Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell Book 5)

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Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell Book 5) Page 28

by Sherilee Gray

  Gunner’s thrusts turned sharp and deep, giving her more, giving her whatever she needed. He’d always give her whatever she needed, nothing pleased him more.

  She tightened around his cock, her panted breaths turning to desperate sobs.

  “You gonna come for me, love?” he growled against her ear. “Come for your male. Let him feel how much you love him deep inside you.”

  Her eyes locked on his, glassy and heavy-lidded, and his cock grew harder, thickened even more. Her fangs extended.

  Gunner trembled from how much he wanted her to take a bite out of him and cupped the back of her head, thrusting deep, exposing his throat for her. “Bite me.”

  Her arm tightened around his neck and she pounced, moaning against his skin when his blood filled her mouth. Her hips rolled and her pussy clamped down on Gunner's cock. He hung on to the wall as he lost it, lighting up like a fucking fireworks display was going off behind his eyelids. He came with his mate, as she drank from him, shaking and groaning.

  Gunner stayed there, unable to move as Luna slid her tongue over the puncture wound she’d made. Each drag of her tongue sending shockwaves through him, jolting through his lower belly and along his pulsing shaft.

  When she was done, she rested her forehead against the base of his throat, still trembling, pussy still fluttering lightly.

  “Fucking hell,” Gunner said.

  She nodded against him. “We should definitely do that again. Shower sex, every morning.”

  His face split into an idiotic grin. “Agreed. What about sex in our bed?”

  “That too.” She looked up at him. “And I liked fooling around on the couch with you as well, just FYI.”

  Gunner tipped his head back and laughed, the sound rough and low and filled with all the joy he was feeling.

  When he looked down, Luna was gazing up at him, and she was smiling so wide his fucking heart nearly burst.

  They stared deep into each other’s eyes and Luna cupped his face, her thumb brushing over his beard. “Whatever happens, whatever comes next, we face it together.”

  “Together,” Gunner repeated before he took his mate's perfect mouth again and kissed her.

  He didn’t want to think about what came next in this war, not right then.

  But Luna was right, whatever was coming, he’d face it with his mate at his side.



  Tobias hung back, but still remained close to Scarlet. The heavy black armor worn by Diemos’s guard concealed him well. So far he’d gone unnoticed. He needed to keep it that way, for everyone’s sake.

  His female kept her head down, clutching her healing bowl, moving quickly toward Diemos’s quarters. Fear prickled all over his skin. He didn’t want her anywhere near that fucker on a good day, but right now, fuck no. Diemos had been on a rampage, furious about something and taking it out on anyone who went near him. Scarlet was determined to go, though, and they both knew that if she didn’t obey after being summoned by the king himself, someone would come looking.

  He had no idea if Diemos knew who Scarlet really was. If he even knew that Tobias was in Hell. Lucifer had been the one to send him here, perhaps he’d concealed Tobias as well somehow?

  He hadn’t had a visit from the king of Hell, and Tobias assumed a knight in his domain would have warranted some personal attention.

  So for now, he was working under the assumption that he was flying under the piece of shit’s radar.

  If only he knew what the fuck Lucifer wanted him to do. Instead, he’d gotten a cryptic, “You’ll work it out, asshole. And if you don’t, shit’s about to get apocalyptic around here.”

  He did know once he’d completed his first task, the new powers that Lucifer promised him would kick in. He didn’t give a shit about power, not anymore. He just wanted to be with Scarlet, keep her safe, and help his brothers. But Lucifer had informed him that he’d need them.

  Again, he had no fucking clue why.

  So yeah, no pressure.

  Scarlet walked straight up to the charred wooden door. Taren, the sadistic fuck and Diemos’s right hand, opened the door for her, his black eyes locked on her in a way that made Tobias grip the hilt of his blade tighter.

  The other male closed the door after her and thankfully stayed where he was, holding sentry, barring anyone else from entering the room. Scarlet told him about the female Diemos kept in there. At first, he thought Diemos, being a sick and twisted individual he was, was getting his rocks off dishing out a little torture, but the female had been here a while now.

  She was never allowed to leave Diemos’s room. Trusting no one but his right hand to stand guard.

