The HUSH Series: (HUSH, HUSHED and JANE.)

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The HUSH Series: (HUSH, HUSHED and JANE.) Page 3

by Sandra Raine

  The waiter’s smile broadened ear-to-ear. And I know he meant to accompany that smile with a laugh but even he managed to remind himself that he was in the company of unamused parents 'cause neither of my parents were as amused as Doug and I were.

  "Sure," the waiter coolly played along, pulling a pad from his pouch. "One Root-beer coming up!" he then winked and smiled at Bree before taking the rest of orders.

  "How's high school been treating you?" Doug casually inquired just as I was stepping out of the women's restroom.

  Doug was eighteen and a Harvard Business major who was also a dead ringer for teen-star, Nathan Kress. Only Doug was a lot taller, around 6'2, and built with Dominic’s physic. Not only was Doug quiet and reserved like our mother, he, too, could be stubborn and uncompromising like our father.

  "School's cool."

  "I hear you're hanging with Tanya and Dominic Ray?"


  "You like Dominic?"

  My body cringed. "Yes, and no."

  "You sound confused?"

  "I'm fine," I lied.

  "Well just be careful with them two."

  My forehead scrunched. "What do you mean by that?"

  "Let's just say they tend to have their days."

  "'Their days'?" I repeated somewhat amused.

  Doug smirked. "You know, when they're not very liked considering they're both rich snobs."

  "Oh." I chuckled.

  "Not to mention being snobs to spineless, blood-sucking lawyers. . .Well in their case, their parents."

  "Doug!" I laughed again.

  "C'mon," he said putting an arm around my shoulder. "Let's get back to the table before mom and dad think we've abandoned their boringness."

  Later that night Dominic text me telling me that he needed me. I groaned and ignored texting him. Instead, I jumped into the shower, shaved, dressed and snuck out of my house through the kitchen's back stairs and drove to Dominic's where he was casually awaiting me out on the driveway and with a huge smile.

  "Good girl," he then praised as I stepped off my car and approached him in nervous steps. The constant butterflies in my stomach fluttered, smothering my heart and choking my breath. Dominic reached out to me and kissed me long and hard and deep before pulling back to croon proudly, "I love a girl with punctuality."

  And while I should have been flattered with all his praising and making him happy the way Tanya suggested I do, I should have also taken that as another red flag.

  Chapter 5

  Saturday -

  I left Dominic's house around one in the morning.

  When I got back to my room I took another shower 'cause tonight's "session" with Dominic consisted of three things: First, getting high. Second, and for the life of me, I couldn't understand why I even did what I just did, or why I would even allow, let alone contemplate, let alone have Dominic talk me into having anal sex with him which eventually brought me to tears the more and more I thought about it especially when I found myself trying to soothe my throbbing rectum with the cool water which still felt tender and raw to the touch, while at the same time also wondering why I even subjected myself to that kind of torture?

  And lastly, I told Dominic I loved him.

  After I showered, I snuck into my parents’ bathroom and rummaged through their medicine cabinets for some preparation H but couldn't find none. The only meds I did find were Vicodin and Valium – “wonder drugs” I dubbed for the emotionally deprived and overly stressed - both my mother and my father.

  I crept quietly out of my parents' bedroom and crept into Bree's. On her counter sat a tube of Desitin cream. I thanked God.

  Back in the privacy of my bathroom, I quickly applied the cream and almost immediately the pain began to fade. The anal sex thing, it had happened so fast! I mean, one minute Dominic and I were making out heavy on his bed, the next minute we were naked, and by the third, he was taking me from behind. Before I could even grasp what was happening to my body, Dominic had already thrust himself inside me. But before he got the chance to penetrate me, I accidentally defecated on him. And my defecating on Dominic’s cock must’ve pissed him off something God awful 'cause he slapped me twice in the back of my head hard, shouting, "Dirty bitch!" before tugging me off his bed and forcing me into the shower with him. And not only did he have me scrub myself clean, and I mean, clean clean, he also had me scrub him down as well.

