Blood Rising

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Blood Rising Page 8

by A M Proctor

  “No. It’s true that part of me is a creature of night, a predator but the other part of me is a creature of light. I’ve embraced my dark side, and the males who claimed to love me betrayed me. I’m ready to embrace the light now.”

  She smiled now. “Good. I think we could be friends here. My home is yours for as long as you wish to stay.”

  I returned her smile. “Thank you. I’ll try not to be a burden for long. Though I’ll admit, I have much to learn.”

  She chuckled as she rose from her chair. “That you do.”

  She moved to the door and said. “My servants will stay until the manor is in order. I’ll visit again tomorrow afternoon. Don’t wander too far from home tonight.”

  I nodded, and she left.


  A Created Fae Sex Demon

  After eating a large lunch with Jah and Rah, I retired upstairs for a long overdue rest. It all started out normal. Dreamless, deathlike sleep. Eventually my peace and solace was interrupted. At first the dream intrigued me. Was I in mortal danger? Should I wake myself up?

  Large, luminous kaleidoscope eyes hovered in the darkness of my dream. Beautiful shifting colors of golds, greens, blues, browns and even purple. The voice was melodic and smooth. He said, “I’m Hypnos.”

  I responded with an impressed, “I’m dreaming. Are you doing this?”

  Though I couldn’t see his face, those eyes seemed to lighten with humor. “And I was told your name is Nevaeh.”

  I laughed. “It is. Sorry. I’ve just missed dreaming since transitioning.”

  He seemed to smile again with those eyes. “I have a feeling this won’t be the only dream you have here.”

  His eyes slowly changed colors again, growing serious. “Now show me your true nature, Nevaeh. Show me who you are.”

  I dreamed about my life. I lay my deepest and most embarrassing secrets out for examination. My darkest fears, fears of being alone, unloved and even hated by all who look upon me. Alexei’s disdain over my betrayal, his rage over the death of my harem and his closest friends. Fears of being a prisoner inside his mountain. Fears of being captured by other vampires and raped for the rest of my life.

  Then I dreamed of possibilities. Hope that I’d never dared to conjure in real life. A life with Lukenon. The high fae Measure agent who stole my heart so completely. The male I gave my virginity to before my transition. The male I’d left back in Colorado because I was too dangerous to be with him. Alexei promised that once I got control of my bloodlust for fae, Lukenon could join my harem. I’m so glad that never happened. I still thought the harem was my choice of willing males. Luke would have been in a cell under that mountain and probably one of Narella’s sadistic fae meals.

  Then I dreamed of ruling the vampires. Being the queen I thought I’d be when I married Alexei. The males bowing to my whims. Serving me just like Alexei said it was in the old days when females ruled. That other females had been found and recovered and my court was balanced with both males and females ruling together as equals. My court was full of laughter and love. Children ran the halls without fear. It was a place where even crows were welcome.

  These were only dreams, though. Not possibilities of a future world. The dreams faded, and Hypnos reappeared. “Why do you dismiss your hopes and dreams so easily?”

  “Because they’re not real.”

  Humor appeared to lighten those eyes again. “All great things achieved in this life, start with a dream.”

  “Yeah, how do I know you didn’t plant those dreams? You are the god of dreams, right?”

  Those eyes faded. “Good day, Nevaeh. Thank you for sharing so openly with me.”

  Darkness filled the void those eyes had once been, confirming to me that the only reason I dreamed was because of his presence.


  A gorgeous fae male walked into the darkness with a confident swagger and a devilish smirk on his face. His long hair was so blonde it was white, no silver. His face seemed familiar, but I’d remember this fae if I’d ever met him in person. My body immediately responded to his. Wearing only black leather pants, my gaze traveled slowly down his strong torso, washboard stomach and lingered on that V muscle pointing suggestively to the bulge below.

  He opened his arms slightly and then slowly turned around to give me a good look at his strong back and tight ass. He glanced over his shoulder at me, smirk growing as he asked, “Shall I removed the pants too?”

  That voice. It’s that demon’s voice, Ryzier. But he didn’t look like this before. “What are you?”

  He turned around and bowed. “Ryzier at your service. Incubus demon, created fae vampire and son of an angel.”


