Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance

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Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance Page 9

by Piper Stone

  As I turned off the microscope and other instruments, I couldn’t get my mind off the masculine face seen in my visions. His chiseled features were incredible, but his eyes held more than a hint of sadness.

  I took a quick glance over my shoulder before reaching for the light, grimacing the second I heard another call coming in. Maybe my harsh words to Joseph had already gotten back to my boss. There was no sense in delaying the inevitable. Huffing, I pressed my finger on the signature pad. Almost immediately the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

  The screen was blank, just as it had been twice before.

  Another call from the anonymous source. I hesitated before allowing the call, my gut telling me there was something sinister going on.

  Danger. Danger.

  “Dr. Youngblood.”

  I didn’t bother to hesitate before launching into him, sick and tired of being dragged along on a wild goose chase. “Look, buddy. I don’t know who you are and quite frankly, I’m getting sick of your calls. I understand that you have concerns about some of the Breeds being mistreated. You obviously know enough about me to realize that I can’t stand humans who would do such a thing. I also get that you want to fry a few of the bastards involved, but I’m a scientist. I work with facts. You haven’t provided any. Plus, I’m not a member of law enforcement. There is very little I can do even if your accusations are correct.”

  “That’s where you are wrong, Doctor. You hold a very important key, one others might kill for. Now, time is of the essence so you must listen to me.”

  His gruff words sent a shiver down my back. Kill? What was he insinuating? “What are you talking about?” I moved quickly toward the window, peering outside into the darkness, the two lights over the parking lot dimmer than usual. Jesus.

  My thoughts drifted to Jabari. I couldn’t believe his sudden ‘appearance’ was coincidental.

  “Don’t play coy. I know about your secret serum. I also know about your previous life. Does the name Condor ring a bell, Dr. Youngblood? From what I understand, you were well trained to terminate anyone who fucked with a Breed.” He chuckled after issuing the words, forcing another cold trickle of fear to slide down the back of my legs, a lump forming in my stomach.

  Oh. My. God.

  My previous life. I cringed at the thought of all the years I’d spent underground, fighting against the horrific treatment of the Breeds, wasting my life away working for an organization that failed to produce anything.

  Including proof.

  Including any substantive answers as to how to coerce a change in the government’s methods. It had taken the great King Luca to change the president’s mind.

  However, the asshole caller was correct in that we’d been initially well funded, well trained, and capable of protecting our ideals.

  Now the Condor operation ceased to exist, the organization no longer a threat to society, as we’d been deemed in the press.

  After the compromise of our ‘headquarters,’ soldiers making several dozen arrests, I’d fled to my grandfather’s village, hoping to find protection as well as solace. I’d been lucky as hell to work with the Brexon Scientific Laboratory, my past forgiven.

  But obviously not forgotten.

  The bastard was attempting to blackmail me.

  I gazed around the room, more unnerved than I wanted the jerk to know. While the government had the capability to spy on anyone that they damn well pleased, the scientific facility was swept on a weekly basis in an effort to keep competitors from stealing our secrets. That meant Mr. Anonymous was someone from my past. The long list would be tough to narrow down. Maybe from days with the Condor. Maybe he knew someone in the lab.

  There were far too many ‘maybes.’

  The other disturbing fact was that no one could know about the serum I’d produced during the long nights after everyone else had left the facility. While the initial intent had been about creating a drug that would aid the Breeds in their attempts to produce offspring, I’d detected something unusual.

  The serum also had the capabilities of boosting a Breed’s ability to shift from human to their beast form, something the majority of scientists couldn’t give a shit about but was important to the continuation of the Breeds.

  The various vitamins and compounds I’d sliced together also had a certain level of healing properties when their natural abilities were comprised in the right manner. While my trials had only been performed in a laboratory setting, I was one hundred percent certain the serum would work.

  Well, maybe.

  The truth was that a piece was missing and even with all the compounds and chemicals at my disposal, after a short period of time, the cells rejected the serum. I was determined to find the right combination, no matter what I had to do or how much time it took.

  When the Breeds had more control, they could finally thrive once again. I also knew that my discovery could be used in harmful ways, including allowing the Breeds more control over humans, something they’d threatened to gain more than once. How had the asshole been able to glean any details about my work unless he’d broken into the facility?

  Or if he’d already had access.

  Another round of creepy-crawlies jetted through my system.

  “What the hell are you trying to get at?” I barked as I scanned the parking lot one more time. Where the hell was this asshole? My mind was swimming with possibilities.

  He snickered again, as if he had one up on me. “Don’t act stupid, Doctor. You are far too brilliant to succumb to games. The truth is your help and expertise are required. There are several factions of humans who continue to act as if the Breeds weren’t given their freedom. They are being rounded up and sacrificed as if their deaths will bring humans life as well as security. You enjoy saving the Breeds you seem to love so much. I don’t think you want your ability to do so terminated. Now, do you?”

