Taken by Pirates: Steamy & Sweet Romance on the Sea: Shy Girl / Alpha Male Adventure

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Taken by Pirates: Steamy & Sweet Romance on the Sea: Shy Girl / Alpha Male Adventure Page 10

by Haley Travis

  There was no way I could go back to a life that was only in one town, with their rules and judgements. Now that I’d tasted freedom, I needed to explore just how far it would take me.

  Slipping out of bed, I made up my mind to prove my worth today. Let the Captain see that I was a good worker, and an asset to the ship. Also, I could let Levi see that I was worth introducing to his aunt because I was his lady, not just a member of his crew.

  After I’d dressed and brushed my hair, quickly braiding it into a single plait down my back, I hurried to the galley.

  “Good morning, lass,” Cookie said brightly.

  “How is it that you always manage to get up a half hour before everyone else?” I asked.

  Those wide shoulders shrugged as he stirred the porridge. “I think it’s in my blood. Both of my parents were always up at first light.”

  “But with your eyes closed, how does your mind know there is any light at all?” I asked with a laugh, grabbing a clean rag to scrub down the table.

  “Don’t know,” he chuckled. “Some sort of internal clock, I s’pose.”

  By the time the rest of the men came in for breakfast, I had scrubbed the table and chairs within an inch of their lives, helped Cookie with breakfast, and polished one of the lamps.

  “You’re full of vim and vinegar, today, lass,” Cookie chuckled. “As my mother always says.”

  I noticed that the Captain looked around the room, giving me a smile and nod of approval.

  The men were excited to get to Tegarren Point, a port they apparently visited quite often. Besides the Captain’s aunt, the town featured an incredible bakery. There was also a tiny market stall that sold used clothing, and little items like books.

  As the men discussed the clothing items and small sundries they needed, and a few tools for the ship, I got up to begin washing the dishes.

  I managed to be so quiet that they barely noticed when I finished, slipping above deck and finding the broom.

  For the entire day, I floated around the ship, finding tasks that need to be done, or helping the crew with theirs. Polishing brass fixings, sweeping and mopping the deck, polishing the railings, and doing laundry left me completely exhausted by dinner.

  Somehow I managed to stay on my feet long enough to peel potatoes and eat some supper. But then I was beat.

  “Good night, lads,” I said as soon as the dishes were done.

  As I climbed the stairs, I heard Willy ask, “Is there a reason Maggie has been working herself like a dog all day?”

  I could barely make out the Captain’s low rumble. “I noticed that as well.”

  It was a huge relief that they had paid attention. Certainly the Captain must see that I was dedicated to the ship.

  I paused just long enough to hear Dwyer say, “Maggie is a hard worker, but she also points out ways to do things better and faster. She’s got those lady smarts.”

  The raucous round of laughter hid my footsteps as I crawled into bed completely exhausted. Somehow, I was going to have to find the strength to do it all again tomorrow.

  ~ Chapte r 20 ~ The Captain ~

  * Questions and Answers *

  It was perplexing that Maggie was keeping her distance from me, when I had thought we’d been growing closer.

  Every morning I woke to find her clinging to me, but yesterday she left without a word. At least her body wanted me, even if her mind was still unsure.

  Her sudden burst of working herself to the point of exhaustion made no sense at all. Perhaps she felt she’d been here long enough that she should earn her keep? Perhaps her family used to punish her if she didn’t apply herself?

  I couldn’t ask, as she was barely speaking to me. Yet this had to end before the poor darling made herself ill.

  As she crawled out of bed, I waited until she pulled her dress on to murmur, “Maggie, come here a moment, please.”

  I patted the bed, and she came over to sit. “Yes, Captain?”

  My hand darted out before I could stop it, running my thumb along her cheekbone. “My beautiful lass, we all appreciate how hard you’ve been working, but please don’t grind those pretty little fingers to the bone.”

  “I’m fine. Really.”

  If the lads were around, they would have burst into roars of laughter at how clearly not fine she was.

  “Maggie, we don’t follow the rules of society out here, beyond basic decency. So if I have offended you in any way, please, let me know so that I can beg your forgiveness.”

  Her head shook firmly. “Shall I go start breakfast, Captain?”

  “No.” Her eyes widened in surprise at my stern tone.

  “Lass, you must tell me what I did wrong. How am I to fix something if I don’t know what’s broken?”

  I hated that she looked so uncomfortable, but I needed to know the truth.

  “Please don’t think that you need to keep up with the men,” I said gently. “They’re all a lot stronger than you are, and have been doing this for many years. Nobody would ever expect you to work yourself so hard.”

  Those beautiful lips opened and closed several times, as if she wasn’t sure what words to choose. Finally, she whispered, “But you’re more likely to keep a good worker on board, aren’t you, Captain?”

