The Rock Chamber Boys : The Complete Series

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The Rock Chamber Boys : The Complete Series Page 7

by Daisy Allen

  I rub my hands together and let their banter sink in and relax me.

  “Um, what do you want me to play?” I ask.

  “Whatever you like. Whatever it is, Dennis will hate it anyway.” Jez grins and then clenches his jaw as if bracing for something. That something is a toy foam football that comes hurtling towards his head from the direction of the older guy.

  “Dennis is our manager. He hates music, traveling and well, us. But we make him rich so he tolerates it.” Brad tells me, and I’m glad he’s moved his teasing on to someone else.

  I turn to look at Dennis who just shrugs and goes back to his tablet.

  Their banter is relentless and I feel intimidated by the bond they have, a bond that was obvious on stage last night. And not for the first time I think that I’m way out of my league playing with them. Last night, on stage, they were like a four-limbed, stringed mythical creature, sounding battle cries and sweet nothings in the form of epic ballads and rock anthems. How was I going to compete, or even match up to that?

  I turn to look at Sebastian, who smiles and squeezes my shoulder. It burns where he touches me even after he pulls away and I take the chance to distract myself from him by thinking of what to play.

  I rest my fingers on the keys for a moment, closing my eyes, and as always hearing the opening stanzas in my head before I start.

  Then I press down and let the music speak for itself.

  I choose to open with Chopin’s – “Ballade” in G minor. It has a dramatic opening and a wonderfully expressive introduction. I keep my eyes closed and try to forget everything that’s around me. Then something in the notes reminds of the song “Say Something” by A Great Big World. I slowly transition between the classical piece and this iconic modern ballad.

  As the chorus breaks, I feel the guys move around me, but I don’t dare open my eyes in case I break my connection to the song. And then I hear a soft cello string note sound, harmonizing with my song. Then one by one, the second cello, and the violin and then viola join in. Each finding their own notes, weaving in and out around mine. I can’t help but smile as it’s no longer a piano solo, but a small symphony of sound. I switch to a higher octave and hear Sebastian’s cello fill the space I’ve left, taking the lead, the melody strong and beautiful in his hands.

  Then as the piece descends to its close, the violin and viola drop away, then Jez’s cello and finally it’s just me and Sebastian. Playing the same notes but on instruments created from different worlds. I hold my breath as I play the last note, holding it as long as it takes before the sound fades away from Sebastian’s bow.

  I feel my lungs empty, not realizing I’d been holding my breath. I wait for someone to say something, but there’s no sound, only the noise of the guys putting down their instruments.

  And then Dennis speaks up, “And then there were five.”

  The guys burst out into laughter and I can’t help but still sit there stunned.

  “Cadence!” Jez comes up and pats me on the back. “You are fucking brilliant, just what we’ve been looking for! Where have you been all our lives?”

  Sebastian looks over at me and smiles, “I’ve been wondering that myself.”

  “We have to put this mashup on our album. We’ll play around with it a bit, is that OK with you Cadence?” Jez asks, already jotting something down on a piece of paper.

  “Er, yeah, sure, it’s just something that came to me just then.” I tell him honestly.

  “You are perfect for us.” Brad says as peers over Jez’s shoulder.

  “Eh, you’re all right, I guess,” Marius shrugs as he hands me a bottle of water. “Not too bad for a piano teacher.”

  “Spoken like a true failed piano student.” I can’t help but rib him, feeling more comfortable now that they’ve accepted me somewhat.

  “Oohhhhh!” The rest of the band laughs as Marius pretends to hang his head.

  “Oh, and by the way,” Sebastian speaks up, “What do you think of this for our new band name...The Rock Chamber Boys?”

  They all go quiet and then grin at each other and whoop, lifting their hands in a series of high fives.

  “That’s fucking it. That’s exactly what we’ve been looking for. ”Brad says. “Who thought of it?”

  “Our new pianist.” Sebastian points to me and winks.

