Blood Rising

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Blood Rising Page 27

by A M Proctor

I offered, “Rah didn’t trust Ryzier.”

  He smiled and allowed his fingers to slide lower and dip into my opening. “When I find them, and I will find them, you will help me torture those nymphs to death.”

  “Yes, Majesty.”

  He glanced over at Sir and nodded. Sir escorted a male up to the throne. He knelt between my legs at Alexei’s feet. Alexei whispered, “See how he gazes into your open pussy with longing? He will kiss my feet, and then your jewel before he speaks his piece. I want you to gaze lovingly at my face until I tell you to do otherwise.”

  I whispered, “Yes, Majesty.”


  The king received fifteen males for a private audience. Each kiss differed from the last. My gaze never left Alexei’s beautiful profile, even when a kiss was delivered intentionally rough. I watched Alexei smile slightly as I whimpered and shifted with pain.

  He then turned his profile slightly and whispered, “Kiss my neck and moan softly in my ear.”

  His fingers slid in and out of my pussy as male after male spoke to their king about their needs for more power, wealth and females. I only paid attention to my king. Following his instructions to the letter. If he wanted me to kiss his jaw, I kissed his jaw. If he wanted me to writhe more on his lap, I rubbed my ass against his cock.

  My arms ached, my legs trembled with the effort to keep them spread as wide as they could go. When his fingers would slide up and toy with the jewel as he spoke, I’d gasp and writhe against him harder. His fingers slipped in and out of me again as the last male gained permission to kiss the jewel once more before leaving. He knelt before me and leaned in as my king fucked my hole slowly with two fingers. I shuttered as the tender kiss was pressed to the huge diamond between my labia.

  The fingers slid out of me and my king said, “You may also clean my fingers and lick the mess I’ve created with them.”

  “I’m honored my king.”

  The male lowered his mouth to the king's fingers before lapping at my opening greedily. I shifted and pressed my face into Alexei’s neck. I felt him smile as I whimpered against him. “Now open her labia wide for me.”

  I stiffened as the clamp pulled tight. I felt Alexei’s fingers grasp the jewel and slide under it to the clamp. “As soon as my hand is free, lap up this clit.”

  The clamp opened suddenly, and my scream silenced the entire room of males. My body jerked with the pain of blood and sensation flooding my clit. The male immediately tormented me with his tongue, sending sharp jabs of pain throughout my body with every lick.

  To my horror my king had to hold my torso down against him as I bucked and Sir came forward to hold my legs on the arms of the throne. My scream subsided to cries and sobs.

  Sir leaned in and smirked into my face right before he jerked the clamps off my nipples. The hall was pierced with another high-pitched scream. Alexei slid his palms over my breasts, rubbing them as feeling prickled them. I wept openly and whispered, “I’m sorry. Forgive me, Master. I’m sorry.”

  “There, there, love. Let the pain turn to pleasure.”

  Eventually, it felt somewhat pleasurable. I moaned against my king's neck as the male lapped at my abused clit. Oh, my god, the orgasm that was building promised to be epic.

  I whimpered urgently. I’m not allowed to orgasm. I don’t get pleasure. I give pleasure. “Please…”

  “That’s enough. We don’t want her to cum too soon.”

  It took everything in me to not press my legs together in grief of that lost orgasm. Internally, I was cupping my pussy in a fetal position on the floor. Externally, my entire body shook as I wept.

  “Up you go, legs wide apart.” Sir’s hands were steadying me as I stood on shaky legs.

  He gave my wet pussy a few hard slaps as I cried. “You put on a good show for the lads, Slut. I think I will spank you for them later. Would you like that? Yes? I’ll bend you over and light up your ass as your kings seed drips out of your gaping pussy.”

  I whisper, “Yes, Sir.”

  He smirked. “I thought so, Slut.”

  My king spoke from behind me. “I’m ready. Lower that pussy down on my cock.”

  “Yes, Majesty.”

  I was turned to face my king as he sat sprawled, fisting his thick massive cock. The seat of the throne was wide enough to accommodate my knees on either side of his hips. My hands were freed from behind my back and shackled to the tops of the high back as I was lowered down onto Alexei’s thick cock. He studied my face intently as he entered me.

