The Dirty Dozen: Alpha Edition

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The Dirty Dozen: Alpha Edition Page 11

by Kay Maree

  It still made Morrisey curl his lip in a snarl when he thought about what that bitch had done. Cash had given her his whole heart and she had torn it from him, chewed it up and spat it back out. Cash had plans to marry her, he wanted to have children with her. Morrisey loved her too, but he was a lot more guarded with his heart than Cash was. However, Amanda had stolen everything from Cash when he caught her in bed, with another man. Apparently, she had never been faithful to the brothers. She was just in it for what she could get out of them. When she got bored, she decided it was time to move on. Instead of just telling Cash and Morrisey that she no longer wanted them, she made sure Cash caught her with someone else.

  Cash didn’t eat or sleep for weeks, they made a hell of a lot of money in that time, because all Cash did was work. Eventually his heart started to heal, and his heart ache turned to anger, before it turned to mistrust of women. It was why when Morrisey had organized a new housekeeper after Lola retired, he asked for an older woman, someone motherly, and less likely to be sexually attractive and untrustworthy. Instead the agency sent Alaina. Beauty personified.

  When they went to their office after breakfast, Cash looked uncomfortable and somewhat more stressed than normal. He tended to always be tightly strung, but this was something new. Morrisey knew the cause, he was just waiting to see what Cash would say.

  “She can’t work here,” Cash blurted.

  Morrisey sighed and reached out giving his brothers shoulder a squeeze. “The agency sent her because they felt she could do the job. Do you believe she can’t do the job?”

  “No, that’s not it,” Cash sighed with a shake of his head, “I think she can do the job, but my god, you saw how naturally submissive she is. You can see with your own two eyes how fucking gorgeous she is. My cock has been hard since the minute I saw her standing in the foyer.”

  Morrisey chuckled, he understood Cash’s problem, his cock had instantly hardened the minute he had seen her. “So, what do you propose we do? Fire her? For what reason? You know the agency isn’t going to send someone else, just because we fired Alaina on the grounds that she made our dicks hard.”

  “I know, I know,” Cash said as he ran his hands up over his face, “I just don’t want to go back there Morrisey, I don’t want to revisit that time.”

  Morrisey leaned forward so that he was looking into Cash’s eyes, “Alaina isn’t Amanda. She is just our employee. Amanda started as our girlfriend; she didn’t work for us. So, we treat Alaina as an employee only. When was the last time you got laid?”

  Cash looked at Morrisey sheepishly and shrugged his shoulder, “I don’t know, the last party we had I think, and even then Autumn had her damned claws in my arm the whole fucking night, that it was just a quick fuck with that blonde Amazonian woman, what was her name?”

  “Jesus, Cash,” Morrisey barked out a laugh, “you can’t call her an Amazonian woman, her name is Breanna, she’s a model for crying out loud.”

  Cash shrugged his shoulder, “she’s huge, not my type.”

  “Why did you go there then?” Morrisey asked raising an eyebrow and shaking his head.

  “She was the one closest and easiest to sneak out with, without Autumn noticing. Fuck that woman annoys the hell out of me. Why she can’t go and find any other man in the damned room, why always me?”

  “She has always had a thing for you Cash. What if we organize another party, just a small affair, without Autumn?” Morrisey suggested.

  “Do you think Alaina would be up to organizing one of our parties?” Cash asked raising an eyebrow at his brother.

  “Only one way to find out,” Morrisey said as he picked his phone out of his pocket and rang down to Alaina’s number.

  “Hello?” she answered on the second ring.

  “Alaina, could you come up to the office please?” Morrisey asked.

  “Sure thing, I’ll be right up,” she said sounding a little nervous and unsure. Her tone made Morrisey smile. Hanging up the phone he sat down at his desk and waited.