  “Dennis, you better watch out, or else you’re going to be out of a job. Leaving us to find our own pianist, and now her coming up with our band name.” Jez shakes his finger at his manager.

  “I’m not worried, dickheads.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I have more drunk pictures of you fuckwits doing idiotic shit than I need to keep me in blackmail millions for the rest of my life.”


  We all laugh and barely hear the knock on the door until Jez yells “Come in, it’s open!”

  The door opens and in walks the tall blonde from last night.


  I knew she’d be a hit.

  From the first note of the Chopin piece, I saw the guys eyeing each other, to the way she led us into the transition of the ballad and instinctively knew how to mold the sounds, the harmonies, something we’d taken years of playing together to learn.

  Her music pulls at my heart and her body and mind tugs on my dick. I want her so bad at this moment, I’m glad the other guys are in the room to stop me from doing something stupid and scaring her off.

  I watch her blending in with the banter and I wonder what it’d be like for her to join us permanently. She’d bring some class to the place, that’s for sure.

  Dennis says something and I barely hear him, just watching her laugh along.

  “Come in, it’s open!” Jez yells towards the door and I hadn’t even noticed someone was knocking.

  The door open and Hailey walks in, carrying some shopping bags and drops onto the empty spot on the couch next to me.

  “Hey, guys, what’s going on? What are we laughing that?” She reaches over me to the snack plate on the coffee table and pushes my legs out of the way.

  “Dennis is threatening to out us all as pathetic drunks on TMZ so he can keep affording his designer coffees and pedicures.” Brad explains, and Hailey rolls her eyes and throws a cheese ball at Dennis’ head.

  I notice Cadence stand up in the corner of my eyes and head towards the door. I get up and join her just as she reaches for the handle.

  “Hey, where are you going?” I ask her.

  She doesn’t look at me and presses down on the door handle.

  “Hey. You OK?” I touch her gently on her shoulder and she jerks away from, still not answering, a small hiss emitting from her lips.

  She turns to the room and clears her throat, “Um, guys, I’ve gotta go now. Give me a call when you’re ready to rehearse. Thanks again for the chance.”

  “Ok, see ya, Cadence!” the guys shout out and she gives them a quick wave before pulling the door open and walking out.

  I follow her, but she’s fast, pretty much running down the hall to my hotel room.

  “Hey! Cadence, wait! What’s going on?” I catch up with her at my hotel room and she stands there staring at it, as if trying to burn a hole through it with her glare.

  “Can you please let me in so I can grab my stuff and go home? It’s late and I have an early meeting before class.” Her voice is cold and hard. I haven’t heard it like this before.

  “Hey,” I touch her softly on the shoulder again, and she whips around and glares at me.

  “Don’t. Touch me. Again.”

  “Hey, hey...What happened?” I don’t know what’s happened in the last few minutes that’s caused a complete change in her demeanor.

  “Sebastian, just open the door.”

  “Not until you tell me what’s going on?”



  “Just, I didn’t expect to see her there. OK? Just drop it?”


woman from last night,” she hisses through her teeth and leans her head against the door.

  Oh my god, I’m such a fucking idiot. I can’t believe I didn’t make the connection.

  “Oh, Cadence, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize...That’s Hailey...She’s...” I try to choose the right words.

  “No! I don’t want to know. I told you at the school this afternoon and I’m telling you now, I don’t care.” She turns her head to avoid my eyes.

  “Cadence...come on.” I lower my voice, wanting to comfort her.

  “Open the door, Sebastian.”

  I ignore her, and press her against the door, my hands wrapped around her arms, forcing her to look at me. She struggles slightly, but doesn’t look away.

  “Cadence, her name is Hailey. She’s Dennis’ daughter. I’ve known her for ten years. She’s like a sister to me. There’s nothing going on between us, never has been never, never will be.”

  She narrows her eyes and takes a breath. “I don’t care, Sebastian.”

  “I think you do, Cadence. Contract or no contract, you care. So that’s the truth. What you saw last night, was just me seeing her for the first time in almost a year. She’s been at school while we’ve been on tour. We’re all really close.”