  “Dear Lord,” I exclaimed, pulling her into my lap as my arms tightened around her. “I don’t know what could ever make you think that I wanted to be rid of you.”

  Her chin quivered, and she couldn’t meet my eyes as she whispered, “You don’t want to palm me off on your aunt Clementine?”

  In the back of my mind, an anchor dropped.

  “My sweet lass, Willy and I were discussing what to do should you ever want to leave us. No matter what happens, I need to make sure that you’re in a safe place.”

  She seemed to relax slightly as the heel of my hand ran up her spine. “And if we ever were doing a job that was a little too dangerous to have a sweet girl about, we could have you stay at my aunt’s for a week.”

  My thumb traced across her bottom lip. “I always need to see three steps ahead, Maggie. Plans. Scenarios. Just in case.”

  She looked at me curiously. “It’s my decision if I want to stay?”

  “Of course. Absolutely.”

  Her nose crinkled in disbelief.

  “Many of us are here on the sea for the sake of our freedom,” I explained gently. “We’d rather be our own men, rather than have townspeople tell us what to wear, what house to buy, and how to live. Sure, we’re a bunch of crusty, salty dogs, but if you’re comfortable here with us, the entire crew would like you to stay. I’m sure of it.”

  Maggie looked up at me with such hope in her eyes, that I had to take a guess at what she was thinking.

  “I know I haven’t told you about my feelings, lass. Pirates aren’t supposed to have any.”

  Taking hold of her hand, I placed across my heart. “This is yours, Maggie. If you want it.”

  Tears filled those pretty blue eyes, and I froze, not sure what to do. Then she leaned in just an inch, her lips parting as she silently begged for a kiss.

  No woman of mine should ever have to beg.

  Kissing her gently, our lips glided together in a sweet caress that grew more heated every second. Lying back across the bed, I pulled her on top of me, allowing my hands to travel all over her behind, her thighs, those inviting hips.

  I could feel the hunger in her kiss. Feel how much she wanted me.

  Sliding my hand under her skirt, I caressed the back of her leg, inching my fingers under her knickers. She moaned softly, spreading her legs as she ground against my stiffening shaft. Although she was clearly innocent, there was no mistaking her body’s natural urges.

  She still wanted me. It was clear as a morning sky in winter. My beautiful girl wanted me completely.

  “Captain,” Dwyer called through the door, “Willy needs you to confirm our position.”

  “Son of a…” I muttered, making Maggie giggle. “I’ll be right there,�
�� I called out quickly.

  I kissed a path along to Maggie’s ear. “My beautiful girl, I’m going to ask you soon if I may take you completely. I’ll be happy to hear any answer – yes, no, or not quite yet. Just something to think about today.”

  The blush that stained her soft cheeks was so enticing that my hands clenched around her tender body.

  “Don’t work so hard today,” I whispered, kissing her forehead as we got up.

  “Aye, Captain ,” she said saucily, those blue eyes gleaming.

  Adjusting the firm bulge in my trousers, I gave my shoulders a shake and marched out to get to work.

  Today was going to be a big day, but tonight might be the most exciting night of my life.

  ~ Chap ter 21 ~ Maggie ~

  * Rosemary and Oregano *

  When the Captain first indicated that he wanted to chat, I thought for certain he was going to break it to me that he was leaving me in Tegarren Point.

  To discover that he wanted me to stay on board, and wanted us to be even more intimate, made my heart sing like birds in a meadow.

  My exhaustion of yesterday had disappeared completely, as I hurried down to the galley. By the time Willy and the Captain joined the crew, breakfast was already being served.

  “I have to say,” Willy grinned, “a man could get used to having these good meals on time.”

  A spoon rapped against the back of his hand as Cookie shot him a glare. “Watch your tone, boy. Respect your elders. I don’t need that kind of sass today.”

  The entire crew laughed loudly, as Cookie’s attempt to be stern didn’t suit him at all, and he burst into chuckles himself.

  “Clear sailing today, lads and miss,” the Captain said smoothly, giving me a wink.

  “Do you think aunt Clementine will have one of her delicious pies ready?” Dwyer asked, his eyes growing huge.

  “Well, she doesn’t know we’re coming,” Dobbs said. “But I bet if she did, she’d remember to make an extra apple raspberry just for you.”

  “Your aunt sounds lovely,” I said to the Captain. “Do you visit her often?”

  “Whenever he has an extra barrel of rum to hide,” Willy chuckled.

  The Captain shot him a stern look, then turned back to me. “It’s true that we use her cellar as an extra store room. But I’m also the only family she has left...”

  He trailed off, and I reached under the table to pat his knee. “It’s sweet of you to visit her,” I said softly.

  “I got to paint her fence last summer,” Dwyer grinned. “She paid me with two pies, all to myself.”