  This female was important. Somehow Tobias needed to get to her. Scarlet had been building trust, getting closer to her, and was going to try to learn more. But if she was overheard, if Taren walked in and heard something—

  Tobias gritted his teeth.

  The best way to make sure that didn’t happen was to create a distraction, and with the way that fucker was eyeing the door like he wanted to follow her in, Tobias had to do it now. The alternative was killing Taren, but that had to be a last resort. Diemos would want to know what happened to his favorite and that wouldn’t end well for anyone.

  Fuck it.

  Tobias grabbed a demon as he walked past and tossed the ugly fucker with all his strength at Taren, then stepped back into the shadows.

  Taren’s bellow of rage echoed off the stone walls, and the demon snarled, looking confused and pissed off. Taren grabbed him by the throat, and the demon tried to take a bite out of Taren.

  A female thaneous demon shrieked and ran at them from out of nowhere, going for the demon. All four of her arms swinging, clawing, trying to protect Taren, not that he needed protecting. He was doing more than fine on his own.

  How sweet.

  Taren smashed his fist into the demon’s face and tossed him aside, and the female rushed to him, trying to inspect him for injuries. Taren pushed her away, but she came back, this time on her knees, and reached for the front of his pants.

  Taren arched a brow, then shrugged, watching with dead eyes as she shoved his pants down, pulled out his cock, and started sucking him off. Her long lizard-like tongue lashing out between his legs, sliding over his balls, and kept on going. Tobias could hear Taren’s gasp and growl when she slid that tongue right up his ass. That was some serious skill.

  Taren obviously thought so as well because his eyes weren’t quite as dead anymore.

  Well, there you go.

  Couldn’t get a better distraction than that. Tobias stayed where he was, watching the door for Scarlet and hoping Taren didn’t blow his wad too soon.

  The door opened and Scarlet walked out, right as Taren fisted the female’s hair and started brutally fucking her face, glowing as he came. He didn’t even notice Scarlet pass.

  Definitely something to remember for next time.

  Scarlet walked by him, her gaze finding him even as her head stayed down and focused straight ahead. Tobias fell in behind her, staying back again. And he continued that way until they reached the safety of Lucifer’s chambers.

  She tossed aside her brown cloak and turned to him as soon as he walked in behind her and closed the door. She rushed to him and wrapped her arms around him. Tobias kissed her, holding her close, hating that she still needed to walk among that nest of vipers.

  The kiss turned wild. They still couldn’t get enough of each other, and he knew they never would. Her hands moved over him, unbuckling his armor, shoving it off his body, her desperation making her shake.

  “What is it, Scarlet?”

  She shook her head, tears welling in her eyes. “I need you, I need to know you’re actually here, that this isn’t a dream.”

  Whatever she’d found out in that room had rattled her. She’d tell him what it was, but first, she needed him.

  Tobias thrust his fingers in her wild red hair and lifted her in his arms, carrying her to the bed. She
yanked her dress over her head, tossed it aside, and reached for the front of his pants, tugging them open. His mouth came back to hers, and he worked his way down her throat.

  She pulled him back and shook her head. “I want you inside me, now.”

  Scarlet reached down, took his cock in her hand, and guided him to her.

  Eyes locked with his mate’s, he thrust inside her, giving her what she needed. He took her, hard and deep, both of them shaking, grasping for the other, locked so tightly together, he didn’t know where he ended and she started.

  When she finally cried out, gripping him so tight, light flashed behind his eyes and he had no choice but to go with her.

  He stayed where he was, planted deep, covering her body with his, her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him.

  “I love you,” he said.

  Her lashes fluttered. “I love you too.” She cupped his face and looked deep into his eyes. “Promise me we’ll never be parted ever again.”

  “I promise,” he choked. “I’ll do anything, fucking anything to make sure that never happens.” He brushed his lips over hers. “Talk to me, beautiful girl.”

  A tear streaked down her cheek. “It’s worse than we ever imagined.”


  Rocco landed silently on the roof of the compound, but stayed back, sticking to the shadows.

  Why the hell had he come here?

  To torture yourself.

  Voices, laughter echoed into the night. His brothers with their females. Brent and Chaya were here, Silas and James as well.

  A grill had been set up and Zenon was flipping steaks, a small grin curling his lips at something Mia had said to him. Gunner and Luna were off to the side, and his brother had his head dipped, was saying something to his mate that made her eyes sparkle and her cheeks blush.

