demanded quietly.

  “What is she doing here?” Mike retorted, pointing at me.

  My mouth flew open at that blow. I had to check and make sure I was still sitting in the seat and awake because I nearly fainted. Torn between embarrassment and anger, I tried to reason with Aldris’s so-called friends. “Look, fellas. I don’t want any problems. I understand this is a weird situation for all of us, but I really do like Aldris,” I said, erring on the side of caution, but I really wanted to fuck up these two hijos de putos.

  “And like I told you, Mike, I like Lucinda. There is a lot more to her than you know. This is my choice, and I’m proud of it,” Aldris said sternly to them.

  “Oh, so your mom knows your little girlfriend here was the number-one hot show at Club Moet? Are you proud of that?” Rod countered.

  “Man, we’ve known you and your family a long time. I don’t know if it was the booty or the español, but you can do so much better,” Mike said, smirking at me.

  “Oh, and have two different kids by two different baby mamas like you, Rod? Both of whom didn’t graduate high school and collect welfare for a living? Or would it be like you, Mike, tied down to the same woman for the past five years with three kids and not looking for anything long term because she’s put on some weight and works a minimum-wage job?”

  “My point exactly. They were mistakes. The same kind we’re trying to bail you out from, college boy,” Mike fumed.

  At this point, my head throbbed, and I rubbed my temples to relieve the ache. “I knew this wasn’t a good idea.”

  “See, even she knows.” Mike pointed at me.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Aldris said to him. He turned to face me and lifted my chin so that we were eye to eye. “This is me and you. I don’t care what they say or what they think. I know your heart. I know you,” Then he looked at them. “I promise you both gon’ get dealt with later.”

  Just then, Aldris’s mom walked back in and noticed the tension. “Is everything all right?” she asked.

  “Actually, I really need to go. Ms. Lily, everything was great, but I can’t stay,” I said and scooted my chair back.

  “But you haven’t even had dessert yet,” she said to me.

  “I thought she was the dessert menu,” Mike laughed, and he and Rod high-fived.

  “You know what? Y’all two clowns need to fucking bounce. Now!” Aldris hollered and jumped up.

  “What the hell is going on in here?” Ms. Lily asked tensely.

  Out of nowhere, tears sprang to my eyes, and I had to get out of there. “Ms. Lily, I’m sorry,” I apologized and ran out of the house.

  Inside of Aldris’s car, I cried my eyes out. This was why I didn’t want to date Aldris. This was why I should’ve stuck to my guns on our first date and continued to run for the hills. It was too good to be true. Nothing good ever followed me, and if it did, it never lasted. I had to be a complete idiot to believe I could go from deadbeat-ass Raul to dapper Aldris. But Aldris made me feel as if I were fucking Princess Diana knowing damn well I was more like Cardi B. Hell, and broke Cardi at that. I couldn’t wait for him to bring his ass out of that house so I could go home to my baby, cut my losses, and stay the fuck in my lane.

  Although I sat in Aldris’s car for what seemed like forever, I refused to get out and snatch his ass. But if he didn’t come on in the next five minutes, I was calling an Uber. I had my escape mapped out until a knock at the window scared the hell out of me. It was too late to pretend I was asleep since I’d jumped and looked to see who it was. Reluctantly, I rolled down the window.

  “Get out of the car,” Ms. Lily commanded. “Let’s take a walk.”

  Though I had no desire to do as she’d commanded, I obeyed and got out of the vehicle. We walked into her backyard. She didn’t speak a word, and neither did I. I didn’t know what to say or do. Finally, we stopped at a plant. She watered it, checked the soil, and repositioned it in the sunlight.

  The silence was torture, and I needed to get things off my chest before she put me out of her house. “Ms. Lily, I’m sorry—”

  “You see this plant?” she asked, pointing to the one she’d finished nurturing.

  “Yes,” I replied, halting my previous statement.

  “You know, my husband bought this plant. I’ve always h
ad a green thumb. He, on the other hand, killed things that were nonliving,” she joked. “One day, he decided he wanted his own plant. He tried, but God rest his soul, he was awful at it, and the plant slowly wilted and began to die. Daniel was a proud old man. I don’t know if it was the years in the corps or a man thing, but he never wanted to be defeated and refused to ask for my help. Finally, when the plant was on its last leg, he asked me for help, and I gave him advice. At first, I didn’t believe he’d be able to turn it around, but he did. Heaven help me, it’s the biggest and most beautiful plant out here still, to this very day, and all it needed was a little time, guidance, patience, and love.”

