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Creed Page 11

by Laurann Dohner

  Angel used her free hand to shove against his chest but he wouldn’t budge. He had a hundred pounds on her but he wasn’t much taller. She shook her other arm, dropping her packs. It gave her the ability to get a good hold on the belt he wore. She twisted her head a little, looking around. No one was within sight, thankfully.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good,” he snarled.

  Angel braced one foot against the wall and bucked her hips at him with all her strength, shoving him enough to make him stumble.

  She struck fast when she got a little space between them, slamming her fist into his groin. It was a direct hit and she twisted her body, kicking him in the knee. He crumpled to the ground and she went for his hair, grabbing a handful of it and stepping around him.

  “Knock your shit off,” she demanded. “Don’t make me hurt you. You’re in heat and you’ve lost your mind. What was the plan? Fuck me right here against the wall so we could just wave to anyone who passed? Get control!”

  He snarled and tried to twist his head. He snapped at her wrist with his mouth but she jerked away fast. He sported full-on fangs and facial hair now. His nose had bowed out a little into a mini snout. It pissed her off that he’d attempted to take a bite out of her.

  She punched him for all she was worth, slamming her fist into his jaw. “Control,” she snapped.

  He collapsed onto his ass but recovered fast. Wolf eyes glared at her. “Mine!”

  She frantically looked around as he got to his feet. No people had shown up yet but it was only a matter of time. The airport was small but there was steady light traffic. She dodged him when he tried to grab her around her waist and threw out her elbow, catching him in the ribs. He grunted and stumbled past her. She twisted, sending a roundhouse kick that nailed him in the ass. He plowed face first into the ground.

  The damn Lycan had lost his mind. She sprinted to her backpacks, caught the straps in her hand, and ran to the back of the building. A large plane hangar caught her attention. She fled toward it to find cover. One door had been left open but she didn’t see anyone inside. She heard the Lycan coming after her. He snarled as if he had rabies or something. She ran inside with him following her.

  She tossed the packs out of the way and turned. He spotted her and snarled louder. Hair covered his arms now, so matted she couldn’t even see skin. The idiot probably had a tail smashed inside his jeans too at that point. He grabbed the front of his shirt and tore it open. Hair covered him from shoulders to waist.


  He didn’t just want to fuck her. He planned on claiming her. She wasn’t sure what pack he’d been raised in but it wasn’t one like hers. The men courted their women first, got permission, but never forced a mating. It was obvious he didn’t plan to ask. He tossed the destroyed shirt aside and kicked off his shoes.

  “No. Do you hear me? No! I already have a mate.”

  He snarled and stalked closer, his arms opening.

  “Did you hear me? I’m already taken.”

  He lunged, claws out. She ducked but he managed to catch a few of her hairs with his sharp tips. It wasn’t pleasant, having them ripped out. She threw another kick, nailing him in the back of his thighs that time. He went down but just twisted on his hands and knees. He crouched there.

  She was in a lot of trouble. He wasn’t listening to her. She backed up and almost tripped on a toolbox that some pilot or mechanic had left out. She swiftly grabbed a long-handled wrench.

  “Don’t make me hurt you,” she warned.

  “Come here.” He pointed a clawed tip at the floor directly in front of him.

  “It’s so not going to happen. I’m not going to shove down my jeans and assume the position. I’m not the submissive type. Did you hear what I said? I’m already taken.”

  “By me!” He sprang up, diving at her.

  She held still, her heart hammering until he was almost on top of her. At the last second, she threw her body to the right, rolling on the unforgiving floor and getting to her feet.

  The Lycan landed on the toolbox and crashed into the wall. It was loud and she prayed no one would come investigate.

  She didn’t give him time to recover. She went at him and nailed him with the metal wrench to the back of his head, hoping it would knock him out. He was lifting up when the blow hit. It knocked him flat. The toolbox was on its side and some of the contents had spilled out. She saw a roll of duct tape and dropped onto his back.