  After the shower, Dominic tugged me back to bed and forced me back down on my hands and knees, and again attempted to have anal sex with me. But because I was having a hard time relaxing and responding to his needs, Dominic leaned across his nightstand and opened one of the two drawers and took out a plain solid oak box and settled it on the bed.

  At first I was adamant to take a hit of the coke 'cause I fended "addiction" but Dominic quickly assured me that I wouldn't become addicted, not if he could help it. Instead, he went on to explain that the coke would help me relax, help my body relax. So I gave in.

  Once the coke hit my system Dominic then wasted no time propping me back up on my hands and knees where he then proceeded to have anal sex with me, then after, again and again and again. That by the time the coke started to wear off, I began to panic.

  After Dominic was done having his way with me in spite of all my pleading and bleeding, he casually rolled over onto his backside and pulled me into his arms. And nowhere in between all my silent sobbing from having snorted coke and being anally violated was there any sign of compassion just, "You need to start giving yourself routine enemas if we're going to be having anal sex, Jane. I can't have you shittin' all over my cock."

  My body cringed. And I said nothing. I just lied there clenching my eyes tight while concentrating on nothing except for going home - with Dominic’s permission, of course.

  At around midnight or so Dominic at last called it a night and I didn't hesitate to leave as I normally did in the past. Instead I quickly jumped out of his bed, got dressed, then after stormed quietly out of his bedroom without so much as a glance back even though I could feel Dominic’s heated steps trailing me closely from behind.

  Dominic knew I was angry with him but he said nothing and did nothing 'cause our voices were visible to prying ears. I heard music and giggling as we passed Tanya's bedroom. Then I heard TV and arguing as we passed Dominic’s parents' room. As soon as I hit the staircase, I just didn’t walk down the stairs, I ran down. And once I reached the front doors and stepped outside Dominic seized my arm and spun me hard around to face him.

  "You need to stop taking everything so goddamn personal, Jane!" he then snapped and I couldn't help but to flinch ‘cause his eyes were literally wide, enraged, and he actually looked like he was going to hit me. But after a moment, after he calmed his emotions down, Dominic then pulled me close to him and held me.

  "Jesus, Jane," he whispered, stroking my hair gently while sounding pained by his dilemma with me. "I only want you to be the best at what you do. That's all. I mean," and Dominic paused to lift my chin, to have my eyes gaze into his, "is that so hard to ask for?"

  God, Dominic could be so sweet, so gentle and so compassionate when he wanted to be. But unfortunately for me, this would be just one time, out of a few, would he let his guard down with me.

  Dominic kissed me. And he kissed me again until we ended up in the back seat of my car having sex where without thinking, I whispered, “I love you. I love you, Dominic,” which caught Dominic totally off guard ‘cause he stopped having sex with me and stared down at me.

  "What?" Dominic said suddenly and breathless. And just by the look in his expression, I wasn't sure if he was surprised or troubled?

  "I love you," I repeated. Only this time I sounded much clearer, more sincere. But it was through the semi-darkness that I could clearly see Dominic's Adam's apple disappearing then reappearing as if trying to choke back that blasphemous piece of apple he bit from me as if he were trying to keep it from spewing all over my emotions.

  "I wish you wouldn't say su
ch things to me, Jane," Dominic annoyingly mustered. "Things you'll regret in the future." And not giving our conversation room for argument, Dominic looked away and continued having sex with me.

  Bree barged into my bedroom at seven in the morning.

  I had forgotten that it was Saturday, cartoon day for Bree and I - something we always did together every Saturday. I guess Bree had taken our time together as “Big Sister, Little Sister” quality time, and I couldn't help but to oblige her even though I was extremely tired with the inside of my ass hurting like hell. I mean, it literally felt like it was on a continuous slow burn.

  After the cartoons, Bree finally disappeared from my bedroom. And instead of making an attempt to get out of bed and start my day, I couldn't. So I lied back down and slept for another couple of hours. And I would have slept more if it wasn’t for Tanya calling me then bugging me about tonight's party in which I had totally forgotten about. I figured it must've been the lines of coke I snorted that messed with my memory retention thus forcing me to groan into the receiver.

