Bad Ride

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Bad Ride Page 5

by Dani Wyatt

  After that, everything changes.

  While Chewy and some of the other club members talk in hushed tones at a corner table, the women make me feel about as at home as I’ve ever felt anywhere in my life. They’re all the wives and girlfriends of club members, and while I have a hard time remembering all the names, they make it clear that if I’m with Chewy, I’m one of them and they have my back.

  It’s been so long since I’ve had anything like this. One of the women, Clair, is kind of like a mother hen, keeping a watch over us all and listening to problems. It seems like no matter what you’re dealing with, you can go to her and have a sympathetic ear. Then there’s the girl, Petal, who tells me how sweet Chewy is, and how I’ve found a good one and should hold onto him, and honestly I’m starting to believe her.

  All I can think as we enjoy drinks and gossip is, my dad is so wrong.

  These people aren’t bad. They aren’t evil. They’re just a bunch of men and women who’ve formed their own sort of family and look out for each other. They don’t have the need to fit into what society and it’s self-imposed ‘norms’ are. They are free and unencumbered by expectations.

  And it’s something I want.

  After an hour, anything I had planned to say to Chewy is long forgotten. How could I ever think of giving up on him? I excuse myself from the group, making my way for the ladies’ room, but change my mind and head over to Chewy instead, missing being close to him and wanting to be sure I explain more about why I left last night.

  And that’s when I overhear just a snippet of their conversation.

  “If we don’t, Ranger, someone else is going to take that contract.”

  “We’re not running chop shops, Ice, that’s not us. Hardworking people bought those vehicles, and in case you haven’t noticed we have a code here.”

  “Sure, but the local pressure is building…Chewy--”

  The conversation dies away when they see me standing there, and Chewy turns, clapping his hand on the shoulder of the guy next to him as he drops his voice. “Give me a minute, Savage.” When his eyes meet mine, it’s like they soften all on their own. “How are things going? The girls treating you right?”

  I nod. “They’ve made me realize a couple of things… Can we talk?”

  “Sure. Let me finish up here with the guys then we’ll go back to my place.”

  My voice is hesitant as I say, “Well, actually I was thinking you could come back to mine. If you want to, I mean… well, my dad is going to be out of town on business tonight and I thought perhaps you could… It’s probably me being dumb, forget I said—”

  “The hell I will,” he says with a growl. When I mentioned my dad, I saw a look pass between the other club members at the table, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. “Your place sounds perfect. Let me finish up here with the guys and then we’ll get going, okay?”

  I nod, smiling. “Okay.”

  “Okay,” he says, gathering me into his arms and stealing a kiss, ignoring the whoops and hollers from the others gathered around, and I think I might be just a little bit, well, you know…

  In love.

  Chapter 7


  “I thought… Well, I don’t really know what I was thinking. But I thought we weren’t right for each other, but now—” She turns my way with a grin as she holds up first one sundress, then another, measuring them against herself for my benefit.

  I gulp back my dry throat as she shows them to me, imagining her in each. And out of each. Both are enough to make my mouth water, the shortness of the skirts and the low cut of the strappy tops enough to make my imagination run wild.

  “Which one?” she asks, and all I can think is neither, nothing, bare skin all the way, so I give a grunt that seems to please her and she lays both on the pastel-pink comforter on her bed.

  I look so out of place here in her room. My monstrous size and general appearance incongruous against the light airiness and goodness of her. She’s pastels and satin, thick cream rugs and cuddly toys, and I’m denim and leather, grease and power tools.

  Our differences have never been more evident than when I’m standing in her bedroom, but somehow none of that matters. To me, or it seems to her. Her excitement at having me here somehow makes me feel at home despite the differences between us, and I crash down onto her bed, pulling her to me, making her squeal and bat playfully at my arms.

  “You going to ravish me, Charles?”

  “Maybe. Would you like that?”