  She pegged him in the head a second time when he started to push up. Lycans had thick skulls. She didn’t want to seriously hurt him, but she sure wasn’t going to let him rip off her clothes and fuck her, either. He went still under her. She leaned over, trying to reach the tape. It was just out of reach. She bit her lip and stretched more, her fingers inching closer.

  Someone stepped right next to it.

  Angel stared at the big black set of boots—and froze. How was she supposed to explain to a human what was going on without them calling the state troopers? She had no clue.

  Her chin lifted to stare at leather pants, and higher, to the man wearing them.


  He wasn’t human. He wore dark glasses over his eyes and his sheer size screamed enforcer. He had wide shoulders, arms a bodybuilder would turn green with envy over, and looked deadly. The half-sword strapped to his thigh was another hint. No human would have the balls to walk around with a weapon like that in civilian areas or they’d be arrested. He had probably been sent by his pack to track down the man she’d just been beating on. Packs tended to frown on that.

  “I can explain,” she got out, trying to keep calm. “Your guy here is in heat. Look at his back. He’s all hair. I didn’t want to hurt him but he didn’t leave me much of a choice.”

  She moved real slow as she climbed off the limp body under her. She dropped the wrench. She opened her hands and raised them to show she didn’t have a weapon anymore.

  He said nothing. She couldn’t see his eyes but felt his stare. It gave her chills—and not the good kind. She took a few steps backward to put space between them and his downed pack mate.

  “I wasn’t trying to kill him. That’s why I was going for the tape. I just planned to tie him up and drag him somewhere he wouldn’t be found by anyone working in the airport. I have a cell phone in my bag. I would have called it in. I didn’t want a human to find him.”

  The scary stranger tilted his head and his lips twisted into a frown.

  “For real. I’m really glad you showed up instead. That’s why we’re in here. He lost his control inside the airport. He couldn’t be reasoned with.”

  The silence was awful.

  Then something crunched near the door, and she turned her head to spot another enforcer guarding the entrance. He was just as big as the first one. They were almost dressed like twins except the second one wasn’t wearing a half-sword. They even had similar features, both their hair jet black, cut short.

  “He’s not one of ours.”

  She looked back at the first one, who’d finally spoken. “Oh. Well, can you take him to your pack if you’re local until he’s fit for walking around again?”

  “We’re not pack.”

  Chapter Nine

  Angel looked him over from head to foot. He wasn’t human. She couldn’t be that wrong, and his voice didn’t sound it either. Only non-humans spoke that deep and gruff. It was still sunny outside. He also had tan skin. That left out Vampire, unless…

  Her heart raced as the other alternative came to her.

  “I’ve never met a VampLycan. I belong to a pack. I was raised with Lycans. We’re cool. Can you take him somewhere safe at least? Nobody can see him. We both know that.”

  “You’re not pack.”

  “I was adopted. I am pack. I know you’re reading me as human. Guilty. But I’m still pack. You don’t need to wipe my memories. I have a plane to catch. May I go now?”

  “You’re not getting on that plane.”

  Dread pitted in he
r stomach. VampLycans were law-keepers. Maybe they thought she had committed a crime. “I was sitting inside and he came right at me. He was about to shift so I hauled ass outside to make sure it didn’t happen in front of all those passengers. I tried to talk some sense into him but he wouldn’t listen. I had no choice but to knock him out. I swear!”

  “We saw.”

  It took her a second to recover. “You did?”

  He gave a sharp nod.

  That pissed her off. “You didn’t think to maybe help me? He wasn’t messing around.”

  “I was curious how you’d handle yourself.”

  She really didn’t like the guy. “And if I hadn’t been able to? Would you have allowed him to hurt me?”


  It didn’t make her any less mad. “Gee, thanks. That’s such a relief.” She lowered her arms and retrieved her backpacks. “I’m out of here.”

  She turned away from him and walked toward the door. The second enforcer stepped into her path and shook his head.

  She stopped. “Please move.”