  He cocked an eyebrow. “You know… white feathered wings, lives in the clouds of Heaven, protects humans from evil?”

  “Yeah, I know what an angel is. I just can’t imagine one fucking a demon and creating you.”

  He laughed. “You haven’t met my mother. She’s a cambion, actually. Angels used to fraternize with humans back before God regulated their sex lives. Now the closest thing angels can get is half human deities. I’m the result of a reward my father earned in Heaven. He chose a week with my mother and left her with a gift.”

  “You said created fae vampire. Do you know Dagney and Tarquin?”

  He came closer and cocked his head slightly as he said lightly. “Not as well as I know Dagney’s husband, Calanon and their lovers, Morgan and Chaistolf. Now those are some fun fae fuckers.”

  I was laying in the bed I’d fallen asleep in. My pussy throbbing harder with each step he came towards the bed. I wanted him to undress and slip under the covers with me. I shook myself mentally. He’s a sex demon. SEX DEMON. My pussy sat up and screamed, ‘Yes!’ My mind said, ‘No.’

  I opened my eyes and found him standing over me in the evening moonlight with the exact same smirk he had in my dream. “Jesus!”

  He shook his head. “Not even close.”

  I clutched the covers to my breasts as I sat up. “What do you want?”

  He sat down on the bed, tucking a leg under him as he faced me. My gaze took in the strong thigh, hidden under that leather. His long fingers, no longer claws, now appearing elegant. I inhaled his scent and almost lost control of myself.

  He merely smiled and said, “I think you know what I want.”

  I shook my head slowly. “No, I really don’t.”

  His lips parted slightly as he let out a breathy laugh. “Yes, you do. But I’m not here for selfish reasons. I’m here because you need me.”

  Hell yes, I need him. I need him naked and covering me with his beautiful body. I needed his cock inside me, fucking me… all night. I needed…

  “I don’t understand. How do I need you?”

  His gaze dropped to my hands, still clutching the blanket over my naked body. “By the way you’re eye fucking me, I can think of several ways you need me right now. Alas, I’m talking about nourishment though.”

  “I’m eye fucking you? Hey, demon… my eyes are up here.”

  He smirked again. “You were stark naked in your dream, darling. I’ve already seen you in all your glory.”

  He inhaled deeply. “Your dripping wet, Nevaeh. If I wanted you under me, all I’d have to do is suggest it and you’d be on my dick in a nanosecond.”

  I opened my mouth to deny it, and he lifted a hand. “Don’t deny it. I know my gifts well. Few can resist me. I will fuck you. I will fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before… eventually. Not tonight, though. Lilith and I fed well from the gods today. I’m curious but not hungry, but you my dear are ravenous, aren’t you?”

  No shame in admitting it. “Yeah, I’m usually hungry when I wake in the evening.”

  He smirked knowingly. “Your nymphs will provide temporary relief. You need a male vampire to feed from, Nevaeh. I happen to have your mates DNA inside me.”

  My brows furrowed. “How did you get Alexei’s DNA?”

  He reac
hed over and put his hand on my thigh casually. My body sung with his touch. I wanted him like I wanted Alexei.

  “If you’re going to accept a vampire enhancement, you don’t choose from the weak. Oh, the Measure didn’t want to give up his precious DNA. They were using it in some breeding program at the time, but I have certain powers of persuasion. Even the goddess Apate couldn’t deny me. So they enhanced me with Alexei’s blood. So much so I’m related to the king of vampires now. Like a fucking brother he’s never met.”

  I was having trouble focusing on anything besides that hand resting on my thigh. Gods, please make it move upwards.

  “So you’re offering to feed me?”

  He nodded, silver-gray eyes twinkling with amusement. “I’m asking you to pop my vampire cherry, darling. I’ve never fed another vampire before. I hear it’s quite an experience when feeding a natural-born female.”

  My fangs descended involuntarily, and his gaze focused on them. “No thanks. I’m good.”