  My words catch her off guard and she doesn’t respond right away, her mouth moving silently until she says. “Maybe you should try it and find out.”

  Fuck yes.

  Those are the words I’ve been waiting for, and I aim to please. The clothes she wears for school are drab and plain, which I approve of. When other people are looking at her, even if it’s just a bunch of horny teenagers, I don’t want them to see what I see. If I had my way, she’d wear a paper bag whenever she’s not with me. But when her plain ribbed sweater and gray pants come off, what’s underneath makes me grin.

  For me, when she’s here, I want her like this. Red lace panties and a matching bra showing off all her womanly curves.

  Or, of course, nothing at all.

  The motorcycle engine rumbles beneath us as we weave through traffic on our way out of town to a little spot I know that should be quiet. I’m aware of her pussy, pressed against my back, just a little strip of cloth between us as she sits behind me in that fucking nothing of a sundress, but I’m trying to concentrate on the ride ahead, while my cock strains to draw my attention elsewhere.

  Last night, I ate her out three times as she screamed my name, moaning and panting as she writhed against her bed. Then she returned the favor, sucking me off until I filled her mouth, then swallowing it all like a good little cum guzzler.

  Then this morning, with her dad still gone, she suggested going out somewhere. Together. Like a proper fucking couple.

  So that’s what we’re doing.

  As I slow the bike, turning off the road and heading down to a spot by the river, where the grass is lush and the shade from the trees is just right, I can’t resist running my fingers along her thigh. Away from the noise of the other traffic, I hear her mewl clearly, even through her helmet which I will always insist she wear.

  “Is this the place?” she asks, shouting to make herself heard.

  I nod. “You like it?”

  “It’s beautiful!”

  “Not half as beautiful as you,” I tell her as I slide the bike onto a little dirt parking lot. No other cars are here, which means we’re all alone, just the way I’d hoped.

  In the saddle bags of the bike is an entire picnic she made and packed up before we came out. Sandwiches, little sausages, cold meats, salad, wine, cake. There’s enough there to feed an army, which is just as well. Being the size I am, I eat a lot, and I’m also going to make sure Annie has whatever she needs to stay healthy. I love her curves and in time, with each baby, I imagine them getting more generous and that thought has my already thick dick chubbing up another inch or two.

  As we sit by the river, eating and laughing, I ask her all about herself. A lot I already know from stalking her for two years, but there are things in her past I wasn’t aware of. The fact that her mother left when she was young, walking out on her and her father. The fact she’s always dreamed of working with children, but only went into teaching because of her dad. The fact that sometimes her father scares her.

  Well, that last one doesn’t surprise me.

  If there’s anyone that deserves the label monster it’s that man, but I hold my tongue for now. A woman doesn’t need to know her man thinks her dad’s a villain, just that he’s there to keep her safe, and that’s something I intend to show her.

  “Sometimes it’s good to try something new,” she says as I frown at the glass of wine in my hand.

  I don’t think I’ve ever drunk wine in my life. Give me beer and I’m happy. But for
her, I take a sip.


  I grunt. “It’s fine.”

  Annie laughs, taking a long sniff of her own glass before sipping the pale liquid. “You have to learn to savor the scent and flavor. You’ll get there.”

  As she’s speaking, a small car pulls off into the dirt parking lot, sliding in beside my bike, and I watch as three guys in their early twenties climb out, laughing together as they glance over at us. I start to clench my teeth together as I notice the way they’re lingering on Annie. Clearly, they think their all something, with their gym-rat bodies and metrosexual moisturized skin. They don’t even bother hiding their glances, and it isn’t long before I’m seeing red.

  Nobody looks at Annie like that, not with me around.

  “…I did this wine tasting course when I was in college, and it’s all about the—Chewy?” She stares at me, then follows my gaze. “Ignore them, they’re just a bunch of—hey, where are you going?”

  I’m on my feet, heading their way with a growl in the pit of my stomach. “Hey, who do you think you’re looking at?”

