The DarkWorld SoulTracker Series Box Set Vol I

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The DarkWorld SoulTracker Series Box Set Vol I Page 24

by T. G. Ayer

  Her position put her just below my ethereal essence which made me uncomfortable so I shifted position to her right shoulder.

  “So you’re back.” A statement.

  Inside my head.

  “You knew I was here the last time?” I asked in a silent whisper even though it didn’t matter if I whispered or shouted, nobody could hear me unless they had the power to travel the Ether.

  The queen opened her book and studied the page as she spoke the words in her mind. “Did you think me incompetent?”

  I frowned. “I apologize, but I don’t understand what you mean by that.”

  Really didn’t.

  “Did you think me so incompetent as to not know that someone has entered the Ether within the same room as myself, especially when I am Queen of the Djinn, a race that lives within the Ether.”

  “Oh,” I said, keeping my voice soft. “I meant no disrespect. I only intended to check if you were okay.”

  She sniffed. “I am as you say . . . ok. What happens now?”

  “Now, I let your son know you’re fine. I’ll be right back for you.”

  She stiffened, dropping the book to her lap. She began to turn to look at me over her shoulder, then halted before sinking into the back of her seat. “That would be a mistake.”

  “Why?” I asked, now annoyed. I’d made a huge sacrifice coming to check on her, even though I’d been certain we weren’t ready to attempt a rescue.

  “Because my son does not understand what he is doing.”

  I sighed. “He wants to save you and take you home.”

  The queen laughed. “The silly boy has no idea at all what is really going on.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, hovering closer. “Is it because Omega has you under their control?” I blurted out the question knowing it’s possible I’d end up on the wrong footing with Saleem’s mother. To be honest, I would have preferred to have her like me.

  Mothers-in-law were notorious for-

  Wait what?

  What the hell are you thinking Mel? I chided myself.

  A couple kisses and some groping does not constitute a marriage proposal.

  Saleem’s mom cleared her throat. “You do know I can hear your thoughts?”


  She smiled, the expression a little malicious. In a good way. If that was possible.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “What for, my dear?” she smirked. “I’m sure my son has kissed and groped his fair share of women.”

  I cleared my throat, then fell silent, unsure what to say that wouldn’t get me in trouble with this woman.

  “Saleem’s waiting outside.” I figured I’d best get down to business. “Now that I know you’re healthy and sound, we can begin Operation Save-”

  “The Captured Queen?” she asked with a raised eyebrow and smiled. The woman was enjoying my discomfort.

  “Er . . .” I hesitated, then figured I had nothing to lose. “I guess it does sound better than Save Saleem’s Mom.”

  Saleem’s mom snorted. “I am quite capable of saving myself, thank you very much.”

  “Don’t mean to sound slow, but what do you mean?” I had to ask, because she seemed to delight in making fun of me and I couldn’t be sure she wasn’t just teasing. I needed more time with her to understand how her mind ticked.

  “Do you really think a flimsy dark magic ward can hold me?”

  “Well, I haven’t read your CV yet, so I wouldn’t know.”

  “And that son of mine simply forgot to enlighten you.”

  I gave a mental shrug. “Guess he had other things on his mind?”

  “Like kissing and groping?” She snickered.

  Great. The MIL is a comedian.

  I suppressed a sigh. “He hired me to find you. I’ve found you. Now he wants me to save you. I’m not getting why this is a problem.”

  “This is a problem because I don’t need saving.”

  “So you’re telling me that you could have upped and walked out-”

  “Shifted out.”

  I glared at her even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “Shifted out . . . any time you pleased?”

  A curt nod.

  “And why didn’t you? It would have saved Saleem a whole lot of heartache.” I couldn’t keep the judgment out of my voice. Neither did I want to. I’d liked her from the moment I’d met her, but she was making me doubt my ability to read people. Why would a woman willingly put her son, and heir, through the trauma of being ripped from her and being unable to do anything about it?

  She didn’t seem to hear me. Her expression clouded, far away, as if her thoughts dwelled on happier times. Then she took a deep breath, shaking off the hold of the thoughts.

  “He was never supposed to know about this. That was the deal.”

  “Deal?” I asked frowning. “Deal with who?”

  When she didn’t answer, I shook my head. “No. Wait. Let me guess . . . Omega.”

  She smiled sadly. “I had little choice. Not if I wanted my children to live.”

  Okay, then.

  I sighed. “What’s going on?” My tone was defeated. I didn’t care that she knew how I felt. All that Saleem had gone through was for nothing. I focused on his mother.

  This better be good.

  “It is,” she said.

  Crap. I did it again.

  “You’ll get used to it.”

  I snorted. “So tell me what’s happening,” I urged.

  Chapter 15

  The djinn queen relaxed against the back of the chair as if defeated. Her black eyes seemed darker and the urge to comfort her surged through me. She looked like a woman carrying a very heavy burden and I decided it wouldn’t hurt to let her take her time. Saleem would surely be fine waiting outside the wall.

  As long as he didn’t decide he was done waiting.

