My Russian Stepbrothers: Reverse Harem Romance

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My Russian Stepbrothers: Reverse Harem Romance Page 13

by Marian Tee

  Vassi ignored that and knocked on the door again. “Leech, dammit. Open this door.”

  Closing the door behind him, Misha headed to his younger brother and said under his breath, “She waited up all night for you.”

  “So?” Vassi said irritably. Even without Misha telling him that, he had known that she would wait up for him. She always had, ever since he had started working and even though he had long ago told her that his working hours were irregular.

  But she had never gotten mad at him for it, so what made last night different?

  As if hearing his unspoken question, Misha smirked and said, “I guess this time our little dove’s decided to make you pay for all the times you made her wait.” Walking towards the stairs, Misha said over his shoulder, “I’m meeting with my thesis professor today, so I’ll be leaving ahead of you two.”

  Vassi knocked on the door again. “Leech, I’m sorry for making you wait. Now can you please open the door?”



  Expecting more silence, Vassi was surprised when he heard her say distinctly, “Not until you say something cute!”

  What the fuck?

  He scowled at the door. “Open up, dammit.”

  “You know what to do,” she yelled back at him.

  “Are you fucking serious?”

  “Everyone’s left, nothing’s going to stop—-”

  Switching to Russian, he cut her off, snarling, “I’m saying sorry, this time as your boyfriend.” He practically choked on the last word, but he did manage to get it out.

  There was a telltale click, and when he tried the knob again, this time the door opened.

  Inside, he found Seri standing just a few feet away from the door, and the wide-eyed look on her face made Vassi flush, more so when she stammered, “I never thought you’d say something like that either.”

  A darker shade of red stained Vassi’s high-boned cheeks at the words, which were even more embarrassing, and he swiftly snatched her into his arms, pressing her face against his chest so she wouldn’t see his face.

  “Idiot leech,” he muttered against her hair. “You asked me to do something embarrassing, and now you are telling me you didn’t expect me to do it?” Did she really not know that it was only her that could make him do things he had never thought of doing?

  Seri started trying to pull away from him, but Vassi only tightened his arms around her. “I won’t let you go until you tell me why you’re mad.”

  If anything, his words made her struggle even harder. “You don’t even know?” The words were thrown at him in a growl that he found rather cute than annoying, and pulling back a little, he cupped her chin and forced her to look up at him.

  The sulky, pouting look on Seri’s beautiful face had his lips curving. In this sense, he was like most men, and seeing her mad at him was more a turn on than anything.

  “You’re a jerk,” she spat.

  “Yes, yes, you’re not telling me anything I don’t know.” He traced her lips, and his smile widened as she angrily shook his finger off with a toss of her head. Damn it, but it just made him want to play with her some more, bully her until she was crying, and then kiss and touch her until her cries were of a different nature.

  “Forgive your boyfriend, mm?” This time, the words rolled off his tongue easily, with Vassi hell bent on playing with fire and seducing his prey until she was a quivering mess.

  Her cheeks flushed, but her eyes still shot sparks at him as she said, “No.” Her lip trembled, and then she muttered, “Or at least not until you tell me where you spent the night.”

  Ah. He smiled down at her. “So this is what it’s all about? You were jealous?”

  “J-just answer the q-question!”

  Lowering his head, Vassi licked the outer curve of her ear, crooning, “There’s nothing to feel bad about, solnishka moya. I was working the entire night, and we only finished around five in the morning.”

  The feel of his voice caressing her ear, combined with the sensual strokes of his tongue, had Seri shivering, but she still fought hard not to give in. “You s-should have texted me. Or called. So I won’t—-”

  “Get jealous?”

  Embarrassment flooded her, and she lied, “So I won’t worry.”

  He nodded understandingly. “I promise I’ll call and text you next time, so you won’t worry...and get jealous.”