  Alaina could feel her nervousness rising as she went up the stairs to the office space. She had just finished putting on the laundry and was about to put new sheets on the brother’s beds, when Morrisey’s phone call came in. Alaina worried that they were about to fire her. She questioned everything she had said to them, had she done something wrong? Chewing on her lip, she knocked on the door of the office and waited for Cash or Morrisey to call out to her to enter.

  “Come in,” a deep voice who Alaina believed belonged to Morrisey called out.

  Alaina opened the door and entered the cluttered office. Cash was sitting at his desk typing at his computer, while Morrisey was lounged out on a couch that sat against a window.

  “You needed to speak to me?” Alaina said with a trembling voice. She felt ridiculous, she was strong enough to punch a patron at her last job in the dick for grabbing her ass, yet something about the Caldwell brothers intimidated her so much that she became a meek mouse around them. Tears prickled at her eyes and she blinked rapidly to prevent herself from crying.

  Alaina bit her lip and frowned, as she silently cursed herself out for being so weak in front of these men. They were no different to Frankie, her last boss, or her brothers who she could speak her mind in front of without a problem. She needed to get her shit together and be strong.

  “Yes, we are planning to have a party and we are wondering if you would be able to organize it for us. We will take care of the invitations, but we will need finger foods that will be served throughout the night,” Morrisey said.

  Alaina bit her bottom lip and sighed with relief. She wasn’t going to lose her job, but this was a big test for her. She knew that she could prepare a party, that wasn’t the hard part. The part that had her nervous was the fact that these men didn’t just have parties like her family. They didn’t just fire up a grill and start barbecuing meat and serve beer. This party would be high class and Alaina worried that she wouldn’t be able to stack up to their needs. She feared she would look stupid. Alaina couldn’t take the humiliation that might come with messing this up.

  “There is something you need to be aware of for our parties,” Cash said turning from the computer to look at Alaina, “they aren’t the normal parties that people have. At these parties, you will see people who have a high standing in society, there will be judges, politicians and sports people here. These people come to our parties, to partake in something specific that we offer.”

  Alaina frowned as her mind went through all the things that Cash could be talking about, was there going to be drugs or illegal dealings. Alaina wouldn’t be able to stay if that was the case. It was one thing having a party with a difference, but if the brothers expected her to start doing illegal shit, then she was out.

  “We live somewhat of an alternative lifestyle Alaina,” Morrisey said as he leaned forward in his chair, before quickly standing up, “in fact instead of just telling you what we do, come with me and I’ll show you.”

  Alaina shook her head, she didn’t want to follow Morrisey, suddenly fear spread through her, and she found herself rooted to the spot. “You are safe, little finch, I won’t do anything to hurt you,” Morrisey said into her ear causing goose pimples to break out over her skin. Alaina bit her tongue to prevent the groan that wanted to escape, just from the sound of his voice.

  She squeezed her thighs together; these men were going to be the death of her. She never thought she had much of a sex drive, she didn’t have a need to masturbate like others. When Kelsey and her other friends talked about mind blowing orgasms, Alaina couldn’t participate. She had never had one. She tried, Kelsey encouraged her to buy a vibrator, but Alaina just found it more irritating rather than causing some great orgasm, so she gave up and didn’t bother using it. Alaina finally threw it out when she left her apartment to move into the Caldwell mansion.

  “Come, follow me,” Morrisey said quietly.

ina nodded and although fear was flowing through her blood, her feet had other ideas, and followed him obediently. Morrisey led her down the hallway until they were out the front of the door that Cash had told her not to enter. Morrisey looked over his shoulder to see that she was still behind him and gave her a small smirk, before swinging the door open and entering the room.

  The room could only be described as sultry, the walls were painted a dark grey, there was mirrors on the roof, the floor was a highly polished black marble. Standing in the middle of the room was a giant wooden cross, that looked like an X. On one wall was an array of whips, hand cuffs and feather boas as well as what looked like a milking machine that you would put on a cow. Alaina’s eyes widened as she took the room in. At the back of the room was black leather couches. Underneath the milking machine was what looked like a day bed or large loveseat.

