The Jouster's Lance

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The Jouster's Lance Page 13

by A. J. Marcus

  With a nod, Austin hugged the skinny man. “Chip, you’re awesome.

  Thanks for the rescue.”

  “No problem. I just hope he doesn’t realize you were with Dale and start shit with him.”

  “Me too. I’m going to go find Dale and make sure he’s okay.”

  Halfway down the hill, Austin spotted Dale walking toward him, still without his vest. He hurried to him. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” Dale sighed. “Got John back to his tent. Hopefully he’ll stay there for the night.”

  “At least he didn’t realize it was you blowing me back there.”

  “Thanks for the cover-up on that.”

  “So where’s your vest?”

  “I dropped it behind one of the shops. I was heading back to get it before checking on you.”

  They fell into step as they walked back to where Dale left the vest.

  “I’m fine. So why’d you drop the vest?”

  “I figured it might confuse John even more if he’d gotten any kind of good look at me before you blocked him.” They cut up between two booths, carefully avoiding the bramble roses growing there.

  “Good idea, and you went over the fence.”

  “Yeah, that part was easy. Running up and down this hill wasn’t.” They emerged behind the two shops. Dale’s vest lay on the steps going into the shop on the right. He scooped it up. Then they started down the hill on the back side of the shops, toward the campground.

  “I guess we’re going to have to be more careful now that John thinks I’m the spawn of Satan,” Austin said. His heart sank at the idea of spending less time with Dale to keep him safe from his cast mate.

  “I don’t really think John would hurt anyone, but he might cause a big enough stink that Max and the other higher-ups might not want me around anymore.” Dale’s broad shoulders sagged. “We can work something out. Just make sure we keep using Catherine and Jasmine as beards. I may have to get a little more… physical with Cat, but she’ll play along.”

  “We can also try and do more things away from site,” Austin suggested as they turned toward the campground.

  “That’s not a bad idea.” A smile crossed Dale’s face, and his perfect white teeth sparkled in the moonlight. “So can we crash at your place tonight?”

  “You mean Jasmine’s place?”

  “Sure. That way we don’t have to worry about you getting caught leaving my trailer in the morning.”

  “It’ll delay bed forty-five or so.”

  Dale stopped in the shadows of a large tree and grabbed Austin’s hand. “If it means I get to wake up next to you again, that’s fine. Otherwise I wake up alone, and you get to sleep in the tent with Jasmine.”

  That made up Austin’s mind. “We better leave Jas a note and my Jeep keys.”

  Chapter 23

  When Max had asked Dale to pick up the hay the fair needed to replace the stuff the elephants ate the week before, he’d jumped at the chance to see if Austin would go along with him. Even though there was hard work to be done, Austin had agreed, and now they drove toward central Colorado.

  “So have you heard anything more from Rick?” Dale asked as they drove down the interstate south toward Colorado Springs. The morning sun was just starting to peek over the eastern horizon.

  Austin shook his head. “Nope. I went by the apartment we shared and got the last couple of things that I wanted. I had no idea he was the bad news as he turned out to be.”

  “Sometimes we just don’t know folks even after…. How long were you two together?”

  “Nearly nine months,” Austin replied. “I met him last year not long after fair was over.”

  “Wow, I’ve never had a relationship last that long.” Dale felt awkward admitting that to Austin, but he was going to try to be honest.

  “I’ve had a couple that did, but I guess I have bad taste in men.” He turned and smiled at Dale. “I tend to like tasty men.”

  Dale laughed. “At least I’m tasty.”

  “Oh so very. So why don’t you stay with guys very long?”

  “Being a jouster makes it hard.” He sighed. “Most of the guys I meet are at fairs, like you, and they are either locals and stay when I go, or end up traveling to a different fair than I do. There was one guy I used to get together with when I was out in California. He was a vendor. We connected for a couple of years until he found someone more stable. At least we’re still friends.”