  “I just said—-mmph!” There was nothing to say, with Vassi’s tongue inside her mouth. The kiss was deep and hard, and it was over before she could even decide whether to accept it or not. By the time the sensual haze lifted from her mind, Vassi had already pulled away and was walking towards the door.

  “Keep up,” he said over his shoulder, “if you don’t want me to leave without you.”


  She hurriedly grabbed her bag from the desk and practically ran after him, knowing that Vassi wasn’t the type to bluff. By the time she made it to the dining room, he was already seated and in the act of pouring juice into her glass. He looked up at the sound of her huffing and gave her a dazzling smile. “I knew you’d make it.”

  She collapsed on the seat next to him, still trying to catch her breath. “Asshole.”

  Vassi only laughed. Pressing a kiss on her forehead, he murmured, “I just want to have breakfast with you, solnishka moya.” Pulling away, he asked softly, “Is that so wrong?”

  D’err mo.

  Her toes curled hard inside her shoes, and just like that her anger was gone, Vassi always knowing the right words to say.

  As she and Vassi ate, he told her about the last project he had worked on, a multimedia campaign for a newly opened hotel that had him paired with Evie Saunders.

  Seri’s eyes widened. “Evie Saunders, really? Doesn’t she do work as a seiyuu as well?”

  He nodded. “She does. She’s not as good as you, but she’s got potential.”

  Her mouth opened and closed.

  Vassi raised a brow. “What?”

  “When you’re saying nice things about me, I’m not used to it.” Even when they were young, Vassi had been the least complimentary of the boys, which was why she had no idea how to handle Vassi when he was actually saying something good.

  His gaze narrowed, and his tone was extremely pleasant when he asked, “Would you like me to say I’m crazy about her voice instead?”

  She gasped. “No!”

  He flicked her forehead. “Then just take my word for it when I compliment you.” And under his breath, he muttered, “Stupid leech.”

  When they were inside the limousine and on the way to school, she confided in him uncertainly, “You know, I’ve always wondered why you chose to go into acting and modeling.”

  “Why so?”

  “ used to hate doing what people say, don’t you? But when you’re acting, that’s exactly what you have to do, right? I mean, a director’s going to tell you what to say and do, and it has to be according to that person’s vision...”

  “People change, I suppose.” A mysterious smile played on Vassi’s lips, and her brows furrowed. It was almost like he was laughing at her...and himself.

  “Let’s just say that the reason why I started is inconsequential,” Vassi murmured. “Right now, I can’t see myself doing anything else.”

  Oh. Her shoulders slumped. She was happy that he had seemed to find his passion, but a part of her was also the tiniest bit disappointed because it would always mean she would have to share Vassi with the world.

  “Seri?” Vassi had suddenly bent his head, making Seri jerk in shock as she found him peering closely into her eyes. “Are you not happy for me about my job?”

  B’lyad. He always did read her better than the other boys, too. “I am,” she said honestly. “It’s just the part where...” She shrugged defensively. “I mean, everyone still thinks you’re single, right?”

  “Ah.” He took a lock of her hair, and her heart smashed against her chest as he brought it to his lips.

  He was so sexy!

  “Don’t be jealous, solnishka moya. You know I only have eyes for my secret girlfriend.”

  He said the words so easily that Seri knew he was only playing with her.

  “I hate you,” she mumbled. But of course, what she really wanted to say was the opposite.

  His eyes gleamed. “Do you?”

  “Yes. So much.” And she did. She loved him so, so much—-

  Then she noticed Vassi sinking to his knees.


  Granted, the windows were tinted, and the glass partition between the driver and the limousine’s passenger section was also up, but what was he thinking of doing?

  “Vassi?” She was so nervous her voice came out a squeak.

  He settled between her legs.


  He pushed her legs open. “I just want to do something for you,” he said silkily, “so you wouldn’t hate me.” And then he started pulling her underwear down.

  Bo zheh moy!

  She started to struggle, but it was too late, Vassi was between her legs, his head under the skirt of her dress.

