Everything to Everyone

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Everything to Everyone Page 13

by Sherryl Hancock

  “Gonna go now,” Quinn said, moving to stand as the group started laughing raucously.

  “Stop it!” Xandy exclaimed.

  “Damnit, Sarah’s going for it again… How many times…” Devin said, shaking her head.

  “Yo, Harley,” Rayden said, as she walked out of the bar with shots in her hand.

  Harley’s head snapped around and Rayden held up the shots, her dark eyes sparkling with mischief. Harley nodded, said something to Sarah, then walked toward Rayden. The group started clapping and Shiloh saw Sarah give them all a dirty look as she walked away.

  “Ya saved the day again, Ray!” Jet said.

  “Gotta save my girl…” Rayden said, grinning. “Hey Shiloh, ya finally made it here, huh?” she said, smiling at Shiloh, as she did the shot with Harley.

  “Yeah…” Shiloh said, smiling.

  Shiloh spent the rest of the evening observing and listening to the group debate about everything under the sun. At one point, she was dragged out on the dance floor with Natalia, Raine, Jovina, Cat, and Devin. Harley joined them after the first song, because there were a couple of women who were doing their best to hit on Shiloh.

  Harley leaned in close to her ear. “Go with it,” she told her and she winked.

  Harley moved close to her and slid her hand around Shiloh’s waist as she started to dance with her. Shiloh was surprised at how well Harley moved; she had a very natural rhythm. She looked up at Harley who was looking down at her, grinning. She knew then that Harley was doing exactly what Shiloh had done with Julie, pretending to be a love interest to back the other women off. It worked like a charm. It seemed that any women who were with the group tended to be left alone once claimed. Most people were afraid. There’d been a few confrontations and the group always stepped up for each other, so no one really wanted to mess with them.

  As the song ended and Harley stepped back and Shiloh found that she felt disappointed. She grabbed Harley’s hand and smiled up at her.

  “Stay here,” Shiloh said, the alcohol flowing through her veins making feel her brave.

  The song that played next was Kevin Lyttle’s “Turn Me On.” Harley stayed a little farther away this time, but continued to dance with Shiloh.

  Harley sang the bridge to her, grinning. It talked about the love interest not getting away and that she would be going home with her tonight.

  “That would be because I live at your house,” Shiloh said, laughing.

  “True,” Harley said, laughing too.

  At one point, Natalia moved over to Harley.

  “You need to do my class, juera!” she yelled into Harley’s ear.

  Harley laughed. “Not sure I could keep up.”

  Natalia turned around, putting her back to Harley’s chest, her hands on Harley’s thighs moving her body seductively to the music. Harley put her hands to Natalia’s waist and moved with her, easily matching her moves. Natalia winked at Shiloh and then smiled at Raine who was watching indulgently, knowing what Natalia was doing. When the song ended, Natalia turned around to Harley.

  “Your ass, in my class, tomorrow at nine!”

  Harley laughed, nodding.

  It was a fun evening.

  As Harley drove them home at two in the morning, she looked over at a drunk-looking Shiloh in the passenger seat.

  “How you doin’ over there?” Harley asked, grinning.

  “Oh, I’m okay…” Shiloh said, her tone singsong.

  Harley chuckled. “Really feeling it, aren’t you?”

  “Oh yes,” Shiloh said, nodding.

  “Did you have fun?” Harley asked.

  “I did,” Shiloh said, nodding. “And I learned a couple of things…”

  “What did you learn?” Harley asked, smiling widely.

  “Well, I learned that butch women are sometimes called ‘bois’ and that you aren’t really butch, but kind of butch, which apparently makes you a soft butch.”

  Harley laughed shaking her head. “All that, huh?”

  “Oh and I saw that you are so totally hot property,” she said then, sounding really drunk at that moment.

  “Hot property?” Harley queried with a raised eyebrow.

  “Mmmhmm,” Shiloh said. “You had so many women after you…” she said, her voice trailing off as she shook her head. “I lost count.”

  Harley pressed her lips together, suppressing a grin. “Why were you counting?”

  “Well, ’cause it was interesting,” Shiloh said, sounding almost petulant.

  “Interesting how?” Harley asked curiously.