  His gaze returned to my own. “Doesn’t look like your good. I know you think you’ll find nourishment here. That your nymphs will sustain you or some god or goddess will have pity on you and offer you their sacred vein. It won’t happen. If you fang rape any god or goddess here, they’ll crucify you. Besides, you need a strong male from your own species to thrive. I’m the next best thing to King Alexei, love.”

  The silence stretched between us as I struggled with my hunger and my reasoning brain. All I knew about demons could fit in the palm of my hand. Ryzier didn’t seem evil though. Dangerous? Fuck, yes! But evil? No.

  If what he says is true, he’s more angel than demon, anyway. His mother being a cambion was half human, half succubus. Did I want to feed from him? Yes. He smelled delicious in this form. Did I want to fuck him? Hell yes! He looked delicious in this form.

  “What’s in it for you? What’s the catch?”

  He smirked again. “I’ve done everything imaginable in my lifetime. Everything imaginable physically except allow someone to feed from me. It’s exciting to think about being fang raped by a beautiful female.”

  I gave him a sideways glance. “I might lose control. Might kill you.”

  His face didn’t alter as he said, “Fuck, I’d love for you to try. I’m fairly sure I’ll be able to stop you but… what a way to go.”

  “So I’m entertainment for a creature who’s lived too long, done too much and is bored with his life?”

  His hand tightened on my thigh. “Pretty much.”

  I gasped as I felt my body bloom for him. My nipples throbbed, my pussy pulsed and my heart rate soared. I pressed my thighs together and shifted uncomfortably.

  “You’re offering your blood willingly, no payment expected. You don’t take from me without my consent. You don’t own me. I owe you nothing for feeding me. Understood?”

  He grinned. “Understood.”

  He stood up and asked. “Would you like me naked?”

  My gaze settled on the bulge between his legs. “Are you willing to lose that cock if I lose control? I have been known to rip a cock clean off the body in my bloodlust.”

  He winced even as he smiled. “Maybe we can use my cock for something other than feeding from.”

  I smirked now as I patted the bed beside me. “Keep your pants on, Demon. I’ll feed from your wrist.”

  He slipped beside me in the bed, and I settled into his arms. He was warm and surprisingly soft. I took his hand and was startled when he laced his fingers in mine. I glanced at his face, and he shrugged slightly.

  “I’ve never done this before. Be gentle?”

  I chuckled. “If you wanted gentle, you should have approached a high fae to take your virginity, like I did.”

  He laughed. “You should have given your virginity to a sex demon, Nevaeh. The high fae are kinky. They’ll make love to your body. An incubus will make love to your entire being.”

  I kissed his wrist and whispered. “While draining your soul like I’m about to drain your body.”

  He gasped as I sank my fangs into his wrist. The moan he let out as his blood filled my mouth was pure bliss. His blood was nothing like I’d ever tasted before. I’d been expecting a foul or bitter hint, being demon blood. It was pure sunshine. Golden rapture. The warmth that spread through my body was ecstasy. We both were moaning and panting as I swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the strongest, most delicious blood I’ve ever had.

  He laid back and rolled over, putting his leg between my thighs and pressing against my pussy. My hips moved of their own accord, sliding my flesh up and down his smooth leather pants. His face pressed close to mine as I took slow, savoring swallows of him. His breath fanned my cheek right before he pressed a kiss to my jaw.

  I sealed his wound and turned my lips to his. He whispered lustily. “Don’t stop.”

  My gaze focused on his fangs as I whispered, “Kiss me.”

  His mouth closed in and he kissed me reverently with a shutter that ran through his entire body. I ran my tongue over his fang, cutting it and then deepened the kiss. He stiffened as he tasted my blood. I was testing his own control. He jerked his head back and groaned as he pushed his hips forward, pressing his cock against my hip.

  I sank my fangs into his shoulder, and he gasped again. I moaned against his flesh as I sucked the blood from the tiny wound I’d made. I had to reopen the wound several more times and with each bite his blood became sweeter, more powerful. His hands moved to my hips as he rolled to his back. I allowed him to position me, straddling him.

  His hips pushing up, his leather pants straining to keep his erection contained. It wasn’t doing a good job. The head of his cock was pushing past the waistband of his pants. It was smooth as I rubbed my clit over it. He had a wide flare that felt fantastic against my clit.