  Finally she took a deep breath and I tensed, wondering if she was going to forget and speak out loud. She didn’t. Instead she turned the page and said, “When Saleem was born I knew he was different. Yes, he was the heir to the kingdom of the Djinn, but something about him shone brighter than anyone else.”

  She shifted in her seat and smiled at the page, her expression tender. I could just imagine her recalling the smiles of an adorable baby Saleem.

  “I spoke to the vizier, and they sent the holy mages to see him. They knew instantly. Although, for years I’d wondered if they’d guessed only because they’d wanted the prophecy to come to pass so that it would be over once and for all.”


  I cringed, hoping my thought had been silent.

  The queen didn’t appear to be bothered by my interjection. “Two centuries had passed since the prophecy was made. A boy king would be born who would be the Destroyer of the Veil, the one living creature capable of ripping apart the very fabric of the Veil between the worlds. The holy mages knew the ramifications of such a power; knew that such a person could hold the rest of the planes captive with the threat of destruction because the Veil held everything together. It holds the darkness and evil away, it ensures rules of transition are kept. But what is far more dangerous is what we don’t know about the Veil.

  “Does it keep the planes in balance?” She questioned rhetorically. “If it’s destroyed then will that mean everyone will be stuck in their own worlds? Nobody knows because nobody recalls a time without the Veil, a time before people of other realms ventured into our own.

  “It sent the mages into a panic and they came in a worried flock, all suggesting various ways to control Saleem as he grew. I put my foot down and insisted that nobody ever tell him the truth. That whatever powers he reveals as he grows would be assessed, and if deemed dangerous they could be bound. And the binder will be authorized only by myself.”

  The queen sighed and got to her feet, still holding the book open in her hand. “I hated every minute of it. He was such a lively mischievous child. And his powers, when they came, were so strong it was scary. He only showed signs
of manipulating the Veil when he reached his teens. And I believe that is when one of the palace residents or councilmen notified Omega. I’d probably know who it was if I could see what state my land is in, but I haven’t been home since Saleem came to your world.”

  She’d begun to pace and had to force herself to slow down. “I’ve been kept on this property for the last year. They change the location each year. I don’t get updates from my son in the djinn realm either. No outside contact. It was part of the agreement.”

  “Then how can you trust I’m not one of them?”

  “Because the ability to manipulate the Veil means the bearer of that power must have received it from somewhere. It’s handed down through generations.”

  “And the prophesied one has super-amplified power?”

  “Yes. What little I possess allows me to move through dark magic, and to listen in on the thoughts of an astral projected essence.”

  “Wow, that sounds way cooler than it is.” I fell silent for a few seconds, then asked, “So I guess no Operation Save Mom?”

  “Unfortunately not. If I tip them off they will come for him.”

  “I’m sure he’ll be completely capable of protecting himself.”

  “Himself, yes. But his brother back home in Kamsin? No.”

  “Mmhh. Fair point.” I pondered my options.

  “You can’t tell him.”

  That stalled my thoughts and twisted my gut. “You want me to lie to Saleem?”

  “It’s for his own good.”

  “Worlds tend to end when people use that phrase as an excuse.” I rolled my eyes.

  “I felt that, young lady.”

  “Sorry.” I was amused now.

  As much as she was telling me to lie to a man who I had deep feelings for, the request came from his actual in-the-flesh mother. She was asking me to lie for his own life and for the sake of his brother’s life. How could anyone refuse to agree with her?

  “I know it’s hard for you. And I promise when the time comes I will tell him it was me who forced you to lie.”

  “That will go down well.”

  “I know how to deal with my son.”

  “And what if you are no longer around? Or what happens if Omega decides it’s off with the queen’s head? Then what? What do I tell your son about my involvement in hiding your existence from him?”

  My heart thudded against my ribs. For the first time in a while I felt like bursting into tears, which made it clear how badly this decision was affecting me.

  “I’m really sorry, my dear.”

  I regained control of my breath. “So this block in his memory. Can it be removed?”

  “By a skilled MindMelder, yes. But I wouldn’t advise it.”

  “Why not? If he learns what his ability is it will make him powerful enough to free you and take back your kingdom and save Riz. I’m not seeing a negative here.”

  “The negative is that before he makes a move, Omega will kill Rizwan and me.”

  “And how do you know this?”

  “They have their spies. Human and electronic.”

  I shrugged. “Saleem can take care of himself.”

  She sighed. “I know you’re disappointed in me.”

  “How can I be disappointed in you. I barely know you to like you.”

  “But you wanted to. And you did. No lies here you know. I can feel your emotions too.”

  I made a frustrated sound with my lips. “Fine. You’re cool for a mother. But you’re ruining it for me.”

  She smiled sadly. “My dear. When he discovers the truth, and if he is unable to understand the choice you made, then he isn’t the man I thought he was. And you deserve better.”

  “You don’t even know me.”

  I should just write it on a placard and wave it in front of me.

  “Maybe not, but being privy to someone’s emotions tells you a lot about them as a person. You can sense much more than what is tangible.”

  “So Saleem won’t be able to go back home and take his crown back?”

  “He could try. I’d hope that he does. If he plans well, he could do so without sacrificing Rizwan.”

  “But Omega will not leave you alive.”

