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Everything to Everyone

Page 16

by Sherryl Hancock

  Roslynn pulled off Harley’s tank top, sliding her hands over her skin, her nails grazing it and causing Harley to shudder slightly. Roslynn looked down at Harley, her eyes so heated that Harley was almost certain she could feel flames lick out from them.

  “I want you to fuck me,” Roslynn told her, her voice husky.

  Harley felt her breath catch in her throat. She slid her hands up Roslynn’s back, clasped her shoulders, and moved her onto her back in one swift movement. Roslynn groaned loudly, and felt her whole body come alive as Harley looked down at her. She scooted back on the bed quickly, never taking her eyes off Harley.

  “I want to feel you against me,” she told Harley.

  Harley shifted, putting her still jean clad legs between Roslynn’s and did exactly what Roslynn wanted, moving her body over Roslynn’s, causing friction in all the right places. Roslynn’s nails bit into Harley’s skin as she grasped at her, pulling her closer as she orgasmed over and over again.

  At one point, Harley positioned herself next to Roslynn who then took the initiative and unbuttoned Harley’s jeans. She pushed them down as Harley kicked off her boots. Within minutes, Harley was naked and Roslynn was sliding her body over Harley’s, kissing her neck and feeling Harley groan lowly in her throat. Harley’s hands buried themselves in Roslynn’s hair that was now hanging loose, holding her where she was. Roslynn took that cue and moved her lips over Harley’s neck, kissing, licking, and sucking at her skin. Harley came with a gasping groan, her body taut and pressing against Roslynn’s.

  Shiloh heard their lovemaking and did everything she could to block it out. The worst part was hearing Harley’s voice raised in her excitement. Shiloh actually felt her body respond to the sound. Suddenly she realized that it wasn’t just men that needed to take cold showers sometimes. She did exactly that, and then went to sit in the part of the house that was farthest from Harley’s room. It was going to be a long visit, apparently.

  Chapter 7

  The next night, everyone was meeting up at The Club. Devin and Skyler came to Harley’s house, planning to take Shiloh with them to The Club, since Harley would have Roslynn with her and her Z only held two people.

  Roslynn wore tight bootcut jeans and a black body-hugging shirt that was off the shoulders and with silver and rhinestone accents. She also wore three inch heeled boots with a rhinestone boot jewel. Her makeup was darker, but artfully done to make her dark green eyes glow.

  Next to her Shiloh felt absolutely dowdy once again. She’d opted for a casual outfit that night, figuring that Harley wouldn’t have time to rescue her like she had the week before. Shiloh wore jeans, a pair of the booties that she’d gotten for her birthday, and an army-green silk tank top that Harley had insisted she get since it almost matched her eyes. She did her makeup softly, not over the top. Even so, Harley smiled at her when she came downstairs to join the group.

  “You look great,” Harley told her, smiling.

  Shiloh simply chuckled and shook her head.

  They all left the house a few minutes later and were at The Club ten minutes after that. After the reintroductions, most of the group had already met Roslynn in San Francisco, Harley made her way out to the patio to smoke and have a beer. Roslynn went with her. Not too long after that, Shiloh spotted Sarah heading for the patio. She immediately texted Harley to warn her.

  Harley got the message, and looked up just as Sarah walked out.

  “Harley,” Sarah said, as if she hadn’t known that Harley was outside. “We never finished our talk.”

  Harley looked back at Sarah, as Devin, Skyler, Quinn, and Xandy stepped out onto the patio. She glanced back at her friends, then shook her head, looking back at Sarah.

  “Sarah, this is Roslynn,” Harley said, gesturing to Roslynn sitting across from her. “Ros, this is Sarah, my ex.”

  Sarah and Roslynn exchanged a look and nodded at each other. Sarah walked away then, but only strolled as far as the bar. She sat down on a bar stool, looking over at Harley and the group.

  “Great, so she’s gonna stare at ya for the next four hours…” Quinn muttered, rolling her eyes.

  “Where’s Shy?” Harley asked, glancing around.

  “She went to the bathroom,” Devin told her. “She knows we’re out here.”