  Jane, is everything alright? You sound funny?

  Just tired, Tanya.

  From what?

  From being with Dominic.

  You were here last night?


  For how long?

  A few hours.

  A few hours? What were you doing?

  What'd you think?


  There's a long pause, with me dozing off.

  Jane? You still there?


  You're still going to the party, right?

  I guess so. Yeah.

  Good. Be at my house at six.

  Tanya's cell went dead, and I fell back to sleep.

  The house was empty when I finally headed downstairs. It was already toward the later part of the afternoon when I stepped into the kitchen and popped a Pop Tart into the toaster until I remembered what had happened last night. Suddenly I felt sick, and no longer hungry.

  I walked into the family room and turned on the TV and watched "Sixteen Candles" on the AMC channel for the next hours. After, I headed back upstairs to my room, browsed the internet for a while, finished up on my weekend homework then jumped back into the shower before heading to Tanya’s.

  I took one last look in my dresser’s mirror before grabbing my purse and my car keys. And looking back now I wished I would have driven off a cliff instead.

  Chapter 6

  Saturday night -

  I looked eighteen as opposed to fourteen. And I was having mixed feelings about the way I looked.

  This was the time when that "don't grow up to fast!" saying kicks in, and you wished to God you would have listened to your parents no matter how absurd their advice may have sounded at the time when girls begged their moms to let them wear their high heels and some lipstick: This is exactly the way I felt when I studied my appearance in Tanya's bathroom mirror.

  "I think you look hot!" Tanya coolly commented after she caught my glum expression through the bathroom’s mirror. I mean, I wasn't exactly disappointed in the way I looked but I was worried 'cause after seeing Tanya dressed in a stylishly strapless knee length black dress and a pair of black ballet flats I began to fret over my hot pink, low-cut, spandex hugging dress and silver strappy heels.

  "I look like Barbie in Skipper's body!" I semi-complained leaving Tanya to chuckle while Dominic unexpectedly walked into the bathroom grinning ear-to-ear.

  "So, what do you think, huh, Dom?" Tanya then said to Dominic with great anticipation and pride clinging to her tone as if she had just created a masterpiece from beneath all my barrenness.

  "Jailbait at its best," was all Dominic could muster while Tanya rolled her eyes and walked out of the bathroom. Dominic casually strolled up to me and wrapped both arms around my waist and gave my body a gentle squeeze. And while I should have felt comforted by Dominic’s affection it was his reflection that suddenly left me feeling uneasy.

  "Tonight I'm going to introduce you as "Diamond"," he then nonchalantly stated, slipping me a few kisses around my earlobe.

  "What?" I scoffed nervously, unsure of what to make of that remark.

  "Yeah," Dominic laughed. "'A Diamond in the Rough '. Because by the time I'm finished polishing you up you're going to be worth millions." Had I realized Dominic's comment now - then - I would have never gone to the party. "Ready?" Dominic said, dropping his arms down to his sides. I choked back my uneasiness and nodded unsure that I was even ready?

  Dominic drove Tanya and me to the party in their father's Bentley. The back seat was roomy and leather-ish. I was afraid to move around in my seat and making those embarrassing noises. So I sat quite still and tried to enjoy the ride even though a great part of me could not; I still had that "uneasy" feeling going on inside me. And the fact that Dominic kept gazing at me through the rearview mirror as if he were plotting on me didn’t help those feelings or the idea of going to the party altogether. But because I promised Tanya that I would go and that I wanted to be with Dominic, I quickly shoved those feelings aside and tried to concentrate on having a good time but there was just something about Dominic's eyes that just didn't seem right to me: they appeared insincere and calculating, and like I alleged before, plotting. Suddenly I was starting to regret my decision about going to the party, and now I didn't know what to do? I mean, I felt like was caught between a rock and hard place ‘cause I didn't want Tanya to think I was a baby, and Dominic to think I couldn't handle being his mature girlfriend; I felt at a total loss.