  Dobbs chuckled. “We bring her little treasures and news from our travels, which gives her stories to tell the ladies at tea.”

  Even though they were clearly thieves and outlaws to some degree, the crew of the Midnight Treasure was surprisingly wholesome. Who would have ever thought that I would learn more about family through a few weeks on a pirate ship that I ever had in my own home.

  Life was certainly a funny thing, and the path through it was always full of unusual twists and turns.

  We passed by Claytonsfield at enough of a distance that we were easily spotted, but it didn’t look like we were avoiding that port, just in a hurry to be elsewhere.

  It was difficult not to glance at the wee town that I had called home for nearly my entire life. Hopefully someday I could forget all about the terrible men there, both in my own family, and otherwise.

  As we approached Tegarren Point a few hours later, I stood at the bow, watching the townspeople gather on the dock.

  Instead of the usual pinched faces glaring their distrust and disapproval, I realized with delight as we came closer that they were smiling and waving. There were even women and children on the pier.

  Once the ship docked, the men unloaded just three crates and a barrel, as the Captain jumped down onto the pier. He looked so dashing in his long, dark coat, smiling widely as he approached the crowd of townspeople.

  The children broke away from their parents, running toward him with a cacophony of squeals. The Captain’s hands shot into the air in surrender as their tiny hands searched his large side pockets.

  I found myself laughing and clapping in delight as each child grabbed a boiled sweet wrapped in waxed paper, thanking him politely before running back to their families.

  Then the Captain turned to me, coming back to take my hand to escort me down the gangplank.

  I was accustomed to any of the men offering me a hand as I disembarked. But this time, the Captain kept my hand in his as we walked down the pier.

  He said good morning to everyone, greeting most of them by name. He even introduced me to a few of the women.

  By the time we made it to the end of the pier, the lads were right behind us with the cargo. The Captain took my hand, slipping it into the crook of his arm as we strolled along a beautiful street straight through town.

  The little shops were old but clean, and obviously well loved. Everything was so quaint and perfect that I could honestly imagine living here someday.

  Once we were through the town, we turned along a side path that led to several large houses up a bit of a hill. I could see that they would have a clear view of the inlet and the dock from their front porches.

  As we reached the end of the row, a tall woman in a dark gray dress was waiting in her doorway.

  “Levi!” She squealed like a schoolgirl, even though the bright white hair pinned up in a tidy bun and the lines around her eyes made her seem at least sixty.

  She ran down the path, and I stepped back as she barreled into the Captain’s arms. He swung her around, laughing merrily before setting her back on her feet. Then he took my hand again. “Aunt Clementine, I’d like you to meet my beautiful lady, Maggie Douglas.”

  He called me his lady.

  To someone outside of the ship’s crew. To family.

  My head was momentarily woozy at the realization of how serious this moment was.

  I held out my free hand. “It’s lovely to meet you.”

  Ignoring my offered hand, Clementine threw her arms around me in a fierce hug. Then she stepped back, holding my face between her palms. “What a beauty,” she whispered. “With fiery, soulful eyes.”

  “Thank you,” I managed to breathe. I’d never been examined so carefully in my life.

  She released my face with a light laugh. “I’m sorry, Maggie. My Levi has never brought a ladyfriend home before.”

  I wasn’t quite sure why that made my heart jump up into my throat from joy.

  “May we stash a few things in your cellar?” the Captain asked.

  Clementine raised an eyebrow. “Anything that I’ll find interesting?”

  “Aye, you’ll like this barrel of rum,” Dwyer grinned.

  Clementine nodded. “That I will.” She took a string from around her neck, pulling it off to reveal a key hanging from it. She tossed it to Dobbs. “You’ll find two bottles of wine missing from your little stash, but it was for a good cause. My friends now understand how important you boys are.”

  The men chuckled, hauling their crates and the barrel around to the side of the house, where I saw there was a flat angled door down to the cellar.

  “I’ll put the kettle on,” Clementine announced. “Levi, why don’t you show Maggie the flower garden for a moment before you join me in the kitchen?”

  Something about the way her deep eyes sparkled made me wonder if she knew we had been dying for a moment alone to steal a kiss.

  Levi took my hand again, leading me around the far side of the house, and through a gap in a tall cedar hedge.

  “Oh,” I gasped weakly, staring around an absolute amazement.

  The deep perfume of dozens upon dozens of rose bushes was tempered with the heady scent of a large lilac tree, and some little white flowers I’d never seen before, but smelled like honey.

  The Captain gathered me into his arms, holding our bodies so close together that there was no mistaking his arousal.

p; He kissed me gently, our lips melting together so naturally that I almost lost my breath. Then he kissed down my throat, making me tremble right down to my knees.

  “My lovely lass,” he murmured. “May I touch you?”


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