  Fuck, he was soaked with my juices now. His hands tightened on my hips as I moved my mouth to his neck. Pushing me down on the head of his trapped cock as I rubbed myself on it.

  I sucked on a vein in his neck, showing to him that’s where I wanted to tap next. He tilted his head back and offered his vein to me. I whispered, “Ryzier.”

  He hissed as I tapped that vein a bit more aggressively than I intended to. His cock kicked between us. This wasn’t a normal fae cock. The more it grew, the more I felt. This bitch was ribbed. The flare wasn’t soft, it was wide and ridged. It seemed to have a channel in which I squeezed my clit as I passed from the shaft to the head. Fucking thing pulsed and was hotter than any cock I’d ever touched. That channel at his frenulum squeezed my clit most deliciously. Fuck, I was going to cum.

  I moaned against his neck as his arms tightened around me in response. “Nevaeh…”

  He pushed his cock upwards as he held me tightly against him. My fingers dug into his biceps as he turned his lips to my temple. “Nevaeh…”

  My orgasm radiated from my stomach, not my clit. It washed over me as my body tightened with pleasure. Up my spine to the roots of my head and then down as my clit convulsed with its own waves of pleasure. My toes curled as I sealed his wound and groaned against his flesh. His cock kicked and throbbed as he too stiffened in pleasure.

  He growled, “Fuck!”

  His cock jetted seed between us. “Fuck!”

  He panted and held me against him. “Fuck. Ah fuck, Nevaeh.”

  When his arms relaxed their hold on my hips and back, I rolled off him and lay in blissful rapture. My body floated slowly like a feather back down to the bed I lay in. Ryzier was still panting as my breath slowed.

  I haven’t felt this good since Alexei left. I felt renewed, stronger than ever. I turned my head and took in Ryzier’s face as he lay smiling, his fangs blissfully bared. He met my face slowly, turning his head. We both were euphoric as we grinned at each other stupidly.

  He breathed, “That was… spectacular, astounding, earth shattering.”

  I gave a breathy laugh. “Same.”

  He swallowed, “That could become addicting.”

her breathy laugh escaped me. “Same.”

  He smirked. “I taste that good, huh?”

  I bit my lower lip. “Something tells me you knew you did.”

  He looked at the ceiling with a satisfied smile. “Of course I wasn’t sure but I tend to be good at everything I do, so… yeah, I figured you’d love me.”

  “Whoa now. Love’s a strong word.”

  His head turned to meet my gaze again. Damn, confidence was sexy as hell. “Wanna go again?”

  I barked a laugh. “You’re pretty pale as it is, Demon. I’m pretty sure you need the rest of your blood.”

  He let out a breathy laugh. “I guess you’re right. I’ll live another day.”

  I was still grinning, still euphoric. “You said you know Dagney’s husband?”

  He glanced over at me. “Aye, I do.”

  “Do you know their son?”

  He regarded me a moment before saying. “Riley?”

  I shook my head and met his gaze. “Lukenon.”

  He looked back at the ceiling with a small smirk. “I gotta be honest with ya. Calanon would castrate me if I went near his get. So no, I don’t know his children.”

  Disappointment washed through me. He glanced over with a small frown. “Don’t tell me… You have a thing for Lukenon? Was he? He was! He popped your cherry.”

  I rolled my eyes and looked at the ceiling. “I was hoping to get a message to him. We lost contact a few months ago. I’m fairly sure he’s worried about me.”

  “Ah. Well, it just so happens that I’m due for a visit soon. I’ll be overjoyed to reassure your little lover about your welfare.”

  I glanced over at him. He was grinning mischievously. I said dryly. “I can imagine what you’ll tell him.”

  His grin widened. “Chaos is my middle name. I don’t play by the rules, Nevaeh. The Measure couldn’t control me. The Dark Realm can’t contain me. I’m a creature of the in-between. Not entirely demon, but not entirely angelic either. I manipulate gods and goddesses. I play to win.”

  And that’s what I was afraid of. “So what do you win by playing with me?”

  He smirked. “Sometimes it’s not about winning. Sometimes you play for fun. You, my dear, are pure pleasure.”


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