  His tongue lined her folds, and her head fell back as a silent, agonized moan escaped her.

  Oh God, there was no way she could think now.

  Her hands, which had once been trying to push him away, were now gripping his shoulders tightly, and when she felt him start to lick her folds up and down, she couldn’t stop herself from shuddering.


  She dug her nails into his back, embarrassment and desire warring inside of her as she found herself actually lifting her hips up to meet his tongue. “Vassi...” She choked his name out even though she wasn’t certain at all what she wanted to say. His mouth was driving her crazy, and when he began thrusting his tongue in and out of her, she couldn’t help moaning his name out loud.


  Her legs fell back, and this time she no longer cared about how she looked or what he would think. All she could focus on was the pleasure Vassi was giving her, and all she could do was meet the thrusts of his tongue, her movements clumsy and awkward as she lifted her hips up and down.

  With every second that passed, she felt like she was drowning deeper and deeper in a world where only passion existed. It felt so surreal, knowing that this pleasure racking her body was all because—-

  He was eating her.

  Vassi was eating her.

  Oh God, her stepbrother was eating her. He was fucking her with his tongue, and as soon as the thought crystallized in her mind, the ecstasy that had her thighs trembling and her pussy quivering under his mouth imploded—-

  The moment Seri’s body stiffened and jerked, Vassi knew she had started to come, and he pulled up to suck hard on her clit. Her nails clawed deep in reaction, her body buckling so hard Vassi knew she was practically seeing stars as her orgasm flooded out of her.

  He drank and lapped up every creamy drop of her cum, the taste made more intoxicating by the knowledge that what had been long forbidden was finally his.

  By the time Seri’s senses came back to her, it was to notice that the car was slowing down and Vassi had returned to sitting next to her. Seeing him wipe his fingers clean with his hanky made her think about her own appearance, and she hastily straightened her dress.

  “Have you forgotten something?”

  Vassi’s wicked tone had her asking warily, “What?” She looked up, and that was when she saw what he was twirling in one hand.

  D’err mo!

  It was her underwear.

  “Give me that,” she cried out.

  Vassi shook his head, a wicked smile curling on his lips. “No.” Crouching down, he patted her knee, and knowing that she had no choice, she slowly parted her legs and allowed him to help put her underwear on.

  By the time their driver opened the door for them, her face was on fire. Vassi got out first and when he offered his hand to help her out, she couldn’t stop herself from slapping it away.

  Vassi only laughed, but his voice was entirely innocent as he asked, “What’s wrong, leech?” He turned around to dismiss the driver and as the car sped away, he turned back to Seri and reached for her with an air of brotherly fastidiousness.

  Not trusting him, she tried to avoid his hands but as always, he was faster than her. Catching hold of her shoulders, Vassi said firmly, “Be still.” The command so surprised her, Seri did stay still for a moment, blinking up at him.

  Smiling down at her, Vassi started combing his fingers through her hair, and her cheeks blossomed with renewed heat. “Vassi,” she hissed. She was torn between cowering in trepidation and closing her eyes to savor the tenderness of the gesture. It was so much like something a real boyfriend would do...she could almost forget that he was not.


  “People are staring,” she whispered nervously.

  It was true. Even though the driver had dropped them a block away from Seri’s building, a small growing crowd of giggling female students had formed across the street, and all of them was either staring or pointing at Vassi.

  She was sure it would get Vassi to act more cautiously, but Seri was stunned when Vassi only shrugged, saying, “So? Everyone’s used to seeing Sergei and Misha dote on you. Why should it be any different to them if I do the same?” And as if to prove his point, he even went to straighten the collar of her dress, taking the time to smooth the lapels as if it was the most important thing.

  “It’s a pity,” he murmured under his breath, “we don’t have first period together.”

  “Why?” she asked automatically.

  “Because then I’d be able to have you holding my dick again and—-”

  Bo zheh moy!