  “It was like they all wanted you,” Shiloh said. “Do you realize how many of them kissed you?”

  “That’s a chick thing, babe,” Harley said.

  “No one kissed me,” Shiloh said, sounding put out.

  They pulled up to a light and Harley looked over at Shiloh, grinning.

  “If you were looking to get kissed at a girl bar, babe, I think I was the one that messed that up for you.”

  “Yeah, how did that work anyway?” Shiloh asked. “After you danced with me, no one else even approached me.”

  “Well, that’s the power of the group, babe, not me.”

  “What’s that mean?” Shiloh asked.

  “Well, apparently there have been a few issues in the past with people messing with women who were part of our group… Most recently, it was Rayden taking out two guys who were after Jazmine. Enough people have seen it and spread the word that people shouldn’t mess with us.” Harley shrugged. “So most of the time if we show girls at The Club we’re interested or with someone, they back off.”

  “So that’s why you danced with me?” Shiloh asked, looking crestfallen.

  Harley couldn’t help but grin. “I liked dancing with you, Shy.”

  “You did?” Shiloh asked, looking shy suddenly.

  Harley smiled softly, knowing that Shiloh was drunk and therefore feeling very emotional and sentimental. She touched Shiloh’s cheek gently.

  “Yes, I did.”

  Shiloh nodded, looking happy with at that answer. When Harley started to take her hand away, however, Shiloh grabbed it, holding it with both of hers. Harley chuckled, pulling her hand and therefore both of Shiloh’s to her lips. She kissed Shiloh’s hands a couple of times.

  “I need to shift, babe,” Harley said gently, when Shiloh didn’t let her hand go.

  “Oh, sorry,” Shiloh said, biting her lip as she let go of Harley’s hand.

  Shiloh watched Harley drive. She knew she’d had too much to drink, and she knew that she was talking way more than she should. Harley had been very sweet that night, very attentive, despite all the women who’d been hitting on her all night. All those women and here Harley was, driving her home to her house, where she’d invited her to live… How many women could say that? She lived with the hot property…

  “They all kissed you…” Shiloh said.

  Harley glanced over at her again. “We covered that, babe.”

  “Yeah, but I remember what a good kisser you are…”

  Harley grimaced, laughing. “You were the first girl I ever kissed, Shy.”

  “I was?” Shiloh asked, shocked.

  “Yep,” Harley said, nodding.

  “Wow…” Shiloh said smiling slyly. “Are you an even better kisser now?”

  Harley laughed out loud. “God I fuckin’ hope so!” she exclaimed.

  “But you have something else too…” Shiloh said.

  Harley glanced over at Shiloh, wondering where these ramblings were coming from.

  “What else do I have?” Harley found herself asking.

  “You have this whole sexy smart thing…” Shiloh said, gesturing with her hand at Harley as a whole.

  Once again, Harley found herself shocked. It was scary the things that were coming out of her friend’s mouth. Fortunately, it was a fairly short drive from The Club to the house, only twelve minutes at two a.m. Before long Harley was following Shiloh up the stairs in the house, trying to en
sure she didn’t trip. She followed Shiloh to her bedroom door.

  “You okay from here?’ Harley asked.

  Shiloh nodded numbly.

  “Okay,” Harley said, smiling.

  Unexpectedly, Shiloh reached up to hug Harley. Harley held Shiloh against her, smiling against the top of her head. Shiloh turned her head and kissed Harley’s neck. Harley felt a jolt go through her, which had her stepping back and pulling her head back. She caught the confused look on Shiloh’s face, but simply kissed her on the forehead and then turned to go into her room, closing the door quietly. She leaned her head back against the door, blowing her breath out. After a couple of minutes, she got changed and got into bed. Sleep was really elusive that night; in the end she got about two hours total.

  Regardless, Harley got up the next morning to go to Natalia’s class. She dragged a hungover Shiloh with her, but Shiloh refused to join in, she simply watched. Everyone in the group was doing their best to support Jazmine and Natalia’s venture in the dance studio. Natalia and Jazmine had even brought in a kickboxing instructor to appeal to the bois.