  “I can see your problem. I’ve wondered about traveling around, but Phillip just does the Colorado festival. He does a few smaller weekend shows that Jas and I help out with if he needs a hand, but he doesn’t travel. Plus some of the folks I know that do travel seem to age really quickly. I swear that guy that runs the drum booth looks five years older every year.” Austin looked out the window as they began going through Colorado Springs. Most of the early morning traffic was going toward Denver.

  “It is hard on some folks. I like it. I like changing fairs every couple of months. You get to meet new people and see different places. Traveling with my regular troupe, we try and change up who goes to what fairs every couple of years to keep it interesting. That was one of the reasons I came to Colorado. I hadn’t been up here and thought it would be nice to get out somewhere different for a bit.”

  “So what’s your favorite fair?”

  Dale thought for a moment. “Wow, that’s a toughie. Each one can be so different, either in people or locale. California is so open. We wouldn’t have to hide that we’re seeing each other out there, but the weather is awfully hot. It’s not as hot as Scarborough Faire; now there’s heat and humidity for you. Sometimes we hosed each other off between jousts. Luckily TRF, Texas Renaissance Festival down in Houston, is in the fall, so it’s cooler. Now there’s a big fair; some folks buy a weekend pass so they can see everything.”

  “That would be something to see,” Austin said without turning toward Dale.

  They turned west down Highway 24, and the flatbed trailer they towed behind them rattled through some potholes.

  “You should try and make it. For sheer majesty, it’s one of the largest in the country.”

  “Will you be there this year?”

  Dale shrugged. “Don’t know yet. Depends on if I get picked to be in the cast. It’s been a couple of years since I went there.” He was trying to find a way to gently bring up the subject of their future. He knew he wanted Austin more than any man he’d ever been with, but could he find a way to ask him to uproot his life and take to a gypsy existence on the road?

  “I guess not knowing would make things a bit hard to plan out, huh?” Austin turned back toward Dale.

  “I take it as part of the life. You get used to it or you find another line of work. So what are your plans after the fair?”

  “See if I can find another part-time job. Jasmine and I are talking about finding a bigger apartment so I don’t have to sleep on her couch. With my hours at the printshop dropping, I don’t know if I can swing things on my own right now. He may have been a stoned drunk, but at least Rick had a job and brought in more money than he smoked away.”

  They started up a winding canyon, and the majesty of the mountains overcame Dale. “This is awesome,” he said, looking up at Pikes Peak.

  Austin sighed. “It’s one of the biggest reasons to live in this area. The scenery just can’t be beat. When life gets to be too much, nothing beats a drive in the mountains. If we get loaded up early enough, I’ll bring you back the northern route along I-70. That’s a lot more scenic than this.”

  “That’d be great. I was down 70 once, years ago. I’d love to see it again.”

  “You sure Jasmine won’t mind?” Dale asked as they trudged up the stairs to the apartment.

  “She’s got the late shift at the coffeehouse tonight,” Austin replied.

  Dale was already wishing she lived on the ground floor. He was in good shape, as was Austin, but they had just loaded and unloaded two hundred bales of hay. Max and a couple of t
he other fair folk had helped with the unloading and stacking, but it made for really sore muscles, and walking up to the second-floor apartment was almost more than his legs wanted to deal with. But he didn’t mind; they’d had a great day, even with the physical labor involved. Austin was as good at road trips as he was at parties.

  John had helped unload the hay, and there had been a couple tense moments when he looked ready to go off on a tirade at Austin, but Max had kept everyone moving. John had disappeared as soon as the hay was stacked.

  “Good.” Dale smiled in spite of his sore body. Before Austin had the door completely closed, he swung his arms around him. He’d wanted to do that for hours. They’d grabbed a couple of short kisses during the trip, but nothing overly long. His heart raced as their lips met. Kissing Austin felt so natural.

  They kissed for several minutes before Austin pushed away.

  “You’re all sexy when you’re hot and sweaty, but I really want a shower and to hit the hot tub.” Austin tossed his baseball cap on the coatrack by the door and undid the tie that kept his long hair pulled back. “Can I entice you into the shower with me?” He reached out and caught Dale’s belt buckle.

