In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

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In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1) Page 13

by K. G. Reuss

  “Don’t fucking lie to me.” He’d backed me against the locker beside my own. “Do you know what they said to me as they beat me?”

  I shook my head, my mouth dry.

  “That you belong to them, and if I said a word about you to anyone, they’d kill me.”

  I shivered beneath his words. “You drugged me. You’re lucky that’s all that happened to you.”

  “So don’t stand there and tell me you aren’t fucking them. I want what’s mine, Rosalie. I mean it. And if I don’t get it, I’ll have to take drastic measures. Starting with Jamie.”

  He pushed away from me, giving me a look that said all I needed to know. He was serious.

  “Tell them about this and find out what happens.”

  He turned and stalked away, leaving me standing there, shaking.

  Ian hadn’t gone away. He’d only morphed into a bigger problem.

  “Look who it is,” Juliet simpered in the locker room. I eyed her apprehensively as she sashayed over to me. “If it isn’t the little homewrecker herself.”

  “I haven’t done anything.”

  Juliet snorted as she stopped in front of me. “You were with Fox last night.”

  I shook my head, not in the mood to deal with her shit even more now since I had Ian to worry about.

  “I wasn’t with Fox last night. I was with Enzo, and Fox and the rest of the guys showed up at his place. And if you want to know what went down, they played video games and pool while I helped Ethan with his homework.”

  Juliet narrowed her eyes at me. “Fox said he gave you a ride home.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Fox is my neighbor. It only made sense. If it helps, he’s an asshole.”

  Juliet took a dangerous step toward me, closing the small space between us. “If I hear you even came close to touching what’s mine, I will wreck you.”

  “I’m sure you will. But right now, I have bigger things to worry about, so take your insecurity elsewhere.” I pushed past her, my heart wild in my chest from the confrontation.

  Luckily, she didn’t try to stop me. Even at the end of class, she didn’t look twice at me, opting to dress quickly and leave with her friends. That didn’t mean they didn’t whisper and shoot me dirty looks, but hey, as long as I wasn’t being pushed around, they could do whatever they wanted.

  “Sunshine!” Enzo called out, jogging down the hall toward me. People scurried out of his way. “Hey.”


  “What time are you thinking about stopping by tonight?”

  “Um, don’t you decide that?”

  He grinned. “Not tonight. It’s up to you.”

  I cocked an eyebrow at him. “I thought you guys were in charge—”

  “Oh, baby girl, we are, but it’s nice to give you a little room to move your cute little elbows in. We want you to enjoy this as much as we do.”

  “That’s not the impression I got,” I muttered.

  He grinned wider at me.

  “And what exactly is this?” I studied his face for a moment, but he didn’t give anything away. “I mean, it started off a few weeks ago as you guys acting like you were going to make me miserable—”

  “And we’re not,” he cut in.

  I nodded, biting my bottom lip.

  “Mm, baby. Don’t do that,” Enzo warned, his eyes darkening.

  I released my lip immediately.

  “You’re not, or at least, it’s gotten better. But with what happened b-between me a-and you and Cole last night—”

  “Did you like it?” His eyes swept over me. “You didn’t kiss me back, but I didn’t get the vibe you hated it.”

  I swallowed and stared up at his looming form.

  “It’s OK to like it, baby. We liked it or we wouldn’t have done it.”

  “I’m just confused.”

  “I know.” He sighed, running his fingers through his dark hair. “Fucking Fox.”

  “What does he have to do with it?”

  “Everything.” Enzo stepped closer. “This is about more than a video, Sunshine. It’s about you. Me. Everyone. The video is just the bargaining chip to get what we want.”

  “But what do you want?”

  “You know what we want. We told you.”

  Me. They wanted me.

  He nodded, knowing damn well I knew what they wanted. But why? Enzo answered my unspoken question.

  “Because we can, baby. Because we can.”


  “It feels like forever since we’ve gotten to hang out,” Jamie exclaimed as we slid into a booth at Rocky’s, the local teen hangout later that evening.

  “For sure.” My phone buzzed, and I picked it up to see a message from Cole.