  Harley looked worried for a moment, but then she nodded. It didn’t escape Roslynn’s notice and she narrowed her eyes. Though no one except for Devin saw. Rayden, Grayson, Jericho, and Zoey joined the group a few minutes later. Harley looked around, then stood up. She leaned down and kissed Roslynn on the lips.

  “I’ll be right back,” she said and walked inside the bar.

  As she’d half expected, Shiloh had been cornered by one of the butches and she was being chatted up rather extensively.

  “Hey, Shy, there you are,” she said, putting her hands on Shiloh’s shoulders possessively. “We’re out here,” she said, nodding toward the patio.

  “Okay, great,” Shiloh said, sounding relieved. “I’m gonna go join my friends now,” she said, smiling at the butch.

  “Well, now wait…” the woman said, putting her hand out to stop Shiloh from leaving.

  “Honey,” Harley said, looking at the butch, “she’s straight.”

  The butch looked shocked by, but then grinned. “Well, I can fix that.”

  “If anyone is gonna fix that, it’s gonna be me, so…” Harley said, her tone very matter of fact. So much so that Shiloh glanced up sharply at Harley, who winked at her.

  Finally, the butch nodded, looking disappointed, and Harley steered Shiloh towards the patio.

  “Gonna be you, huh?” she queried as they walked out the door, a smile on her lips.

  “Uh-huh,” Harley said, grinning with her tongue between her teeth, her blue eyes sparkling mischievously.

  Harley sat back down at their table, looping her foot around a chair leg from the next table to drag it closer to her so Shiloh could sit down.

  “What happened?” Quinn asked, having noted Harley’s departure and return with Shiloh.

  “She had to rescue me again,” Shiloh said, grinning.

  “Gonna keep happening,” Devin said, shaking her head. “Or you’re gonna have to get ugly or something,” she said with a wink.

  “Right, okay, sure…” Shiloh said, rolling her eyes.

  “Or ya could just switch sides,” Quinn said, winking at Shiloh outrageously.

  “Or that,” Harley said, grinning.

  “I keep hearing that suggestion…” Shiloh said, laughing as she shook her head.

  “What do you expect?” Rayden asked. “You are hanging out with a bunch of lesbians.”

  “Well, that’s true,” Shiloh said, grinning.

  Roslynn stood up causing everyone to stop and look at her. She was a very hot looking woman and it didn’t go unnoticed.

  She leaned down, kissed Harley’s lips, and said, “I’ll be right back.”

  The group watched as Roslynn sauntered over to the bar, and started talking to Sarah.

  “What the…” Quinn muttered.

  “What is she doing?” Devin asked, as they all watched Roslynn lean in closer to Sarah.

  Shiloh glanced at Harley and noted that she was looking on, her face expressionless.

  “Holy crap…” Rayden said as Sarah stood, looking at Roslynn with definite interest.

  “Alright then,” Jet said glancing at Harley. “Who else needs a shot?”

  Harley put up a finger, as did a couple of the others. Jet signaled the waitress, circling her finger, and then holding her fingers an inch apart to indicate a shot. The waitress nodded and walked over to the bar.

  After the shots, Harley lit a cigarette and leaned back in her chair. Shiloh slid her hand into the crook of Harley’s arm, squeezing it gently.

  “You okay?” Shiloh asked softly in Harley’s ear.

  “Yep,” Harley said, glancing at Shiloh.

  “She’s just trying to make you jealous, you know,” Shiloh said.

/>   “I know,” Harley said, sounding blasé.

  Everyone watched as Sarah and Roslynn walked over to the dance floor and began dancing. There were rounds of “What the fuck?” and “Are you friggin’ kidding me?” from pretty much the entire group. Cat, Jovina, Natalia, and Raine joined them, glancing in the direction the group was looking in to see what was going on.

  “Isn’t that Roslynn?” Cat asked, as she sat down.

  “She’s dancing with Sarah?” Jovina asked.

  “Yep,” Rayden said.

  “Uh-huh,” Jet murmured.

  “What the fuck?” Cat asked.

  “Well said,” Quinn said, grinning.

  “And not something someone else hasn’t already said over and over,” Harley said, grinning.

  “What the hell?” Jericho asked as she and Zoey joined the group.

  “Yes, we know,” Raine said, grinning.

