The Pale War

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The Pale War Page 21

by Max Jager

  She took the weapon lovingly in her hands. She held it close to her bosom. She looked at Alerius and said, "Please, come back."

  Alerius nodded his head. "I intended to."

  Alerius turned back around and walked down the long diamond corridor with the okren sentry leaving Aurela all alone. Aurela wished he would have touched her before he went. She wished he didn't feel the way he did. She wished he would say that he loved her. Just once. She felt that he did. She knew he did. She wanted to hear it from his lips though. She didn't want anything to happen to him.

  She squeezed the gun hard to her chest and looked up at the ceiling. "Please, let him be alright! I love him! I love him so much!"

  She was praying. A small tear trickled down her cheek and she closed her eyes as she felt them swell with tears. More tears ran down her face and she fell to her knees still with her head pointed up at the ceiling.

  She now began to weep. She looked at the shotgun as she did and her crying suddenly stopped. She looked over the gun very curiously. She then said to herself in a very curious tone, "I know this weapon."

  Meanwhile, Alerius followed the sentry right through the diamond city. Past the diamond building and past the castle itself. It lead him right through the diamond tunnel that he had first come through to get in when he was unconscious. The okren sentry lead him straight to the entrance of the cave.

  He stood outside and looked on the barren wasteland that was Traxus. The sentry stayed inside the cave. Alerius looked back at the sentry and asked, "How many of them are there?"

  The sentry was about to crawl back to the diamond city of Varggan when he heard Alerius ask. The sentry looked back and its voice filled Alerius's head. "Five.-Five was the number that stole the staff.-Staff was taken by five."

  "Which way?"

  "Turn left.-Left, then, keep going straight.-Straight to their camp."

  The sentry turned and was about to leave again when Alerius in a harsh manor asked, "Why was the Turquoise Steed in that chamber?"

  The sentry turned back around. "Chamber is feeding ground.-Ground was where we had to place him.-No room for him but there.-There is where he stayed.-Stayed undisturbed though!"

  Alerius sneered at the sentry. He was appalled. Not that they fed on human corpses or that they had kept his body period. No, he was offended by the fact they had laid him to rest with such trash. Free roaming bandits and dishonored soldiers. A great hero like him didn't belong there.

  Before the sentry left he said one more thing to Alerius. "How he got there?-There that he is dead.-Dead, ask Karion."

  The little okren sentry finally disappeared into the darkness. Alerius turned to the left and looked out across the plains of Traxus. He took a deep breath and said to himself, "I intend to."

  He began to walk straight for the migzights. Alerius wondered if he was walking towards his doom. He had no choice though. If he wanted that ship to get off this planet he had to do this!

  Planet Traxus: Wild Korzen

  Yellow Korzen and a party of about eight migzights were all ready to go to hunt down the Red Firius. Korzen was about to move out when he saw something in the distance. A small human like shadowy figure. He took a few steps closer to the object and then smiled to himself. "It's him!" He said.

  He commanded all the migzights back to their respective tents and they did as they were told.

  Korzen went into the small hut to talk to Commander Rathus. He walked right up to him and said, "He's here!"

  Rathus slowly got up from his chair and said, "Well then, I guess I better give him a warm welcome."

  Rathus stepped outside the hut and Korzen just stood inside the hut. That smile still on his face. He knew that the Red Firius would put up quite a fight but when he was almost finished and Rathus stood proud above his prey, that would be when he would kill them both.

  Korzen had no idea that he was changing. In the past he would have never thought about killing an ally. It was extremely dishonorable. Dishonor now didn't even enter his head. He was becoming corrupted. He had joined the hellion forces and somehow that was changing him. The way he thought, the way he acted, the way he felt. Evil was pouring into him like sand through an hourglass. As time goes on, the sand will become more and more. As time would go on for the Korzen, he would get more and more evil. Soon, the hellion forces would have a total lock on his soul, he would be damned to a life of servitude and the reason he actually switched sides would be lost under the weight of the evil. Soon, he would be a true disciple of Hell!

  Planet Traxus: Alerius Outnumbered

  Alerius had to travel up a small hill but he could see the migzight camp in sight. He had this hard stair as he approached. The Gatlin rifle ready at his side. His steps soft against the ground. His heart beating steadily in his chest. His concentration locked on the small tents.

  Soon he was about ten feet from the first tent when he stopped and looked about the camp. It was a migzight camp sight alright but no migzights. No migzights in it at all. A small wind blew threw the camp and then faded off. Alerius took a deep breath and looked around. He figured maybe they were gone. Or maybe he was walking into a trap. Either way, he didn't see any of the skilled reptilian combatants.

  He took six more steps thinking that maybe he could search each tent to find the diamond staff. The hut at the end would come last. He thought maybe he had overreacted and he could be out of here fast and quick. He thought wrong.

