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Bad Ride

Page 4

by Dani Wyatt

  “Fuck, baby. I don’t know if you’re going to be able to take it all. Or any.”

  “I can.” I put my palms on the sides of his face, his dark beard coarse as it slips between my fingers. “I’ve waited for you too, I don’t want to stop, I want it to hurt. I want to remember the pain because I saved it for you.”

  I feel the head of his erection thicken as the veins in his forehead bulge. “You’re trying to drive me insane, aren’t you?”

  “Just do it. Fuck me, don’t make a girl beg.”

  His pectoral muscles turn to stone as my hand drop from his cheeks and I dig my nails into the impenetrable flesh as my body screams at the invasion of the monster that’s just torn through mine.

  Chewy roars as he pumps into me, the evidence of what’s he’s claiming burning down below and driving the breath from my lungs.

  His eyes roll back, white, as the thick muscles of his biceps bulge. The veins look like they are going to pop as I wiggle under him, trying to find some relief from the explosion of white-hot pain as my body tries to wrap around his throbbing girth.

  In my center, jolts of pain radiate outward as he pullout and pushes back, giving me more with each stroke, making me push my heels into the mattress, seeking a second of relief before he plunges forward again.

  My whimpers and retreat have Chewy frozen in place as I look at his own mask of pain and I realize I don’t know if being inside such a tight space could be hurting him as well.

  His enormous body starts to shake as he holds himself steady, and watching him trying to restrain himself for my benefit only sends a new rush of wet lust, urging him forward.

  I reach up and pull his face to mine, wanting to ease the challenge of the moment, and his warm lips distract me from the jabs of pain where he seems to be growing inside of me. He crushes his lips to mine, his tongue moving between my lips as he drives another inch or more of his thickness into me and I gasp into his mouth.

  He continues like that, tongue, cock, tongue, cock, grunting and shaking until we’re rocking together. The bed squealing and scooting across the smooth concrete floor as he lets go and fucks me while our tongues wrap and tangle, my fingers gripping his shoulders and my hips driving upward to meet the pain.

  He’s deep inside as he breaks the kiss and the full length of him makes me feel like I’m bursting. Flickering white sparks blind me for a moment as he pumps faster, harder, and through the pain, lust and acceptance throb inside of me and the scream I’ve been holding back breaks free from my throat.

  It’s more than just noise, it’s catharsis. I’m releasing a part of me that’s been in prison for too long. The girl that didn’t want to slip through life unnoticed. I want to be the center of someone’s universe, I want this, the wet, cursing frenzy.

  “Open. More. All the way, give it all to me.” Chewy grunts into my neck, his words choked, sounding like a desperate plea as he yelps like an injured animal and I have the flash of his cock caught in the tightness of my pussy like a trap around a wolf’s leg.

  The raw, base need I feel rattling out of him only fuels my own, and in that moment, we release our deep need for this. Painful, uncivilized and greedy, I arch into him as he snarls, his hands slipping down my back and grabbing my ass, driving into me over and over, my core clenching and weeping for the tension to be relieved.

  He fucks like a madman, a frenzy of curse words and teeth on my neck. Blasts of pain shooting through me, up and down, as I feel like a piece of meat here for his relief and to my shock, it pushes me closer to my own edge.

  We grind and slap together and my orgasm starts in the bottom of my feet and I freeze, wishing it forward.

  “God please.” I plead as the tension turns into a violent clenching inside of me.

  Chewy’s fingers dig into my flesh, holding me as he drives in and out, pumping and thrusting as he holds me in place and my pleasure takes off. I feel like my body is turning inside out as I slap and flail at his face, wanting to hurt him as my own pleasure becomes unbearable.

  I twist and arch like I’m being exorcised from the demons that have too long held me back from myself. There’s no more light or sound, only the blistering awareness that Chewy has released me from my bindings and I know I’ll never be able to go back to the person I was before this moment.

