The Rock Chamber Boys : The Complete Series

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The Rock Chamber Boys : The Complete Series Page 53

by Daisy Allen

  Her eyes narrow, as if she can’t believe I’m making her talk at a time like this, like I’m a dickhead for wasting time when I could be giving us both what we want.

  My thumb runs over her clit again, and she moans.

  “Fuck. Marius!”

  “Yes darling?”


  “Fuck what?”

  “Fuck ME, you goddamn fucking asshole!”

  I can’t help but throw my head back and laugh, which gets me an evil glare from her.

  I lean over and kiss her softly, before whispering into her ear, “As you wish, my sweet, sexy girl, as you wish.”

  Reaching for the condom, I quickly tear it open and slide it over me, careful not to linger. I already don’t think I’ll be able to last too long inside her.

  I lift her legs, spreading them to rest on either side of my hips.

  She doesn’t take her eyes off mine, and I promise myself not to ever break her gaze. I want to watch her, watch every single expression on her face.

  I ease forward, running my fingertip along the soft, silky skin of her inner thighs. God, she feels so fucking divine. My fingers run to the soft plump lips of her sex and hold them open as I press forward with my hips, the tip of my hardness pressing against her.

  “I want you so much, Anca. You can’t even imagine how much I want you, want this.”

  She reaches up to run her fingernails lightly over my face and it makes my skin tingle.

  I take one last breath and slam my hips forward, my cock driving all the way into her.

  I hear a roar, but I don’t know if it’s from me or her.

  I pull out and slam myself back into her again.

  I watch as her head fall back against the pillow.

  “No, don’t look away, I want to watch you come, Anca.” I tell her as I piston my cock in and out of her.

  Her brow furrows as she struggles to open her eyes, her hand reaching up over her head to steady herself against the headboard as I thrust against her, her sex taking every inch of me.

  “Oh fuck, yes. Marius, I’ve wanted you for so long,” she moans, her eyes dark and filled with lust.

  “I know, baby, god, I know, we’ve wasted so much time,” I grunt as my hands come down to grip her hips, anchoring her so I can fuck her harder. I’m losing all sense of reality as the sheer pleasure of being inside her, making love to her, fucking he,r takes over.

  “Anca…” I can just hear myself whimper. I’m so close, already, damn, what has she done to me?

  I feel her move under me, her legs bending, and suddenly she’s squeezing me even tighter. The breath catches in my throat.

  “I’m going to come, Marius…” she tells me, promises me, threatens me.

  And the thought sparks fireworks in my brain.

  “Come, darling, come for me. I want to watch you, feel you,” I struggle to say between my own ragged breaths.

  I reach out to touch her cheek, a tender moment before the deluge.

  She turns her face and grazes her teeth over the soft pad of my thumb.

  “Come, Anca, now,” I tell her. And she obeys.

  Unable to keep her eyes on me, her whole body tenses her hips lifting from the bed, her back arching, pushing herself as far onto my cock as she can.

  “FUCK!!! Oh god!” She screams as I bite down on the inside of my cheek, holding back my own orgasm until she’s done. I don’t want to miss a single moment.

  I watch as she shakes as tremors wrack through her torso, over and over until she falls back onto the bed. I can’t wait any longer I grip her thighs and drive myself faster and faster into her until I feel every muscle of my body tense so hard it hurts and then release.

  “Ahhh! Fuck. Anca. Baby!”

  “I’m here, Marius,” she murmurs, with the last of her strength, urging me on.

  I fall against her when I’m finally empty, collapsing into a heap of sweat and satisfaction.

  There’s a roaring in my ears as the blood in my body races back and forth, my heart filling and emptying all at once. When it finally quietens, all I can hear is the sound of our breaths slowing and a soft thump thump in her chest.

  “Areyoeeleengokayee,” I think I hear her say.


  “Ahhhoooeelingookeee?” she mumbles, only a fraction louder and no more intelligibly.

  “Yes, that’s much clearer.”