  “Lower. I want you to force all of me inside you.”

  “Yes, Majesty.”

  Alexei was long and thick. He hadn’t been all the way inside me since we bred and my womb took his cock inside it. I whimpered as I settled all my weight onto his shaft. Alexei adjusted slightly under me.

  “I forgot how tight and shallow you were.”

  He pulled my hips down causing me to gasp and lift back off him. He smirked. “Ride me slowly and move your torso to the side so I can watch the entertainment.”

  I stayed out of his way as I focused on sliding up and down his huge shaft. The sounds of captives being brought into the throne room reached my ears. Feminine weeping and the occasional shriek filled the room as the bodies behind me shuffled about.

  Narella’s voice announced loud and clear. “Claim your humans, boys. Because I have a special treat for you to watch was you enjoy your evening meal.”

  Growls, shrieks and more shuffling as males claimed their females for the evening. It sounded like there was a fight between a few males and some females tried to escape. Alexei’s chest rumbled as he chuckled.

  He glanced at me and said, “Kiss me.”

  I moved my lips to his quickly. My heart beating wildly. I haven’t kissed anyone in so long. How does he want me to kiss him? Will I remember how to kiss someone, even? His hands came up to cup my face, and he turned his attention to our kiss. I’d forgotten how it felt to be kissed like this. My body relaxed into his as his tongue invaded my mouth.

  I sighed against him as my pussy flooded his cock with renewed desire. He moaned as one hand left my face and steadied my hips, pausing him deep inside me. It returned to my face as he deepened his kiss.

  I let my weight press him deeper inside me as my pussy mouthed and fluttered around his cock. His pale green eyes opened slightly as he teased my lips with his own before he dove back in passionately. Thumbs stroking my cheeks as I fell into the bliss of his kiss.

  His hands slipped down my body, and a finger slid over my stretched clit. He pulled back and whispered, “Cum on my cock, Nevaeh. I want to feel your orgasm again.”

  I gasped as his fingers began moving, stroking, teasing. “Yes, Majesty.”

  I focused on his lips and my need to watch them smile as I allowed my body to experience bliss for the first time in forever. They curled up slightly as I quietly moaned my orgasm. “Ah, there it is… So good… kiss me.”

  His hands went to my hips, and he pressed me down harder on his cock. I whimpered against his smile as his cock kicked inside me. “Fuck you feel good. I want to wreck your pussy so badly.”

  A hand slid up my back and pressed the back of my head against his mouth as his kiss claimed me hard. His other hand on my hip, coaxing me to push him deeper inside me. He reared back and gazed into my eyes.

  “Fuck me, deep and hard.”

  “Yes, Majesty.”

  I rode him hard, slamming him against my cervix, bruising it and wincing every time he hit bottom. He moved me out of his way when several screams gained his attention. He laughed and said, “Oh, this will be fun.”

  He lifted a hand and waved Sir and several attendants over. “Prepare my swing. I think I’d like to wreck this pussy as that monster does its thing.”

  They lowered my hands from the back of the throne and pulled me off my kings slick cock as I whimpered. A sex swing lowered from the ceiling and I was turned and laid back in it. My legs secured in the straps, high and wide as they secured
my arms on the chains that held the leather swing aloft. Alexei positioned himself at my opening and then pulled the swing towards him, sliding his cock back inside me.

  He growled, “Watch the monster, Nevaeh.”

  I turned my gaze to the middle of the throne room. My eyes widened at the dark creature that sat in the center. It was a huge black ball of tentacles with dozens of eyes. Narella was standing proudly beside it, holding its leash.

  “This creature is a gift from the Dark Realm. Normally a benign beast, it lives in the dark swamp using its sensitive tentacles to catch prey and for reproduction. That’s right, folks. Every single one of those tentacles has tiny hooks in the suction cups and is also a penis. I’ve been training this beast for months to perform for you tonight.”

  She jerked the leash, and the beast stiffened, throwing his tentacles out stiffly around his body. Eyes moved from inside the tangled mass that looked like black vines making up his body.