  From around the hut, past the two rows of tents, came this big migzight. He was dressed rather well. (For a migzight) Alerius knew right off that this one was in charge. He looked the big crocodilian humanoid over and noticed two things. One: The necklace of volcanis claws and the bone in the middle. This told Alerius the skill and dangerousness of this big creature. Two: this thing had not come for friendly chitchat. It stared menacingly at him and he right back at it. Both knew they were in for a fight.

  Alerius figured on trying though. "I've come for the diamond staff you stole!"

  The big migzight did not even flinch. "Yes, we figured. Allow me to introduce myself Firius. I am Commander Rathus."

  Alerius shifted his head. "We?"

  This crocodilian smile came over the commander. "Yes, later though, for right now I'd like to talk to the great Red Firius."

  Alerius was a little shocked not expecting idle chat from the monstrous commander. But he figured maybe he could get something out of the commander. He decided to humor him. "What about commander? This equipment is awfully heavy."

  "Oh don't worry Firius, you'll get to use that stuff in a little while."

  "Oh joy." Alerius said sarcastically.

  This huge booming laugh came from Rathus. "I though you'd like that! So agent, what brings you down Traxus way?"

  Alerius hardly even moved. "Sight seeing."

  Another humongous laugh came from the commander. "I'm sure! What are you seeing, dirt?"

  "I saw a really big worm."

  Again, Rathus let out this huge laugh. "Quite the pests, aren't they? Had to take down a few before we landed here."

  Alerius was getting nowhere. He was at least hoping he could get some bit of information about this okren artifact but all he was getting was more droll talk. Alerius was pleasantly surprised by the loquaciousness of his enemy but now he was getting bored. He thought maybe this was the way they were going to kill him. Bore him to death! "Are we going to do this or not?"

  "Patience Red! I have never seen anyone in such a hurry to die!"

  "I take it you won't be 'giving' me the staff then."

  "Afraid not Red. However, I am willing to talk. Prolong your death somewhat."

  "I'm not going to die." Alerius pushed a button on the Gatlin rifle which turned the first bullet into place.

  "Your really not in the mood to talk, are you? Fine! Then die!"

  Suddenly, from the first row of tents to the left came four migzights. One, popped halfway out of the tent's entrance flap. Its left hand was sticking out and on it
was this metal arm cling with a spinning circular saw! Another, jumped straight out of its tent and landed on the ground very gracefully. It had this somewhat looking gas mask on and had two long double-edged blades on both of its forearms. From another tent, on the same side, came this migzight with one glove on. On the glove was four long blades sticking out like fingernails. On its shoulders were two huge blades that stuck out like the edges of a cape collar. Finally, came this migzight covered in this bladed armor. It was comprised of these metal pads with small spikes on them. On its hands were two blades each that were both double-bladed. On its feet were these hooked blades that kind of pointed upward. So that they would rip flesh and muscle.

  All four of them began to head towards Alerius when four more migzights also with bladed weaponry popped out of the tent line to the right! Alerius pulled the trigger and the Gatlin quickly began to deliver a hail of bullets! Alerius had to step back because of the force of the gun! The loud roar was almost deafening and it took half of Alerius's strength to keep the gun steady! The bright light from the Gatlin rifle was only rivaled by the sun!

  The bullets began to tear the ground and even the tents apart! The first migzight from the right row of tents was cut down and so was the one behind him! The one with the circular saw dodged the bullets and let the storm blast the forearm bladed one. The bladed forearm migzight began to swing his arms about wildly and was reflecting the bullets! Some hit him but only nicked a few places on his arm. The blood began to pour from his arms but he had no time to stop. He was a machine of survival!

  Meanwhile, the saw migzight launched two saws right at Alerius and they flew towards him! Both of them whizzed through the air with this high pitch scream. Alerius swung the assault Gatlin around and blasted the two saws right out of the air. They fell onto the ground bent and dented from the bullets.

  Alerius then swung the Gatlin back around and focused back on the forearm bladed migzight who was ready to deflect his attack. The bullets rampaged on and another migzight fell. The forearm bladed migzight suddenly jumped in the air and started to come down on Alerius. Alerius dodged to his left and rolled on the ground. The forearm migzight planted his two twin blades directly into the ground about halfway. He was stuck.

  Alerius heaved the Gatlin up while he was still on the ground, bent on one knee, and blasted the migzight. The migzight's body was torn apart by the barrage of bullets! All that was left was the two blades that were still stuck in the ground! Everything else of the alien had been turned into a mangled bloody mess!

  Alerius got up on both feet and yelled out as he kept firing on the migzight squad. It was starting to turn into an army though as more migzights were appearing. Some were coming out of the back tents but most seemed to be coming from behind the big migzight leader. They brought new and more dangerous bladed weaponry to the battlefield.

  Alerius kept up the attack. Two migzights came from behind three others and had huge spinning saws on their arms. They were as big as shields which were deflecting the bullets. They spun fast and the two migzights operating them were hungry for Alerius's blood!

