The Red Box

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The Red Box Page 58

by Laura Sgarella

ZZZZZZZ. “What’s that?” She flashed her fears exhausted.

  “It’s the fax machine. Yes it’s a customer of mine. The one I have an appointment with on 9th August. He wants to buy a block of flats along the Dover Cliffs and he needs an intermediary who grants he is doing a good business deal. The intermediary, of course, is me and you are my lady who follows me everywhere like a shadow. I will ask just five hundred thousand pounds. Not a great deal, but I am not supposed to work at all in August. I want to grant you a tranquil life. To be well off is not a sin is what must be present in your mind. I don’t feel guilty because of people who are not as lucky as us because I do a lot of charity work. This is the obscure zone of myself. I haven’t confessed to you all my good-doing for the sake of being a good Christian. I am going to donate one million pounds for a village in Ghana. The Elton John dinner recently is only a superficial commitment towards the less lucky than us. I want to be involved closely with the people I’m helping. Just a word and we will make a great gesture of love. I hope we will raise our children under the flag of those believes. You are chaste, generous, determined. You are the ideal partner who gets the most from my example.”

  “Yes, Phil.”

  “My generosity is meant to be endless. I am not boasting, I simply want to point out that you have to take for granted any gift I make to you. The flat in front of the Versace shop in New Bond Street is yours for all your practical purposes. You can go and relax yourself there whenever you like. You are not my possession. Consider the Versace shop under the bond of scrapping. There is a new shop assistant now and they are looking for a model to work as you did before you met me.”

  “I have to remember you that in that flat there is a safe which can be open with the code: L. A. U. R. A. 12345. I think I have to change that code. The past is the past,” said Samantha.

  “It’s up to you. Now I show you something. When we were enjoying ourselves outside we were under the scrutiny of image sensors. I established the link between the happening and our reaction. To say it in one word: I tested our IQ. You have 170 and I have 169. I am a bit less intelligent than you.”

  “Are you teasing me Phil?”

  “No it’s just a game I like to play with my woman. You should be a MENSA member like me. We will enjoy ourselves a great deal.”

  “But don’t you think MENSA people are a bit too posh?”

  “Like everywhere there are people you like and people you don’t. Please don’t make me feel a donkey. I would like to increase just a point to be as intelligent as you.”

  “The only thing I can say is that you are a fabulous man. The quiet of this house is a pushing reaction against pain. I am struggling between the desire to have a rest or to go out.”

  So Phil started massaging Samantha’s feet, ankles, legs She fell immediately asleep and this was what Phil wanted that moment. He took a silent razor to shave his beard during Samantha’s sleep. And then he chose some products like Armani for men to his girlfriend’s delight at her awakening. She is the centre of the universe, he thought.


  Araon and Jill were like fishes darting for their prey. They fulfilled their wish to know more about Samantha and Phil and they wandered around next to the hotel where the young couple was lodging. They were in a dangerous position as sort of meddlers. To the eyes of the bystanders they looked like a couple of teenagers hiding themselves in a car just to be isolated from the rest of the world. “You know my dear Jill, the couple we are wishing to be friends with are a couple of millionaires and they change car every day as the central assistant told me. I am a bit worried that they might be posh despite our state of gentrification. I hope you are not missing the point. They have the power to find out everything about everybody and I hope they won’t perceive us as stalkers. The law is very strict in this regard.”

  “But Araon we can be here for any reason. We can be here just for a whim. After all the station of Amsterdam welcomes weirdos and the like. We are white angels compared to them. If you want, we can park the car a bit further away. They are not stupid though and they can catch us in due time. One thing is certain, they will never know that we have asked information about their car at the central office. I already live with my imagination about the four of us all together as destiny conspired for us to meet each other accidentally. Van der Baast is the centre of the world. Samantha is so beautiful and Phil looks so in love with her,” said Jill.

  “But he is dangerous somehow. He is one of those sort of men who uses his power to treat his woman as an object of his possession. And do you want to know my opinion? You are by far more beautiful than her,” said Araon.