  Cole: Enzo said you’re going to his place. I’ll see you there.

  My heart thrashed in my chest.

  “Rosalie, you OK?” Jamie called out.

  “Uh, yeah. Yeah.”

  “You look like you’re going to pass out.” Jamie gave me a concerned look. “Did you get a bad message?”

  “No. Um, it’s just Cole.”

  “Oh.” She sat back in her seat. “What’s going on with you guys? One minute you hate them, and the next Cole is kissing you in the hall, Enzo is walking with you like you’re a couple, and Ethan is sitting with us. Are the rumors true?”

  I knew the rumors. That I was getting it on with them. When it started, the idea seemed far-fetched. Now? I wasn’t sure what I’d do if it came down to it.

  “What happened at that party?”

  “Nothing.” I gave her a forced smile. “I kissed Cole. A few people saw it.”

  “OK, but he’s still around. Are you guys a couple?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “We’re just friends.”

  Jamie rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I guess you don’t want to tell me.”

  “There’s nothing to tell,” I answered helplessly. “It’s just stupid shit they get off on doing.”

  “Rosalie, these guys are fire hot and get around with lots of girls, but something is up. I’m so worried about you. You hated them. They hated you right back. Now you’re kissing on one of them and-and god knows what else with the others.” She gave me a look filled with desperation. I frowned, her words making me feel dirty. “Just, if they’re making you do this, tell me. Tell someone. We could help you—”

  “Jamie, I’m fine,” I murmured. “I’m just having a little bit of fun.”

  “Answer this. Have you screwed any of them?”

  I shook my head, my curls bouncing with the movement. “No. I-I’ve kissed Cole and Enzo. It was a heat of the moment thing. A mistake. Nothing else. I’m fine.”

  Jamie’s lips parted in shock at my admission, but she quickly righted her face before plowing on. “They have a rep. I want you to be safe. The Rosalie I know wouldn’t just make out with a guy. He’d need to sweep her off her feet first.”

  I swallowed thickly. “But that never got me anywhere. I-I’m fine. Really, Jamie.”

  “Fine,” she sighed. “But you know I’m here for you, right?”

  I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. I hated that I had to keep all of this from her. “I know.”

  My phone buzzed again with another text from Cole.

  Cole: I want to finish what we started.

  With shaking hands, I sent off a reply.

  Rosalie: I can’t.

  Cole: Rosebud, don’t play me like that. We’re both adults here. I’ll see you tonight.

  I blew out a breath and gave Jamie a shaky smile. Everything in her expression told me she was worried for me. Hell, I was worried for me. The feelings surfacing weren’t of hate. That terrified me.

  “Ian’s been acting weird.” Jamie frowned.


  “Yeah. I don’t know what his problem is. He hardly talks to me anymore. Do you think he’s seeing someone?”

  I shook my head. “No. Maybe he’s just busy.”

  “Has he talked to you?”

bsp; “No.” I hated the lie on my tongue but forced out a smile. “The guys sort of intimidate people.”

  Jamie nodded, looking stricken.

  I had to change the subject. “Are you going to work backstage for the musical?”

  “I think so,” she nodded, relaxing. “I talked to Mr. Peters and asked him if maybe I could help out with producing as well. I think it would be a blast.”

  “I think you’d be great at it,” I offered.

  “Thanks.” She gave me a quick smile. “Have you told your parents you’re auditioning?”

  I grimaced. “No. You know how my dad is. He wants me at Pendleton. He thinks my music and acting are a waste of time and energy.”

  “You have to tell them when you get the part, Rosalie.”

  I smiled wistfully. “If. If I get it. I think I’m going to just try for a chorus part. I don’t even know if I should go for it at this point. If my dad finds out, he’ll be pissed I’m taking time away from studying to do it. Hell, I’ve never even sung for my parents. You’re the only one who’s heard me aside from Mr. Peters freshman year when I auditioned. I mean, what if I do suck—”

  “Rosalie.” Jamie fixed her stern gaze on me. “You’re a grown ass woman now. An adult. Do what you want. It’s your life. You could literally get into the college of your dreams with this musical. I know Pendleton isn’t your dream. I’m not stupid, Sis.” She fixed me with her no-nonsense look. “Mayfair could see it and give you a full ride. They have the best music program on this side of the country. I just don’t understand why you don’t try for it. You’re good. No. Freaking incredible. Don’t doubt yourself. We’ve been friends so long. You’re my favorite starving artist. Do this one thing for yourself. You owe it to yourself.”