  I feel him start to shake, thickness bolting another round of pain through the pleasure as he grabs for my wrists, pinning them above my head.

  “You’re my filthy slut now, aren’t you? This hot cunt is taking it all for me. Take it, it’s coming. Fuck yes, all for you…”

  His face twists into a painful knot as a bellow shakes the space around us. He grinds down so far into me, I feel him into my belly as jolts of hot liquid spray inside me, dripping out, but he pumps through his own climax, baring his teeth as his balls slap on my flesh and pained grunts lodge in his throat, releasing with every spurt of hot cum which my body drinks up.

  His massive torso collapse onto me, ragged breaths hot on my neck as he holds himself deep, the twitch and pulse at the base of his cock sending shivers of pleasure deep into my center.

  I’m nearly unconscious when Chewy slips out of the bed to get me a glass of water and I hear the patter of the shower starting as I look at the clock on the wall.

  It’s fifteen minutes after midnight, and my chest tightens. I sit up, a throbbing between my legs reminding me of the beast that just tore through my virginity and I look around the room, remembering all our clothes and my purse and backpack are still downstairs.

  I’m an adult, and it irritates me that my father keeps tabs on me like I’m still a teenager, even though I’ve been away at school four years without him coming unraveled every time he doesn’t know where I am for more than a couple hours.

  Chewy’s voice comes from down the hall. “Takes a while for the water to warm up. Stay there, I’ll come get you when the shower’s ready.”

  “Okay,” I answer, taking a long breath as I tiptoe toward the door and head down the steps to retrieve my cell phone and assuage the messages from my father I know must be waiting.

  My purse is sitting on the table next to the Mustang and I root around inside looking for my phone but find nothing. I figure it must be in my backpack, so I switch gears and gather up all the remnants of our clothes scattered on the cement floor of the garage.

  When I pick up Chewy’s black vest, something slips from the pocket and hits the floor, lighting up at the impact.

  It’s my phone and on the screen are two calls and a few texts from my father, all in the last half hour because my unspoken curfew is 11:30.

  Before I can read them all or listen to his voicemails, my phone rings and it’s him again.

  “Hi, Dad.” I answer keeping my voice low. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you—”

  “Tell me? Where are you?”

  “My car had a problem. I called for a tow. You said you were going to be with your car club tonight so I didn’t want to bother you.”

  “That garage he owns…Off the Line towed you,” he says and it’s not a question.

  He? That garage ‘he’ owns what does that mean?

  “How did you know?”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ve told you who those guys are. That club of theirs. There are things you don’t know about them, especially that Charles “Chewy” that owns the garage. Where are you?”

  “I’m…” I turn toward the stairs but don’t hear anything. “I’m still here. They just finished with my car,” I lie, but I don’t want him coming for me. I have sex seeping from my pores and whatever the tension is between my father and Chewy, midnight after I just lost my virginity to him is probably not the time to try to work it out. “I’m on my way home now.”

  I hang up, holding my phone, wondering why Chewy it was in Chewy’s vest to begin with.

  My mother’s words come back to me as I slip into my bra and clothes, handing my phone from one hand to the other as a knot of guilt builds in my gut.

; Lust is just a synonym for stupidity. One turns into the other no matter how hard you try to not let it happen.

  “What am I doing?” I whimper to myself as a self-loathing regret makes the air feel cold and heavy. The drunken desire is starting to ebb, replaced by a harsh sober reality that descends around me. Whatever this mad chemistry experiment was tonight, it’s over.

  Horror bands around me. I not only fucked him, not only gave him my virginity, but without protection. Something else my mother and father both drove hard into my skull from the time I was old enough to even think about boys.

  Their own one night of lust filled reckless abandon led to me and bound two people who were nothing alike together out of sense of duty. In her misery, my mother finally snapped when I was nine, left a note and disappeared.

  Went out for milk.

  She never came back. She didn’t even have the decency to come up with something more original.

  “Damn it,” I swear, walking over to the wall where I see keys hanging. I find mine on the table below, taped to a piece of paper scrawled with black marker.

