The Red Box

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The Red Box Page 47

by Laura Sgarella

  “But I am innocent.”

  “We will see.”

  The policeman took Mark to the police station in a truck. Once arrived he was deprived almost of all objects he had with him and he underwent the strain of a questionnaire. “So tell us why you killed your gorgeous creatures. You wanted to be paid by the insurance and have the money to improve your school with the presence of better looking and walking animals, didn’t you?” said the officer.

  “Why, why, why. I had those syringes in my bathroom because I had to do some injections to a friend to avoid the risk of a thrombosis. I’ve known this guy since I was a host in the hospital. You know I was a homeless.”

  “We know it. And your life has drastically changed since then. For the moment you are the only suspect. Go to your cell until we need you for further questions.”

  “Can I phone to my girlfriend and tell her I’m in custody? I go to pick her up from work at half past seven every day. She will be terribly frightened if she doesn’t see me.”

  “OK But don’t be long. Here is your mobile phone.”

  “Thank you. I’m dialing the number. Hopefully it is not busy. ‘Hi Rose. It’s Mark speaking. There is not good news. I am in custody because I am the only suspect of the killing of my horses. I’ll stay in custody until they find evidence that turns to my advantage. I cannot stay long on the phone. I’ll keep in touch as much as I can,’” Mark said.

  “Have you finished now?” said the officer visibly annoyed

  “Yes, thank you. Please, don’t forget to put a note on the gate of my riding school that I won’t be in for some time. They will understand when they read the news in the newspaper.”

  “We have already done it. Now keep calm. We will bring you some food very shortly.”

  “Thank you,” said Mark unbelievably calm.

  Meanwhile, Rose was very worried and absent-minded at work. She couldn’t believe what she had heard from Mark. She even forgot to give the receipt to some customers. “Are you sleeping madam? I have asked a capuchin and a croissant”

  “Oh, sorry. Here you are.”

  “Are you feeling sick?”

  “No. It’s just the hot air. I don’t know why they don’t use the air-condition,” was the first excuse that came across her mind. Finally the lunch break arrived and she had time to think of the situation. She wished to see Mark but that would mean some time out from work. Yes, she was right. She would tell to the boss that she needed some hours off because of a mammography due the following day and that definitely she wouldn’t be at work before twelve o’ clock. She had devised to deceive the boss by telling him that only that day she remembered the appointment while reading her diary. She had believed that the appointment was for the following month, that’s why she hadn’t asked for half a day off before. She went back to her check desk relaxed and relieved. At the end of the day she spoke to the boss and everything was OK.

  The following day she was at the police station very early. She was allowed by the officer to go and chat with Mark for not more than fifteen minutes. She was very relieved when she saw him. “Mark, Mark: what went wrong?”

  “Don’t worry sweetheart. I am innocent and I will be out very soon. Do you know what I dreamed of tonight? That we were on a beach with very white sand riding two horses in a sign of freedom. This means I’m innocent. It’s a premonitory dream,” said Mark.

  “I hope so. Now I have to go. Please, keep in touch,” she said.

  As soon as Rose left the police station, the officer arrived with good news. He found two witnesses that were able to swear and show that Mark was with them at the riding school at the moment of the purchase of the poison. It was an extra lesson. Mark was saved at the eleventh heaven. “Keep calm dude,” said the officer, friendly. “We understand you are a good chap but you have to stay at our disposal until we find the guilty one. It’s likely that somebody wants to ruin you because he wants to open a bigger riding school than yours. This guy must be very cunning. Be patient another one day and you will be out.”

  “Thank God I pleaded not guilty. Can I inform my girlfriend?”

  “Not for the moment. You should be relaxed as much as you can. You can read this book if you want,” said the officer.

  “What is this? Oh! It’s Ivanhoe by Walter Scott. I have read it at least ten times.”

  “Thank you very much,” Mark said.