  Dale laughed. “Oh, if you ask nice.” Inside his jeans, his cock hardened in anticipation of playing around with Austin under the shower spray.

  “Does she have a water heater, or is the apartment on a boiler?” Dale asked as he followed Austin, who still had hold of his belt buckle, through the apartment.

  “We never seem to run out of water, so I’d say boiler.”

  “Very good. We can take as long as we need to.”

  “You know, you’re right.” Austin flipped the light on in the small bathroom. Moments later, their clothes, along with two small piles of hay, lay on the floor.

  “Hot or cold?” Austin asked as he bent toward water controls.

  “Right now, warm to hot,” Dale replied as his cock pointed toward Austin’s furry ass.

  Austin turned the water on, pulled the shower knob, and turned toward Dale. “Hot you are.” He glanced down at the large cock. “And I think you’re expecting something.” Austin’s cock was pointing toward Dale. The head looked larger than he remembered, and the shaft was quickly filling.

  Dale grasped Austin’s cock and pulled him to him. Their lips met as their bodies molded to each other. Dale ran his hands down Austin’s muscular back. It was firmer than before, but they’d just finished two major workouts. Stroking softly, Dale worked his fingers down to Austin’s nice round ass and trailed down the cleft there. Austin wiggled against his hand as it slipped between his legs to flick at the low-hanging balls from behind.

  With lips firmly pressed together, Austin moaned into Dale’s mouth. Between the two men, their cocks pressed into hot, sweaty flesh as the warm shower beat down on them. Physical labor always excited Dale, and now he had someone to share that excitement with. He wanted to lift Austin and set the man’s tight ass on his raging cock, but he wasn’t sure Austin was up for that yet.

  Austin pushed him against the shower’s back wall, moving them out of the main force of the spray. The cold tile felt good against Dale’s back, but not as good as Austin’s hand did on his cock. Dale squeezed around the swollen dick as Austin began kissing down his chest. The sensation of Austin sucking on his nipples while pulling at him shot tingles through him as Austin worked his way down. Then Austin closed his warm mouth on the head of Dale’s cock, and Dale gasped.

  For several minutes, Austin worked Dale’s cock to almost diamond hardness. Dale wanted release, but he didn’t want their shower together to end that quickly.

  Austin released his cock, stood up, and kissed him. “I want you,” he said huskily through their kiss. “I want you now!”

  Dale’s heart beat faster. “Are you sure?”

  Austin reached between them and squeezed his cock. “Very sure, but you’ve got to take it slow at first.”

  “I will,” Dale replied. He hugged the man as tight as he could. There had only been a couple of men who had ever asked him not to go slow at first. With his size, if he didn’t, he could do some damage. “Do you have a condom?”

  “Be right back.” Austin ducked out of the shower. There was the sound of drawers opening, a foil package being ripped, and then he returned with a big grin on his face, the condom in one hand and a bottle of lube in the other.

  “I won’t tell Jas we borrowed one of hers if you won’t. Mine are all the way in the other room.”

  Dale laughed as he took the bottle. “Our little secret.”

  “Oh, definitely not little.” Austin reached out for Dale’s cock and slid the condom over it. “This thing barely fits.”

  “I normally get the extra large,” Dale replied. He pulled Austin back into his arms and kissed him. Around them, the shower continued its warm, humid cascade.

  “I’ll remember that in the future,” said Austin as he took the lube. Even through the condom, the gel was cold as it smothered the head of Dale’s cock. Once he had the cock completely covered, Austin squeezed out some onto his fingers.

  “I can do that for you,” Dale offered. He liked to make sure his bottoms were well opened up before he entered them.

  “Cool!” Austin turned around, offering his ass to Dale after a quick passionate kiss.

  Dale squeezed a glob of lube onto his index finger, which he knew was bigger than some guys’ cocks. He reached down and ran it around Austin’s ass, pressing just the tip into the tight hairy hole. Austin moaned. Then, gently, Dale slid in the rest of his finger. For several minutes, he finger-fucked him. Austin’s ass was tight enough that he knew he’d need two fingers in there to open him up enough to make his cock’s passage less painful.