  I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat. “If I get into Mayfair and can’t get a full ride, Dad won’t pay for it. He already told me. I have to go to Pendleton. I won’t be able to afford college on my own if I don’t.”

  Jamie let out a sigh of frustration and shook her head. “You need to believe in yourself a little bit more, Rosalie. It drives me nuts that you don’t. I happen to know Mayfair scouts are coming. Word has it, Juliet is aiming to try out too.”

  “What?” I blanched at the information. “Why the hell would she try out? She’s never done one of our theater productions in her life!” The information set my blood to boiling.

  Jamie shook her head. “It’s Juliet. It’s a spotlight. If she can get in it, she will. You know that.”

  “Bitch probably can’t even sing,” I muttered, folding my arms over my chest.

  Jamie grinned. “Maybe she can’t. It’ll be hilarious to watch the audition though. Think positive.”

  “You’re right.” At least, I hoped Jamie was right.

  We sank into normal conversation after that, laughing like nothing shitty was going on in my life. When it was time for me to leave, I hugged Jamie goodbye.

  “Be safe, Rosalie. I’m worried about you.”

  “I know,” I murmured, pulling away. “I’ll be OK.”

  She gave me a wry smile and nodded. “If you’re not, I’m going to kick some ass.”

  I grinned at her. “I know you will.”

  She smiled back and bid me farewell before I climbed into my car and backed out of the parking lot. My heart was in my throat as I drove to Enzo’s, wondering what was going to hap-pen. I almost decided to not go but thought better of it. The last thing I needed was them upset with me.

  My anxiety over the auditon grew. I knew if I got the part, I’d have to tell my parents. It would be in the local papers. They’d find out about it whether I wanted them to or not.

  “You’re late,” Enzo commented, pulling his front door open. He was dressed in basketball shorts and a tank top, his muscles on display. I quickly averted my eyes from him when he caught me staring. “Come on in, you little minx.”

  I followed him inside and down to his basement.

  “Where are your parents?”

  “Out. They won’t be home until tomorrow. Why? Something on your mind?”

  “No,” I denied, my anxiety kicking up a notch.

  Enzo winked at me as we entered the basement. “Don’t worry, Sunshine. We’re just going to work on your audition. For now, anyway.”

  I didn’t say anything as I sat on his couch. He pulled the guitar onto his lap and gave me an expectant look.

  “Did you bring the song you were working on?”

  I nodded mutely, handing him the music sheets from my bag. He rifled through them quickly, muttering to himself before grabbing a pen and scratching more notes on the page. I watched in awe as he worked. I had no idea he wrote music. The idea should’ve came to me sooner considering he had a recording booth tucked away in the corner of the basement behind all his musical equipment.

  “You know Fox plays guitar and drums, right?”

  “I knew he drummed. I can hear him sometimes.”

  Enzo nodded thoughtfully. “He picked up the guitar a few years ago. We could probably start a band if we wanted to. Even Cole plays bass, and Ethan is a piano whore by order of his parents.”

  “I had no idea.”

  Enzo chuckled, placing the sheet music down and adjusting his guitar on his lap. “We’d have started a band already, but you know how that goes. We never seem to have the time.”

  “I bet. Tormenting people takes a lot of energy.”

  Enzo chuckled, shaking his head as he strummed the first chord to my song. “Sing for me, songbird. Let’s hear those pipes.”

  “I’ve never sung for anyone before—”

  “And yet you want to be in the musical? Come on, babe. Time to get you out of that pro-tective cocoon you’re wrapped in.” He strummed the chord again. “I finished the music for you. Just sing for me.”

