My Charming Billionaire (The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 2)

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My Charming Billionaire (The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 2) Page 11

by Jackie Castle

  “Good. Make the switch. I remember the Millers, I doubt they’ll mind having the nicer chalet. Make sure you charge what they would have paid for the older one. Has Evelina already paid for her reservation?”

  Harriet nodded.

  “Good. I need to meet Aunt Maddie. She wanted to see the old gift shop. I think she is still determined to open a bakery here, though I’ve warned her to wait.”

  Harriet clapped and began hopping up and down. “I would love to have a bakery here. Oh, don’t deter her, Melly. You have people who are trying to find ways to help you. A bakery would do well especially if Madeline is in charge of it. She surprised all of us with a box of her famous ginger cookies and they were delightful.”

  Melody loved the idea of her sweet aunt staying, too. Only, she didn’t want to bring anyone else down on board her sinking ship. As it stood, there were too many holes filling fast with water.

  * * * *

  Jeremy sat in the library at the Grimwood Manor with a map of Carson’s mountain spread out on the meeting table. Duncan sat at the grand desk that had belonged to three generations of Grimwood men. His older brother was now the so-called lord of the manor.

  The sound of banging and compressors came from the surrounding rooms. Jeremy closed all the doors to keep their meeting private and cut down on the remodeling noise. “How long will this be going on, Dunc?”

  “They are almost done with the first floor. The kitchen is finished, have you seen it? Clara, my new cook is thrilled with it. So are Margaret and Sam.”

  The older couple was the Manor’s house managers who took care of all the new staff Duncan had recently hired. It was no longer looking like a neglected haunted mansion, as Elisa once called it. Every room now had modern conveniences and state of the art security and automation systems.

  Duncan spoke out loud to the little round speaker sitting atop his desk, “Lucas, initiate a video chat with Colton Grimwood.”

  In a matter of minutes, Colton’s tired face appeared on the large television screen hanging from the wall between bookcases.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” Duncan greeted. He stood from his seat and came around to the table where Jeremy was sitting. “Have you had a chance to look over the map we sent you?”

  Colton wasn’t wearing a shirt, but it looked warm and sunny from where he was sitting on the deck of his ship. A flock of birds flew past, dark specks in the pale blue sky. Their loud squawks faded. In the far distance, three sailboats floated past over the shimmering waters.

  Jeremy squinted his eyes. “Where are you now, Colt? I bet somewhere summery.”

  “Yes indeed,” he boasted, sipping from his coffee mug. “Caracas. The girls are practicing their Spanish.”

  Duncan’s gaped at the screen. “What happened to visiting your island?”

  Colton shrugged. “The girls are still too busy with their studies. I’ll head back up that way in June or July once they’ve finished. Can we get on with this meeting? The girls are eager to hit the beach.”

  Jeremy tried not to laugh when Duncan, Mr. Practical, rolled his eyes with a shake of his head. “Fine, let’s get on with this. I pinpointed three potential spots for you. What do you think? She’s not going to want anything too large, but I believe we can accommodate and fit into what’s already there.”

  “Oh, absolutely,” Colton tapped something into his computer. “I’m sending a couple of ideas. Let her pick which style she prefers. The only stipulation I have, that she might balk at, is that I want to purchase the land I’ll build the hotel on. I’m not sure how she’ll feel about selling some of her property.”

  Jeremy looked over the files that had arrived on his laptop and thought both sketches had a nice, woodsy feel with lots of windows to view the surrounding mountains. “These are great, Colt!”

  “Why thank you,” he beamed through the screen. “They are ideas I’ve been toying with for some time but never had the proper place to make a bid. I’d never considered hitting ski resorts. You know, Duncan, would there be a way to incorporate both of our plans together?”

  Duncan sat and began jotting some notes. “I’ll crunch some numbers. Jeremy can help. I don’t see why not. All I want is to have a place to offer rehabilitation therapy.”

  Jeremy frowned. “You know that won’t make much money, right?”

