Danger at the Dive Shop

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Danger at the Dive Shop Page 6

by Mary Jane Hathaway

  The two young men stood motionless, confusion on their faces.

  Andrew took a moment to absorb the news, then removed his tanks, flippers, gloves, and the sagging wet suit. He adjusted his board shorts and then went to dump his gear on a bench. Sitting down, he dropped his head into his hands.

  Penny glanced at Chica. “Who is it, girl?” she asked.

  “Good idea,” Elaine said. “Chica knows. We need her to lead us to the killer.”

  “It doesn’t work that way,” Kitty said. “And who said anything about murder? Maybe it was an accident. He was probably out here searching by himself and something went terribly wrong.”

  They both turned and looked at her, eyebrows raised.

  “Let’s just wait and see,” Kitty said.

  Shrugging, they started to remove their diving suits and get into some warmer clothing.

  Chica nudged the phone in Kitty’s hand.

  “But what do I say?” she whispered. She desperately wanted to talk to Leander. Scrolling to his name, she hesitated. Together they’d chased a murderer through the jungle, cheated death, and forced a confession from a psychopath. They were friends, and maybe something more.

  But she still wasn’t sure. If she did ask him, he would come.

  Wouldn’t he? She swallowed hard.

  Some days Kitty was sure she’d left heartbreak behind her. She’d forgiven him for what he’d done, just as God had forgiven her. Or as close as she could get, being human and all.

  Other days, she knew that her fiancé’s betrayal would never leave her. She dreamed of her old apartment, sitting at the kitchen table, laughing with her best friend. The best friend who was now her ex-fiancé’s wife. Kitty was ashamed that the drama she used to mock in other people’s lives had brought its ugly, warped unhappiness into her own, and she’d worked hard to move forward. Part of that process was learning to trust someone besides Chica.

  Taking a deep breath, she tapped the photo of the European starling she’d set as Leander’s profile picture. His last name, Estornell, meant starling in Catalan and although she acknowledged that it was a silly coincidence, she couldn’t shake the growing suspicion that it held some kind of meaning.

  Starling and Swift. Not a couple, she reminded herself. Just partners.

  “Kitty?” he said by way of greeting.

  She gripped the phone to her ear, overwhelmed with gratitude that he’d picked up. “Hey, sorry to bother you. I need to talk, if that’s okay. I mean, if it’s a good time.” she said.

  Ugh. Not a brilliant intro, but it would have to do.

  “I’m on my way somewhere, but I’m glad you called. I’ll have to hang up in a bit, but I’ll call you back as soon as I’m free. What’s up?” She could hear wind rushing in the background.

  Standing up, she went to lean against the railing. “I know this is probably really the wrong time…” Now that she had him on the phone, she didn’t know what to say.

  “Everything okay?”

  No. Not at all.

  “Oh, yeah. Mostly. It’s just that something happened and I wanted to let you know about it. There’s probably nothing you can do. I’m not asking you to do anything.”

  She didn’t know what she wanted or how she wanted to say whatever it is she wanted. Kitty’s right eye began to twitch and she pressed the heel of her hand against it. Chica leaned against her leg.

  “Whatever I can do, I will.” The wind whipped away the last word, but Kitty felt the truth of his promise.

  “Something bad happened.” She was having trouble saying ‘dead body’ and she didn’t know why. Dead bodies were pretty much their entire history and he hadn’t shied away from it before.

  “I’m listening,” he said, raising his voice. It sounded like he was standing on an airstrip.

  “You remember that scuba trip I won when I was playing bingo?”

  There was a long pause. “Yes.”

  “Well, I’m here now. Chica and I.” The sound of the police boats were making it hard to hear herself. She turned away from the railing and pressed the phone closer. Chica stood up, but kept looking out to sea. “I was swimming in the reef and I found a dead body.”

  There was a longer pause this time.


  “Yes. A body.”