  “No.” He crossed his arms over his chest and spread his legs, making it clear she wasn’t getting around him.

  She wasn’t sure what to do. There was no way she’d be able to fight her way out. She spun back to the first one. He had walked over to the downed Lycan and snapped on handcuffs. He lifted the man and threw him over his shoulder as easily as if he were a sack of laundry.

  “You said you saw what happened. I didn’t start this. I just did the smart thing by getting him away from the humans. I didn’t break any laws. I also explained why I’m a human who knows about this stuff. You have no reason to detain me. I don’t want to press charges. It’s obvious the guy’s in heat and lost his mind. It happens. It was stupid for him to leave his territory at this time but I’m sure the headache he’s going to have when he wakes up will be punishment enough. No harm was done.”

  What she didn’t say was she wouldn’t want to stick around even if he had hurt her. It was time to leave, and she didn’t want to miss her flight.

  “You will come with us.” He carried the Lycan closer and jerked his head toward the other enforcer. “Go with him. We have an SUV around the corner.”

  She didn’t budge. “Under pack regulations, you have no right to arrest me. Don’t make me call my alpha. I will.”

  “You’re not pack and you don’t have an alpha.”

  She really was beginning to hate this guy. He probably thought just because she was born human, it made her inferior enough to not have the right to be in a pack. “Listen. I am pack and my alpha will tell you that. I’m going to get my cell phone out and you can speak to him. Not everyone is a thick-skulled, prejudiced asshole like you.”

  “I like her,” the second enforcer muttered. “You can be a bit of an asshole, Chaz.”

  She turned her head, wishing she could see his eyes. The sunglasses they wore were too dark though. “Thank you.”

  “He’s not in charge,” Chaz stated. “I am.”

  She looked back at him.

  “I’m not saying you aren’t pack because you’re human.” He stepped closer. “We’re also not VampLycans. We’re GarLycans. Creed mated you—and that makes you one of ours. Now turn your ass around and follow my brother Fray to the SUV. You’re in enough deep shit as it is, Angel.”

  “I’m so fucked,” she muttered.

  Fray grunted. “I wouldn’t mention anything with the word ‘fuck’ in it right now. Chaz and I aren’t mated. Didn’t you think it was strange that this Lycan would come after you and go almost feral? You smell like a bitch in heat, amplified by about ten. You fried the poor bastard’s brain. Be happy we’re able to control our urges more so than Lycans. But my dick is hard, and I’m betting Chaz’s is too. It’s why we just watched you fight instead of grabbing you to get you out of the way. You don’t want either of us getting too close to you right now. Understand?”

  His words left her speechless.

  “It’s a GarLycan new-mate thing,” Chaz added. “Creed didn’t know. Just walk, and try not to bump up against either of us. We’re taking you to your mate. He’s hopefully going to meet us soon. I don’t know how long I can take being around you.”

  “You don’t do humans,” Fray stated.

  “I might if I find one like her. You have to admit, even holding our breaths, her fighting skills made her hot.”

  “So fucking hot.” The one named Fray grinned. “It’s a shame you’re already mated, Angel. I’d toss you over my shoulder otherwise and we’d both find heaven together.”

  “Let’s go,” Chaz sighed. “Stop flirting, Fray. Move, Angel. Don’t run.”

  Angel had to admit she was tempted to make a run for it, but they’d said they were taking her to Creed. Clearly his people were already aware of what they’d done. She nodded. “I’ll go with you.”

  There was a black SUV parked on the other side of the small terminal. Chaz opened the back and dumped the Lycan inside. She noticed both men kept at least four feet from her. He pointed to the front.

  “Take the passenger seat. Fray can drive. I’m going to sit in the back in case this guy wakes up and tries to get at you again. We’ll drop him off a few miles out in the woods and I’ll take off the cuffs. He’ll be able to walk back when he’s fit for that.”

  She placed her backpacks on the floorboards at her feet and put on her belt. She noticed Fray didn’t bother as he climbed into the driver’s seat. He started the engine, kicked up the air conditioning, and pushed buttons to make all the windows go down.