  As the group continued to discuss the varying degrees of shock they felt, Shiloh kept her hand on Harley’s arm.

  “You know, you could just fight fire with fire,” Shiloh told Harley softly.

  “It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” Harley said, shaking her head.

  “I don’t think so,” Shiloh said, her tone low.

  Harley turned her head to look at Shiloh, and suddenly felt Shiloh’s lips on her neck. She couldn’t even breathe for a moment.

  When she found her voice, she breathed, “Shy…”

  Harley’s tone was so quiet that no one else heard it, but Shiloh did, and she was bound and determined to make Roslynn pay attention. She felt Harley’s left hand touch her face, her fingers flexing as Shiloh nuzzled her neck deeper.

  “Shy… Ya gotta stop…” Harley said, her voice still low. It was just between the two of them.

  Devin, however saw what was going on, since she was standing closest to the two. She touched Skyler on the shoulder and canted her head ever so slightly. Skyler’s lips curled in a grin, knowing exactly what Shiloh was doing. It was clear how much it was affecting Harley.

  Roslynn had also apparently noticed, because she stopped dancing. Right about that time, Shiloh moved away from Harley’s neck, her moss-green eyes issuing a challenge to Roslynn. By this time everyone in the group had noticed what Shiloh had done and could see that Harley was no longer paying any attention to Roslynn. They all started to grin, and little by little, the group made a unanimous decision without even discussing it. They absolutely loved Shiloh. They also decided Roslynn needed to be taught a lesson.

  Roslynn walked over to Harley, who had her head turned toward Shiloh and was talking to her in low tones. Roslynn stood, waiting for Harley to notice her. She could see the varied looks from the group, none of which looked very pleased with her. Finally, Harley turned her head to look up at Roslynn, mostly because Shiloh had just told her that Roslynn was standing there.

  “Hi,” Harley said, grinning, her blue eyes completely guileless.

  “Hi,” Roslynn said, smiling tightly. “Come dance with me,” she said then, wanting to get away from the group to talk to Harley.

  Harley’s eyes looked behind Roslynn toward the bar, and saw Sarah once again sitting on the barstool.

  “Nah, I’m good,” Harley said, picking up her beer and lifting to her lips.

  “Come on…” Roslynn said, her tone cajoling. “I want to dance with you…”

  Harley looked back at her, her blue eyes turning slightly icy. “I don’t dance. You were fine though,” she said, gesturing towards Sarah.

  “I,” Roslynn stammered, “but…” She tried to begin again, but she couldn’t stand the look in Harley’s eyes. She was being dismissed and she was damned if she was just going to take it.

  She turned around and walked back over to the bar and ordered a drink.

  Quinn ordered another round of shots from the waitress, whispering something in her ear as she did. The waitress looked over at Harley and nodded emphatically. When she brought back the shots, she held Harley’s aloft while the group looked on. Then slowly she put the shot between her ample breasts, and straddling Harley’s lap. She took Harley’s head in her hands and bent it toward the shot. Harley, knowing exactly what her friends were doing, grinned and did exactly as they wanted her to. She slid her tongue over the waitress’s skin, and then picked up the shot with her teeth, drinking it without touching the glass. Then she dropped it into her hand and kissed the waitress deeply while the group cheered.

  For the rest of the night, the hotter femme members of the group payed extra attention to Harley. At one point, Jazmine and Dakota arrived, and they’d already been told via text what was going on. Jazmine walked out onto the patio, glancing around to make sure Roslynn had a good vantage point. She took a handful of Harley’s hair from behind, pulled her head back, and kissed her deeply.

  “And hello to you too,” Harley said, chuckling, her eyes widened in reaction.

  Eventually, Roslynn made her way back over to Harley, this time bringing with her a shot.

  “Will you do this one for me?” she asked, refusing to look at anyone but Harley.

  Harley gave her a measured look. Roslynn looked back at her silently pleading. Finally, Harley nodded.