  “Uh huh. Dead.” Anxiety swept over her. She really needed him and couldn’t say it. She didn’t know what she was afraid of, but she could barely force herself to go on. “I know you can’t just pick up and leave… wherever you are. And I know it’s not really your job to run to every American in trouble. I mean, we haven’t even been questioned yet.”

  She paused and he didn’t say anything. “You know what? Never mind. It’s not a big deal.” She tried to sound cheerful. It had been a stupid idea to call him.

  “Shouldn’t Chica have a life vest on?” Leander asked.

  Kitty frowned. That was random. “She’s a good swimmer.”

  “I just figured since Toto had one, Chica would.”

  She took the phone from her ear and looked at it. Not a video call. He would only have seen the inside of her ear, anyway. “I know you’re probably busy―”

  “Actually, I am. A rather famous American died while scuba diving, and they’ve sent me over to assist in the investigation.”

  Kitty’s eyes widened in horror. Diving was deadly. If she ever won another trip, she’d give it away. “Well, I’m sure you’ll be really helpful.”

  She glanced up. A police boat was edging close to them, probably to send an officer to escort them back to the nearest dock.

  A man in a bright yellow jacket stood at the railing, a phone pressed to his ear. His cap was pulled low over his eyes, but there was something familiar about his jaw, or maybe it was his dark suit under his life jacket.

  Tucking the phone into a pocket, he signed to her, Well, well. Starling and Swift together again. You know you don’t have search out a dead body just to see me.

  Chica let loose a rare bark of greeting and wagged her tail so hard Kitty was sure she was going to have a bruise where it pounded against her knee. She couldn’t blame Chica. If Kitty had had a tail, she’d be wagging it just as hard. As it was, she was grinning like a mad woman as she dropped her phone in her pocket.

  Don’t flatter yourself, she signed back. It just seemed wrong to leave you out.

  Chapter Six

  “It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death.”

  ― Thomas Mann

  This was the third police station Kitty had visited in the last two months and she was starting to wonder if she would be awarded some kind of frequent flyer pass. It would be the opposite of the TSA Pre-check. When the police saw it, the pass holder would go to the back of line for extra questioning, a nice long wait, and perhaps an overnight stay.

  “Oh, this is much nicer than that concrete bunker in Tulum,” Penny signed.

  “The lighting isn’t as garish, that’s for sure.” Elaine squinted up at the large hanging pendants. They were almost stylish compared to the fluorescent industrial fixtures in the Tulum station.

  “Chairs are just as uncomfortable, though,” Kitty grumbled. She knew she should be more understanding about the process, but they’d been sequestered in the cramped room for nearly an hour. Toto and Chica were relaxed, but Kitty couldn’t seem to sit still. Maybe it was residual shock. Or perhaps she simply needed some lunch. If the police knew what was good for them, they wouldn’t let her go much longer without something to eat.

  If she were really honest with herself, Kitty knew she was aggravated by how little time she’d spent with Leander before they’d all been whisked away to separate areas. She couldn’t deny how happy she’d been to see his face, and not just because she’d recently dragged a dead body from the ocean. She loved his smile, his easy way around people, the way Chica had nearly knocked him over saying hello.

  “I’m so glad your man friend showed up to help,” Elaine said, her expression innocent.

  Clearly, thinking about Leander was showing on Kitty’s face. She nodded, letting what was probably a goofy grin slide into something more sedate. She decided not to mention the ‘man friend’ label. “Yes. It’s very good luck that he was called instead of someone else.”

  “That’s a real hero. When your woman is in trouble, you rush over. You should have told us you’d called him,” Penny said.

  “I’m not his woman,” Kitty said, wincing. It sounded like something straight out of an old Western, and not in a good way.

  “Right. We have eyes,” Penny said, wiggling her eyebrows. “He sure didn’t greet me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek.”

  “Don’t mind her. She’s just jealous,” Elaine said. “And he’s just as handsome as I remember him.”