  “Fuck, Sebastian! Why did you tell me that?” My hands are still around her biceps but she somehow manages to lift her forearms and thump on my chest with her fists.

  “Because I’m not going to have you hating me when I did nothing to deserve it.” She turns her face and I follow her gaze, forcing her to look me in the eye again. I can feel the heat rise through her body to her cheeks. “Hate your ex-boyfriend, hate the real assholes who hurt you, but don’t lump me in with them when I did nothing to deserve it. “ The pain in her eyes tell me there’s a story behind all this. A heartbreaking past. A hurt I don’t deserve to know yet.

  Her fists fall to her sides and she sighs, “Sebastian. I...I just can’t.”

  She becomes limp against the door and I wonder how easy it would be to scoop her up in my arms. But I don’t.

  “Ok. If you don’t want to give us a chance, fine. But it’s not because I didn’t try. When you want to hate me, at least do it for the things I did and not the things you think I would do.”

  I let her go and she lets out a breath before asking me, “Why are you doing this?”


  “This. All of it. Hiring me as the piano player when you could get anyone, people way more talented and less trouble. And the money, the donation. It’s so much money. Why?”

  “I have my reasons.”

  “Tell me one.”

  I breathe. No point in hiding it.


  Her breath catches in her throat. I can’t tell if it’s the answer she wanted or feared. Or both. But there was no use lying about it. She smiles softly at me and presses a soft hand on my chest. My heart threatens to jump out of my chest to be cradled in her palm.

  “This isn’t going to work, is it?” She smiles at me sadly.

  “Yes, it will. The guys love you, they’re not going to let you go now. And anyway, I’ve gotten my one kiss. So now, now we move on.” I give her a resigned smile.

  I reach around her and open the door to my hotel room. And try not to bury my face in her hair.

  “Take as long as you need, when you’re ready the car will be waiting for you downstairs. Dennis will call you tomorrow about a rehearsal schedule.”

  “I’m sorry, Sebastian.”

  “Me too, Cadence.” I lean in and kiss her softly on the cheek and walk away.

  Part Two

  Chapter Eleven


  “Fuck, I’m tired. Can we take a break yet?” Marius sighs at the end of the song and collapses into a nearby chair.

  “Dude, we’ve been rehearsing for like five minutes.” Brad pokes him with the tip of his bow.


  “Um, OK, eight.” Brad corrects himself.

  “Exactly, seven’s my limit before I need a break, you know that.”

  “I thought that was just with sex.” Sebastian teases him.

  “You’re thinking of Brad. I’m tantric, remember?”

  “Blue balls is not the same as tantric.”

  “Sure feels like it,” Marius laments.

  “Break’s over!” Dennis yells from his seat at the dining table, not bothering to look up.

  Jez winks at me and I can’t help but giggle at the banter. The band has been so supportive during my first few rehearsals, patient with me stumbling through the new songs, some I haven’t even heard of before. But it’s been so exciting, I can’t wait for rehearsal days and stay up nights practicing my parts and thinking of ways to improve. It’s been so long since I’ve played in any sort of performance capacity and even longer as part of an ensemble, I’m almost drunk on the adrenaline of creating music.

  This opportunity of playing on this album is so incredible, I feel like I’ve fallen under a lucky wishing star and all my dreams are being granted.

  Except for one.

  Sebastian has kept his promise so far, and since our one and only kiss, he hasn’t come closer than within a few feet to me. He is friendly and treats me like one of the guys but hasn’t touched me or said anything remotely suggestive to me. There’s no sign of the burning need from that night outside his hotel room door.

  Well, they do say, be careful what you wish for.

  “Cadence?” Sebastian says my name, and I wonder how long I’ve been daydreaming.

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “You OK? Why don’t you take a break?” He asks me, a little concerned.

  “Hey! How come she gets a break?” Marius grumbles as he gets back on his feet.

  “She’s just come straight from working with high school kids for eight hours. You woke up twenty minutes ago after a twelve-hour nap.” Jez reminds him.

