Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1

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Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1 Page 9

by Brair Lake


  Leon’s eyebrow rises. “Firebird. She’ll be safe.”

  “No. It’s a school night and she needs to study.”

  “Does that mean she can come to the cookout at the weekend?”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “You do that, Mama Bear.”

  Leon taps my nose and I throw him a fake glare. “I still need to go home.”

  “Later.” As though that is the end of the debate, and he has spoken the law, Leon walks away, strolling up the gangway as he whistles.

  As he becomes nothing but a distant figure, I tap my foot, groaning when a voice pipes up behind me. “Instead of wasting time foot tapping. You might as well come up and have some of Alex’s mince dish.” Absorbed in Leon, Damian’s approach was silent, and with a slow pivot of my feet, I turn to look at him. His usual growl and scowl are missing, and I blink as I glance at the overbearing biker’s hand, which is indicating I should proceed up the creaky gangway. With a toss of my head and a bite to my lip, I head towards the boat. I should have known it was too good to last. As soon as Damian catches up me up, his hand clasps onto my upper arm in a vice grip and a low groan escapes me. “Where’s your father?” The ice is back in his voice.

  I shrug. “I don’t know.”

  “But if you did. You’d tell me.”

  Stopping in my tracks, I twist around to the angry biker. His cerulean eyes dig deep into mine. About to deny I would tell him anything concerning my father, I give a slight tilt of my head. “What did he do Damian?”

  “He owes me money.”

  “You have the house.”

  His smile is cold, and a shiver runs down my arm. “I do, don’t I. Don’t you think it’s best to remember that? You may be fucking Leon. However, you’re still my tenant.”

  A slow heat warms my neck and cheek, and I break free of his clasp and jog up the plank in my search for Leon. When I reach the saloon, I find him sitting at a table with a bowl of steaming mince, pasta and garlic bread in front of him. Next to him is a vacant seat, with a bowl in front of it. There’s no kiss from Leon as he gives a nod at the food beside him. “What kept you?”

  “Thanks for waiting.”

  “Humph, eat something. You may be in a better mood after you have some grub in you.”


  “Didn’t I say Alex’s mince dish is awesome?”

  With a groan, because I had been too wrapped up in Leon, I hadn’t noticed Damian joining us. His demeanor once more palatable as all evidence of his animosity towards me vanishes. Dropping my fork, I turn my back on Leon. My anger with him forgotten. “If you’re so concerned about my father. Why don’t you go look for him? After all, I’m sure you know all the places he hangs out.”

  All pretense of friendliness leaves Damian as he pushes his plate away and a deathly silence descends around the table and everyone’s’ eyes are on me. But I don’t care. Until recently, I’ve never met Damian, and I’m pissed with the way he constantly treats me like a second-class citizen. “Don’t think I haven’t. I’ve searched all his usual haunts. No one disappears like he has.” Damian’s cold statement worries me. If anyone knew where my father is. I would have put money on the leader of The River Demons.

  My stomach leaps as an image of my father lying in a ditch undiscovered for weeks, flashes before me. “You really don’t know where he is?”


  “You’re not just saying that?”

  “No, Firebird, Why should I.”

  “Because I thought you had scared him off.”

  “Sorry, Doll. Your Pa’s disappearance has nothing to do with me or The River Demons.”

  Deflated, I recline back into my chair. All hunger gone as I push my plate away. Secretly I was holding on to the belief Damian, or Leon, knew where Pa was.


  “It’s okay, Leon. Look, I need to freshen up.”

  As I rise from the table, Leon passes me the key to his cabin. As soon as I am in the shower, I scrub my body. For days I have been fooling myself. For the first time in a long time, I have the attention of a man. Not just any man. But one with a reputation and I had let it go to my head.