  Kitty wanted to agree whole-heartedly but said nothing. Some people found Leander’s looks off-putting, with his mis-matched green and blue eyes, and the shock of bright white hair that fell over his brow. The first time they’d met, Kitty had recognized at once that it signified Waardenburg Syndrome, a genetic condition that could also be responsible for profound hearing loss. Leander had said nothing at the time, but he’d been raised by a Deaf couple and was brought in to translate from Spanish to English to sign language for Kitty’s tour group. When he’d seen that Kitty was a translator, he stepped back and let her fill that role so he could observe unnoticed. It had worked so well for them that they’d managed to catch the killer together. And the next. But this time she wasn’t so sure their special skills would be able to make a difference. There was no advantage to their being able to sign, and the killer could be anyone, inside or outside the group.

  Their only secret weapon this time was Chica.

  A knock had Toto pointing at the door and Chica got to her feet. A moment later, Leander and two officers stepped into the room. Kitty recognized one of them, a young man with a thin mustache, as the man who had taken her original statement aboard the boat.

  “You speak Spanish, and will translate for them?” he asked.

  Kitty nodded, and he went on.

  “I’m Detective Soledad. This is Officer Flores, whom you have met already. I’ve looked over your statements and have additional questions. Are you agreeing to this interview?”

  They all nodded. Kitty glanced at Leander, and he met her gaze, his expression carefully neutral. He glanced at her book on the table and a small smile edged his lips.

  “This is an informal interview. You are not suspects in a crime, nor are you under arrest. But anything you say now could be used to support criminal charges filed against you,” he said. This detective seemed to be more rule-oriented than the other officers they’d met. It was reassuring, but also promised a more thorough investigation, which was good for Coleman, but bad for Kitty’s odds of returning to Mérida in time for her next cruise.

  Looking at Penny and Elaine, he asked, “When did you meet Coleman Larson?”

  “We didn’t,” Elaine answered. “Our tour was overbooked and we were handed off to Mark at the dock near Punta Molas.”

  Kitty translated, slightly impressed that Elaine had managed to answer without adding a little bit of attitude. Penny and Elaine were quite wealthy and spent their time traveling the Yucatan on a whim. Ending up in the tiny Cozumel police station surely wasn’t on their list of best ways to spend a Friday, but then maybe the dead body had given the situation some gravitas.

  Detective Soledad scribbled a note, a small frown line appearing between his brows. “Do you have any connection to the Larson family, either here or in Texas?”

  “Texas? Heavens, no. Why would we ever go there? Horrible place. All the humidity of the Yucatan and none of the beauty,” Penny said.

  Kitty tried not to shoot them a look as she translated. She’d spoken too soon. It was near impossible for the two elderly ladies to keep from speaking their minds. She could only hope that Detective Soledad had no personal ties to the state.

  “They say everything’s bigger in Texas, but they’re really talking about the bugs, and the Mexican food is covered in that orange, gooey cheese dip,” Elaine said. “Such a shame. They take perfectly edible dishes and cover them in melted plastic that smells like feet.”

  “Plus, they have too many Texans there,” Penny added for good measure.

  Detective Soledad didn’t smile. He fixed her with a look. “How about other dive shops in the area? Do you have any business dealings in Cozumel?”

  They exchanged glances. “We have a small house on the Western side, near Playa Mezcalitos where it’s quiet. We rent it out, but every now and then we’ll stay here for a week or so.”

  Officer Flores narrowed his eyes. “And that is where you met Mark Larson?”

  “We’ve never met either one of them, until today,” Penny clarified.

  “Have you ever had any business dealings with the Larson family, or have you ever met Senator Larson?”

  Just as Kitty was signing the last word, the light dawned on her. Senator Larson. So, Coleman Larson had been related to the Majority Leader in the United States Senate. The Larsons were one of the most politically powerful families in Texas, and probably the nation. And Coleman had been living incognito while running a scuba diving school in Cozumel, Mexico. Leander’s presence made more sense now.

  Elaine responded, “No, no business dealings with the Larson family, nor have we met Senator Larson. We do have some business connections in Texas, but they’re not related, directly or indirectly, with Senator Larson.”