  “It’s going to get cold for you in here but it will stop you from sweating as much. Sorry.”

  Fray seemed nicer than his brother, so she questioned him. “Is Creed okay?”

  “I’d be worried about your own ass.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “It was all my fault. I want to officially state that. Creed shouldn’t be punished. I pushed him into mating me.”

  He turned his head as he pulled away from the side of the building. “Are you sure you want to say that?”


  “You forced Creed into it, huh?”

  “I did.”

  He watched the road. “Last time I saw Creed, he was a bit bigger than you.”

  “I was raised as a Lycan. I’m way tougher than I look.”

  He grinned. “Did he try to chain you down, and you fought him off until he snapped?”

  She sealed her lips.

  “Damn. I was kidding.” Fray’s voice deepened. “Did he force you?”


  He turned his head and seemed to study her before he had to watch the road again. “You volunteered for his ravage?”


  “Did you change your mind at the last minute or something when you realized he had to chain you? Then put up a fight?”

  She shook her head, staring out the window. “That’s not what happened. It’s complicated but it’s my fault.”

  “I’ll call Kelzeb and tell him we have her.” Chaz sighed loudly from the back.

  “Can you call Creed?” She twisted in the seat to look at Chaz.

  “He’s with Kelzeb. He’ll know.”

  “Can I talk to him?”



  “No,” Chaz repeated. “It’s bad enough we were pulled off our assignment to go pick up a wayward mate before she got herself killed…or someone else. Just sit back and shut up.”

  “You really are an asshole,” she muttered.

  “He is,” Fray agreed. “Pity me. I’ve had to deal with him since conception.” He glanced back. “I should have punched you in the womb to make my exit first. Then you’d have been born second.”

  “Shut up,” Chaz snorted.

  She closed her eyes and relaxed in the seat while she could. She’d see Creed soon and they’d be taken to his Lord Aveoth. It seemed like things were going to get a lot worse.

  * * * * *
br />   Creed couldn’t relax. All he could think about was how Angel had been attacked by a Lycan, and now two GarLycans were enclosed inside a vehicle with her while she was putting out the calling.

  What if they can’t resist and start fighting over her? What if…

  Kelzeb cleared his throat. “They aren’t going to do anything to her. They’re twin brothers and they are very close to each other. One isn’t going to take out the other. She’s safe.”

  It didn’t help. “How much longer?”

  “Soon. Don’t annoy me. You’ve asked that four times already.”

  Creed wiped his palms on his jean-clad thighs. He shouldn’t have listened to Angel and her plans. She could be irrational. He knew that. She had a free spirit and took that into her thought process.

  “Don’t shut down, either.”

  “I’m just thinking,” Creed admitted.

  “Damn, I hope I don’t find my mate for centuries more. It turns intelligent men into lunatics.”

  “I really didn’t know she’d suffer the calling.”

  “Remind me to get you a copy of that video I made of our dads getting their asses verbally handed to them by Aveoth when you have your mate safely at your side, and before you see your father. You might really kill him otherwise.”

  “He hates humans.”

  “You rescued one. Was he aware that you had feelings for her?”

  Creed shook his head. “I told my mother everything. She worried I had become antisocial after my assignments. I admitted that I spent time with Angel. It was before she said that she wanted to be my mate though.”

  “What did your mother say about a human wanting to spend her life with you?”

  “I never had the chance to ask. My mother died a week after Angel brought up becoming my mate. It was a conversation I planned to have with my mother face to face instead of over the phone.”

  “Your father probably worried you’d consider a human for a mate after you saved one. It implied you didn’t hate them or believe they were beneath your notice. You know how full-bloods are about that. He wouldn’t have wanted you to form an attachment of some sort to the girl. And she was part of the pack you protect; even I could guess she might be the one to volunteer to help you during your time of need. They don’t call it the ravage for nothing. Look at what full-blood bastards did in the past.”


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