  “I’ll go now. Ring the bell if you need something,” said the officer and the clue of the truth dropped its fruits. Mark was finally a free man. The testimony of his riding school customers turned out to his own advantage. “You can go now. Sorry for having you experience something so bad for wrong reasons. The most important thing is that you are free because you are innocent. We ask you to co-operate to catch the killer of your horses. He is unfortunately out on bail. I have nothing else to add. Have a nice day,” the officer..

  “Thank you for everything. I will keep in touch. Bye for now.”

  Mark was so relieved. He was looking forward to seeing Rose. He had to wait until half past seven, the time of the closure of the museum. He reached his flat bearing in mind what the officer told him. It was such a burden to co-operate with the police. He wanted to put an end to this story. His horses wouldn’t rise from the dead after all. Once at home he tidied up everything to make the house nice and tidy for the arrival of Rose. Rose, Rose, he thought. She had a terrible day because of me. She will be more than happy to toast my freedom.

  So he put his black socks in the washing machine together with the coloured shirt and dusted everywhere. He went to check if the syringes were in their usual place. He didn’t want to get rid of them. When the afternoon was going to its term he took his cabriolet and went to the Van Gogh Museum. He nervously awaited for his girlfriend to come out. Finally he saw her. “Rose, I’m here!” he shouted.

  Rose took a few minutes before she realized it was Mark. “Mark, finally I see you here. I was so concerned,” she said, crying.

  “Be tranquil, get in,” he said,a bit ashamed.

  “So you are a free man now,” Rose said all trembling.

  “Yes indeed. I had a terrible night in custody but now I am finally with you. How was work?”

  “Exhausting as usual. I was thinking of you all the time which caused me some problem with the boss because of my absent-mindedness. Luckily I work in an environment full of people. I still feel the rays of joy they transmitted to me with their presence. And all of it for one thousand euros a month. So tell me everything.”

  “It happened in a way that I can say was so obvious. Two customers of mine witnessed that the day on which the poison had been bought I was with them for an extra time lesson. The officer didn’t take long to realize I was innocent. What brave men. I will always feel grateful because of them. The police apologized for the unsustained matter. I am so happy that everything ended. I had a bad sleep last night. You can see it through the bags under my eyes. To add unhappiness, my mum had a chat with me. She said she doesn’t like you so much. You remind her of my dad who was the best man under the sun when they were engaged but he gradually changed once married. Now they split up but they are not divorced yet. My mum doesn’t want to lose the alimony. My dad went to live in a shed in the countryside and occasionally he sends me text messages. But, of course, my mum leaves me free to date you. It’s painful to say these horrible things to you but I don’t want to have secrets from you. Tell me: do you hide something from me?” he said.

  “No, you know everything about me. Why are you so doubtful?”

  “Sorry I am under strain. I cannot believe yet that an idiot killed my two beautiful beasts for the sake of envy. Oh, sorry. I am so unpleasant now,” he said.

  “No indeed. Let me know where you want to go now,” she said.

  “Just wander around. We will find a place to stop during the journey,” he said.

  Mark’s mobile phone rang. “Mark, it’s the police. I’m calling you because we have two suspects of the assassi
nation of your horses. They are two Danish guys who joined the library the day of the purchase of the poison. They left the card of membership with the library to the assistant who later found out the address they had given to does not exist. They didn’t allow them in any more because they were smoking joints outside the place. They have a past coloured with small thefts, nothing else. We have also contacted the insurance company to let them know to you pay the amount of money due for the disgrace. You will receive it in your bank account within two months. Meanwhile keep in touch and inform us about everything weird that happens to you.”

  “Sure,” he said and hung op.

  “Sweetheart?” he started. “It was the police. They told me that they have two suspects. Isn’t this terrific?” Mark said.

  “Sure it is. It’s very likely they will deal with the guilty ones very soon,” said Rose elated.

  “Now let’s concentrate on us. I have something I would like to tell you: I wish to marry you. My life gave me the sweet surprise to meet a wonderful woman like you. I have been immediately struck by your simplicity and by your looks. You are beautiful inside and outside. Make me the happiest man on Earth,” he said.