  The saloon has returned to normality by the time I make my way back. Music blares from an old CD player. Bikers are scattered around the room, doing their own thing. Some are dancing with some of the clubs’ women. Tonight, I wasn’t blinded by Leon, and shock at what I am witnessing has me staring unashamedly at some of the groups. Especially when a moan catches my attention. Unable to stop myself, I turn towards the bar where one of the women is spread over the counter, her discarded panties lie on the floor and between her legs, stands a biker fucking her. A closer look at the biker, shows it to be Alex. The Tattoo on his ass clenching along with his butt cheek as he thrust into her. Embarrassed by what I am witnessing; I swiftly turn my glance away. I didn’t want or need to see Alex fucking anyone. As I search the room once more, my gaze clashes with Damian. His hand is up the skirt of another woman. Part of her blouse has slipped down her shoulder, baring her arm and Damian’s other hand has slipped inside the open blouse. About to turn and leave, a body bumps into mine, and I find myself in Leon’s arms. With gentle ease, he guides me to the dancefloor. His hold is loose and the temptation to break free is strong. Leon must have seen the indecision on my face and with a gentle pull, I find myself snuggling into his body.

  “Do you feel better now?”

  “I’m worried about Pa.”

  “I know…” From the dancefloor, Leon manages to guide us to a quiet corner where the lights are dim. The hand stroking my back, brings my clit to life. Arousal floods me, and all I want at this moment, is to feel Leon as he thrusts hard and deep inside me.

  “Firebird. Give Day a couple of days. Then we’ll begin looking for your Pa again.”

  I stroke Leon’s chest as he pushes me up against a wall. “I love him Leon. He may not be the best Pa, but he is mine. I’m also coming to the conclusion he’s not worth it. Whatever’s between him and Damian can stay that way.”


  “No. Listen. I have to think of the boys and Poppy.” My laughter is weak. “After all. He’s a big boy, and he can look after himself.” Leon’s watch beeps and he looks at with a frown. “What….”

  “I’m working. Look, Day’s pissed and he’s taking his frustration out on you. I know it’s not a good excuse. However, I’ll have a word with him.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “Yes, I do. You’re under my protection and he has no right to talk to you the way he does.” When my fingers move down to Leon’s belt, his hand grips tightly around them. “As much as I would love to take this further and fuck you up against this wall. I really have to go.”

  “Will you be long?”

  “A couple of hours. Just keep the bed warm and remember where we’re up to.”


  Leon – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  To say I’m pissed is to put it mildly. Since leaving Firebird at the mercy of my brothers in the saloon, I have been left with an itch which is in dire need of relief, and there is only way one to satisfy what I crave. That is to sink my cock into Firebird’s sweet tight pussy. A sigh escapes me as I look over the desolate parking lot. The animosity Day has towards Firebird is a puzzle. Usually, he is one of the easiest laid-back people I know. Yet the name Davaro or anyone related to him, has the capability to ignite his fuse.

  “They’re the same stars that were there last night.” Alex’s voice is low, and I chuckle.

  “Oh, I dunno… That one looks different.” With a careless wave, I flick my hand towards the sky. Alex passes me a bottle of water, causing me to grimace. Fuck, the no drinking whilst on duty, is not one of my favorite rules. Alex, who is a couple of years younger than me, has his blonde hair swept back with a black and white skull bandana. Unlike TJ and myself, he isn’t second generation River Demon. He’d joined the club a couple of
years after returning to Noir Valley after completing college. At the time, he had been a young widower. Full of anger and hate. He never talks of his past or what brought him to The River Demons, and until now, I never had the interest to find out. His nomination had come via Jono. Since his first day as a prospect, he has proven himself to be a good brother and now I was going to break the silence about his past. “Did you love your wife?”

  Alex’s body stiffens as his hand clenches around his own bottle of water. Finally, green eyes turn to me and for the first time in a long time, the anger is back. Yet I refuse to break contact or back down as a coldness descends around him. “Why do you want know?”

  “Shit, Alex, I’m trying to work out what’s going on between Firebird and me. And for some reason you seem to be the most plausible person to ask.”