  Annie is at my side, but I push her behind me, not wanting their eyes on her.

  “Free country, buddy,” says one of them in a Hawaiian shirt, starting to laugh.

  “You think so, huh?” I reply, grabbing him by the collar and lifting him clean off the blanket him and his friends laid down to sit on in the grass. Fuckers. “Nobody looks at her like that except me, you understand?”

  He nods, his eyes wide, but his friends are still laughing and that sets me off. I glare at one as I drop Hawaiian-shirt guy to the floor, listening to him scramble away as I stomp forward, ready to throw punches.

  “Chewy!” I feel her hand around my arm as I start to pull it back, and the guy in front of me is already flinching, holding up his hands. “Stop, please!”

  I growl as I turn to her. “They need to learn some respect.”

  “I think they’ve learned. Come on.” She slips her hand into mine and I’m powerless against that touch.

  A moment later, we’re back at our own blanket, and she’s pulling me down as my eyes keep darting to our audience. They’re grinning again, acting like they weren’t scared, but I saw how close to pissing themselves they were.

  “You don’t have to always be an overprotective monster, you know,” she says, smiling as she climbs onto my lap, straddling me. The way we’re sitting, nobody can see but me as her sundress pulls up her thighs, damp panties revealed as she grinds herself against my hardening rod. “The only person I’m interested in is you. So let them look, because that’s all they get.”

  I growl. “Mine. This is mine.” I slide my hand down between us, touching her cunt, visible beneath the clinging strip of fabric. “These are mine.” I pinch a nipple through the thin cotton of the sundress.

  “Yes,” she responds as her eyes drift closed. “All yours.”

  “Mine,” I repeat as she rocks against me, a little mewl escaping her lips.

  The thought that they heard her drives me crazy, but before I can dwell on it, she gasps, rising on her knees, rubbing herself against the bulge in my pants.

  She whimpers as she moves against me, pushing herself forward, leaning her head into my chest as her ass moves up and down in my hands. Her voice is getting louder now as she draws near to a climax, moving slowly against me.

  “Chewy!” She cries out as her body trembles, and I hear the laughter from behind me and that’s it. There’s no stopping me.

  As the red mist descends, I move on automatic, rising to my feet and turning in their direction. Breaking into a run, I don’t think I’ve ever seen three people more afraid in my life. I barrel in their direction, throwing one aside as a punch lands on a second who’s grin is wiped right off his face. The third says something pleading, but it falls on deaf ears as the back of my hand connects with his face.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” I murmur, and see them all nod, their feet scrabbling at the ground in their rush to get away, the blanket forgotten as they pile into their fucking clown car.

  A second later, I’m on Annie, hearing her yelp as I drag her, kicking, away from our own picnic spot.

  “You need to learn who I am,” I tell her, pushing her ahead of me among the trees.

  She laughs. “Why don’t you show me?”

  “Oh, I’ll show you,” I tell her as I find a suitable fallen tree. “I’ll show you right here.”

  A second later, she’s bent over the trunk and I flip her sundress up over her ass, landing a heavy hand on her butt cheek as she cries out. A red welt rises satisfyingly on the soft flesh as I rip her panties down.

  “You’re mine,” I tell her. “All this is mine. Nobody watches you cum except me, you hear?”

  “Mmm hmm.”

  I growl. “What the fuck is mmm hmmm? Tell me you understand, Annie.”


  I land a smack on her ass as my belt clatters loose and I drop my jeans, lining my cock up with her opening. “Tell me you understand.”

  “Ow! I understand!”

  “Say it again,” I tell her as I slap her ass harder, pushing the head of my cock between her sweet lips.

  She gasps, a little moan falling from her lips. “I understand. All of this is yours and yours alone.”

  “Damn right. And when we’re done here, you’re coming to live with me.”


