A Gentleman's Revenge (The Spinsters Guild, #3)

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A Gentleman's Revenge (The Spinsters Guild, #3) Page 15

by Pearson, Rose

  “I suppose, then, the only thing that is required of me is to apologize profusely for my actions,” he said, seeing how Miss Crosby finally lifted her eyes to his, the blue reminding him of the swirling sea. “I cannot tell you how wrong I know myself to have been. I am only grateful my conscience refused to give up until I was finally freed from my urge to find revenge and to realize what dreadful shame I was about to bring on Miss Marks.” His throat constricted, but he forced himself to carry on. “She was entirely innocent. She had nothing to do with what had occurred between my sister and Mr. Marks and yet I was to use her shame and mortification to bring about what I saw as justice for her father and brother’s lack of propriety, honesty, and truthfulness.” Shaking his head, he spread his hands, feeling hopelessness run through him. “I should have stepped back from that a long time beforehand. Even as I began to set my plan in motion, I felt myself pull away. When I first met you, Miss Crosby, I found my heart beginning to turn away from the anger it had long held.” He could see how her eyes glistened and felt his heart cry out in sorrow. “I should never have allowed myself to continue with Miss Marks when I knew my heart was filled with an affection for you, Miss Crosby. Even though I tried to remove it from my heart, even though I tried to turn away from it, it would not leave me. Instead, my affection only grew and grew, bursting with a fresh newness every single day. I tried to bury it deep within myself, to prevent it from affecting me, but it continued to dog me. When I saw you standing there, Miss Crosby, looking at me with such horror in your expression, I felt myself more foolish than ever before. My regret overwhelmed me, my shame heavy upon my shoulders as it still is at this moment. Miss Crosby, I have acted shamefully, and I can only imagine the pain that must have sliced through your heart at that very moment. I take every responsibility for that and beg you that, if there is any kindness in your heart towards me, you might be able to forgive me for what I sought to do. It is more than I deserve and yet—”

  “A very eloquent speech, Lord Ruddington,” Lady Smithton interrupted, rising to her feet and smiling at him with a gentleness that told him he was not seen as the blaggard he thought himself to be. “But Lord Havisham and I shall depart from you for a few minutes. We shall leave you to speak to Miss Crosby alone.”

  Daniel began to speak but found himself unable to do so. Instead, he stared at Lady Smithton, his heart thundering furiously.

  “Only for a few minutes, of course,” Lady Smithton continued as Lord Havisham offered her his arm, making Lady Smithton smile warmly at him. “Do excuse us, Lord Ruddington.”


  His voice was strangled, not at all certain whether this was a wise thing for Lady Smithton to place upon Miss Crosby. “I do not think Miss Crosby should be forced into this situation, Lady Smithton. After all, I—”

  “I was the one who requested this, Lord Ruddington.”

  His eyes widened in astonishment as he turned to look at Miss Crosby. She had risen to her feet also, her hands coupled in front of her and her head lifted. Looking directly at him, she gave him a small but determined smile, making his spirits suddenly flare with unexpected excitement.

  “You want to speak to me alone, Miss Crosby?” he asked, a little more quietly. “Are you quite certain?”

  “Indeed,” she answered, taking a few steps closer to him. “I have thought a good deal about what your sister told me and what she asked me to consider. There are some things I wish to say to you directly and privately, Lord Ruddington. Is that something you would be willing to grant me? A short audience?”

  He swallowed hard, nodding fervently when words, he knew, could not express how much he desired to do just as she asked.

  “We shall return presently,” Lady Smithton murmured, but Daniel did not so much as look at her. His gaze was fixed upon Miss Crosby and on the gentle smile that lingered on her face. This was almost entirely too wonderful to be believed. After everything he had done, was she truly willing to give him her forgiveness? A forgiveness he felt he did not deserve? He did not hear the door closing but felt the sudden shift in the atmosphere of the room. It seemed to buzz with tension: a heightened awareness that they were, now, entirely alone.