  Was just a loose hose. All fixed. Leaving now, hope you’re having fun. I know how you like a challenge.

  I rip my key from the paper, walk over and slam my fist on the red button next to the overhead glass door as I hop in my car, turn the ignition and spin in reverse, praying to heaven and hell that my one night of stupid doesn’t end up the way it did for my mother and father.

  Chapter 6


  I’m bleary and in a fog from a sleepless night and the wild memory of losing my virginity in a reckless fit of passion with a guy I know isn’t right for me.

  What made it worse was when I walked into my dad’s house and found him sitting there on the sofa in his robe like I’d stayed out after curfew on prom night.

  I’m sure he noticed but didn’t specifically say that my blouse had two buttons missing and my skirt had a greasy boot print on the hem. I took the seat across from him in the floral wingback chairs my mother picked out in the living room we never use, listened to his lecture on putting us at risk by spending time with criminals. How I’d not thought it through, how we could both lose our jobs if we were associating with felons.

  It all felt very Andy Griffith scripted, but I was too tired and distracted by the distinct feeling of Chewy’s cum dripping out of me. My panties were M.I.A. so I sat there listening to my dad chastise me, knowing I’d just taken the walk of shame commando style. He reiterated that he needed to be able to trust me. He has an educational conference tonight that will keep him overnight and he wants to be sure he can count on me to make good decisions while he’s gone.

  There’s not enough Earl Gray tea in the world to make this all go away.

  I gave most of my classes busy work through the day, staring out the window or grading the tests and essays from earlier in the week. When the final bell rung for the day, instead of spending a couple more hours on lesson plans and one-on-one student help, I packed up my purse, knowing at some point I had to stop by Chewy’s garage and both pay him for the work on my car as well as retrieve my backpack which I’d skated out without retrieving last night.

  And, for whatever crazy reason, after my dad reading me the manifesto on staying away from Chewy—or anyone from the club for that matter—I want to come clean. I’ll tell my dad what happened, that I left something there at the garage, and also that I need to settle things with Chewy.

  It’s not a conversation a want to have with my father but I also don’t want to lie. That’s never been in my wheelhouse before and steering away from my own core values, as uncomfortable as the conversation may be, would hurt my soul and it’s already pretty achy.

  I know he’s here at the high school because he stopped by my classroom at lunch, letting me know he was working out of one of the conference rooms here today, and I had to believe it had something to do with keeping an eye on me.

  I take the last few steps toward the door where I know he’s been throughout the day, a figure moving behind the white blinds, and I lean in, listening as I hear his voice. He’s on edge and I’m sure it’s because of me until I crouch down and hold my breath.

  “I’ll be there by eight. I’ll be in my van, the parts will follow me in a yellow box truck. Two guys driving. You follow directions, black duffel bag, everyone walks away happy.”

  I don’t know any educational conference where you organize rendezvous with a box van and a duffel bag.

  “No, I haven’t gotten the new guy on board yet, he was a no-show last night, but I will. I have something he wants now, so he’ll come along. I just need a little more time. It’s all falling into place. I knew what he wanted, arranged for it to be dangled in front of him. He took the bait hard and now I’m just reeling him in.”

  A chill traces down my spine as I scoot back against the solid cinder block wall and sidestep back around the corner into the hall.

  Each breath takes effort as my dad’s words swim around in my head. I must be reading too much into it. I’m tired, I’m stressed, I’m sad.

  No, not sad. My heart feels like it’s breaking and that makes me mad. How could I feel so much for someone I barely know? One quick wham bam and I’m pining away for the bad boy from the other side of the tracks?

  Besides, he knows where I work, he could have sent flowers or an edible arrangement for goodness’ sake. Maybe just dropped off my backpack with a note, saying it’s not me, it’s him.

  Fuck. This is getting messy.

  I head toward the back hallway and into the parking lot. Looking at my mustang, I’m reminded of who I’ve tried to be my whole life for my father. Conservative, quiet, obedient, a hard worker.