  She shrugged. “There are some burdens that I am very willing to bear.”

  “Burden? That’s a freaking death sentence.”


  “We could attempt a dual attack. Saleem goes for his brother and his crown, and we assemble a team to get you out of here.”

  “I would suggest you not attempt anything. Omega’s reach is wide and they are dangerous. I’d rather not have my death on my son’s hands.”

  “Yeah. There is that.”

  “Am I finally getting through to you?”

  “Unfortunately, I believe so.”

  “So if he’s going to return to save Rizwan, I’ll need to know who gave him up to Omega? Any ideas? If he knows he can avoid the people who could betray him again.”

  “That I cannot help with. I myself was never privy to the identity of the traitors. One day I was queen and the next I was locked up in a dark room. It was not pleasant.”

  I could imagine. But I had to figure out what I was planning and get back to Saleem. He’d be wondering what the heck was taking so long, and knowing him he’d start worrying and end up doing something stupid.

  I sighed.

  “He’s going to be pissed.”

  “If he finds out.”

  “When he finds out.”

  “He’ll be fine.”

  “I won’t.”

  I knew I wouldn’t be fine but the queen’s argument had been sound. If the tables were turned and it was me in her position, I knew I’d have done exactly what she had. Her children were the most important things to her. And she’d happily sacrifice her own life for them. I was in no position to judge. Especially since I’d do the same for Ari if the opportunity ever arose.


  “Thank you.”

  I hadn’t agreed out loud, but what did it matter. The woman had already seen into my mind. What difference did manners make?

  She chuckled. “You’re just like Saleem when he gets grumpy.”

  I hovered to her shoulder. “I’ll take my leave then.” I hesitated. “As long as you’re okay?”

  “I am very well, my dear. They do not treat me badly. In fact, it could be seen as quite a luxury to be waited on hand-and-foot.”

  “Sure it could.” I mumbled. And saw her smile again.

  As I prepared to leave she whispered, this time so silent that I almost didn’t hear her.

  “You are not alone.”


  “I’m being serious, so be quiet and listen.”

  What she said in the depths of my mind made me lose hold of my connection with her and sent me rushing back to my body so fast that I passed out as soon as I materialized.

  Chapter 16

  I blinked slowly, breathing in and out, unable to hold back the shock of the queen’s revelation.

  “Are you okay? What happened?” asked Saleem as he brushed my hair from my face. “Are you okay?”

  I was lying on my bed, staring up at the wallpaper patterned ceiling that my mom had thought such a cute decorative feature.

  Saleem checked my forehead. “Did something happen? Is she okay? Are you hurt?” He sounded a little frantic.

  When I didn’t answer, he got to his feet and began to pace my room floor, mumbling something about it being his fault and that Drake was going to kill him, but it wouldn’t hurt as bad as it would to lose me.

  I cleared my throat, lifting my head to meet his frantic gaze.

  He halted and rushed to my side. Touching my cheek, he said, “You scared me.”

  “Sorry. Call it a rush of blood to the head.” I pushed myself upright, ignoring my head which was still spinning.

  “Yeah, and a head that’s leaking,” he said as he grabbed a handful of tissues and shoved them in my face. Warmth dripped down my
upper lip and as I wiped I tasted blood.

  “Shit. Not again.”

  “I warned you to be careful.”

  I ignored him as I held my head back, dabbing my nose with the tissues hoping to halt the flow.

  I sat still for a few minutes, glad I didn’t have to figure out how to stall so I could get my story together. I hadn’t decided on what lie I planned to tell Saleem about his mother. She hadn’t helped much either. The least she could have done was to give me a good story.

  But it was hard to come up with anything worthwhile, especially with my mind buzzing with her revelation.

  I needed to visit Natasha like. . . Yesterday.

  A witch, white or not, was what I really needed right now. Or maybe I needed a little mage calm? I quashed that idea as I wasn’t keen on taking advantage of Chloe. I’d caused her enough damage already, what with being the reason her home was destroyed not too long ago.

  At last, I sniffed and straightened my neck, pressing my fingers into the muscles at the point where my skull met my spine. Saleem handed me fresh moist towels and then tissues, and I cleaned and dabbed some more until I got my bloody nose back into some semblance of decency.

  No make-out sessions for this couple. No. Just hiding behind bushes, and dealing with bloody noses.

  “There. All nice and clean.”

  Saleem pointed. “Missed a spot.”

  “What? You got a microscope for eyes?”

  He smirked and wiped the spot on my cheek himself.

  This guy. How could I lie to this guy?

  “I have to get you all cleaned up before Drake gets back. I have a certain affection for the family jewels you know.” He was smiling though, and I didn’t believe for one second that he was afraid of Drake. “Do you need anything? I have the kettle boiling. Tea. Coffee? No. Coffee would be bad right? For nosebleeds.”

  “Where the hell did you hear that coffee is bad for nosebleeds?” I asked, laughing. “That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard in a long while.”

  Liar, said the voice in my head.

  “It is. I heard it somewhere. Probably Mother.” His smile was sad and he flicked me a glance. I could tell he was eager to hear what I had to say and I didn’t feel like it was fair to let it run any longer.


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