  “Lord Ruddington,” Miss Crosby began, moving closer towards him so they stood only a few steps apart. “I have had some time to think about what has occurred of late.”

  He nodded, pressing his lips together so that he would keep himself from begging her to forgive him when he had only just done so.

  “And I have spoken at great length to your sister,” Miss Crosby continued, her brows lowering for a moment. “A truly terrible ordeal, I think.”

  The memory of when he had first had news of what had occurred slammed back into his mind. “It was,” he said quietly, aware of the sharp pain that still ran through him whenever he thought of it. “My father told me how she had been bruised in her attempts to escape from Mr. Marks. Had she not screamed, then her companion might not have found her in time.”

  Miss Crosby closed her eyes and sighed heavily, clearly understanding a little of what he must have felt. “I cannot imagine the anger that coursed through you when you heard of what they had done in refusing to bring justice to her.”

  “But I should not have sought to bring such dark revenge to the family in the way I did,” he told her, not wanting to shy away from his responsibility. “And I can truly say I am glad I did not. I am glad I turned away even though it was only moments before I led her to the carriage. I can see now I was driven by anger that had burned through me for a long, long time. I wanted to avenge my sister, even though she has been happily married for some time.” Closing his eyes tightly, he lowered his head. “I should not have even—”


  Miss Crosby had drawn even closer to him now, her hand pressed against his chest. Opening his eyes, he looked down at her upturned face, feeling shock running through him from where her fingers rested on him.

  “You have apologized enough,” Miss Crosby said softly. “You need not continue to do so, Lord Ruddington. I can see your regret and, after some consideration, I believe you to be trustworthy and honest. You have not tried to simply laugh off your decision but have seen it to be a grave matter.” A small smile touched the corner of her lips. “That is what has convinced me that I can trust you, Lord Ruddington. I can trust your words. I can trust your character, marred as it was by your anger. I can see you are a gentleman of honor, who made one dark mistake but whose conscience saved him from fulfilling it—and it is with this knowledge that I come to you now.”

  Daniel’s heart began to race as Miss Crosby continued to look up at him, her hand still settled upon his chest. What was it she was going to say?

  “I must ask you, Ruddington, whether or not you meant what you said to me that evening,” Miss Crosby continued, her voice soft. “I must know whether or not it was real.”

  Daniel frowned, looking down into her eyes and seeing the questions there. “If you are asking me whether I meant every word I said as regarded you, Miss Crosby, then I can easily inform you that it was entirely true. My thoughts kept returning to you, over and over again, reminding me that if I were to do this disastrous thing, I should be deliberately setting myself apart from you for the rest of my days. I would be injuring you most painfully whilst bringing much sorrow to my own heart. It was the thought of you, Miss Crosby, that forced me to set my back against that plan. All because I realized, in that one moment, that what I felt for you was more than a mere affection, a gentle fondness.” His throat constricted, his whole body burning with the awareness of what he was about to say. “I realized I loved you, Miss Crosby. And I love you still, even though I am entirely unworthy of you.”

  At this, Miss Crosby’s eyes flooded with tears, although, much to Daniel’s relief, a smile began to lift her lips.

  “I love you also, Ruddington,” she whispered, her other hand now settling on his shoulder. “I have been so deeply troubled and confused but, over
the last few days as I have thought of what I have learned, thought of what I feel, and thought of what might now be, I have come to the decision that I cannot set aside what I feel for you. There is no need to ask for forgiveness, Ruddington, for it is already there waiting for you. I have nothing but love for you now, knowing you are a gentleman of honor who will not shirk from his wrongdoing but rather turn and face it directly. There is nothing barring me from drawing close to you now, my dear sir. That is...” She blushed and dipped her head for a moment. “That is, if you would be glad of me doing so.”

  He did not allow her to question it for even a moment. Lowering his head, he bent to brush his lips against hers, feeling every single sensation bursting through him all at once. It ran to the tips of his fingers as he caught her about the waist, ran to his lips as he kissed her, and ran to his heart as it filled with love anew.