  He about lost his nut when I drove home in the car for spring break my junior year away at college. I’d saved for it since I was fourteen and started babysitting, dog sitting, fish sitting, then working at the local hair salon sweeping up and washing towels.

  It was my visible statement of rebellion and it was in my name so he had no power and it fed me in a way I’d not experienced before.

  As I start the engine, the low roar and rumble makes me feel powerful like I did last night when I let that rebellious part of me fly free with Chewy. But, the glow of the moment doesn’t last long as my eyelids burn, I drop my forehead to the steering wheel and my chest clenches as sobs choke and burst out of me, no matter how hard I try to fight them off.

  My phone buzzes and I see the message from my dad making sure I’m headed home. I ignore it, put the car in drive and head in the opposite direction, out of town toward the Valor Club.

  I don’t get far when I see a single headlight, flashing in my rearview. Then, the glint of chrome and vibrant cherry-red paint as the Harley pulls up next to my driver’s window pointed in the wrong direction in the oncoming lane of traffic.

  He looks even bigger on his bike next to the car, and I see the way the muscles in his arms are tight as his jaw looks like it’s going to pop. At the stop light I roll down my window.

  “You’re driving the wrong way. You’re going to hurt someone.”

  “Yeah?” He brushes his hand down his beard his dark eyes hidden behind black sunglasses. “You should know something about hurting someone.”

  My heart patters around as rocks tumble around in my gut. “Yeah, I’m sorry. I just—”

  “We’re not talking here. Follow me.”

  He doesn’t wait for an answer and I can’t help but note the ache in his face, and I know I need to explain. I need to adult, even if it’s uncomfortable, and in two weeks when it’s time for my period, we can see which way things are going to go. I owe him at least that much. So when the light turns green, I follow him out of town until he slows and my throat tightens.

  He pulls into the Men of Valor Club and I have the sinking feeling this is going to end badly.

  “Chewy, we need to talk,” I say as I climb out of my car, and he kicks down the stand on his bike. “I’m sorry about last

  “So am I,” he says, coming over to me. His arm snakes around my hips and I can’t help the way my body reacts around him. It’s like I have no control as I lean into him, feeling his strength against me.

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “I should have taken better care of you last night. Things got rough, I just lost control and scared you I’m sure. I’ll do better, I am who I am, but I’ll try to be more of a gentleman. I’m going to show you that’s not the case. You and me, babe, we’re for real.”

  My breath catches in my throat, but I force myself to shake my head. “No, that’s not—”

  “I’m not afraid of commitment, Annie. Last night wasn’t a fuck for me. It was fate.”


  “But nothing. Come on.” His hand at the small of my back is insistent as he leads me towards the clubhouse doors, and what can I do?

  This man isn’t just physically strong, he has this kind of iron will that seems to dominate my every thought. Here I was, ready with all the things I wanted to say, and now I’m letting him lead me in through the doors as the room falls silent.

  “What?” he asks, his eyes sweeping the faces of everyone looking our way. “You never seen a woman before?”

  The silence stretches for a moment longer, then one of the guys, an older man with a thick beard and heavily-tattooed arms that stretch his shirtsleeves, lets loose a deep, rumbling laugh. “Not on your arm we haven’t, Chewy.”

  “Hey, fuck you, Bullet.”

  There’s a shocked silence, and something tells me that the man who just spoke outranks Chewy by some order of magnitude. It seems strange to me to think that Chewy would ever be in a room where he wasn’t in charge, but I guess a club like this is like a family. Doesn’t matter how big or scary you are, there’s a pecking order and you fall into line or you get out.

  “Fuck yourself, Drake,” Bullet says with a grin, a soft chuckle rumbling his chest. “But before you do, there’s business to discuss.”

  There’s a rumble of laughter from the rest of the room before a young woman heads our way with a smile. “This way, hon, leave the men to talk business.”


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