  There’s a soft humming and lifting of her chest as she giggles softly. And somehow that sound gives me even more joy than what we’ve just experienced. I shuffle up the bed and pull her into my arms, brushing the few strands of hair matted to her damp forehead.

  She grins at me; no, she beams.

  Like my very own star, shining down to grant light into my life.

  “Hey,” she says, sticking to a shorter, more manageable phrase.

  “Hey,” I beam back, and she settles against my chest.

  And we sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-one


  I look out into the crowd, three thousand glowing cell phones raised into the air, and I want to dive off the stage and fall into the array of twinkling lights and adoration.

  I’m standing in the wings watching the guys perform their closer, an electric, monolithic version of Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven and there’s not a single soul who’s not transfixed by the magic happening on stage. Except that it’s not just on stage. The absolute brilliance of the Rock Chamber Boys experience is that it’s all encompassing, enveloping every one into the fold. There’s something so generous, so giving, so welcoming and inviting about their music, their performance, that every single audience member feels like it’s a personal concert for themselves and yet everyone is invited, everyone and anyone who wants to be a part of it.

  It can only be that way because that’s how the guys really are, to their core. There’s no ego, no put-on airs about their talent. They know they’re fucking good, but they also know their talent is a gift from somewhere, and that they had no hand in it. And they don’t want that talent to go to waste, it was a gift to be nurtured and shared with the world.

  Behind me I can feel the crew rooted like statues to the floor, watching the finale, looking out from behind the scenes to see their hard work come together.

  We watch as the guys on stage move into a circle, playing off each other, spontaneous and practiced all at once. The spotlights dance off their strings like silver droplets, scattering over the awed faces of the crowd, as the music builds and builds and builds, each knowing what notes are going to come off their bandmate’s instrument even before they do.

  It’s breathtaking.

  “Fuck.” I hear Hank, Sebastian’s assistant and nephew whisper next to me, almost reverently.

  “Yeah,” is all I can say in response. Fuck.

  “SING IT, BITCHESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I hear Jez’s voice wash over the crowd as they come to end of the song, and there’s a collective breath before everyone joins together to scream the lines of the well-known chorus as the band plays one final epic note.

  And it’s over.

  The stage falls instantly dark and the guys run off the stage to the sound of deafening cheers.

  I move back to let them through, and Marius passes me, giving me a sneaky wink. I feel a blush come over me, and I swallow the urge to grin like a giddy school girl back at him.

  The inevitable calls for an encore thunder and shudder every inch of the hall.

  The guys huddle as they have the same conversation they have every night – who’s going on for the encore and what are they going to play.

  Marius turns back towards me for a moment and his face transforms into a slow grin.

  Oh. No.

  I shake my head and mouth “Hell, no.”

  But he doesn’t listen.

  “Hey guys, how ‘bout Anca?” He utters the words I’m dreading.

  “You wanna do it, lil sis?” Jez turns to me, his face questioning.

  “Er, no.”
I respond instantly, with a shake of my head.

  “Sure you do,” Marius insists, holding my gaze. There’s something in his face that’s so earnest, so believing in me that suddenly I’m not that sure I want to refuse. He gives me a small nod, encouraging me. And suddenly, all I want is to please him.

  “What would I play?”

  “Anything you want!” Marius exclaims, seeing my resolve crumbling as he comes over to give my arm a squeeze.

  “But…” I start, not sure if there is any protest left inside me.

  “You can play anything you want!” Sebastian joins in, his face drenched in sweat as he gulps down half a bottle of water.

  “But… I don’t want to go alone.” You can’t do it, the taunting voice whispers, and I shake my head, getting rid of it. Fuck you, I can.

  “Take Marius!” Sebastian offers.

  “W-will you…?” I ask him, suddenly shy.

  He nods before breaking out into a grin. “Of course. You take the lead, and I’ll follow. Just… you know. Nothing too obscure, I was raised on elementary Mozart and the Backstreet Boys.” He jokes, and I know it’s to calm my nerves.