  “Now, if you’d be so kind as to present your female to one of his outstretched tentacles.”

  The crowd drifted towards the mass of feelers. The creature was big enough to fit to accommodate all fifty couples without blocking the king's view.

  Not all fifty couples took part, though. Quite a few were already balls deep inside their food. I wiggled on Alexei’s cock as he held it still inside me.

  He gently chastised me. “Ah, ah… wait for it.”

  “Now watch as my creature first begins to tease your meal into a frenzy of lust.”

  She jerked the leash and the creature's tentacles slid over the naked human females. Some screamed, others wept while some remained stoic. Alexei’s fingers slid through my labia slowly as I watched those tentacles slide over shivering breasts and slip between open legs.

  Some women pressed their thighs together. More tentacles came from the creature’s tangled mass and wrapped around ankles, pulling the unwilling legs open.

  Several women dangled before their vampires, held aloft by an ankle. Tentacles slithered over bodies, suction cups latched on to nipples. Tentacles silenced screams over mouths as others teased and invaded pussies.

  Fingers slid over my clit as I watched this creature torment its victims. As much as I didn’t want to be aroused by this, I was. My sex pulsed and my clit filled as Alexei teased me with feather light caresses. He purred to me.

  “When you orgasm, I want you to shout, writhe and scream your pleasure for all to hear. Understand.”

  My breath shuttered as I whispered, “Yes, Majesty.”

  He moved inside me slowly. His fingers still coaxing my orgasm gently. I let my head fall back as the monster rape porn played out below. My pussy clenched on the dick inside me as he rocked.

  I moaned and Alexei said, “You must be louder than that to gain their attention.”

  I moaned loudly as he focused on my clit. Several faces turned towards the stage. He rocked faster, cock hitting bottom harder.

  “OOH! My King!” I aim to please.

  I thrashed amid my orgasm as Alexei fucked me harder and faster. I screamed so loudly even the monster watched. His cock was pure pain now as he bashed my cervix.

  His people watched their king destroy his mate’s pussy. He pulled me hard against him as he lifted his face to the ceiling and roared his release. Applause sounded in the room. Several shouts about how virile the king was.

  I wanted to curl up and hold my poor abused sex for the rest of the evening. That wasn’t about to happen though. I’d have to wait till the night turned to day to sob my misery.

  Alexei pulled out and stepped back as Sir stepped forward and released me from the swing. I caught of glimpse of Alexei being cleaned and dressed as he returned to the throne.

  They wheeled a sturdy A frame bench on stage. They lay me across it on my stomach. They stretched my ankles wide. Shackled to the hard wooden legs. My wrists returned behind me and attached to the tight blue bodice I wore. They turned the bench to give the king a good view of my punishment as the audience returned to their feast.

  I could feel Alexei’s seed slide out of me as they locked the wheels in place. Sir’s boots stepped into view, dragging the long bull whip he chose for my punishment. The wait for the first lash is always the worst.

  Sir made me wait for a long time. This bench was uncomfortable and my back ached as I struggled to lift my torso to keep my gaze on Alexei. Finally, I lost the struggle and let my upper body dangle. He was ignoring me anyway.

  Upside down, I watched Narella lead the monster out. Guards filed in and collected the women, they carried most out after being drained of their blood. Some so pale, I just knew they were dead.

  The Alexei Nevaeh once knew valued humans. He’d rescued hundreds from situations just like this. He educated them, provided for them, and even loved them.

  This king wasn’t the Alexei that Nevaeh once loved. I wasn’t the innocent girl who answered to the name Nevaeh anymore either. She was gone forever.

  In her place, only the screams of pain remained. The crack of a bullwhip. The splitting of skin. The punishment of a betrayer, a liar and of a failed marriage. The sobs echoing in a filthy dungeon of a shatter heart and a ruined soul.


  Slut Rising

  My days of licking boots aren’t behind me, but we’ve come so far from that dungeon cell in the last six months. I answer to my name now. Somehow I’ve put the fragments of my mind together, but some pieces are held together by sticky notes. There are pieces of Nevaeh that are so damaged, I’ll never fit them together. That’s all right.