  The threat was real.

  I would hunt the fucker down and break his neck, although the horror of what he was insinuating disturbing.

  “I am well aware of these dissidents. What do you want from me, a ceremonial release of several of the Breeds? Calling out law enforcement on the horrors they are facing? The Condor no longer exists, but you already knew that. All you’ve told me is that dozens of beasts are being held captive, even experimented on, something sinister going on in the background. Well, from what I know, thousands of Breeds have been paid very well for their participation in important research, the government approved projects backed by the alpha lion himself I might add. Maybe you have no idea what you are talking about.”

  While I knew what Mr. Anonymous was getting at, and his accusations had nothing to do with mandated research, I was finished with his ugly games. Time to push his buttons for a change. The silence on the other end of the call meant I’d pissed him off.

  Finally, he laughed, the darkness of his deep baritone forcing my pulse to increase.

  “Fine. I’m tired and finished with our conversations, whoever the fuck you are. My alliance with the Condor was broken years ago. That’s old news. I’m ending the call.” While the rumor mill indicated certain private factions were also attempting to secure the cure to the human race first, including the illegal use of Breeds in order to do so, the groups were well hidden. After all, their operations were considered illegal. However, if they were able to accomplish the feat, they would no doubt be well rewarded, even exalted as saving the human race. There was little if anything I could do to stop whatever horrific measures were being used.

  “You know exactly what I’m referring to, Doctor, and I believe not only will your employers find it of interest as to your involvement with the Condor, so will law enforcement. Some of the ongoing experiments have more to do with greed and power than helping the human race,” he said in a reserved manner.

  I thought about his words. Wealth and influence had been the bane of human race for centuries, causing the Great War in the first place. The dissidents also had made no bones abo
ut the fact they would prefer that the Breeds fell into extinction. “As I said before, there is nothing I can do, especially without evidence. I don’t have anyone backing me at this point. Get it? I’m all alone.”

  “You are far more powerful than you give yourself credit for. I also have the proof you’ve been seeking, as well as incentive in order to gain your... trust,” the dark voice stated with no inflection. While it was obvious the call had been disguised, my instincts told me it was a male.

  I leaned over the counter. Trust. The fucker was dreaming. “Okay, I’ll bite. What do you have?”

  “There is a petting zoo just outside the city limits. The location was once a revered zoo as well as one of the most well-known botanical gardens on the East Coast. As you can imagine, the grounds were almost destroyed and left abandoned. This particular group has captured several Breeds and taken them there. While that’s horrific enough, it is our belief that the animals are being experimented on in disturbing ways.”

  “What?” There hadn’t been an operational zoo since the Great War. For anyone to be that brazen took a serious set of steel balls. “Who the hell are these people?”

  “Who they are isn’t important to your task.”

  My task? What the hell was this asshole getting at?

  “However, they are using the facility to draw in interest, allowing the Breeds to be used as bait. A private collection for the very rich; however, the daily shows are just the tip of the iceberg. The visits are exclusive and secretive. They are also very expensive, allowing for the continued operation of their meat factory.”

  Just hearing the words brought a round of anger into my system. That meant when the Breeds were no longer of use, they were terminated. Every experiment performed on a Breed had to be completely under government control as well as agreed to according to the law. I had the distinct feeling that Mr. Anonymous knew exactly what was happening at the godforsaken place.

  “What you are describing is terrible; however, I need more of a confirmation than just your word. I hope you can understand that.” There was significant disdain in my tone, although my instinct told me that I had to be cautious.

  He sighed audibly, the slight hesitation giving me reason to end the ridiculous call. When a sudden picture appeared on the telescan, I was floored at the sight. The steel cage was at least twelve feet high, the creature photographed staring straight into the telescan camera. A panther, one incredible and very powerful creature. Next to the lion, they were considered the most dangerous and volatile of the Breeds.

  And I could swear the panther in the photo had the same eyes as the beast who’d taken me. Jabari. His name filtered into my mind all over again. Was that the reason he was calling to me? Oh, my God. What the hell was I supposed to do?

  I was at a loss for words, trying to rationalize what I was seeing. While the picture was taken from a distance, the photograph had the kind of results the caller knew it would. When a second picture came through, I cringed. The blackmailer was serious about his threats. While the photograph had been taken at night and from a distance, there would be no doubt either the location of where I was or the fact that I was holding an assault weapon.

  I would be arrested, especially since the building had been torched in an effort to save several captured Breeds years before. At minimum, all that I’d worked for would be gone, ripped away. I couldn’t allow that to happen. Not when I was so damn close.

  Hissing, I slammed my hand on the counter. “Why me?”

  Danger. Danger.

  My heart was thudding so hard that I had difficulty focusing on what he was saying.