  “Oh God!” Austin moaned as Dale slid his middle finger in alongside his index. He continued to work on widening the opening.

  “You’ve got me so hot, I need that cock now,” Austin demanded, leaning forward to brace himself against the wall, the water from the shower cascading down his broad back.

  Dale pulled out his fingers and moved up so his cockhead rested against the waiting hole. “You sure you’re ready?”

  Austin shoved his ass against Dale’s cock, forcing the huge head inside him. He gasped. “Give it to me.”

  Dale pushed his way slowly inside. Austin’s breath came in ragged gasps. Dale stopped for a moment when he felt the tight ring of Austin’s ass close around the base of his cock. He reached around Austin, pulled him up, and moved his hair out of his way so he could kiss and nibble at the back of his neck. Austin melted against him. After grabbing Dale’s hand from its place in the furry cleft of his chest, he brought it up to his mouth and began sucking on his fingers.

  Tingles shot through Dale. With a final kiss, he leaned back and slowly pulled his dick almost out of Austin’s ass. Then he pushed it slowly back in. He did this several times, and each time, he felt Austin loosen around him.

  Austin pulled Dale’s fingers out of his mouth and moved his hand down to grasp his hard cock. Dale squeezed the dick that was now nearly as large as his own. Austin was really getting off on the huge cock in his ass.

  “Show my pirate’s booty how your lance works!” Austin said as he moved both hands onto the shower wall.

  With one hand wrapped around Austin’s cock and the other bracing himself on a broad shoulder, Dale picked up the pace of his fucking. He plowed in and out of Austin’s ass while pumping his dick for all it was worth. It wasn’t something they could do forever. Their breathing became more ragged and work-sore muscles cried out.

  Austin’s ass clenched around Dale’s cock. It was almost tight enough to trap the invading member. Dale’s balls tingled and his body shook as he thrust all the way into Austin as hard as he could. A slap of skin rang off the tile walls.

  “Oh God!” Austin screamed as his cock began to pulsate and cum shot out of him.

  Dale’s body shook as his cock emptied itself into the condom. “Oh shit!” he yelled and bucked ag
ainst Austin several more times. With each movement, more cum sprayed out into the water at their feet, and more filled the condom that was already straining against Dale’s size.

  For several minutes, they both shook in the aftermath of the twin orgasms as the warm water splashed down around them. Then Austin’s body pushed Dale’s massive cock out. Cum covered the inside of the condom.

  “Damn, that was amazing,” Austin huffed as he reached for the condom. “Let’s get rid of that.” The sensation of the condom coming free was almost more than Dale could handle; his dick was too sensitive.

  After Austin disposed of the prophylactic, Dale caught him in his arms and kissed him. “Your ass is incredible!”

  “So is your cock, or should I call it your lance?”

  Dale kissed him again and laughed. “You can call it whatever you want.” His heart swelled as he held the man to his chest.

  Austin sagged against him. “I’ll get back to you on that.” His voice lost some of the energy it had held a few moments before. “I think we need to get cleaned up and find some food before the hot tub.”

  Reaching for the soap, Dale supported the other man. “Sounds like a good idea. You going to be okay until then?”

  Austin nodded as Dale began to rub soap over his chest. “I think so. Just suddenly got light-headed for a moment. I would think you’d be the one getting light-headed after sex, with all the blood rushing back where it belongs.”

  Dale laughed again and hugged Austin, letting the soapy, hairy chest rub against him for a moment. “You know, I really like you.” “I… like you too.”

  Chapter 24

  Austin shifted his well-used ass on the seat of the hot tub. The warm water felt good on his tired, sore muscles. It had been a long time since he’d been ridden that hard, and never by a cock as large as Dale’s, but he knew it was something he wanted to do many more times.

  Watching the bubbles rise around Dale’s furry muscles, he wanted to slide across the hot tub and lay his head on that inviting chest and let the heat of the tub and the comfort of being with Dale help him drift off to sleep. The meal of delivered pizza helped with the overall sleepy feeling that threatened to overwhelm him.


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