  “Also, she’s prettier,” Brad grins and winks at me.

  “Ha, I don’t know about that,” I admit. I might be many things but I was definitely not as beautiful as these guys. “Do you all go to the same plastic surgeon or something?” I ask, it’d be hard to pick who was more good looking out of the four. But that doesn’t stop me from still having my favorite.

  “Excuse me, this is all au naturel,” Sebastian huffs, sticking his nose up in the air and caressing his chiseled cheeks.

  It sure does look God-given to me. I turn my focus back to the music to stop my thoughts drifting back to how it felt with his body pressed up hard against me.

  “Did no one hear me when I said ‘break’s over’?” Dennis yells at us again and we try to hold in our laughter as long as possible before Jez breaks down and bursts out in a huge guffaw, sending the rest of us into a huge giggle fit.

  These last few days have been the most fun I’ve had in years.

  And then, just like that, it’s back to business. All jokes and messing aroundabout aside, these guys are truly hardcore, hardworking musicians and they take their art so seriously. It makes my heart sing to be learning so much from them.


  An hour and a half later, we decide that we’ve done enough for the day. Hank, Sebastian’s assistant, hands me a bottle of water and I down it in almost one gulp. I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was.

  “Fuck, it’s really coming down out there.” Brad says, leaning against the window, taking a big bite out of his routine post-rehearsal apple.

  We all herd over to the window, watching the sky open up and spill a heaven of tears onto the Sydney metropolis. The layers of gray and white interweaving are mesmerizing and we stand in awe of the power of Mother Nature for a moment, feeling small and inconsequential.

  “Nutfuckles!” The expletive breaks the mood and everybody turns to face me. It seems their creative potty-mouth tendencies have rubbed off on me.

  Jez sighs and pats Sebastian on the arm. “And to think she was such a lady when you introduced her to us.”

p; Sebastian grins and winks at me, and for a moment we’re back in George’s music shop, crammed in the back with me chastising him for swearing. I blush at the memory and avoid his look by rushing over to the couch to grab my bag and phone.

  “Wassup, potty-mouth?” The guys follow me.

  “I forgot that my friend Sarah drove me here today and I was going to walk home because it looked like such a nice day.” I point to drenched sky. “I should work for the Channel 9 weather team.”

  “Oh, one of our cars can take you home,” Dennis offers generously.

  “Drivers are on their break.” Hank tells us.

  “I’ll drive! I haven’t driven for aaaages, I miss it!” Marius stands up and nudges me with his elbow. “You trust me, dontcha?”

  I’m not sure I do but I appreciate the offer, and Sebastian has suddenly turned eerily quiet, so I nudge him back and say, “Of course, you should be bright and alert considering you’ve been sleeping for the last two hours.”

  “Nutfuckles, indeed,” he responds and pushes me out the door. In the corner of my eye I can see Sebastian watching me. I give him a small wave and mouth, ‘good night’. He barely smiles in response.

  I guess he hasn’t had any problem leaving it all behind after all.


  “So, just before we go, which one is the gas pedal and which is the brake again?” Marius asks me.

  “Marius!” I cry out, horrified.

  “Relax, just kidding! I’m from London, remember? We drive on the left as well.”

  “Oh yeah, I forget you’re from all over the world.” I clasp my seatbelt and hold on probably tighter than I need to.

  “Yup, Brad and I are from England, Jez is from Romania and Sebbie’s a stinky Frenchman. But we’ve pretty much all lived in the UK since we were pretty young.” He reminds me as he turns out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

  “How did you all meet?”

  “Well, we were all at the Guildhall School of Music in London together. At one point or another I guess we kept finding each other in detention and decided we might as well do something with our time together. We formed No Strings Attached, now Rock Chamber Boys,” he gives me a quick wink before continuing, “... when we were about seventeen. There’ve been some member changes, at one point there were seven of us. But us four, we’ve always been the core and I guess that’s partly why we wanted the name change, to really cement who are now as people and musicians.”


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