Lord of Chaos (The Dragon Demigods Book 7)

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Lord of Chaos (The Dragon Demigods Book 7) Page 1

by Charlene Hartnady

  Lord of Chaos

  Book 7: Dragon Demigods

  Charlene Hartnady

  Copyright © December 2020 by Charlene Hartnady

  Cover Art by Melody Simmons

  Copy Edited by KR

  Edited by [email protected]

  Produced in South Africa

  [email protected]

  Lord of Chaos is a work of fiction and characters, events and dialogue found within are of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is purely coincidental.

  With the exception of quotes used in reviews no part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without prior consent in writing from the author.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  About the Author

  Also by Charlene Hartnady




  Compared to topside, there is only one thing that is the same about the Underworld, it’s time. A second, a minute, an hour, a day, a month…they feel just as long. They drag on and on and on. One day bleeding into the next. In two days, three hours, and a handful of seconds, I will have been here for a whole year. Feels like longer.

  I look down at the shackle around my wrist. At the chain coiled at my feet. It’s shiny and bright, a stark contrast to my surroundings. I get to work on the shackle using my rock. It’s worn smooth on one side from daily use. The clasp around my wrist is silver and reinforced with magic, but if I keep at it…if I keep chipping away, I’ll eventually be free.


  Now there’s a notion…since it’s not entirely true. Remove the shackles and the chains, and the invisible bonds will still be there. Holding me tightly in their grip.

  I’m a fool. The biggest idiot who ever walked. My mam would have something to say if she saw me now. Although she could use the words ‘I told you so’, she’d do it in a way that didn’t make me feel like a fool, which I am. It wasn’t like I wasn’t warned, because I was.

  If the old rumors are to be believed, there is only one person who is strong enough to help me. I need to get to him. Only then will I stand even a modicum of a chance of true freedom. Otherwise, I am doomed to be shackled one way or the other.

  “Look what we have here, Jeff.” I don’t have to look to know that it’s a male and that he’s smiling.

  “Look at that.” I’m assuming it’s Jeff who is talking now.

  I glance up. It’s a demon and his sidekick. The sidekick was probably human once…a very long time ago. It’s funny how time and circumstance will change a person. “You may not pass,” I say as I continue to chip away at the shackle.

  “You’re a pretty one,” the demon says, using his forked tongue to sniff the air. “I say we eat it. Some sustenance for our escape.”

  “I say we play with it.” The sidekick licks his lips; he’s leering at me. “Then we can kill it and escape.”

  I sigh, bored. I want to get back to trying to break the shackle. Maybe today will be the day I escape this mess. I sigh again as I put the rock down and get to my feet. I’m at one of the gates to the Underworld. It’s my job to guard it. No one comes in, and no one goes out. The latter is the most important. It would be terrible if demons, ghouls, and ghosts were allowed to roam freely among humans. Chaos and terror would ensue.

  I glance at the pile of corpses to the right of the rusted old gates. They’re stacked high. A rotting mess. Topside, the stench would be unbearable. Down here, it’s par for the course. This is Hell, after all. “They all tried to escape. They refused to listen to reason. I’m hoping the two of you will have more brains than that.”

  “You did that, little girl?” the demon asks as he peruses the pile.

  I roll my eyes. “The last time I checked, I was a woman.”

  “I can see that.” The sidekick leers at me some more.

  I’m naked, dirty, and splattered with blood and…I think that’s brains. It looks like brains. Doesn’t matter. I’m disgusting. That Asshole Number One wants to eat me, and Asshole Number Two wants to fuck me is a testament to the lowlifes in this place. “I’m busy,” I snap. “You can walk away or get your asses handed to you, which will it be?”

  The demon elbows the sidekick, who comes at me screaming. The loudest ones normally fall the fastest, and it’s no exception when it comes to this one. I wrap the chain around his neck in one easy move, and there’s a snapping noise.

  The sidekick falls at my feet. Eyes blank.

  I unwrap the chain. “What about you?” I ask the demon. “Ready to walk away?”

  He shakes his head. “Jeff was an idiot,” he says. “I won’t be as easy to defeat.”

  That’s what many of them say. Then he comes at me. The demon holds back at the last second and circles. I agree; this one will be tougher to beat. He’s using his head.

  I wait him out. I stay calm and ready.

  It doesn’t take very long, and he comes at me with a right hook. I can see he wants me to block and give him an opening. From the way he is standing, I think he will try a kick to my midsection, or maybe he’ll use his forked tail. It has a barb on the end.

  I’ll bet I’m quicker than he is. I can block and retaliate at the same time. I love how they underestimate me. It’s saved me more than a few times.

  I lift my arm to block…and unexpectedly, the shackle slips open. The chain falls to my feet. I am thrown back as the demon kicks me in the middle of my chest. I was caught off-guard. It won’t happen again.