  I hesitate for one last moment. What am I doing? This isn’t something we practiced. I’m not sure I can do off the cuff like they do, I just don’t have the experience. What if I freeze again? I can’t hide if it’s just the two of us. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder, and his eyes on me.

  Breathe, Marius mouths. And I do.

  Then the stomping and cheering and calls from the crowd for more get to me and I feel a grin spread over my face.

  “She’s going to do it,” I hear my brother whisper to Brad, nudging him with his elbow. “I know that look.”

  I throw Jez a grin and lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Told ya,” he says smugly, and squeezes my hot cheek.

  “Let’s go!!” I grab Marius’s arm and pull him out onto the stage with me to the sound of whoops from the band trailing behind us, fading into the noise.

  It’s still completely dark and Marius leads me to my harp, still set up on stage.

  “Breathe, babe. You got this. Remember, just breathe.” His voice is suddenly right there in my ear, so close it feels like he’s in my brain.

  In the dark I push back, and my back meets his chest, warm, strong.

  He leans in and grazes his lips against the back of my neck and I shiver.

  And pray that I don’t give in to my strongest temptation right now – turning around and begging him to take me, right here, right now. I’ve never felt more alive than in this moment.

  “Hmmm, you smell so sweet,” he whispers into my ear and again, I forget that beyond the end of the stage, is a crowd waiting for us.

  “Shhhhhh, don’t get me started,” I whisper as I feel around for my harp stool and sink down onto it.

  “Oh baby, we’ve only just begun,” he retorts, just as the stage lights flicker back into life, showering us in a warm, orange hue.

  I run my fingertip over the smooth wood grain of my harp, as I always do, a quiet moment of communion with my instrument before I play.

  My fingers know what to do seconds before it even occurs to me.

  The first few notes ring out and Marius catches my eyes and gives me a look much like the one he gave me just a few hours ago, just before he slid inside me.

  I grin back at him. I thought he’d like my song choice.

  And on this stage with thousands of eyes watching us, he mouths the words along to our music, “Let’s get it on, sugahhhh, let’s get it on.”

  I throw my head back and laugh, unable to remember the last time I felt so free.


  “Fuck, that was hotttttttttt,” Brad comes over, holding his hand up for a high five as Marius ushers me off the stage at the end of our encore.

  I reach up and slap my hand against his, and he pulls it back, shaking it while making a hissing noise.

  “Yowww! Still smoldering!” he says and gives me a wink.

  All I can do is giggle in response, the adrenalin high from the show’s final performance lifting me off my feet and I feel like I’m hovering a few feet above the ground looking down at myself.

  “Yeah, I hope Butter was listening… save me having to put on my moves to seduce her tonight!’ he says, referring to his fiancée by her nickname.

  “I can hear her sigh of relief from here, fartbag,” Jez comes up behind him, slapping him across the head.

  “Hey, Emily loves my sexy man moves,” Brad protests and wiggles his butt back against Jez who gives out a cry of horror then winks at me as he reaches around and gives Brad’s chest a squeeze.

  “OI! HANDS OFF THE GOODS!” Brad screams, pushing Jez away, covering his chest protectively as he runs down the hall.

  Jez pats me on the back as I choke on my laughter.

  “Easy, sis. Easy now, can’t have our new star performer dying on us after that killer performance.”

  “Oh my god, Jez, did you hear me? I did it! It was so incredible. I mean this is my third concert with you guys, but being out there during that encore, taking the lead. Oh my god! THIS IS SO MUCH FUN! I wanna go out again!!” I grab my brother’s arm, babbling a mile a minute as he laughs at my excitement.

  “Yes, I did hear you AND see you, sis. I was standing right there. Proud as fucking punch.”

  “I did it!” I yell again, a reminder to myself. And to any doubts that insist on lingering.

  “Ha ha, yes, you did. I think you’ve kicked this stage fright thing for good.”