  She turned to face me before she continued. “Plants are much like people, you know. We may think we know all there is to know about them based on the things we see on the outside, but when we get down on the inside, that’s when we see their full potential. That’s when we realize that if we had just taken the time to guide them, love them, and be patient with them, they would grow to be the biggest and prettiest of them all.”

  Her words were so refreshing and soothing that I couldn’t stop the tears from flowing as I tried relentlessly to wipe them away.

  Gently, she placed her hand on my arm in a motherly way. “I haven’t lived on this earth for fifty-four years for nothing. I learned a little along the way. I learned that you judge people by who they are on the inside and not their circumstances.”

  “Aldris told you,” I said, downhearted.

  She looked at me and cradled my face. “Let me ask you this: do you care about Aldris?”

  I smiled brightly and nodded. “Yes, I really do.”

  “Then, to me, that’s all that matters. I know that Aldris truly cares for you, and if you give it a little time, guidance, patience, and love, you’ll see how much he cares for you too. That’s the way Aldris is. He measures the heart of a person. He’s a good son. We raised him well. He’s strong enough to carry the burden for both of you because he’s a man. That’s why I don’t worry about him. What you’ve done in your past to sustain a life for you and your daughter is no one else’s concern because it doesn’t matter that you fall down. It matters that you got up.”

  Overcome with emotion and grateful for her kind words that penetrated my heart, I hugged her tightly. “Thank you,”

  “You’re welcome.” She patted my back before pulling back and looking at me confidently. “I believe we’ve yet to see how big and beautiful you will become, and if you know you are more than what they claim, why would you let two people who don’t know you tell you any different? Now, dry your eyes, go inside, and handle your business. Mike and Rod are like sons to me, but they have their own issues, and they can’t throw stones living in a glass house.”

  Her words were like a healing balm to my soul. Now I understood what Aldris had tried to preach to me this entire time. How could I doubt the genuineness of Ms. Lily when Aldris was a product of her? And she was absolutely correct. I tried so hard to gain approval, but the only thing I really needed to do was be me. I laughed to myself. Mike and Rod wanted to see Lucinda. They asked for it.

  Now confident of my place and acceptance in the Sharper clan, I bossed up to go and give those two in there a piece of my whole mind. “Are you coming?” I asked.

  “No, I’ll be out here for a bit to give you all some time to clear the house. I’d love it if you would get Nadia and bring her over here, though, so I can meet her.”

  I smiled. “I can arrange that.”

  “And, Lucinda, if you plan on staying with my son, I need you to do some things for me. First, you’ve got to teach me those recipes so we can have cook-offs, and second, I wouldn’t mind learning a few of those Spanish Fly dances either.” She winked at me.

  “Ms. Lily!” I gasped.

  She moved toward me and leaned close to my ear. “Between you and me, I’m dating a man too, and if you were able to clinch Aldris—who I swore would be a rolling stone—then, honey, you are one bad mutha shut yo’ mouth! So I need some tips,” she joked.

  “I got you covered.” We shared the laugh before I hugged her again, and I strutted into the house where Aldris and Mike were going back and forth.

  “And you’re back again? Ms. Lily didn’t run you off?” Mike sneered.

  I put my hand on my hips. “As a matter of fact, she didn’t. Regardless of what you think of me, I’m with Aldris, so you better get used to the fact that I am around.”

  Aldris pulled me to him by my waist. “Baby, you don’t have to argue with these fools.”

  “It’s no argument, baby,” I corrected him, turning to face Mike and Rod with one hand on my hip and the other pointed at them. “You know what I think? I think you both wish you had a little Spanish Fly in your lives. Your babies’ mamas ain’t putting it down, and you mad because your boy gets all the perks without having to go deep in his pockets. Well, guess what? You may have had your little fun at Club Moet, but the only person reaping the benefits from this point on is Aldris. And trust me, I am just fly enough to keep him. So you two putos can kiss my entire Hispanic Spanish butterfly ass!”