  Roslynn kneeled between Harley’s legs, pressing her body seductively against her. Harley’s eyes watched her closely. Roslynn pulled the top of her shirt down to just above the nipple and tapped the spot with her finger. Harley grinned and leaned forward, licking the spot slowly. Roslynn took the saltshaker from the table, sprinkled some on her skin, and then looked back at Harley. Harley obliged by leaning forward again, this time sucking at the skin with salt on it. Roslynn held up the shot and Harley and drank it, her eyes never leaving Roslynn’s. Roslynn slid the lime over her lips and Harley leaned in to kiss her deeply. Roslynn wrapped her arms around Harley’s neck, kissing her back with fervor. When their lips parted, Roslynn hugged Harley, but had her eyes on Shiloh.

  “I’m sorry,” Roslynn whispered in Harley’s ear.

  Shiloh simply narrowed her eyes, but didn’t say anything. The rest of the group looked on, but didn’t say anything either. It wasn’t quite the night they had expected.

  The next morning Shiloh sat in the kitchen, looking at the clock repeatedly, knowing that Harley had likely forgotten that she’d promised Natalia to come to her class that morning. When it got to eight o’clock and she’d still heard no movement from upstairs, Shiloh sighed and got up.

  She knocked lightly on Harley’s bedroom door but got no answer. Shaking her head she took a deep breath, feeling like she was entering the lion’s den, or in this case the lionesses den. She walked in and saw that Harley was lying on her stomach in bed, her arms around the pillow under her head, and her back bare. Shiloh was temporarily taken aback by the long tattoo down the middle of her back. It looked like Asian letters that started out red at the top and then with each symbol went through all the colors of the rainbow. Shiloh hadn’t even known that Harley had tattoos.

  Roslynn was lying on her side facing Harley, but not nearly as close to Harley as Shiloh would have expected. Shiloh wondered remotely and hopefully that perhaps Roslynn’s little show the night before had put Harley off a bit. She immediately tamped down on that thought; Harley wasn’t really one to hold grudges. The fact was, Harley deserved whatever happiness she could get, and Shiloh wanted that for her. Even if she’d already put Roslynn in the category of the women Harley’d already been with who were attention whores.

  She stepped over to the side of the bed, and reached out to touch Harley’s shoulder.

  “Harley?” she queried softly, not wanting to wake Roslynn up.

  “Mmm?” Harley murmured, turning her head toward Shiloh and opening one blue eye slightly.

  “It’s eight and you told Nat you’d be there this morning,” Shiloh said, grinning.

  Harley made a groaning noise in the back of her throat, and rubbed her face on her pillow tiredly.

  “Okay,” Harley said into her pillow. “I’
m up.”

  Shiloh grinned, resisting the urge to remind Harley that until she was technically upright, she wasn’t. She saw that Roslynn’s eyes were now open and narrowed at her. Shiloh just gave her a pointed look, indicating that she didn’t care. Then she turned and walked out of the room.

  “Seriously?” Roslynn muttered.

  Harley levered herself up on her forearms looking over at Roslynn. “What?”

  “She comes into your bedroom whenever she wants?” Roslynn asked, her tone ridiculing.

  Harley regarded her for a long moment. “She came to remind me of a promise I made to a friend. That’s what friends do for each other.”

  With that, Harley climbed out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. Roslynn stared after her, thinking that she’d just screwed up again. She knew that what she’d done at The Club the night before was stupid. She’d just been so irritated by how much attention Harley had paid to Shiloh, “rescuing” her, she’d felt the need to react. Harley, however, hadn’t reacted the way she’d expected, and her friends all seemed to now resent her as well. Knowing she needed to get back into Harley’s good graces, she climbed out of bed and got dressed.

  Shiloh was sitting in the kitchen when Harley walked downstairs. Harley wore black Capri leggings, a black tank top with a rainbow pulse beat on it, and a heart shape in the same rainbow line, and black tennis shoes. Shiloh handed her a cup of coffee with a grin.

  “I need to smoke,” Harley said, taking the coffee and heading out to the backyard.

  Shiloh followed her, cup in hand.

  “So how are you this morning?” Shiloh asked.

  Harley lit a cigarette and looked back at her through the smoke.

  “Alright, I guess,” Harley said, shrugging.

  Shiloh’s phone chimed and she checked the message. Harley saw Shiloh smile and start to answer the text.

  “Who’s that from?” Harley asked, her blue eyes sparkling with interest.


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