  Although Alex’s slow, easy smile is back in place, it isn’t touching the richness of his green eyes. “Jo-Leigh was the original girl next door. She used to follow Nikolas and I everywhere. No place was sacred from her.” He stops talking as he empties his water bottle. A small chuckle escapes him. “She had hair as pale as the petals on a Cinquefoil. And when she smiled, her eyes sparkled making her face light-up. Her eyes were the shade of summer cornflowers, and all you wanted to do, was drown in them…. She stole my soul, Leon.” Again, there is that chuckle as Alex plays with his empty bottle. “She also had the meanest temper I ever came across.” Alex stops playing with the bottle. His focus fully on me. His eyes empty. “I loved her Leon. And if you love Firebird just a fraction of how I loved Jo-Leigh. Be prepared for the heartache which follows.”

  As he turns to leave, I grab him by the arm. My mouth is running away with my curiosity. “How did she die?”

  “Some bastard raped, then murdered her.” Alex raises his bottle and silently we both watch as it is hurtled through the air, landing with an earth-shattering splash.

  “You know Day’s going to make you fish that out in the morning.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m going for another spin are you coming.”

  Slowly I shake my head, my attention drawn to the Lincoln which is pulling into the yard. As I observe the occupants climb out of the vehicle, I hear the roar of Alex’s bike as he tears off. Shit, the only love I have ever known, is that of TJ’s and the brothers. For them, I would sacrifice everything. These feelings I have for Firebird are twisting me up. Even now, as I eye the tall, leggy, curvy, blonde in her too short skirt, which as she walks up the gangway, reveals the white creamy flesh of her buttocks, hasn’t managed to fucking stir my cock. Shit, I’ve tasted the whore plenty of times and my little man has never failed me before. That was until recently. Now he refuses to wake up for anyone but the redhead. With a rueful laugh, I toss my empty bottle into the trashcan Alex had ignored. Then pulling out my cell, I send a text as the yard once more grows silent.

  Leon: – What are you doing?

  For five minutes I stare at the cell, waiting, expecting Firebird’s response. When there isn’t one, I slide the cell back into my pocket. Only to smile when it vibrates against my side.

  Firebird – Hiding.

  Leon – Why are hiding?

  Firebird – I don’t know anyone.

  Leon – Hiding won't rectify that problem.

  Firebird – Will you be much longer?

  Leon – I’m working until the last customer leaves. Then TJ will take over.

  Shit, we are uneasy while the Skull Collectors hang around the area. Not knowing if or when they were going to attack. Since our meeting, Day and the other officers declared around the clock security. Which means everyone having to pitch in on guard duty. Which means I have to take every free opportunity I am offered with Firebird. The pinging of my cell draws my attention.

  Firebird – Do you want me to join you.

  Firebird’s message makes me smile, tempting me to say yes.

  Leon – Not tonight.

  Again, my cell goes silent and I return my gaze to a couple of brothers who are on sentry duty. We are not leaving anything to chance. If the Skull Collectors turn up, I don’t want Firebird caught in the middle of the conflict. As I think of the Skull Collectors and Jono, my thoughts turn to Firebird and Alex. I was still wondering if I loved her, or if I was simply infatuated with the redhead. The best part of me, the most logical side, argues it is just plain lust. That soon I would grow bored with what we have. That all Firebird is, is a fascination and a distraction from my normal life. The other part of me. The side which has laid dormant for thirty-three years, is screaming at me. Now it is awake, it craves Firebird. To keep her and mark her so that no other would want her. With a growl, I pace the grass verge. Each time a car or bike pulls into the yard, or passes by the gates, I check to see who has come calling. Disappointment would crash through me when none of the visitors were Jono or any other member of the Skull Collectors. The ping of my cellphone interrupts the flow of my thoughts, and a smile flickers across my face.

  Firebird – Why not?

  Leon – Because you’re a distraction.

  Yeah, Firebird would be a distraction. However, that isn’t the real reason I don’t what her here with me. Now that I’ve decided to make Firebird mine permanently. I don’t want Jono or any of the other brothers from the Skull Collectors to know about her. Spanish Pete had been an easy target for them. So where would that leave her.

  “It's quiet tonight.” I glance at Day as he approaches me.