  Aldris laughed hysterically. “I guess now you can leave, bruhs.”

  “Whatever, man. You gon’ wish you listened,” Mike said as he motioned for Rod to leave before storming out.

  Rod looked at me and shrugged. “I’m man enough to admit it. Yeah, I am jealous. Can’t you just break up long enough for me to get one private dance?”

  “Nigga, if you don’t get the hell out of my mama’s house…” Aldris yelled.

  “My bad. Take care of it, bro, ’cause I’m honest when I say if you slip, I’m right there,” he said, grabbing some cornbread before he left.

  “Can you believe those two?”

  “Can I believe you is the question,” he said, turning me to kiss him. “I love the way that hood chick, as you can say, handled that. Got me feeling kinda horny.”

  “I guess that means you’re ready to get caught in the Spanish Fly trap.”

  “I’m always ready,” he laughed. “You and my mom straight?”

  “Me and Ms. Lily are cool,” I said, hoping it stayed that way.

  Just then, his mom came into the dining room. “When are you going to get Nadia?”

  Aldris looked at me.

  “She wants to meet her,” I told him.

  “Mom, let’s make it next Sunday. I’ve got to get Lucinda home,” he said hurriedly.

  “What’s the rush?” she asked.

  “Nothing. Just gotta get things ready for tomorrow,” he answered, taking our plates to the sink in the kitchen.

  She looked at me and winked. “Mm-hmm.”

  I laughed. “Stop it, Ms. Lily.”

  “You ready, Lucinda?” Aldris asked, pulling out his keys as I nodded. “Why are you two smiling?” he asked us.

  “Nothing,” we laughed.

  He shrugged. “All right, Mama. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “You call me too, Lucinda, so we can hook up on those . . . recipes.” She hugged me then Aldris.

  “Will do.” I winked at her. “Again, it was a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise, sweetheart.”

  Once in the car, Aldris lightly grabbed my hand. “You cool?”

  “I’m just upset about your boys, but you can’t please everyone.”

  “Exactly, and the only one you need to worry about pleasing is me. Trust me, you handled that so proper.” He lifted my hand and kissed it.

  It wasn’t the perfect dinner as I’d hoped, but confession is good for the soul. I just hoped Aldris didn’t get the notion to listen to his friends’ warnings. I put on a good front like I was past the outcome because Ms. Lily and I were in a good space. But with his friends’ negativity, how long could we really last? And in the back of my mind, I wondered, was I really right for Aldris?

  Chapter Fourteen


  The past couple of months had been hell trying to get over Lincoln, but I was get
ting better with it. I refused to answer any of his calls, and I deleted every text, voicemail, and email I received from him. It was hard enough dealing with my emotions, let alone to have them continuously stirred up by following up Lincoln’s bullshit. He’d broken up with me, so I was done. It was time for him to be done too.

  Part of the reason I was doing better was because thus far, I’d had an amazing summer with my kids. We’d been to different water and amusement parks, museums, and shopping outlets. The other part of it was because of Ryan. He’d been with us for a few of the trips, and he was really keeping my spirits lifted. He’d done so much for me that it was unreal. He’d even given Lincoln a cashier’s check to pay for the Range Rover. He’d been my friend and listened to me when I wanted, comforted me when I needed, and gave me advice only when I asked.

  He paid all of my bills, since I’d quit my job thinking I was going to be a housewife for Lincoln, and he told me not to worry about working. He liked that I was at home and able to tend to the children. We’d grown really close, and I could honestly say he had turned into one of my very best friends. We’d really become a true family. So much so that we’d decided to have a family barbeque at Ryan’s parents’ house so we could all spend some quality time with Ryan before he headed to training camp.

  My dad and Ryan’s dad, Jimmie, were manning the grill while the women threw down in the kitchen.

  “I already took the hamburgers out there to my dad,” I told Ryan’s mom and my mother. “You know he and Mr. Jimmie ain’t doing nothing but shooting shit to each other while they cook on the grill.” I laughed.

  “Those two are a mess,” Ryan’s mother said.

  Ryan walked into the house from the back double doors. “Those kids were going to beat me down if I didn’t get that inflatable waterslide up and operating. Finally, I have that huge contraption together!”


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