  I reached out and looked through what he’d done, impressed.

  “Not bad, huh?”

  “Not bad at all,” I murmured. “I’ll do it. But if you laugh at me, I’ll break your guitar.”

  “Cross my heart. I won’t laugh,” he answered solemnly, strumming his guitar again.

  I waited for the intro for a moment before opening my mouth and singing the first line. Enzo stopped strumming and stared open-mouthed at me.

  “What? You said you wouldn’t laugh,” I mumbled, feeling my face heat.

  “And I’m not. What the hell was that?”

  “Singing?” I fidgeted with a sheet of music, staring back at Enzo worriedly. What if I did suck and Jamie had only been nice because we were friends?

  “Jesus, Sunshine. You’ve got an amazing set of pipes! Why the hell haven’t you done anything with them?”

  I shrugged, my face growing hotter at his compliment. I let out the breath I’d been holding, relief flooding through me.

  He shook his head and strummed again. “OK. Don’t stop. All the way through.”

  I nodded, launching into the first line again as he played along. I thought it would be hard to get through it, but we flowed together easily, our sounds perfectly in tune. We ran through the song what felt like a million times, Enzo tweaking it in places, trying it out, then tweaking it another way if he didn’t like it. Despite how playful Enzo was, he took music seriously. By the end of our practice, we had a polished song on our hands.

  “Amazing.” Enzo put his guitar down, grinning. “You’re one hell of a woman, Sunshine.”

  I ducked my head at the compliment which only caused his grin to widen.

  “Come here.”

  I got nervously to my feet and moved to where he was sitting on his chair.

  “I want you to straddle me.”

  “What?” I squeaked out.

  “You heard me. And then you’re going to kiss me because you refused to do it last time. Do you understand?”

  I nodded mutely and moved to him, shutting off the voice in my head that screamed for me to just go home and take a cold shower. He stared up at me, waiting for me to do what he’d instruct
ed. With a shaking breath, I sank down on him, my legs on either side of his muscular thighs, our centers aligned.

  “So fucking hot,” he rasped, tilting my chin up so we were eye-to-eye. “Now I want you to kiss me.”

  I stared at him for a moment, seeing no teasing in his dark eyes. I closed my own, waiting for his lips to meet mine. When it didn’t happen, I opened my eyes to find him staring at me still.

  “I-I’m ready.”

  “So am I. Just waiting for you to make your move.”

  “Oh,” I answered dumbly. I wiggled on his lap, and he let out a groan.

  “Fuck, don’t do that or I’ll take you right here on the fucking floor, Sunshine.”

  Tingles rocketed to my core at his words. Pulling in a short breath, I leaned forward, not bothering to fight my conscious on the matter. I knew I should stop. It didn’t matter if I was supposed to say yes to every request. No wasn’t in my mind or on my tongue. I wanted it despite every damn thing the matter with it.

  My lips met his in a soft touch. The tingles hit their target, causing me to move against him. Enzo didn’t waste time in cupping my ass and hauling me as close as possible, his hardness grinding against my center.

  Enzo kissed playfully, teasing and nipping at my lips as his hands moved up beneath my t-shirt, skirting the edge of my bra.

  He broke the kiss off, leaving me breathless, only to move his lips south, kissing along my jaw and down my neck. I lolled my head to the side, my breathing coming in small gasps as pleasure flooded through me. I wasn’t this girl. But damn, did I like her.

  A second set of hands came from behind and cradled my face. I opened my eyes to see Cole smiling down on me. He had to have come in while we were lost in one another. If it bothered Enzo, he made no qualms about it as his lips met my collarbone. Cole tilted my head back, planting his lips on mine in a slow, deep kiss that made my toes curl. I rocked against Enzo as I whimpered against Cole’s lips.

  “Such a bad girl,” Cole growled in my ear.

  I shivered at his words. A moment later, Enzo had my shirt off, leaving me straddling him in my lacy, pink bra.

  “Fuck, you’re delicious,” Enzo appraised as he kissed his way back to my lips. Cole let out a dark chuckle that made the wanting growing in my core intensify.


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