In the wrap up and the new beginning — to Julie Luke, Creative Manager, for her inspired cover art, sketches, design, and media wizardry.
I would also be amiss not to mention the coffee shops and baristas that have graciously housed this itinerant writer over the past three years. There have been many from coast to coast, but steadfastly are those few in SLC, UT — Cocoa Café, Two Creeks Café, Blue Star Café, Park City Coffee Roasters, and Atticus Tea and Books all of whom graciously let me use hours and hours of wifi and table space without ever a grumble or a pass code. A most heartfelt: Thanks.
Leer revolution=416 days
Leer season=17 turns
Leer turn= 8 days
Leer seasons common=Fon (Cool) Nom (Hot) Mof (Warm)
Rieeve seasonal names=Ime (Rest) Kive (Plant) Kojko (Harvest)
Leer direction=Northing (Fou), Southing (Opf), Sunrising (Tuw), Sunsetting (Vuw)
Note: On Leer, the sun rises in the west and sets in the east.
In Rieeve:
The Cawutt Family
Joash and Reean
Jake Fey
Ce’Mandu Family
Commander Lant
Pree K
Cant Leaders
Rieevan Council
Spokesman Grek Occoju
Commander Lant
Brauth Vanc
Sk’i Yinut
Fu Breeal (wife-Leeal Breeal)
Moer Ta’leer
Brap Cuiku
Tael Ruke
Joash Cawutt, the Mesko Tender (honorary member)
Cave Survivors
Pree K Ce’Mandu
Jhock Fen’la
Lily Tren’da
En’t Occoju
Fe Occoju
Hagen Yyota
In Legran:
The Monterays
Master Monteray
Monteray’s Sister’s sons
Jason Monteray Grant
Call Monteray Grant
Troy Naterey — leader of the Legran militia
In The Mountains:
Quieness (Palaces):
Empress SiQQiy
Jenta (SiQQiy’s Coadjutant)
SiQQiy’s Personal Guard
Lead Guard Netalf
Leef Keppik
Terro Tellah
Vadet Tien
Leit (Netalf’s younger brother)
Hilloy — stable manager at the Royal Palaces
In Cao City
Necassa (Librarian in Great Library, Cao City)
Mshavka (Telepathic waitress, Cao City)
Granj Soldiers (mentioned)
Impreo Takayo
Jiatak, the Kiutu (Minister of affairs to Impreo Takayo)
Jiap (Nien saved his life in the first Jayakan battle against the Ka’ull. Jiap and his family aided Carly after Ime Night)
Tem’a (soldier with supply regiment, poet, and unofficial camp psychologist)
Ketall (Commander of the Ka’ull Mat’ta and Tenkt’tla-shock troops)
Gren’tel (soldier with Rieeve occupation forces)
Lyrik — Reean’s great ancestor
Neda Ten — A provincial governor of the valley of Preak
Pronunciation guide
Me •rehr (meh rare)
Ni •en (nee uhn)
Si •QQiy (sigh key)
Ta •ka •yo (tuh kigh oh)
Ka’ •ull (kah ool)
Mon •te •ray (mahn tuh ray)
Tem• a (teh mah)
Ri •eeve (rye eave)
Qui •e •ness (key eh nuss)
Jay •ak (jigh ack)
Castle Viy •er (vigh yair)
Yullalpa song
Tai mai cavana
I fla to veeahl
Ma ta ma ta novahm
A veerta flee-ehn teeana
I pohdre Vasteel a mear hottovonee
Ma ta ma ta novahm
I Mesko
A freasente yullalpa
I fa tendehre a medthre vencentt
Ma ta ma ta novahm
Seegente tepedthre veelan
A leetal’s en myen-nehl
Ma ta ma ta novahmin
To great mountains
And lavender sky
Come come home
To sweet fields of teeana
To mighty castle and warm cobblestone
Come come home
To Mesko
And fragrant herb
To lonely father and worried mother
Come come home
Follow weary feet
And heart’s first prayer
Come come home
Prophet-Poet Eneefa. Ancient Writings. Book Seven.
E fe de lebaan’a tuvle
Melaan y teh’ta e cansa ma’n
Pesanta telaa
Ne’lanka uoo e emm’rtal louu
E gret’a tu entar
I me te dona’then
Se meeta ru neta
I sc’en ta too
Melaan, I jeik-a’ et te luua
A bonndo’ ne
E f’le
E to’ne
Sce’ken te mafa’la
Melaan, e scoka le e do’ur.
Why did we forget?
— was that part of the crime?
To leave devotion out in the cold
— just a beggar at the door?
Despised and left
— thrown down from higher worlds
A scant tug on the sleeve
— forgotten
Abandoned to note
— And line
— And word
Scratching like a thief
Just a beggar at the door.
About the Author —
Author, Screenwriter, Filmmaker, Poet, Qi Gong Instructor, and Metaphysician, Shytei Corellian B.Msc, is a fan of the serial comma and the author of four novels in release, fifteen in the works, two feature-length screenplays, one award-winning short, and over three hundred poems. She’s earned a ministerial degree in Spiritual Counseling, and is working on her thesis and dissertation in the Metaphysical field. As a Qi-Gong and Meditation Instructor, she’s helped others explore their inner truth and higher selves.
Shytei currently lives in Park City, UT, where she skis, bikes, and hikes when not curled up to write in the corner of local coffee shops.
Note from the Author —
Both personally and as a writer, I’ve known Wing and Nien for over thirty years. The memory of Wing, his life, and his world occurred spontaneously one day as I was laying on my bed, looking out my window where a dusty, battery-operated monkey sat on a swing, when I experienced something I often have, a fazing-out of this world and a materializing in my mind’s eye of another. This time, I saw Wing. He was standing in a small valley tucked between two immense mountain ranges, cradled like a loved thing. An autumn leaf fell from the tree he was standing beside and drifted to his feet. About him there was a stillness, all-encompassing and close, suspended in a world far beyond this one — but quite real.
That was the memory that started all this. It’s been a wonderful journey remembering him, Nien, their race and their world, and trying to write it all down.
Over the years since, I’ve often been accused of having a rather remarkable imagination. Nothing could be further from the truth. I’m just lucky to remember. I’ve heard it said that a writer’s characters are real — to them. That is also untrue. The lives we live here are but one moment in the great Eternal Now, where we all live multi-dimensional lives simultaneously. I remember Wing and Nien becaus
e I was there. That is the truth I’ve known since I was a child. I’ve never plotted out a book. I’ve never developed a character. They are as they are. They say to write what you know. Well, none of this is made up. I write what I know. And I remember Wing and Nien.
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