  “Not about the money. Not this project. Matter-of-fact, I don’t intend to make anything. I’ve been looking for a way to help people like me, who’ve been injured and are trying to find natural ways to aid in their recuperation processes. Many places like that cost too much. So, I’m going to offer affordable care.”

  Colton chuckled. “Our brother is becoming a philanthropist. Good for you. Does that mean you’ve met your terms, brother?”

  Duncan shrugged. “I will. I’m not worried about that.”

  For a moment, Colt stared at the screen as if lost in deep thought. Then he blinked and went back into business mode. “How about you, Jere? We figured you would be the first one to meet Dad’s terms. I thought you’d at least let the rest of us know if you did.”

  Jeremy tapped his pen on the table. This was his chance to tell them his plan. He’d run it by Suzette first. She thought it was risky, but said that he had to do what he needed to do. “You’re the one who has to be able to look at yourself in the mirror, Sweetums. So long as you can do that without being disgusted, then I’d say you’re on the right track.”

  “Well?” Jeremy began explaining his plan to his brothers, sparing them all the boring details. “My projections say that by the end of the year, I should reach my goal, even though this move will set me back a couple of mils.”

  “And you’ll give Uncle Thomas the firm?” Duncan asked.

  Jeremy sank into his chair. “I’m not happy working there, Dunc. I don’t need to stay at the bank to meet Dad’s terms. He wanted us to double the amount he left for us in his trust. I can still do that.”

  Colton’s brows furrowed and for a long moment, he remained quiet. Finally, he said, “I think it’s a brilliant idea. Uncle Thomas has run that firm for the past twenty years with Dad. It wasn’t fair of the old man to pull the rug out from under his brother’s feet. I had thought it should have gone to him from the very beginning, even though I know you’ve put a lot into the firm, as well, little brother. What will you do instead?”

  Jeremy knew what he’d like to do, but wouldn’t tell his brothers. No thanks. “One day at a time. Do either of you have any warnings or arguments over my plans? Speak now or—”

  Colton laughed. “Like either of us have room to say anything. Dunc sold most of Dad’s jewelry stores. I’ve been…well, we’ll have to see how it goes when I do visit the island.”

  Duncan glared at the screen. “You won’t sell it, will you? I was thinking of taking Elisa there for our honeymoon.”

  Finishing off his coffee, the oldest Grimwood gave a non-committal shrug. “Well, I won’t even be able to get there until June, at least. I don’t see a reason to keep it, really.” He sat back in his chair, looking miserable. “I have no good memories of that place.”

  Duncan cast a questioning glance at Jeremy. He didn’t understand their brother’s aversion to the family island either.

  “Well, I do,” Jeremy spoke up. “Though it’s been so many years I don’t remember much. Last time I was there, I think I was still in grade school.”

  “Right. Still too young to pay attention to how things really were,” Colton grumbled, then waved his hand. “Honestly, I don’t wish to discuss the island today. Let’s stay on track and keep the topic on how to help Melody. Now, Jere, if you are absolutely certain that giving Uncle the firm is the best course of action, I’m behind you all the way.”

  Was he only saying that in hopes that when it was his turn to make a hard decision about the island that they’d show him the same courtesy? Jeremy wished he knew what bothered his older brother about the place. It was a pretty little island nestled in the Bahamas and had bee
n passed down through the past two generations.

  Duncan propped his feet on the edge of the table and rubbed at his temples. “I’m behind you as well, Jere. Only, I hope you’ve thought it through. I don’t wish to see you lose your place on the Board of Directors. I like how we’ve all been working more closely together lately. Maybe that was Father’s plan all along?”

  Colton gave a snort. “Sounds more like something Mother would have come up with. But I’m with you, Dunc. I regret not being closer. Maybe when the girls finish this course of study we’ll fly back to the states for an extended period.”

  “Right,” Duncan countered, “After you tend to the island. Stop putting it off, Colton. I know your hotels are what’s supporting you and the island is more of an annoyance, but consider what you’ll leave the girls. This isn’t only about you.”