  They both came at him and Alerius rolled backwards and kept up the assault with the gun like before on one knee. Only this time, these migzights were not going to be as easy as the last. The reinforcements were getting closer too.

  As they got near him, Alerius swung the Gatlin gun like a huge club and knocked both of them to the ground while their saw shields were still spinning. The Gatlin was still roaring out bullets too. Alerius quickly got to his feet and pointed the gun right at them. They quickly became mutilated and dismembered.

  Alerius swung the gun back at the hoard coming after him. He kept the trigger pulled as he aimed the gun back at the migzights. He took down at least six more before the gun finally ran out of bullets. He threw the huge gun to the ground and it slammed onto the dirt.

  Alerius ripped out the small AKs and ran at the small army of migzights. All kinds had joined the fray now. All with different types of bladed weapons. Alerius ran into the middle of them and blasted at them with the twin small rifles. The first two he took out right away before he entered the group.

  He was suddenly surrounded! One shot a saw at him while another took a swing for his head with a customized sword. Alerius ducked and swung his body like a top taking out three pairs of legs. The one that had taken the swing for his neck dropped to the ground dead, his head gone from the saw that missed Alerius's.

  Alerius shot back up and got a migzight in the face with the butt of the right gun and with the same gun shot an opposite one in the face. He then spun around and the one he had hit with the butt of the gun, he kicked him right in the gut with his knee. The migzight went flying back and while he was in midair, Alerius raised the right gun and blasted him even further into the air.

  Alerius was attacked by three migzights right in a row but he aimed the two guns and blasted them away and when he was done with them, he felt the presence of three more coming from behind him. He raised the two guns up onto his shoulders backwards and blasted at them without even looking. There were three and he nailed all three.

  The guns were still on his shoulders when he eject the two magazines from them. He quickly aimed at a new section of the small army and reloaded. He aimed at one migzight with a baton that had two circular saws at each end. He blasted away and the migzight flew backwards slashing away at two behind him killing them.

  Alerius jumped and spun his body firing as he went killing one migzight in the process. He landed and then rolled. He re-aimed at the small army and on one knee began to fire at them once again. He killed two before getting back onto his feet. He walked slowly and four surprised him from both sides. They came racing out of some tents that were right next to him. Alerius crossed his arms in front of him and held the two guns close. He made sure that both the guns were fixed right and left. He then pulled back the triggers and blew away the four on both sides of him! He then swung the two guns right back in front of him and began to blast away into a small group of migzights.

  He took down five more before the guns clicked empty. He ejected the two empty magazines and loaded in two new ones. By this time though, one migzight was right on top of him and had a long double bladed sword. There were two blades connected end-on-end. Alerius rolled to dodge the assault but half of his shirt was taken. Alerius rolled and then flipped himself over. He then ripped one of his grenades off the bandolier around his body and threw it right at the migzight that attacked him. The grenade tumbled on the ground and came to rest right near the migzight's feet. It blew sending dust and small hunks of metal in the air along with a few pieces of what was left of the migzight.

  Alerius refocused back onto the small army and began shooting again. He took three down before he saw two migzights come from behind the others. As if they let them come through. They were loaded with these saw launchers and each had about six launchers right next to their ribs. On their backs were these huge metal packs that were loaded with saws. They seemed to be attached to these metal saw launchers as ammo storage. These migzights were living super weapons! The first twelve saws were launched from the two. They whizzed through the air at high speed. Twelve more were launched right after them and then twelve more. It was an onslaught of saws. Alerius just slowly lowered the guns in hopelessness of this new threat.

  He rolled to one side and the saws were sent flying past him but more saws were launched as now a barrage of saws were coming after him. He kept dodging them but they just kept coming. He shot at most of them while rolling but they just kept coming. Alerius then switched his rolling and began to roll right towards the two migzights. He kept shooting as they kept launching. The saws bounced off each other as the bullets changed their path. Bullets and saws collided as Alerius got closer to the two living weapons. Suddenly he was close enough and he stuck two grenades into two of the launchers. He almost lost his hands while doing it too. He then jumped in a mid-roll and jumped as far as he could horizontally.<
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  The two grenades were hit by ejected saws and the rest following got jammed by the grenades until they exploded. Alerius had his hands covering his head with his face was towards the ground. Saws, fire, dust, metal hunks, and pieces of flesh went everywhere! The small army was knocked down to the ground, not dead, just blown away by the force of the two blasts.

  Alerius got up after everything had settled and saw that there were still plenty of the migzights left. His guns were empty so he ejected the magazines. He had no more so he threw the two guns to the ground and tore out two of the SMGs. He ran at the small army while they were still trying to get their bearings. He killed two and killed two more up close and personal. Blasting bullets through their bottom jaw lines.

  He then swung his body and sent at least eight bullets right into the stomach of one. Another one he blasted out their temple. Two more went down after trying to cut him into three different pieces with these huge metal hand-claws they had.


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