  “What a glorious sensation. A man who is so in love with his wife after ten years of marriage. This is what we are. I appreciate you don’t dismiss my look as poor: jeans, white top and sneakers. Another while and I won’t fit these trousers any more. I shall start wearing my maternity dresses right now,” said Jill.

  “I love the mystery behind your womb. There is a creature growing inside yourself and this is the most beautiful thing in the world,” said Araon.

  “Araon what a bliss. You look like Hamlet with his skull wondering of the mystery of something higher. We are zeros who have received from God the gift of giving life to a newborn baby. Don’t tell me I am wrong.”

  “Sure you are not. I am also happy about the swing of your health: you are not the victim of ups and downs any longer. Nevertheless, I have to be concerned not to distress you more than due. You have taken a pause from your knitting course and tip tap course. I don’t know if it is a good idea your choice to go back to them in September. Anyway, this is entirely up to you.”

  “I will miss the old fat gossip lady at my knitting course. I know the entire life of her niece. What a cunning sort of young woman. As far as concerns the tip-tap I don’t find it so distressful. Oh! I feel Rokin kicking me. At least this is my sensation.”

  “I share with you these terrific feelings. It’s something that cannot be transmitted outside. Only if you experience it you can be immersed in this ecstasy. When I’m with you it is paradise. And it will be, even if we keep the promise we made to Mark. I would like to attend a lesson at his riding school one of these days. What about Wednesday?”

  “We will see. To be honest with you I am not on the top of a happy pile when you mention him and Rose. They have devised an excuse concerning their interest in Van der Baast. But how silly; this is not our business,” said Jill.

  “I consider it a formal approval from your side. I want to show you how well I can ride a horse, that’s it. Sometimes I feel I am a dwarf when compared to you. And then the mystery of life… How privileged women are!” said Araon.

  “OK, you have convinced me. Lets’ go on Wednesday.?”

  “Hey Jill, look: the young couple is approaching us. I think we have to leave this place now.”

  “OK, let’s go. Do you want to go and visit Albert and Sylvanus at their shop? It can be a good occasion to buy some meat for our dinner.”

  “It’s easier to do than to say. We’ll be there rumbling. Look that car forgot to cancel the indicator and we risked an accident. Sorry Jill. I will drive slowly.”

  They drove up to the corner of the square, turned on the right, then on the left and they entered a maze of small streets before they finally arrived at their favourite butcher’s. Gaiety and cheerfulness appeared drawn in the face of the two friends at Araon and Jill’s arrival.

  “Jill, Araon let me embrace you,” said Albert with open arms.

  “A big kiss from me,” added Sylvanus. “We were just thinking of you. The dinner we have been planning since last month is still a chance. Ravina will be more than happy to spend an evening with us all. I will book a restaurant not far from here and the only thing you have to do is to start the car and reach us.”

  “Fantastic! For us this Saturday is OK,” said Araon without consulting Jill’s opinion.

  She inserted herself in the chat with a feeble
voice: is OK “Tell me guys. How are things going?”

  “I am a happy engaged man. Hopefully Ravina and I will tie the knot very shortly and poor Sylvanus has to face the life of a single man because of me. Never mind, he has a gorgeous little flat for himself,” said Albert.

  “Before I forget, can you give me some chicken legs and wings?” said Jill trying to make Araon blind in front of her tenderness.

  is OK Sure you’ll have them. Here you are, they are for free.”

  “Oh, you are very kind. We came here just to say hello and see you. Your efforts to build a strong friendship won’t reach a turning point. Well, my dear, as far as I’m concerned you do more than due for us. It’s the famous treasure in heaven waiting for you to be established? Sorry Albert, sorry Sylvanus, sometimes I immerse myself in the dreams of a poet. I am worthless as an author but I don’t make cruel mistakes of spelling for my beloved friends: I a-d-o-r-e y-o-u. That’s it. And after my big bargain I have to apologize for time to go back home has arrived. We leave you to your own business. See you soon,” said Jill and Araon followed her.