  Jeremy smiled. Duncan, who was on the verge of starting his own family had probably thought about this a lot. What legacy would he leave behind? It was an easy question to push aside when one was young, like himself. Was Melody thinking of what she would pass down to her own future generations?

  Maybe it was something he needed to give more thought to. Except when he did allow himself to consider the future, the only thing he could think about was if Melody would be included in it. Oh, but he certainly hoped so. And when he did send up prayers for her, he couldn’t help but mention his most secret wish which was that Melody might someday love him as much as he loved her.

  Chapter Eleven

  “I’m not sure what she’s doing here,” Melody spoke to her phone where Jeremy’s handsome face looked back at her. His dark hair was still damp from his shower and hung over his forehead in wild spikes.

  Mel sat in bed with the news on mute. The newsmen were reporting on a lift failure at another resort in the neighboring state. Somehow the chairs had come loose and slid back, piling up on each other. She tried not to watch, but couldn’t help herself. When they reported that nobody was hurt, she sent up a quick prayer of gratitude, then asked the Lord to protect her resort and help her find a way out of the mess she’d created.

  “What has your attention, hon?” Jeremy asked, rubbing the towel over his head and causing his hair to spike up even more. He was something to see in his business suits, but she liked this casual, roguish side a little more. The adventurous side of Jeremy Grimwood that raced her down the slopes and did a crazy happy dance the few times he beat her. She’d secretly started referring to him as Prince Charming. It started when he teasingly called her the Snow Princess.

  Melody sighed and turned off the television, wanting to give him her full attention. “An accident at another resort. It could so easily have been us that—”

  “Stop worrying about ending up on the evening news,” he warned in his playful way. “Old George is keeping everything in line. He’s a good mechanic and knows his stuff.”

  “Yes, he does.” Despite George’s curmudgeonly personality, he was good at heart and eager to help her in any way he could. He’d even pulled her aside the other day to tell her that he had a hefty retirement fund that he’d be willing to dip into if it would help her keep the resort.

  The arrival of Evelina Ash had everyone on edge.

  “Evelina hasn’t said two words to me.” Melody closed her laptop and set it aside. “Aunt Maddie had a chance to speak to her when they were checking in, but she said Queen Evil brushed her off. Then she had the gall to say that she was there to have a look around and it wasn’t anyone’s business, anyway.”

  “Rude,” Jeremy smirked. “Hang on a second.” He set the phone down on his desk, but Melody was gifted with a quick glimpse of his muscled chest. She blinked and hoped her face wasn’t pure red when he picked up the phone again. She sighed in relief to find he’d put on a black pullover. “Just promise me that if you do speak to her, you’ll make no agreements. No matter what threats she might toss at you. Simply tell her that you’ll not listen to any deals without your representative being present.”

  “My representative?”

  He hitched his thumb at his chest. “Me. I’ll be representing you in whatever deals you make with anybody. That includes the two offers I have from my brothers.”

  “Isn’t this some kind of conflict of interest? I thought your firm was on Evelina’s side?”

  Jeremy’s teeth clamped down on his bottom lip. For a moment, he looked worried before he said, “I’m quitting the firm. I’m—”

  “You’re what? Jeremy this better not have anything to do with me! I’ll not be the reason you lose out on your inheritance.”

  He held up his hand. “Let me finish, lady.” His smile returned, disarming her. That smile could melt a snowman in five minutes flat.

  “Fine, go on. Explain yourself.” Melody sat again and hugged her pillow to her chest. She wished that he was already there and they were talking face to face. Maybe he’d take her hand while they walked. Sometimes he did that and every time it sent her heart to pounding. They’d had that almost kiss, but since then, he’d made no other move to let her know that he was interested in that way.

  Except for all he was trying to do for her.

  Harriet said actions were more truthful than words anyway.