  “I can hardly believe this to be true,” he whispered, resting his forehead against hers as she held her arms about his neck. “What you have given me is the greatest gift imaginable, Miss Crosby. I shall be utterly devoted to you from this moment onwards, for I do not want to live my life without you. I cannot imagine even a day gone from your presence.” Opening his eyes, he looked down into her face and saw her smiling back at him, her expression one of sheer joy.

  “You know I would not refuse you anything you asked, Ruddington,” she whispered, her eyes shining. “But you must promise to do one thing for me also.”

  “Anything,” he said fervently, his heart soaring towards heaven. “Name it, Miss Crosby, and I will do it.”

  She laughed softly, reached up on tiptoe, and kissed him. “Do call me ‘Sarah,’ my love,” she said, making him smile. “I long to hear my name upon your lips.”

  Reaching up, he brushed a stray curl from her cheek, tucking it gently behind her ear. “Sarah,” he said, seeing how her color mounted and her eyes glowed with happiness. “Sarah Crosby, the lady who has stolen my heart and who shall, forever, have my love, my gratitude, and my heart.”

  I hope you enjoyed Sarah and Daniel’s story! If you missed the Book 1 and Book 2 in The Spinsters Guild series, you can find links to them below!

  A New Beginning

  The Disgraced Bride

  My Dear Reader

  Thank you for reading and supporting my books! I hope this story brought you some escape from the real world into the always captivating Regency world. A good story, especially one with a happy ending, just brightens your day and makes you feel good! If you enjoyed the book, would you leave a review on Amazon? Reviews are always appreciated.

  Below is a complete list of all my books! Why not click and see if one of them can keep you entertained for a few hours?

  The Duke’s Daughters Series

  The Duke’s Daughters: A Sweet Regency Romance Boxset

  A Rogue for a Lady

  My Restless Earl

  Rescued by an Earl

  In the Arms of an Earl

  The Reluctant Marquess (Prequel)

  A Smithfield Market Regency Romance

  The Smithfield Market Romances: A Sweet Regency Romance Boxset

  The Rogue’s Flower

  Saved by the Scoundrel

  Mending the Duke

  The Baron’s Malady

  The Returned Lords of Grosvenor Square

  The Waiting Bride

  The Long Return

  The Duke’s Saving Grace

  A New Home for the Duke

  The Spinsters Guild

  A New Beginning

  The Disgraced Bride

  A Gentleman’s Revenge

  Love and Christmas Wishes: Three Regency Romance Novellas

  Collection with other Regency Authors

  Love at the Christmas Ball

  Love, One Regency Spring

  Rogues Like It Hot

  Love a Lord in Summer

  Please continue on to the next page for a preview of the first book in The Spinsters Guild series, A New Beginning! If you have already read A New Beginning, try one of the anthologies, like Rogues Like It Hot or Love a Lord in Summer!

  Happy Reading!

  All my love,


  A Sneak Peek of A New Beginning

  Chapter One

  “Good evening, Miss Taylor.”

  Miss Emily Taylor, daughter to the Viscount Chesterton, kept her gaze low to the ground, her stomach knotting. The gentleman who had greeted her was, at this present moment, looking at her with something akin to a leer, his balding head already gleaming in the candlelight.

  “Good evening, Lord Smithton,” she murmured, hearing the grunt from her father than indicated she should be doing more than simply acknowledging the gentleman’s presence. The last thing Emily wished to do, however, was to encourage the man any further. He was, to her eyes, grotesque, and certainly not a suitable match for someone who had only recently made her debut, even if he was a Marquess.

  “Emily is delighted to see you this evening,” her father said, giving Emily a small push forward. “I am certain she will be glad to dance with you whenever you wish!”

  Emily closed her eyes, resisting the urge to step back from the fellow, in the knowledge that should she do so, her father would make certain that consequences would follow. She could not bring herself to speak, almost feeling Lord Smithton’s eyes roving over her form as she opened her eyes and kept her gaze low.