  Shiloh watched the class, specifically watching Harley, surprised once again with Harley’s dancing ability. It was obvious the woman had rhythm and she seemed to pick up the steps quickly. Devin, Cat, Jovina, Xandy, Cody, McKenna, Shenin, Raine, and Zoey did the class as well. The girls all joked and poked at each other during the class, even though Natalia tended to focus on them and harass them to work harder. Shiloh stood with the ‘bois’ and listened to their conversations, finding much of it amusing.

  “No, she’s cute,” Quinn was saying at one point.

  “She’s not family though,” Skyler said, shaking her head.

  “Ya sure about that?” Jet asked, raising a black eyebrow.

  “What do you know?” Tyler asked, grinning at Jet.

  “I shouldn’t kiss and tell,” Jet said, grinning slyly.

  Quinn, Skyler, and Jericho all looked back at Jet with varying degrees of shock.

  “Before Fadiyah!” Jet said, holding up her hands. “Before, seriously!”

  “Better have been,” Skyler said, eyeing Jet pointedly. Then she looked over at Quinn and Jericho. “She was a bit of a slut before, though…”

  “Slut?” Jet repeated, her look offended.

  “Tramp?” Skyler asked, grinning.

  “Whore?” Quinn supplied.

  “Player, please!” Jet said, laughing.

  “Same difference,” Rayden put in.

  “Not to me,” Jet said. She glanced at Shiloh. “Shiloh, what do you think?”

  Shiloh looked back at Jet, who was one amazing-looking woman with her black hair and light green eyes.

  “I think I like player better too,” Shiloh said, grinning.

  “See?” Jet said giving the others a wry look.

  “So when’s the rematch?” Shiloh asked Quinn then.

  “Wot?” Quinn queried, sounding very Irish.

  “With Harley,” Shiloh said, nodding toward the dance floor.

  “Oh…” Quinn said, grinning. “Yeah, I dunno, Harley needs to make the call.”

  “I need to get in on that…” Jet said, shaking her head.

  “She already beat the Mas,” Quinn said. “Ya thinkin’ the Fastback?’

  “Yeah…” Jet said, grinning.

  “Come on then,” Quinn said, her look challenging.

  “Oh Lord,” Kashena said, as she and Sierra walked up.

  “What?” Jet queried.

  “You planning to race the Fastback?” Kashena asked, having come in during the last part of the conversation.

  “Yeah, maybe, why?” Jet asked.

  “You’re her best asset,” Jericho told Jet, reminding her that her boss frequently referred to her that way.

  “And if you’re dead…” Kashena said, grinning as her dark blue eyes sparkled.

  “That’s all you care about, boss? Harsh,” Jet said, shaking her head. “Just harsh, Kash…”

  Kashena laughed, as did the rest of the group.

  “Where’s Baz?” Jet asked.

  “Ashley’s not feeling well. Neither is the baby, so…” Kashena said, shrugging.

  “That sucks,” Jet said, pressing her lips together. “Fadi is talking about a baby,” she said, widening her eyes and grimacing.

  “Not quite ready for that level of domesticity?” Quinn teased.

  “Hey, at least I made a commitment and married my girl,” Jet countered.

  “I don’t hear Xandy complaining,” Quinn said, grinning.

  “Alright bois…” Jericho said, shaking her head.

  In the car on the way to the restaurant where the group was having lunch, Shiloh told Harley she thought she did well in the class. Harley simply grinned, rolling her eyes. They’d just pulled into the lot of the restaurant when Harleys’ phone rang. She answered it on the hands free.

  “’Lo?” she answered.

  “Harley?” a woman’s voice queried uncertainly.

  “Yeah…” Harley replied, looking like she didn’t recognize the voice.

  “It’s Roslynn… from San Francisco,” the woman said, adding her location when Harley didn’t respond.

  “Oh… Hey, how are you?” Harley said, grinning now.

  “I’m good…” Roslynn said. She was silent for a few moments. “So you had said that when I was in L.A. I should look you up… And I’m coming to LA…”

  “Okay…” Harley said, her tone leading. “When will you be here?”

  “On Thursday,” Rosylnn said. “I’d really like to see you, if that’s possible.”

  “That would be great,” Harley said, smiling now. “Where are you staying?”