  “Yep.” As Day stops several feet away from me, I turn me gaze to look over the bayou. The silence is loud, crackling against my flesh. Fervently, I wish The Skull Collectors would make their move. “We can’t wait for The Skull Collectors, Day.”

  Day leans against one of the old large oak trees. The beer bottle dropping from his mouth as he uses the back of his free hand to wipe his lips. With no light, it is difficult to read his eyes. His body is still, revealing nothing of what he is thinking or feeling. “We have to Leon. As soon as they are on our patch, then we attack. This is when our defense is at its best.”

  “Sinbad wants to know what we’re going to do to the bastards.”

  Damian pushes his body away from the tree, coming to stand beside me as his gaze sweeps over the river.

  “I’d like to shut the business down for a few days, but if I did that, we’d lose money.” He turns to me. His scowl deep “I’m not losing money over those fucking Skull Collectors.”

  “Maybe TJ and Alex can find somewhere else for us to hold the games. We always knew it was a risk running the business and the clubhouse on the same premises.”

  “I’m not giving The Skull Collectors the satisfaction of moving either.”

  “Then we take it to The Skull Collectors.”

  Day continues to look over the bayou. His body still. Now I can read him. Sense him, and he gives a slight nod. “Okay. Arrange church to take place in a couple of days. We’ll discuss what options we have open to us.”

  “I’m going to make Firebird my old lady… You know what that means.”

  Since leaving the riverboat, Day looks at me. Really looks at me. Our eyes clashing and my fingers tighten into a curl. Then when I think he isn’t going to say anything; he dips his head.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “It is. She’s now fully under my protection.” I feel the smile as it breaks free. I want Firebird permanently.

  Day slaps me on the shoulder. “I guess she’s not her father’s daughter.”

  “Day. What’s going on there?”

  “Not tonight, Leon.”


  “Maybe never. Maybe once I find that bastard father of hers.” Like Alex, Day turns and leaves me and I find myself returning to the gate. Leaning against the post as I watch the empty road. With nothing happening, I pull my cellphone out of my pocket. There was another message from Firebird.

  Firebird – The beds lonely.

  Leon – It won’t be for long.

  Firebird – I never realized h
ow big this bed was for one.

  Firebird’s text has me smiling. I’m a large man and I require a decent size bed to sleep on, But I doubt if it is as big as Firebird is making it out to be.

  Leon – Are you naked?

  Firebird – And wet. So wet. Shit, Leon you make me horny.

  Twisting my own body to ease the slow ache burning in my balls. I smile into the darkness.

  Leon – I’ll soon fix that for you honey.

  Chapter 10

  Daisy – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  Since my enforced stay at Demon’s Lair, apart from when he’s fucking me, Leon continues to be quiet about what is going on and finally, after two nights, I manage to persuade him to let me return home. Telling him I need to check on my siblings.

  “Phone them.”

  “I have, but it’s not enough. There are things which need doing. Besides, it’s not fair on Poppy to leave her on her own.”

  Leon’s fingers skate over the exposed flesh of my stomach as we lie on his bed and my breath hitches. “How old is she?”

  I’m confident enough in myself to be aware that sexually he has no interest in Poppy and his curiosity is no threat to me. “She’ll be eighteen in a few weeks.”

  “Have you made any plans to celebrate?”


  “We’ll do something for her at the club.”

  “That’s not necessary Leon. I don’t want her mixing with the other bikers.”

  Leon snorts as he rolls off the bed. “She’ll be eighteen, Firebird.” With economic movements, he pulls on his jeans, then stares down at me. His gaze expressionless, until he smiles. “Let her celebrate here where you can watch her.”

  “What about alcohol?”

  “She has to grow up. Anyway, Day’s not going to do anything to jeopardize his license.”

  “I’ll think about it.” My semi capitulation earns me a kiss. His tongue torments my senses as he gradually deepens the kiss. His tongue playing with mine as he thrusts into my mouth. Leon leans over my body as he gradually pushes me against the mattress. As soon as I’m flat on the bed, he thrusts his cock, hard and deep into me. Work forgotten as I lose myself in his touch.


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