  Another hard slap as I sink deep inside her, grabbing her hips as she grunts with taking me. “Don’t ask what. Just accept it. My baby needs a home.” I let my hand drift to her belly as I say the words, wondering just how true that word is right now. Have I already planted my seed inside her? Is she already carrying my literal baby. The thought spurs me on and I thrust harder inside her, making her start to yelp. “I’ll get us a place, you won’t have to live over a garage. You want that, baby?”

  “Yes, wherever you are I want to be.” she screams, though whether it’s enthusiasm for the plan or simply a cry of pleasure I’m not sure.

  Doesn’t matter.

  I’m not asking her what she wants, I’m telling her what’s best.

  “You’re mine, Annie. Mine. All of this belongs to me and I take care of what is mine, you get that?”

  “Yes, Chewy. Ow…” She moans as I thrust in and out, building momentum until she tips over into an orgasm.

  A second later, I fill her and hear her scream as her body quakes. Coming together like this is perfect, our bodies in complete synchronization, and I stroke her hair as I hold her, pumping every ounce of cum right into her womb. If I haven’t planted myself there already, I will soon enough, because every day from now on I’m going to live inside this pussy, I’m going to make a home here, and I’m going to fill our new house with our babies.

  Chapter 8


  “Are you sure about this?” I ask as we step up to the front of my house. “I mean, maybe we could just put it off for—”

  “No putting it off. We do this now.”

  Chewy’s hand is at the small of my back in an instant, and while I’m still nervous about what might happen, I feel safe in his arms.

  He insisted when we were done at the picnic spot, we had to come back here and he had to face my dad, man to man. I don’t like it, but I understand what he’s saying. The way Chewy puts it, if we don’t start things off right we’ll just be playing catch up later on down the line. Better to get everything out in the open right away.

  I’m just afraid of how my father will take it, given he’s not exactly Chewy’s, or the club’s, biggest fan.

  “Annie, is that—what the fuck is he doing in my house?”

  Looks like my fears were well founded.

  “Dad, we need to talk, you need to listen,” I tell him, but his eyes aren’t on me and I’m not sure his mind is either.

  “Get the hell out, Charles,” he says, pointing at the door.

  Chewy shakes his head. “Not this time, Bart. You’re going t
o listen to what we have to say. It’s in your own best interests.”

  “Yeah? You need to speak to me, Charles?”

  “Me and her, we’re together. Nothing you can do about that. But I’m going to treat her right.”

  “That so? And how do you intend to treat a daughter of mine right when it’s only a matter of time before you end up back in Lennon?”

  Chewy growls under his breath, and I slip my hand into his. “Dad, that’s not going to happen,” I tell him. “We love each other. Chewy wants what’s best for us both, he’s not going to do anything that would jeopardize that.”

  I look up at Chewy and he gazes down at me.

  “How did I get so lucky?”

  The grin can’t stay off my face as I lean into him, but a moment later I hear my father laughing.

  “How sweet.” His words are cruel, evil, and I shiver. Sometimes, I see a side of him that makes me wonder if he really is the man I know at all. “Annie, I didn’t want you to find out like this. Your friend here has been running drugs for his club. The police are on their way to his place right now, where they’ll find all the evidence they need to put him away for the next ten years.”

  “What?” I ask, my face falling.

  “Balls,” Chewy mutters. “You’ve set me up, you motherfucker. What, someone inside with the police in on it with you, right?”

  My father is silent, simply watching Chewy’s face, but the coldness in his eyes is familiar to me. I’ve seen it before, on occasions. One time, when I was about thirteen, he and an elderly neighbor had a falling out over something trivial. A week later, I heard a scream and went out to find the neighbor keeled over in his plants, his leg broken as he stepped on a loose bit of earth. When I told my father, I saw the same look in his eyes that he has right now. Satisfied, but more than that. Triumphant.

  “How would you know that he was running drugs?” I ask, and my dad’s eyes shoot to me, but he doesn’t answer. Instead, he smiles at Chewy.


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