  Everywhere he looked were happy couples.

  Rocco’s demon hissed, clawing under his skin.

  His demon hated being around this as much as Rocco did. Yeah, he was happy for his brothers, every one of them, but with the connection they all had, the link that joined him to each one of his brothers, meant he was getting bombarded with their joy twenty-four seven, and it was killing him slowly.

  Sometimes it was so big and bright, he struggled to breathe.

  So yeah, he was happy for them, but he didn’t want that shit inside him. He didn’t want their joy invading his fucking head, trying to fill his heart.

  He had no room for it, didn’t want it.

  Silas glanced his way. The angel had clocked him as soon as he’d landed, but he’d stayed away. Time was up. He headed toward Rocco now, a tense expression on his face. Rocco’s demon shrieked his rage and clawed more fiercely.

  Thankfully, none of Roc’s brothers noticed, too caught up with their females. Whatever the fallen angel had to say, Roc didn’t want to hear it. Nothing he could say would bring Kyler back to him. Everything else was a waste of fucking breath.

  “Why don’t you come join us?” Silas said when he stopped in front of him. “Your brothers would love to see you.”

  “As fun as that sounds, I’ll pass.”

  Silas stared at him, his silver eyes boring deep. “There’s still hope, Roc, you need to hang on to that.”

  Nope. No. He couldn’t do this now. “How about you fuck off with your positive-thinking bullshit, yeah?”

  “Believe me, I know I sound like a fucking asshole,” Silas said. “But I have this feeling…I’ve been getting these feelings and…”

  “Fuck yourself with your feelings, Silas,” Rocco growled. “Your feelings won’t bring my female home…” He cut himself off, the pain of talking about Kyler was too much.

  Rocco walked away to the sound of his demon’s screams of pain. Just the mention of Kyler was too much for both of them, the screams grew so anguished and loud, Rocco almost blacked the fuck out.

  It was as if Rocco’s own pain had become a separate entity in the form of his demon. Darker, more violent, completely and utterly broken.

  Somehow, he managed to stay conscious and dove off the side of the compound roof. There was only one place he could handle being right then. His wings carried him on autopilot, across the city to the spot he’d last seen her, the only place he could feel close to her anymore.

  The alley was dark, shadowed, and overflowing with malevolence.

  He landed and strode to the brick wall at the end—to where the portal, dark and smelling like death, opened every solstice and equinox and spewed out demons. Where he and his brothers slaughtered as many as they could to protect mankind. The evil could be felt here even now.

  His female was surrounded by that same evil, was living in it, in that darkness, with creatures that would take pleasure in causing her pain.

  With Diemos, who was evil itself.

  He pressed his hands and forehead against the warm brick and roared with everything inside him, his demon joining him with so much force, he lost his sight for long seconds.

  Rocco pushed away panting, and shoved up his sleeve. He looked at the scar there, at the half-mutilated angel brand he’d tried to cut out when she was taken from him, and drew his knife.

  The next time the portal opened, he was going in.

  And no one could stop him.

  About the Author

  Sherilee Gray is a kiwi girl and lives in beautiful New Zealand with her husband and their two children. When she isn't writing sexy, edgy contemporary and paranormal romance, searching for her next alpha hero on Pinterest, or fueling her voracious book addiction, she can be found dreaming of far off places with a mug of tea in one hand and a bar of Cadburys Rocky Road chocolate in the other.

  To find out about new releases, giveaways, events and other cool stuff, sign up for my newsletter!

  Also by Sherilee Gray

  Knights of Hell:

  Knight’s Redemption

  Knight’s Salvation

  Demon’s Temptation

  Knight’s Dominion

  Knight’s Absolution

  The Smith Brothers:

  Mountain Man

  Wild Man

  Solitary Man

  Rocktown Ink:

  Beg For You

  Sin For You

  Meant For you

  Bad For You

  Lawless Kings:

  Shattered King

  Broken Rebel

  Beautiful Killer

  Ruthless Protector

  Glorious Sinner

  Merciless King

  Boosted Hearts:





  Axle Alley Vipers:




  Black Hills Pack:

  Lone Wolf’s Captive

  A Wolf’s Deception

  Stand Alone Novels:

  Breaking Him




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