  I turn in the air, landing on all fours. I’m on my feet in less than a second, which is good since he is on me.

  I’m free!

  Change of plan. I need him alive. That makes it a little more challenging. I don’t wait for him to come at me this time. I run at him. I duck for his tail and punch him in the groin. It doesn’t matter what the species, there are always a couple of weak spots that remain the same. The eyes, the throat, and the groin are the top three. I block a right and punch his throat. Then I start in on his face while he’s struggling to breathe. I keep a half-eye cocked on his tail, which I have to deflect numerous times. I go at his face, aiming for his eyes, nose, and mouth. There’s blood…and some teeth. Sharp little buggers.

  He shouts something at me in his demon tongue, blood dripping down his chin. I don’t have to understand to know he’s being a rude bastard.

  “Cythraul llysnafedd!” I shout back in Celtic. Loosely translated, it means demon scum, which I think is appropriate. I feel a pang. I miss home. I miss my mam and my tad. I miss my brothers. I never thought I would ever miss those stinky, loudmouthed brutes, but I do. I didn’t think I’d miss my boring little village, lamb cawl or cre
mpogs, but I do.

  I knee the demon hard in the crotch, and he goes down. I see his eyes roll back in his head. The yell he gives is also pretty universal and means something along the lines of, “I wish I was dead right now.”

  I snap the shackle closed on his arm with a click. When this bastard comes back around, he’s going to wish he was dead rather than compelled to guard this gateway. I’m hoping no one will notice my absence for a while. Maybe I’ll get a few days’ grace…maybe longer. I hope it will be enough.

  I open the gate and make my way topside. Before long, I am running. Pushing myself as fast as my legs will carry me. I have to find him. I have to convince him to help me. I have a plan and a backup plan. I will do what it takes to win back my freedom. Make no mistake, it doesn’t matter that the wind is blowing through my hair or that the open sky is above me, I am just as tightly shackled as ever. Even now, I can feel the pull.



  One week later…

  “Don’t look at me like that!” I grumble, keeping my eyes on the road as I indicate to turn into the parking lot.

  I know she’s looking at me. I can feel her eyes on me. It’s as if she knows where I’m taking her. “You should have gone back to wherever it is you came from,” I add as I park the car.

  I turn off the engine and sit there for a few seconds. When I turn to face her, there’s no malice in her gaze. No hate. No judgment. None of that.

  I’ll be fucked if the damned dog isn’t trying to guilt-trip the hell out of me. “Not happening,” I say, pulling my keys from the ignition.

  I get out of the car. The dog jumps out beside me, waiting for me.

  I sigh as I shut the door. I walk to the main building. The door is open, so I go on in. An older woman looks up from an ancient-looking desktop computer. Short-cropped steel gray hair frames a face that is deeply wrinkled. Her lips are a bright red. She breaks out a smile as soon as she sees us. “Morning. Lovely day, isn’t it?” Her eyes drift down to the dog, who is at my heel…as usual. “That’s a beautiful canine you have there.”


  Small talk!


  “My name is Gretchen.” She points at a plastic, handwritten name-tag. “How can I help you, dear?” Then her eyes widen. “You want to adopt a brother or sister for this gorgeous doggo to play with. Am I warm?” She gets excited, her eyes brightening.

  Before I can utter a single word, she bursts into rapid-fire conversation. My ears are bleeding. I don’t think there is another shelter in Newfolk. If there was, I would leave and go there. Fuck me, but this is torture!

  “I know I’m right. What’s her name? Let me guess…” She rubs her hands together. “Buttons? No, wait, that isn’t right!” She shakes her head, looking at the dog, “Bella…that’s better…or Sadie? What about Sadie?”

  I frown. Whatever this woman is smoking, I want some. I need some to get through this conversation.

  “No?” She shakes her head, clearly thinking it through.

  I feel a headache coming on. I want to press my fingers to my temples but refrain.

  “Oh, I know…what about Millie or Coco? Willow? No? Nugget!” she yells. “It has to be Nugget.”


  What the…?

  Who in their right mind would call a dog Nugget?

  “Satan’s Spawn,” I deadpan, folding my arms.

  She clutches her chest, “Satan…um…” She looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. “Satan’s Spawn,” she shakes her head, keeping her very wide eyes on mine, “isn’t such a good name…um…for a girl. Is it really Satan’s Spawn?” I notice that her hand is still clutching her chest, which is heaving.

  I shake my head.

  She pushes out a heavy breath and laughs…loudly. It hurts my ears. “That was a joke. Good one! You got me.” She laughs harder.

  I work to keep from growling at her. “The dog isn’t mine,” I say as I walk to her desk. The dog follows. It sits as soon as I stop walking.