  “You know very well that I would be more than pleased to accompany you to the floor,” Lord Smithton said, his voice low and filled with apparent longing. Emily suppressed a shudder, forcing herself to put her hand out and let her dance card drop from her wrist. Lord Smithton, however, did not grasp her dance card but took her hand in his, making a gasp escape from her mouth. The swift intake of breath from behind her informed Emily that she was not alone in her surprise and shock, for her mother also was clearly very upset that Lord Smithton had behaved in such an improper fashion. Her father, however, said nothing and, in the silence that followed, allowed himself a small chuckle.

  Emily wanted to weep. It was obvious that her father was not about to say a single word about Lord Smithton’s improper behavior. Instead, it seemed he was encouraging it. Her heart ached with the sorrow that came from having a father who cared so little for her that he would allow impropriety in front of so many of the beau monde. Her reputation could be stained from such a thing, whispers spread about her, and yet her father would stand by and allow them to go about her without even a twinge of concern.

  Most likely, this was because his intention was for Emily to wed Lord Smithton. It had been something Emily had begun to suspect during these last two weeks, for Lord Smithton had been present at the same social gatherings as she had attended with her parents, and her father had always insisted that she greet him. Nothing had been said as yet, however, which came as something of a relief, but deep down, Emily feared that her father would simply announce one day that she was engaged to the old, leering Lord Smithton.

  “Wonderful,” Lord Smithton murmured, finally letting go of Emily’s hand and grasping her dance card. “I see that you have no others as yet, Miss Taylor.”

  “We have only just arrived,” said Emily’s mother, from just behind Emily. “That is why –”

  “I am certain that Lord Smithton does not need to know such things,” Lord Chesterton interrupted, silencing Emily’s mother immediately. “He is clearly grateful that Emily has not yet had her head turned by any other gentleman as yet.”

  Closing her eyes tightly, Emily forced herself to breathe normally, aware of how Lord Smithton chuckled at this. She did not have any feelings of attraction or even fondness for Lord Smithton but yet her father was stating outright that she was interested in Lord Smithton’s attentions!

  “I have chosen the quadrille, the waltz and the supper dance, Miss Taylor.”

  Emily’s eyes shot open, and she practically jerked back the dance card from Lord Smithton’s hands, preventing him from finishing writi
ng his name in the final space. Her father stiffened beside her, her mother gasping in shock, but Emily did not allow either reaction to prevent her from keeping her dance card away from Lord Smithton.

  “I am afraid I cannot permit such a thing, Lord Smithton,” she told him plainly, her voice shaking as she struggled to find the confidence to speak with the strength she needed. “Three dances would, as you know, send many a tongue wagging and I cannot allow such a thing to happen. I am quite certain you will understand.” She lifted her chin, her stomach twisting this way and that in fright as Lord Smithton narrowed his eyes and glared at her.

  “My daughter is quite correct, Lord Smithton,” Lady Chesterton added, settling a cold hand on Emily’s shoulder. “Three dances are, as you know, something that the ton will notice and discuss without dissention.”

  Emily held her breath, seeing how her father and Lord Smithton exchanged a glance. Her eyes began to burn with unshed tears but she did not allow a single one to fall. She was trying to be strong, was she not? Therefore, she could not allow herself to show Lord Smithton even a single sign of weakness.

  “I suppose that is to be understood,” Lord Smithton said, eventually, forcing a breath of relief to escape from Emily’s chest, weakening her. “Given that I have not made my intentions towards you clear, Miss Taylor.”

  The weakness within her grew all the more. “Intentions?” she repeated, seeing the slow smile spreading across Lord Smithton’s face and feeling almost sick with the horror of what was to come.

  Lord Smithton took a step closer to her and reached for her hand, which Emily was powerless to refuse. His eyes were fixed on hers, his tongue running across his lower lip for a moment before he spoke.

  “Your father and I have been in discussions as regards your dowry and the like, Miss Taylor,” he explained, his hand tightening on hers. “We should come to an agreement very soon, I am certain of it.”

  Emily closed her eyes tightly, feeling her mother’s hand still resting on her shoulder and forcing herself to focus on it, to feel the support that she needed to manage this moment and all the emotions that came with it.


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