  The two and a half-story frat house sat on the corner of an upscale neighborhood. The music was loud. The house was crowded with local college guys and gals, and there were plenty of drugs and booze to go around. As soon as Tanya and Dominic settled into the party, I made it a point to twin myself to Tanya while at the same time amazed at how many guys over girls knew of Tanya and Dominic which struck me as odd 'cause neither were in college but then I remembered their cousins which - and I assumed - probably had a lot to do with their sudden popularity.

  About forty-five minutes into the party Dominic finally paid some attention to me, suggesting I should have a drink to relax me. I guess it was obvious to him that I wasn’t exactly enjoying myself at the party.

  Dominic took my hand and led me to another room which was the dining room. There was literally this makeshift bar spread across this enormous table resembling the likes of one of them conference tables in some upscale posh office. Dominic wasted no time requesting a beer and a mixed drink from this older looking guy manning the bar. But prior to Dominic handing me my drink however, I had caught a swift glimpse of Dominic’s hand slipping something into my drink. At first I hesitated on taking a sip of my mixed drink ‘cause there were a few dust particles floating around on top of the liquid. I wanted to say something to Dominic but because I was so eager to prove I was "grown-up" and "party girl" material, I sipped it twice without saying a word.

  "It's nothing, Jane," Dominic said to my sudden surprise only 'cause he noticed that I had noticed the strange floating substance in my drink. "Just something to help take the edge off. You look uncomfortable." he then chuckled leaving me to force a chuckle, too, ‘cause the liquor continued to scorch my throat while settling hard on my empty stomach. But after a few more sips with me requesting more of the same drink, the liquor ultimately began to flow like water.

  I hadn't realized that Dominic had left my side until two of the eleven frat house guys approached me and began flirting with me. They commented on how pretty I was and how good I looked in my dress. One of the frat guys even tried to pull me close to him while the other tried to put his hand up my dress which put me on the defensive real quick ‘cause I found myself slapping one of the guys' hands from messing with my dress while shoving myself away from the other. But as I made the attempt on walking away from these drunken perverts, Dominic had come to my rescue, wrapping both arms tightly around my waist and pulling me close to him. I was beyond relieved when Domini
c showed up ‘cause there was no telling what these two guys would have done to me if he hadn’t. I mean, I was literally scared shitless! I was in the throes of thanking Dominic but the room suddenly spun on me and I almost lost my balance from Dominic’s grasp.

  "Whoa!" Dominic said, chuckling lightly while I chuckled, too. I figured it was all my drinking screwing with my perception.

  "She all right?" One of the frat guys cared to ask. Physically the guy reminded me of Dominic with his athletic build and charming good looks. But it was his eyes, while predatorial, spoke volumes of a person not to be trusted.

  "Just having a little too much to drink, I guess." Dominic again chuckled, only this time sounding slightly embarrassed. "So," his somber tone then shifted now bordering on arrogance. "What do you guys think of my girl Diamond here, huh?"

  "She's nice." The other frat guy then said as his gaze sized me up from head-to-toe, making me extremely uncomfortable. And like his partner-in-slime, he, too, had the same predatorial glaze.

  "Very nice," Dominic’s look alike crooned as he chugged his beer and continued to stare at me.

  I quickly glanced up at Dominic to see if he would say something in regards of that remark which sounded a bit unnerving to my ears. And he must’ve been okay with that remark ‘cause he just stood behind me, smirking at both frat guys. And it wasn’t with a great sense of pride as if he had something that these guys wanted and only he possessed. No. His smirk was devious, almost toying. The room spun again.

  "So, have you made the introductions, Dom?" Tanya coolly interrupted, stepping into the conversation casually, slipping both Dominic and I a wink.

  “Nope. Not yet.” Dominic smirked taking a swig out of his bottle of beer.

  Tanya returned Dominic’s smirk and quickly slipped her arm around Dominic’s look alike. "Diamond, this is Justin, our favorite cousin," she then introduced before moving onto the other frat guy and slipping her arm around his, too. "And this is Josh, our other, other cousin."


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