  By the time she finally stopped choking, Vassi had already walked away from her, his soft, seductive laughter ringing in his ears.

  “See you at lunch, leech,” he told her over his shoulder.

  Asshole, she thought. And he really was, but he was also the asshole she couldn’t help falling in love with, even if it was wrong.

  Shaking her head, she turned around to walk in the opposite direction but stopped when she saw that someone wearing an exquisitely hand-sewn pair of leather shoes was blocking her away.

  Nice shoes, she thought absently as she waited for the guy to walk past her.

  “Vassi Grachyov is your stepbrother?” she heard the guy ask.

  Ah, she thought. This guy was batting for the same team she did. “Yep, he is,” she answered as she looked up—-and froze.

  It was the guy from yesterday.

  His eyes widened. “You’re doing it with your stepbrother?”

  Chapter Three

  Maximilian was being stalked. But since it was her doing the stalking, Maximilian had no problems with it.


  He heard her loud and clear, but he didn’t bother to slow down, the idea that she was running after him giving him an unusual sense of satisfaction. Why that was so, of course, was something he would rather not think of.

  She was huffing and puffing loudly, and if looks could hurt, she would have managed to stab him several times in the past ten minutes already.

  As he turned around the corner to head towards the lab, he heard her cry out.

  Maximilian stiffened.


  He spun back and saw her face contort in pain as she gazed down at her feet. He belatedly noticed that she was wearing three-inch pumps, and color darkened his cheeks. Dammit, Maximilian thought. He wouldn’t have forced her to run after him if he had noticed her shoes.

  Walking back to her, he cupped her elbow, and when she looked up, he apologized to her with a faint grimace, saying gruffly, “I’m sorry.” He expected her to rant at him, but instead a slow, impish grin broke over her lips.

  What the—-

  “I’m sorry, too,” Seri answered cheerfully. “Because I didn’t really hurt myself or anything. I just figured you were the type
of guy who’d stop for damsels in distress.”

  Well, fuck. Maximilian knew he should be pissed at being successfully played, but instead he found himself smiling faintly. She definitely had him there, he mused.

  Her lips were still curved in a smile, her gaze twinkling with laughter. She had the most amazingly pink lips, and they looked ripe and plump enough to kiss.

  And he would have, he thought, if he didn’t know she was trouble with a capital T. Even though he found her sexy as hell and he wouldn’t mind having a taste of her sweet little body, Maximilian had also long made a rule about keeping his life free from chaos.

  “I suppose,” he said, “this is about you and the other guy?”

  Seri clenched her hands nervously at the almost aloof note in the other guy’s voice. “Yes.” Just thinking about how she had carelessly revealed how things were between her and Vassi had her breaking out in a cold sweat, and if she was unable to convince this stranger to keep his mouth shut—-

  She swallowed again.

  Think positive, Seri, she told herself. Failure was not an option, and she had to do whatever it took to convince this guy not to say anything about what he saw. Or he thinks he saw, she thought hopefully. Maybe she could convince him to think that he had misunderstood things.

  With this in mind, she squared her shoulders and raised her gaze to meet his.

  The militant look in her gaze was easy to read, and Maximilian was surprised at feeling a sense of irritation. What made that damn stepbrother of hers so special that she seemed willing to go to any lengths to protect their secret?

  Not in the mood to hear her speech about how much her stepbrother meant to her, he said brusquely, “If you’re worried about me saying a thing, don’t be.”

  “I see.” Her mouth opened and closed, Seri unsure whether to trust a stranger’s word, especially this one, who hadn’t exactly been a gentleman the first time they met.

  His irritation growing at the look of distrust in her eyes, he said sharply, “I’m not the type to gossip, and I’m certainly not interested in whatever it is the two of you do in private.”

  “You make it sound so sordid,” she gritted out, “when it’s not like that at all.”

  His lip curled. “Really? Then what was that on your hands the previous time we met? Sticky vanilla ice cream?”


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