  I smooth the satin of my deep blue dress down my body as I check my look in the mirror of my opulent apartment in this shit hole of a court. I pin my long blonde hair up and it curled off my neck.

  A neck that’s been squeezed till I passed out so many times I lost count. A long neck that used to be decorated with cum and bruises, nightly.

  I fasten the latch of my king’s collar around my neck with blue painted and freshly manicured fingers. Yes, I wear my king’s collar proudly. He owns me completely. The collar protects me from the lesser members of this court. The members that raped me, beat me and drained my blood. But these fingers? They clawed their way back into favor with my betters. These fingers fought for what I have.

  I lean in to the mirror and use those fingers to apply blood red stain to my lips. Lips that warn others now. Command others instead of being commanded. Instead of being forced open by a hard rubber O ring and forced to service countless cocks while chained inside a small dark box as punishment.

  They strapped my head to the glory hole in front. My legs dangled out of holes in the box while they pulled my thighs and hips tight against the glory hole in the back. My only comfort was that the floor of the box I lay on curved up slightly and was padded.

  That week taught me never to mouth off to my betters as I lived off the semen of others, cramped up inside a lonely box day and night. Narella’s favorite punishment so far. She tormented me from outside the box, knocking on it periodically and asking me if I was hungry. They suspended the box in the throne room. She loved to give it a good shove or worse, twist it up tight and watch me spin.

  When the box was in service, she’d knock lightly and ask me, “How’s the mouth now, slut?” Yeah, I snapped at her. Called her a bitch in a moment of weakness.

  I was presented to my king, stripped of clothing and on my knees again as Narella shed fake tears and pleaded for my punishment to Alexei. When Alexei suggested they whip me for my insolence, Narella reminded him. “She’s learned to love her beatings. You see how wet she gets when Gregory paddles her now.” It’s true, I’ve found pleasure in pain.

  Narella knows how to manipulate the males of this court. She knows how to control Alexei and Gregory. My punishment. Two days and nights locked inside a pleasure box.

  I ended up there for an entire week. Spit roasted all night by the males of the court. Taunted even during the day by the ladies of the court. I can take
a good fucking and forced blow jobs.

  The ladies however are cruel and creative. They woke me early, decorating my exposed body with paint or something. Spinning my box round and round as they giggled and stuffed my ass and pussy full of foreign objects. “Oh, this will be fun to watch!”

  My tits hung outside the box as they coated them with a slimy substance.

  “Don’t you think Alexei will be pissed?”

  Narella pinched my nipple harshly. “No darlings. He put me in charge of the entertainment for a reason. He knows it’s her last night as a plaything. I told him it would be a spectacular ending.”

  They pushed something sour into my mouth. “Don’t swallow it, Slut.”

  I remained still and silent even when slime coated my ass and labia. It must be some sort of lube. I was grateful for it until I realized it wasn’t lube at all. The comments as the court gathered that evening were disconcerting. “I can’t believe he will allow this.”

  “He has to allow it now. If he stops this, he’ll look weak.”

  “Narella is one evil vamp.”

  “Bet she won’t talk back to her ever again.”

  “Shit, he doesn’t look too happy seeing her like this.”

  “After tonight, he may never fuck her again.”

  “That’s all right, I’ll fuck her… eel slime and all.”

  My box lowered slowly as Narella spoke to the audience. “We punished Nevaeh this week for calling me a nasty name. The only sustenance she’s received is by the grace of this court’s copious amounts of semen. Now she will feed the ravenous little beasties I’ve brought for your entertainment. Behold the humiliation and horror of the eels.”

  My box lowered into a shallow pool that literally crawled with slimy eels. Water choked me as they slithered inside my box, all over and inside my body to eat whatever it was they shoved inside me. I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t fight, I merely endured and survived. Something shifted inside me.

  Alexei called the entertainment off within ten minutes of it starting. He chastised Narella for being so cruel. Threatened her with the same treatment as she blubbered for forgiveness. They raised me out of the pool of slime. The box opened, and I slipped naked to the floor, vomiting slimy water and old cum.


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