  They went towards the car where there was a quirky surprise. In the mobile phone of Araon there was a message from Phil Morris. It read: ‘Hi I am Phil. I’m looking forward to being more intimate with you. I will contact you shortly’.

  “Have you read it Jill? Phil has got my phone number and he is inviting us to go out with them very soon. Do you think is wonderful?”

  “Err… I am not prepared to go out with two billionaires. I believe that anything going on in our life is partly written in the stars. But this time we have a very much shining star. What sort of dress am I going to wear? And what if we have to pay in a very expensive restaurant?”

  “You have embraced a champion race. Don’t you think they have considered all these points before contacting us? I am very optimistic and all will be well. I’m looking forward to hearing from them again. Now be quiet I’ll drive you home. You must be so exhausted.”

  “Yes love. I would be resting in bed right now. Sure you don’t mind?”

  And Araon played well his part. Stepping on the accelerator made Jill fulfil her desire to be at home earlier than imagined.

  Samantha and Phil never knew moments of boredom. They were not supposed to be rotten to the core any single moment of their life. And their hotel penthouse was as protective as an anorak. “So you don’t mind if we befriend two lovely guys such as Jill and Araon?” said Phil.

  “Of course, I don’t. But tell me how you work wonders all the time. Where did you get their telephone number?”

  “It’s a boy’s game. Have you ever thought of the system call centers adopt to ring at any time of the day? I have also access to this sort of information through my phone. From the plate of their car it’s easy to know more about them. After all, they are Mark and Rose friends.”

  “What about their relationship with Van der Baast? We all parked our cars in front of the hospital the other day but they were the only ones to succeed in talking to him. These considerations frighten me.”

  “Well my dear Samantha, I simply thought it was not the right moment to go and talk to him I pledge you will meet the doctor in person one day. He is medium build and medium height man with a grey beard and small brown eyes. He holds too many secrets but he is basically a good man. That’s why nobody dares to report to the police what he does. But you promised that you would break totally from your past and you are still thinking of Van der Baast. Don’t you think it sleazy to hide a vagina rebuilding with a mastectomy document? Those girls have never been your friends. You are so innocent. You were coming from a healthy background. To fly at high altitude was your enjoyment of the time and you never knew when you could give up it all. It wasn’t just a question of money from your side. So you joined the crew where the boss presented all of your entertainment with jewels. He was a sex addict. Don’t think of the day when one of your companions untied your bra and let you plunge in the piscine topless. You are a woman of integrity. You were like a fish out of water. You shouldn’t worry about your past any longer.”

  “Sorry Phil. I cannot resist my tears. They won’t bathe you like water from the sky.”

  “Sweet Samantha. Now forget about it and have a look at the newspaper: Wolf from London rescues a Dutchman. Do you know the meaning of it, little Samantha? No, you don’t: The Wolf is me. I had to signal my intrusion in private citizen life to the press and I did it with a fake story. I cannot exercise my power in whoever’s life, even if I act in their defense. Can you see in what arms you rest my Nelly? Oh, sorry, Samantha. You don’t need to cry any more.”

  “And you act clandestinely when I am away. I don’t spare a single moment even in the toilet that you are devising something important.”

  “You got the clue Samantha. I am a busy bee. Can you see the other article? New spy drama for Roman Polansky. It’s the brand-new movie from the quirky director. And the head character is played by his wife Emmanuelle Seigneur. He is thirty-three years older than her. They have two gorgeous kids and they have never considered the idea of splitting up. I don’t know the secret behind Polansky’s eternal youth. He doesn’t look like somebody who has undergone plastic surgery. I wonder if you require myself to undergo plastic surgery when I’m be older just to smooth the difference of age between the two of us.”

  “What a crazy thought Phil. You are just ten years older than me. Let things go naturally.”

  “I love you Samantha. Do you want something to drink while I text a new message to Araon and Jill.?”

  “Yes, some water.”

  “Here you are. Now let me concentrate. Araon you are my dinner guest tonight. Answer me on this telephone number if you want me to pick you up at seven thirty pm.”