  “It’s still too early to take a decision like that but I also believe you are the right man for me. My mother won’t interfere I’m sure she will like you more and more when she knows you better. Sorry if I change the subject of our discussion. Can you stop at this ice cream parlour?” she said.

  “I had exactly the same idea.”

  Mark found a place to park the car and they entered the shop. It took a while before the waitress went to take their order. “Sorry, I’m late. Do you want to order now or you need a few more minutes?”

  “No, go ahead. An ice cream with chocolate and cream for me,” said Rose.

  “An ice-cream with strawberry and cream for me,” said Mark. They had been finally served. The waitress offered them the ice creams saying she wanted to pay for them because of her unjustified delay.

  Mark and Rose had a wonderful day at the parlour. They didn’t stay long, they just wanted to go and have a sleep to forget the stress of the day.

  When they entered the flat, Rose was impressed by the smart benevolence of Mark for the house. He was so protective, joyful, intelligent. He was the perfect man for her and she was the perfect woman for him. They went to bed silently and slept in the arms of each other. It would be a big dreamful night for them because of their just confessed love.

  Rose was all alone in Mark’s flat early in the morning. Mark didn’t purposely wake her up before he left home to go to the riding school. It had been a blissful night for her and he didn’t want to spoil the beauty of those moments. The shake-up of the recent happenings petrified her. She was enjoying the coffee and the croissants her boyfriend had left for her. After breakfast she spent a few minutes thinking of what to wear to go to work. After all, there were not so many clothes of her’s at Mark flat. But her main concern was to hear from Mark. In fact he called: “Hi Rose. Slept well, haven’t you? I didn’t wake you up earlier because it was such a pleasure to see you sleeping. The police diverted my attention from the riding school. They phoned me to say that the two guys have fake passports and they do not know exactly where they live. It is not easy to catch them. At least I’m safe. I’m a free man. The police never changed their idea on the motive for the murder, envy. We absolutely must do something to prevent something similar happening in the future. I haven’t received any other messages that could be useful for the police investigation. I know that overwhelms you. I shouldn’t burden you with my problems more than due. Do you know Stevie Wonder’s song: I just called to say I love you. ?I dedicate it to you.”

  “Gorgeous! I mean you never stop surprising me. I love your romanticism. You make me disentangle and undo my concern for the right dress to wear to go to work. Your call reminded me that I must be in a hurry. What’s funny: I want to wear something that matches my working apron. Today is a special day. There is an exhibition of Picasso’s Women of Algiers This painting will be sold at auction very soon. I do not know if this painting is worth millions of euros. Anyway, the best offer will decide the destiny of this masterpiece. Now I have to hurry up or I’ll be late for work. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he said.

  Rose made a vulgar gesture to watch the landscape out of the window before departing to start her day at the museum. Accidentally she saw the girl who lived on the floor below. She was in the company of a man and Rose was delighted by this. She was naively convinced that the girl had a crush on Mark She had an enviable beauty, she was tall, with a Greek nose, long black hair. Not to talk about the length of her legs. What did such a beauty want from Mark? One day she dropped a piece of paper from her pocket and Rose went to pick it up and give it to her It was the card of a model agency. Rose was shocked by the coldness of the girl She didn’t even say thank you. What a thunderbolt. Right now the girl disappeared in her boyfriend’s car.

  Rose arrived early at the museum. She saw her colleagues coming one after the other. “Today it’s a special day, isn’t it?” she said just to break the ice.

  “Yes, it is. But you needn’t arrive so early. Visitors are not allowed on site before nine am,” answered the smallest of her colleagues.

  “Never mind. I feel I have adrenalin all over the body today and this thanks to the half day off I took the other day,” said Rose with self-assurance.

  “Three, two, one, zero, let’s start working now. People are already in. Look at the queue. Anyway enjoy your day,” said one of the colleagues to Rose.

  Rose felt a shiver all over the body. It was the beginning of a beautiful day. Her two colleagues were laughing with malice. A gorgeous man just came in. “Hey Rose, don’t you watch men? We are also engaged,” they said.

  Rose blushed. “Let’s work,” she simply answered.