  Again Kitty was impressed by Elaine’s clear and concise response. Apparently, as long the detective didn’t mention Texas, they’d stay on track.

  Penny added, “Not that we would if we had the chance. That man lies so the Devil will line his pockets.”

  Detective Soledad leaned forward. “You’re saying the man is a thief.”

  “A politician,” Penny corrected him. “He promised to increase money spent on disabled children in the public school system, but then voted against the law that would have made it happen.” She tapped her forehead. “I keep a mental list of senators who try to keep disabled children from reaching their potential.”

  “You feel a personal connection to the senator, then?” he asked.

  “Not any more than a dozen other politicians. He’s not at the top of my hit list,” Elaine said. She paused as if rethinking her word choice. “It’s just irritating that he lies so much. When he speaks, it’s such a pile of manure that I look around for a pony. And he doesn’t have to lie anymore.”

  Penny nodded. “In the beginning, sure, he lied to get elected, but now he’s just doing it recreationally.”

  Detective Soledad made notes for a minute or so. As the silence stretched in the room, Kitty found herself getting more and more nervous about what he might say next.

  “Have you either of you retained a lawyer?”

  Kitty almost gasped. She had been the one to find the body. Why wasn’t she under the same suspicion? Managing to swallow her surprise, she quickly translated.

  “We have a family lawyer. Do we need to call him?” Penny held the detective’s gaze.

  After a second or two, he looked down at his papers. Point to Penny, Kitty thought. These two old ladies looked meek and mild, but they were no empty-headed senior cruisers.

  “No. You are free to leave for now. We’re asking you to stay on Cozumel for the next few days, in case we have more questions.” He didn’t wait for a response, but stood and headed to the door, Officer Flores following behind him.

  “You may confer with the Americans,” he said to Leander. “I will be interviewing the two students in ten minutes.” He exited the room without a backward glance.

  Leander gently closed the door and sat down at the metal table.

  Before he could speak, Penny quickly asked. “They don’t really seem interested in Kitty. Are they saving her for last?”

  She started to translate for Leander, but Elaine waved a hand. “Oh, and you don’t
have to do that. We know he can sign as well as we can. We saw him.”

  Leander grinned. “My secret is out. But you should let her. Kitty is the better signer. She has grace. It’s like watching poetry.” It wasn’t true, but Kitty smiled at the compliment anyway.

  “You probably think I’m crazy, pulling the body up to the boat like that,” Kitty said. “I just didn’t realize…” She tried not to remember how long she’d had Coleman’s corpse tucked against her chest as she paddled toward the boat.

  Leander reached out and slid Kitty’s book across the table toward him. He looked at the title and smiled. “We men of study, whose heads are in our books, have need to be straightly looked after! We dream in our waking moments, and walk in our sleep.”

  Kitty knew that she should take a moment to protest the idea of having to be looked after, but all her defenses seemed to have slumped over into a heap at her feet. One quote from Hawthorne and she was a boneless, Kitty-shaped lovesick lump.

  Her saving grace was that he didn’t seem to notice. “You two okay?” he asked, signing to Penny and Elaine.

  “Sure. We’re just jealous that Kitty found the body,” Penny said.

  “And got a kiss from you.” Elaine winked.

  Kitty felt her face go warm. It had been a kiss on the cheek, nothing more. And if she really thought about it, which she was trying hard to avoid, a large part of her wished that they hadn’t met again the way they had. Her hair was frizzing around her face, she smelled of sea water, she had goggle lines on her cheeks, and her eyes were red-rimmed from crying. It wasn’t exactly the glamorous reunion she’d imagined.

  “We want to know what you’re doing here. I should go full country club president and ask you for your invitation, sir.” Penny glanced at the camera in the corner of the room. “But before you tell me, what do you think are the chances anybody here knows American Sign Language? Will you get in trouble for filling us in?”

  Leander considered that for a moment, then said, “My loyalties are with the investigation first, and the American citizens a very close second. But I don’t think you three are being seriously considered as suspects.” He hurried to add. “And of course, not by me.”


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