  Araon answered immediately. “Yes Phil. Please come to my flat at due time. We have come to an agreement,” said Araon.

  “Did you hear Nelly? Oh sorry, Samantha. They have answered me very quickly. Wow: they will come to dinner with us tonight. I know a restaurant not far from here called Tres Jolie. It seems to be the ownership of an icon of Mediterranean cuisine. Actually, they also serve continental cuisine and whatever. I’m very happy they will come. They are a terrific match. I don’t remember where I saw a similar couple so in love. Oh, I get it: it’s you and me. I don’t think that time will ever spoil our love. Now Samantha give me a kiss. It’s a long time since we cuddled each other and I feel depressed.

  No sooner had their lips attached one to the other than a woman’s cry interrupted them. Phil contacted the hall to understand what was happening. After a while they found out that a woman in a single room on the sixth floor died by throwing the phone in the bath tub where she was washing herself. “What a stupid death. Do you think we have to leave the hotel now my Samantha? I don’t want to intrude in this story. Things like these can be very disruptive.”

  “Yes, darling, let’s go,” said Samantha. They reluctantly handed over the key of their room to the receptionist by saying that they would be back quite late in the night. Samantha had a sudden thrill. It could be a spasm of love. Phil and her were finally on the green of the lawn nearby. They were writing doodles like teenagers in the diary they had brought with them as a joke. They wanted to sum up all the ideas which would come into their minds regarding their level of confidential nature towards Araon and Jill. “I’m back to my infancy,” said Phil.

  “I know you are like a kid always looking for affection. Why don’t we take off our shoes and lie on the ground? It looks as damp as a swamp. Phil massaged Samantha feet, legs, ankles, totally shameless. He had the constant need of Samantha’s approval. But his kisses, yes, his kisses were the sign of a mature, sincere love for his companion. The wonder of the place made the two avoid a collapse.

  Phil had a salty memory of his tithing at his favourite church in the period of his teenage. That was frantic in the sense that he was not supposed to take off his attention from Samantha. But that was the way his brain worked. �
��Hey Samantha it’s time we go and pick Araon and Jill up Dinner time is approaching. Just tell me what car you want me to hire.”

  “It’s entirely up to you. Phil.”

  “Well I choose a cabriolet. Our guests would find it more familiar. I can be moderate if I want to. I don’t think it’s nice to show off luxury in front of our middle-class couple.”

  Actually, Jill and Araon were living moments of terror. Dread of that kind was entirely unknown to them up to that point. “Two billionaires. How can we cope with them? We have to jettison envy in first place,” said Jill very agitated.

  They were waiting for Samantha and Phil with great anxiety in their tiny flat in St. Luciensteeg Street. They were looking forward to the day they would transfer themselves to the penthouse over them. But that was not a point of discussion for the dinner that night. They were sure they would look at their very best for that one life occasion. Jill put on a pink maternity dress with a golden wrist watch her mother had presented her with for their marriage. Araon pleased Jill by choosing a khaki tweed jacket and trousers.

  “I love your suit but it’s a bit smirched,” said Araon.

  “A bit what? What language are you talking?”

  “Sorry. My first impression was that your costume was not very clean. But now I’ve changed my mind.”

  “Good, be ready. We have to go and very soon,” said Jill.

  “OK, I won’t be wordy any more.”

  “What does wordy mean?”

  “I wanted to say clumsy things. Maybe I talk too much and I curb my words immediately.”

  “Are you nervous by chance my Araon? They are a very down-to-earth couple. They are young, they are gorgeous, they are very much in love with one another, they are rich. They are not posh, though. I hope this is the occasion to find really true friends. Not that I dislike Ravina or Rose. They are simply too distant from me. Not to talk about my friends at the knitting and tip tap course. By the way: I’ll knit a dress for Samantha soon, just to be original. It won’t be difficult to build a strong friendship with Phil and Samantha. They are very generous and sometimes I don’t feel at ease but time passing by will make the difference. But what are you thinking Araon? Are you sleeping?”


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