  The reminder of the fear, and the cause behind it, pokes at the edges of my brain, but I push it back, shaking my head at the darkness and it dissipates.

  “Yeah. I hope so. I can’t believe it was just… days ago, that the thought of being in front of all those people would have me frozen to the spot. And now…” I sigh, letting the feeling, the rush of the performance wash over me again. I feel the blood pound in my ears all over again and I jump up, squealing in my brother’s ear as loud as I can “SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!”

  “OW! Anca! You just set like three car alarms off in the parking lot!”

  “I can’t help it, I’m just…”

  “You did good, baby sis. You did good.” Jez wraps me up into one of his big brother hugs and I remember that this wouldn’t have been possible without him.

  “Thanks, big bro.”

  “No problem, Anca. No problem at all.”

  “Hey, is this group hug just for Romanian music prodigies or can anyone join in?” Seb’s voice pipes up behind us. Jez pulls away from me and grins at the rest of the band coming up to us.

  “Yeah, it’s only for people who can’t kill buffalos with their cheese breath.”

  Sebastian’s face instantly falls and he holds his hand up to his mouth, puffing into it. Then he suddenly leaps forward and grab Jez’s face and lands a kiss right on him. Jez growls and drops to the ground and the other two guys jump on top of them, a giant dogpile of the best fusion classical rock string groups in the world.

  “Anca! Help me! Don’t let them take me or else you’ll be an orphan brother-less harpist!”

  His helplessness makes me laugh even harder. “Don’t worry. Jezzy! I’m coming for you, bro!” I yell as I take a running leap and land smack bang, right on top of the wriggling pile.


  “Is it always like that?” I pant through breaths, as I roll over and rest my head on Marius’s damp chest. Somehow, we’ve ended up here again. Naked in my bed, post-mindblowing orgasm.

  “I would hope it’s only going to get better, baby,” he whispers as he wraps his arms around me, still struggling for his own breath.

  “Not the sex! The performing.”

  He takes a moment, and it’s something I’m coming to admire about him. As good at the class clown as he can be, he always takes a moment to really consider my questions when he knows it’s important.

  “It’s pretty fucking awesome. It’s… it’s life givin
g,” he says. “But tonight was special.”

  “It was?”

  “Yes, you wriggling, naked wench.”

  “Why?” I want to hear him say it.

  “You know why…”

  “Say it.”

  “Because there was a gorgeous, sexy, beautiful siren right there…”

  “Aw, Mariu-…”

  “…in the front row, flashing her tits at me.”

  “BASTARD!” I yell at him, punching him on the arm before gathering up the sheet and rolling over to the end of the bed.

  He laughs and tugs on the end of the sheet as I try to scramble away, pulling me back into his arms. I pound on his chest with my fists, trying to ignore how his muscles ripple under my hands.

  “Hey, shhh shhh, you didn’t let me finish.”

  “Oh, I beg to differ, you seemed to enjoy your ‘finish’ quite well.”

  “Now who’s the sex addict.”

  I purr and settle back into his hold.

  “I was going to say that it was special, because playing for someone has always been thrilling, but creating with someone, having that person become a part of, intertwined with the music I’m creating, has given me a whole new perspective. We’re giving birth to a musical moment in time that can never be re-created, babe. There’s nothing like it. There’s no one like you.”

  I let his words penetrate every inch of my brain.

  Then I lift the bedsheet up over our heads.

  “What are you doing?” He turns to me under the muted light filtering through the sheet.

  “I’m flashing my tits at you, you romantic scro-bag.”

  “Oh my, well, it’s a little too dark under here, I’m going to need to get a better look,” he murmurs against my neck before sliding his way down my body, his tongue sliding its way between my breasts as his fingers gently find their way inside me, my moans filling the fort we’ve built under the sheet.

  Chapter Twenty-two


  I wasn’t lying when I told her how performing with her last night had changed me.

  Well, not completely lying.

  Withholding truth, maybe.


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