  She arrived exhausted at her break time. She wanted to go and have a look at The Women of Algiers. She didn’t understand art. Hopefully she could have a glance at the painting through the crowd of people. The masterpiece was protected by bullet-proof glass. I’m not here to enjoy myself, she thought. Mark should be sweating now. He was working hard in his riding school.

  He had to apologize for the closure of the school for one day. He assured his jockeys that that wouldn’t happen any more. He was dealing with the riding therapy now. The parents of the boy didn’t leave Mark alone for a single minute. “Are you OK now? It seems you have gone through a bad situation,.” they said.

  “Thank God it’s finished,” he said.

  “We were missing you. Our son needs you to improve,” they said.

  “Sorry about that. It’s not my fault. I will do an extra lesson for free for you just to apologize.”

  “Oh no. You don’t need to. We were simply concerned. But we guess there is other good news about you. We realize it from your face expression.”

  “Probably. Actually I’m going to marry sooner or later. I have discussed about it with my girlfriend. It will be a private ceremony, all flowers and smiles,” he said.

  “We are really two arrogant meddlers, aren’t we?”

  “Don’t worry about that. Look: your son is jogtrotting in an excellent way. Now we are at the end of the lesson. Would you like a cup of tea?”

  “No, thank you. We are in a hurry. See you next time.”

  “Bye. Have a nice day.”

  Mark couldn’t manage the situation of the moment. All jockeys present were jogtrotting and they didn’t need assistance from him. He assured himself that nobody would risk an accident. Horses of that calibre could be very dangerous to mount. Anyway everything turned out well. “The pesticide,” he shouted when he saw a horse eating some grass. What a fool I am, he thought. I mustn’t panic. I have used it for the little shed over there.

  His customers, on their turn, pretended not to have heard him and they carried on with great joy the rest of the lesson. Time passed quicker than due. He was ready to go
and pick Rose up at the Van Gogh Museum. Now he was free to think deliberately. A humming thought disturbed him all day long: it was the shade of his fear of the acrostic L. A. U. R. A.. He was doomed to believe that there must have been a link between that dirty fact and the poisoning of his two horses. Envy is not something accidental. But why those felons should be the witnesses of the soiled with blood pub door? Mark began to believe that those two episodes were distant from one another. He had just to be brave and go on his own way. Justice would arrive sooner or later. There was something else that worried him: he didn’t want to have secrets from Rose but he also thought that it was not fair to involve her in such a brutal fact. He was all sweaty and stinking. No really a nice thing to welcome Rose in his car. He had no time to go home to have a shower. Poor Rose. Now she had been treated as his own Mrs. And she had to bear in mind even all the negative expertise that a marriage-to-be would bring.

  When he arrived at the museum, he saw Rose waiting for him outside. He looked at the wristwatch and he realized he was five minutes late. “Rose, I’m here. Sorry if I’m late,” he said.

  “Don’t worry, we have a long evening in front of us.”

  Rose was dumb and sweating. She couldn’t stand hearing Mark talking to the police. She was biting her nails because of her nervousness. It was a habit she had been practicing since she was a child. She had not abandoned it even now that she was a woman. Somehow she considered the fact that she was in her early twenties. Finally Mark hung up. Rose was very ashamed by the fact she was going to hear something special whether it was right or wrong. “Love, we have good news,” he said. “The police have informed me about every single detail of their investigation. They have been able to identify the two felons by the pictures they had in store dating back to two light crimes. The only problem is to find out where they live now. the library attendant witnessed that they joined the facilities only one day and they hadn’t gone there any more. The barman of the local pub was able to identify their faces. They has been there just that day to have a pint of beer to disappear with their scooter soon afterwards. Nobody knows if they are regular or not in northern Amsterdam. But somehow, to find out where they live now is a child’s game for the police. They have caught the right people, they are sure. These two chaps don’t seem belligerent which makes the finding out of the move of the crime more difficult. And there is more. I am to be given twenty thousand euros as compensation for having been arrested as an innocent guy. It’s exactly the right amount of money we need to marry. Isn’t all that fantastic?” he said.


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