  “Umm,” Roslynn stammered. “Well… You had said… umm…”

  Harley smacked her forehead with her hand. “I said you could stay with me, didn’t I? Of course, no problem at all.”

  “Are you sure?” Roslynn queried.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” Harley said, smiling. “Are you flying in?”

  “Yes, to LAX,” Roslynn said.

  “Text me the info, I’ll pick you up.”

  “Okay,” Roslynn replied. “That would be great. I’m really looking forward to seeing you again.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Harley said warmly.

  “I’ll text you, and I’ll see you Thursday,” Roslynn said.

  They hung up a minute later. Harley and Shiloh got out of the car and walked into the restaurant.

  “We were beginning to think you weren’t going to make it,” Rayden said, grinning.

  “Got a call just as we got here,” Harley explained, holding a chair out for Shiloh.

  “We’re getting a houseguest,” Shiloh said, grinning.

  “Huh?” Devin queried.

  “Roslynn is coming down,” Harley explained.

  “The hot brunette from Pride?” Quinn asked, her eyes bright.

  Harley grinned and nodded.

  “Well, alright then!” Quinn said, holding her hand up to high five Harley.

  Harley shook her head, even as she did the high five.

  “You two were loud,” Devin said. She glanced over at Shiloh. “Get headphones,” she told her winking.

  “Seriously?” Harley said to Devin.

  “You don’t realize how loud you were,” Skyler said, grinning. “Trust me, she needs headphones.”

  Harley looked at Shiloh. “Don’t listen to those two,” she told her.

  “I heard you too,” Cat said, grinning. “And I always thought Jovi was loud,” she said, winking at her girlfriend.

  “I am,” Jovina said, “but Ros was louder.”

  “Okay, we need to stop talking about this now,” Harley said, looking embarrassed.

  “It’s a good thing when they’re loud, Harley,” Jet said, grinning. “It means you’re doing it right.”

  “Is that what it means?” McKenna asked, winking at Cody.

  “It means someone’s doing something right,” Cody agreed, lau

  “It’s definitely a good thing, though,” Zoey said, her hand in Jericho’s.

  “Never heard a complaint yet,” Jericho replied, smiling widely.

  “And you never will,” Zoey told her.

  “Can we please stop talking about this now?” Harley asked, sighing.

  “When’s the hottie comin’ in?” Quinn asked, ignoring Harley’s request. She was always interested in stirring up trouble.

  “Thursday,” Harley said, shaking her head.

  “So you’ll bring her to The Club Friday?” Xandy asked.

  “I guess,” Harley said.

  “You will,” Rayden said, grinning.

  “Is that an order?”

  “Yep,” Rayden said without hesitation.

  “Fine, now can we change the subject?” Harley asked.

  The group laughed and continued with their lunch.

  Chapter 7

  Wednesday night Harley was getting ready for bed when Shiloh knocked on her open bedroom door.

  “Harley?” Shiloh queried.

  “Yeah?” Harley replied from the bathroom.

  “Guess who’s back?” Shiloh said, her look pointed.

  “Fuck, seriously?” Harley asked, turning around to lean against the vanity sink.

  “Yep,” Shiloh said, nodding.

  “Son of a…” Harley muttered.

  “What do you want to do?” Shiloh asked.

  Harley blew her breath out, shaking her head. “I don’t know… how far are you willing to help me on the ‘girlfriend’ angle?”

  “I will do whatever you need, Harley,” Shiloh said sincerely.

  “Would you sleep in here tonight?” Harley asked hesitantly.

  “I said I’d do whatever you need, Harley, I meant it.”

  Harley blew her breath out, nodding. “Okay, cool, thanks.”

  “You need to go talk to her,” Shiloh said.

  “I don’t wanna,” Harley said, grinning then.

  “Do you wanna talk about credit card limits?” Shiloh asked, her look pointed.

  “I think I’ll talk to Julie,” Harley said, as if it had been her idea all along.

  Shiloh chuckled as Harley walked past her toward the door. She returned a few minutes later.

  “How’d that go?” Shiloh asked.

  “I got the same excuse as last time, but she swears she’ll stay in her own room tonight.”


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