  Gretchen is eyeing the creature. “She seems to know you just fine.” She looks up, suspicion in her eyes.

  “She’s been staying with me for a couple of days. The dog just turned up a few days ago and wouldn’t leave. I put up fliers and posted on all the local Facebook groups, but no one has claimed her.”

  “Did you take her to the local vet to check if she’s microchipped?”

  I nod. I’ve tried everything. This is it, the last resort. “I take it no one has called to say they’re missing a dog?”

  Gretchen’s eyes cloud. “I’m afraid not. Looks like a pure-bred Doberman. She’s a good size too. Hard to miss.” Gretchen is looking down.

  I look down as well. The dog is there, sitting at my heel, calmly waiting.

  “She likes you.”

  I shift. “I’m not a dog fan.” I shake my head. “I don’t have time for one.”

  “Larger breeds are generally easier. They tend to be less active. An older dog is already trained and—”

  “You can stop!” I try to keep the growl from my voice and fail. “I don’t want the dog.” Why do I keep having to explain myself? First to the guys and now to Gretchen.

  I see her swallow thickly. She nods once. “Of course. It is more difficult to rehome larger, more aggressive breeds. We might not be able to find a home for her.”

  I don’t want to hear this.

  It’s not my problem.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” I say. I realize that I mean it.

  “Are you sure there’s nothing I can say to change your mind?” I thought the look the dog gave me on the way here was bad…I was wrong. The look Gretchen is giving me right now is way worse.

  I shake my head. “I’m afraid not.”

  “I’ll need you to fill out a form with your information.” She pushes a few keys on the computer. “It would be helpful if you could leave a donation.” An old printer starts up in the corner.

  Gretchen stands and hobbles over there. She presses the heel of her hand into the small of her back before fetching the form and handing it to me with a pen. “That’s my last one…don’t steal it.” She touches the pen.

  I quickly fill in the form. It’s basic. Doesn’t take more than a minute. I hand it back to Gretchen. Her eyebrows shoot up. “Better with women… You’re not sure about other dogs or cats?”

  There was a section asking for details about the animal being brought to the shelter.

  I shrug. “I haven’t known her for very long. I’ve noticed that she seems to prefer women, for the most part, and that she isn’t too fond of men. She growls at them.”

  Gretchen tuts to herself. “That doesn’t bode well. Narrows the pool of potential adopters.”

  I can’t make this my problem. I have enough of my own. “Here,” I pull a couple of hundred dollar bills out of my wallet and hand them to Gretchen, “this should pay for her basics until you find her a home.” I peel two more off. “Maybe she could do with some therapy. Can dogs get therapy?” I frown.

  Gretchen smiles for the first time since she heard I was here to hand in the dog. “That’s generous of you, and yes, we can organize a couple of sessions with an animal behaviorist.”

  We stand there looking at each other for a few, long moments. Then I put a collar and a leash on the dog. “Be good,” I say before handing the leash to Gretchen, who nods.

  I walk out. I half expect the dog to break free and to come after me. Or to start howling and barking. She does neither. I heave out a huge sigh. That was easier than expected.

  The next day…

  It’s been hours and hours. All of the painting at Buns and Breads is done. I even stayed for a beer with the team who helped make it happen. Make that half a beer. It got tedious. I get bored easily.

  I can only hope that Stephan and his girlfriend have cleared out by now. I walk into my house, and the scent of sex hits my nostrils. I can hear a couple of heartbeats. Three, to be exact. I enter the room. “What the hell?” I
snarl as I see her.

  The dog. She’s here. How did she get here?

  I hear Stephan’s girlfriend mutter in her sleep. I ignore them, my eyes on the Doberman. She’s fast asleep. Curled up in a tight ball that somehow diminishes her substantial size.

  “Fuck!” Stephan groans. I hear him scrambling. It sounds like he’s trying to cover his woman. They’ve clearly been fucking up a storm on my sofa. I can scent condoms, semen – a truckload of the stuff – perspiration and pussy. I feel my hackles rise.

  “Relax!” I assure Stephanus. “I didn’t look at your girlfriend.” Why would I? She’s not my type at all. Far too fucking nice. I look up at him. His hair is a mess, and his eyes are bleary. I caught them napping after hardcore sex. Lucky fuck! How long has it been since I got laid?

  Too long.


  No wonder my blood pressure feels sky-high. No wonder I keep getting headaches lately. I need to empty my balls again soon. I get prickly otherwise.

  Stephan is grinning like the village fucking idiot. I want to pop him one in the jaw, so I look back down at the dog who sleeps on, seemingly oblivious. “Was she here when you arrived, or did she turn up since?”

  “Is that a dog bed?” he asks, frowning. Stephan scratches his head, making his hair worse. “Did you buy that for the dog?”


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