  Jeremy spent the next fifteen minutes explaining his plan to sell his shares in the firm to his uncle. That Mike fellow he worked with was furious and giving him a hard time about abandoning him, but Jeremy was sure he’d be fine. “He knows how to pick friends who will help him along his career path.” His smile tilted up on one side in an endearing way.

  “I don’t want you to worry about me, Mel. I’ll meet the trust terms before the others.” For a moment, his chest puffed out. “Which gives me bragging rights since I’m the youngest.”

  “Why do you want to leave the firm?” Melody asked.

  Jeremy shrugged. “Something Duncan said a while back. You know how he and Suzette are always hounded by the media. The paparazzi were always digging up dirt on them. He said that he wanted to start living in a way that would give the gossipers only good stories to share.

  “I’ve never been hounded by the tabloids as they have, but I want that, too. I want to set a good example for my future…” his own cheeks started to turn pink. “You know, whenever kids come along. If I stay on my current course, I’ll always have to work long hours to stay ahead. I saw what it did to my dad. There’s more to life than…all that.”

  It was a good thing he was hundreds of miles away. Melody feared that if he’d been standing beside her, she would have thrown her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. At least.

  “Duncan has been a good influence on you it seems.” Who had turned up the heat in her room? She pushed the blankets aside off her legs.

  “He’s so happy,” Jeremy was staring past the phone at something else, his blue eyes lost in thought. After a few seconds, he looked back at her. “I want that, too. To find happiness. And purpose. The firm was all about taking struggling businesses and selling them off to the highest bidder. I’d like to help people find a way to keep what they’ve worked hard for. You know?”

  Was she just another project to him? How could she be sure that she wasn’t? Every time she considered letting him in, the doubts and fears knocked her off her feet again and again. Aunt Maddie said she needed to stop being so afraid of change. That she was stuck trying to play it safe. Was that true?

  She played it safe because she had people who depended on her.

  “It’s getting late,” Jeremy said, breaking her chain of thoughts. She was glad for the disruption. “I better let you go. See you in a couple of days, hon. Remember what I said.”

  Melody nodded, not trusting her voice to answer.

  The look he gave her when he told her to have sweet dreams nearly caused tears to flood her eyes. Why did she have to be such a chicken at heart? What was she so scared of?

  Jeremy ended the call, but Melody continued to stare at her phone as the screen returned to normal. She’d added a
background with the scripture she’d found in Mama’s Bible, about even if everything goes wrong, that she would trust in the Lord. Mama had written along the margins, He will not let me down. He says to fear not. 365 Times!!! 1 for each day. Don’t forget.

  “I won’t forget, Mama. I’m trying not to forget. It’s hard sometimes.”

  * * * *

  The sight of the mountains caused Jeremy’s heart to soar. He was growing more and more fond of the rustic resort each time he made the trip. Uncle Thomas had warned Jeremy that time was running out for him. Evelina was growing impatient, which was probably why she’d gone to the resort on her own. He hoped she wasn’t harassing Mel about selling.

  Jeremy hadn’t been completely honest with Uncle when he’d said that he was close. The only thing Jeremy was close to was finalizing all the arrangements he needed to put everything in place so he could give his resignation.

  Until then, he’d keep playing along. Mike knew of Jeremy’s plans, but he was the only one. In the end, Jeremy hoped everyone would be happy with the results. Well, everyone except Evelina Ash, but she had enough resorts in her grasp. She didn’t need Melody’s, too. Not if she was going to do what he feared she might do, shut it down and sell off the pieces.

  The helicopter landed in Timberview where Jeremy’s rental four-wheel drive was waiting for him. He tossed his luggage in the backseat, then headed up the mountain. Soft snow was falling and grew heavier as he drove higher in altitude. By the time he reached his cabin, everything was covered in a few inches of snow. The hour was quite late, so he decided to seek out Melody in the morning.

  There was a basket of snacks and sodas waiting inside his cabin with a little note that said welcome back from Harriet the receptionist. After grabbing a shower, he laid on his bed intent on getting a little reading done. He made it through two paragraphs before his eyes grew heavy and he drifted off to sleep.


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