  “What is this?” Alaina asked, looking up at Morrisey who was watching her closely.

  “This is what our lifestyle consists of,” he said casting his arm around the room, “Cash and I like control, and that flows into our sexual habits.”

  “You like to hurt people during sex?” she asked with a frown.

  Morrisey chuckled and shook his head, “not really, pain when it is delivered properly and carefully can cause pleasure. A spanking on the bottom, or having one’s nipples clamped, can make the result so much bigger. Do you understand?”

  “Not really no. I… I haven’t had much experience so no I don’t understand,” she admitted.

  “Ah, I see, do you mind me asking what experience you have?” Morrisey asked.

  Alaina looked up at him and noticed the fire in his eyes that he had the night before. She felt a blush creep up her neck and over her cheeks. Did she really want to admit to her boss that she had only ever kissed one boy and found it so disgusting she never went back for seconds? The way that Tyler stuck his tongue down her throat in the eighth grade made her nearly vomit. She dumped him the next day and never dated again.

  “I um, nothing, I have no experience at all. I’ve kissed one boy in the eighth grade,” she said quietly.

  Morrisey raised an eyebrow but continued to watch her. Alaina felt like his stare was boring into her and stripping her naked. She felt like she should be uncomfortable under the weight of his stare, but the opposite happened, she was so turned on she squeezed her thighs together. Morrisey stepped forward into her space and dipped his face close to hers.

  “Do I turn you on, Alaina?” he said low, his voice was deep and husky with need.

  Alaina couldn’t control the moan that escaped her throat. Slowly Morrisey slid his finger up her arm to her shoulder, leaving goose bumps in its wake. God, she wanted him, but this was her boss, damn it, her boss. She couldn’t lose this job. Alaina cleared her throat, closing her eyes she took a purposeful step back. The loss of Morrisey’s body heat and the scent of his aftershave made her want to step back into him, but Alaina forced herself to keep a level head. She had to think about her job.

  “So, this party, will be about what you do here?” she asked, forcing herself to look at her boss and bring the topic back to the one at hand.

  Morrisey gave her a wry grin and nodded his head, the fire was still dancing in his eyes as he watched her struggle with her decision to focus on work.

  “Yes. There will be women here, who like to play with the men that enjoy this lifestyle too. You can expect about fifteen people. We will meet in here; some use our toys and others will bring their own. Most will be partnered and willing to play. We will expect finger foods and champagne to be readily available to our guests throughout the night.”

  “I can make sure that your party is catered. I will start a list of everything I need to make and do. What day are you wanting the party?” she asked, gritting her teeth against the irrational jealousy that was raging through her system. She wanted to be tied up with the silk ropes that hung from the roof. She wanted to be touched like she knew the women who were coming to the Caldwell’s party would be touched.

  “Friday night,” Morrisey said breaking through her inner thoughts.

  “Very well, I can do that. Is there something that you specifically would like to be served?” she asked.

  “No, whatever you make will be fine. Thank you, Alaina,” Morrisey said with another smile, before turning and leaving her alone in his room of torture.

  Alaina took one more look around the room before she turned and left, heading back to the bedrooms to make beds and clean bathrooms. Her mind was going to be on what she had seen, felt and heard for the rest of the day, but she had to keep in mind that she was no more than an employee to the brothers. They could have any number of women they wanted, from wealthy backgrounds, that would complement them and their lifestyles. Someone like Alaina just wasn’t meant to be for a man like Morrisey or Cash.



  A virgin, and not just that, one that had only kissed one guy, and that was when she was a damned teenager. Morrisey remembered his first kiss, it was fucking awful. All tongue and slobber. If he thought his dick couldn’t get any harder, he was wrong. The minute that he saw the visible reaction she had to his presence, it nearly brought him to his knees. He wanted to tear her clothes from her body and pinken her ass with his hand or maybe a paddle. He knows that she would be scared, but that is what makes it more exciting.

  When Morrisey went back to the office, Cash was still looking at his computer screen, pretending that Morrisey wasn’t there. Finally, Cash couldn’t hold back anymore and looked over at his brother. Whatever was on Morrisey’s face caused Cash to snort.

  “Look at you, you are so smug, what happened?” Cash asked.

  Morrisey chuckled and shook his head, “she is the one, there is no if, buts or maybes about it, Cash. She is perfect. She is a virgin; she has kissed one guy in the eighth grade. That is the limit of her sexual experience, Cash.”

  Cash’s eyes widened at the information. Morrisey knew his brother’s interest would have been piqued with the knowledge that Alaina was a virgin. It was his fetish. He loved virgins. Cash loved to break them in. Whereas Morrisey liked to push them and teach them how far they could go and still find pleasure. He liked playing with wax, whips and electrodes. Cash was gentler. Together they seemed to make the perfect pair, they evened each other out. Morrisey knew that together they could teach Alaina the pleasure of their world and she would be ruined for any other man.

  The only problem was that Cash would need to learn to trust her. There was also the little matter of the fact that Alaina was their employee. That made things slightly more difficult, but it was nothing they couldn’t work around. If Alaina agreed to be their pet, then she would be cared for in every sense of the word. She would ask for nothing.

  Morrisey hadn’t felt a need like this in years, even with Amanda, there was the fun of having someone submissive, but there wasn’t that longing that he felt with Alaina. She did something to him. Morrisey wasn’t sure whether it was because she was naturally submissive or something else. Amanda was good at acting. She played the role of submissive pet, but it was never natural. Alaina, however, her natural state was to submit.

  Morrisey watched his brother debate with himself as to what he wanted. He knew that if Cash could get out of his own head, he would fall hard for Alaina. He also believed that Alaina wouldn’t tear out Cash’s heart like Amanda did. This girl needed love, she needed affection. And she would respond in accord if she had those needs taken care of.

  “Let her organize the party, let her see what it is that we desire and if she doesn’t go running for the hills, we will discuss it further. I have a feeling though that she will be so intrigued by this life that she will want more,” Morrisey said.

  Cash looked up at his brother and sighed before shaking his head, “I can’t just give my heart, Amanda crushed me, I don’t want to live through that again.”

  Morrisey stepped forward and
clasped his hand down on Cash’s shoulder giving it a squeeze, “I know Cash, I know. Amanda was a cunt, no doubt about it. Alaina though, she’s not like that, I get the feeling she is loyal to a fault and as long as she feels like the queen in our lives, then she will treat us as kings.”

  Cash nodded and sighed before turning back to his work and typing on the computer. Morrisey wanted to prove to Cash that Alaina was the girl for them. They weren’t going to find another girl that would be willing to share so easily and although they hadn’t approached Alaina about the prospect of entering the relationship with them, he knew that if she could understand their life, then she would have no issue.



  Alaina’s mind was whirling with thoughts, all night she hadn’t been able to get it out of her head, the room behind that secret door. She always knew that she wasn’t experienced, she never bothered masturbating, she didn’t bother with porn, and any porn she did watch was the vanilla kind, with a man and woman. It just wasn’t something she thought of.

  That room though, with all the various pieces of equipment and the whips, paddles and whatever the hell that milking machine thing was, sparked her curiosity. She found herself getting more and more excited for the upcoming party as the days wore on.

  Her days were filled with planning, cleaning, and cooking for the brothers. She noticed that Morrisey had become somewhat more flirtatious, while Cash watched her like a hawk. Every time she saw him, he had this mindful look on his face as if she were a puzzle that he was trying to figure out. It wasn’t that she felt judged by him, or that he was waiting for her to mess up, but more just trying to understand her.


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