  “Why? Because you’re the only person who can help them. Your serum is close to being perfect, hopefully close enough.”

  Close. It was obvious I’d been watched for some time. What the fuck was going on? Why did I feel like this was some kind of test?

  I rubbed my eyes, the exhaustion becoming more pronounced, the pounding in my head increasing. “Okay, I’m going to ask you one more time. I’ve lost my patience. What do you think I can do about this? Free the Breeds then test them? This location had to be under heavy guard.”

  “You’d be surprised at the arrogance of this particular organization, Dr. Youngblood. And as you said, you are a scientist. You can document what is going on. You can also provide your serum in order to keep them safe. I have great fear that the experiments being performed may be killing them. The panther in particular is... important.”

  I wanted to scream.

  “Since you seem to know so much about me, you realize that my serum is only effective for a short period of time. In fact, I could do more harm than good if I dare inject one of the beasts. I’m not going to do that. I do have ethics.” My nerves were on edge. The entire mission smelled of something the Condor would do and once upon a time, I would have jumped at the chance.

  “You must do this, Doctor. The creature in that photograph is important to the continuation of the Breeds. I assure you that you will be protected from retaliation.”

  First, the asshole threatened me. Then he acted as if he would be able to provide protection. What the hell wasn’t he telling me?

  “Right. Let’s just say I agree to do this, how the hell will I manage to get inside?”

  “I have the address and a way for you to gain entrance without an issue. As far as the people who run the shithole, you are a wealthy doctor ready to invest. Given their greed, they should welcome you with open arms. From there, you will need to face the demons you have harbored inside of you. You will be safe, at least for a period of time, but you need to gather the evidence you need and leave without raising questions. There are no cameras, the guards leaving promptly at closing time.”

  Demons. The asshole acted like he knew an additional deep, dark secret about me. Bristling, I curtailed my rage, curious as to where this was going. “If you’re asking if I’m afraid to be around the Breeds, I am not.”

  “That is good to know, Doctor.” Once again, he chuckled. One day I’d wipe the smile off his damn face.


  Another image flashed in front of my mind. Jabari behind the steel bars. The nausea increased with every passing second.

  “This identification. You’re certain it can’t be connected to my work here?” I was a fool to think about doing this.

  “Positive. We know what we are doing, Doctor. We simply need your expertise in order to annihilate this particular facility. The owner has very influential friends and this will send a powerful message.”

  We. Jesus Christ. This was some insane attempt at a coup. “Who are you working with?”

  “Not of your concern at this time.”

  Damn you! “How could the Breeds be kept in a zoo? All they need to do is remain in their human form in order to escape or turn the zoo into a useless spectacle.” I had a feeling I already knew the answer to my question.

  When the caller said nothing, I sucked in my breath at the realization. The Breeds were being forced to remain in their beast form. Why? Other than allowing sick, wealthy assholes to gaze on them, further fueling the belief that Breeds were nothing but lowly creatures, what could they hope to gain with their experiments?

  “Why aren’t you going? Why? You’re the one with all the information. What do you need me for?”

  There was a hesitation. What was the man hiding?

  “Because I’m incapable of doing so at this time. That’s all you need to know.”

  “Don’t you have friends, buddies in the world of law enforcement?” I snapped, growing more frustrated. “If you’re working with someone else, have them release the beasts.”

  “That isn’t possible either. The simple answer to your question is that no one will believe me.”

  Well. At least he admitted he was some kind of nutcase. “Perfect. That’s why I should believe you. That’s not going to happen.”

  “If you are interested,” he stated after a full thirty seconds, “I left a package for you at
the back door to your facility hidden in the dirt. My gift to you for doing this is the remaining ingredient you need for your serum.”

  “Uh-huh. All right. What would that be?” This guy had to be desperate. First threatening me then plying me with gifts. The entire situation had a stench from one side of Philadelphia to the other.

  “As I mentioned, the facility once housed a beautiful botanical garden. While it has been dormant for two decades, the owner shutting off that area, there is a particular plant that will give you the answers you seek.”

  “A plant? You are kidding me.” I half laughed.

  “This is no joking matter, Raven. The plant is a Clivia from South Africa. They are now extremely rare to find, the chemicals used in the last war destroying the majority of the worldwide crops. The properties will alter your serum, making it permanent. Take samples, Doctor. You will see that I am telling you the truth.”

  Mr. Anonymous was obviously connected with the science world to some degree.

  “Why? I know there is another reason why I’m supposed to do this. Tell me. Fucking tell me!”

  There was absolutely no sound coming from the telescan and I thought the call had ended. “Because you are Jabari’s mate. You must be together. You are the only one who can save him, Raven.”


  The same word Jabari had used in my dreams. Now I was almost doubled over as my nerves kicked into high gear.

  “Not good enough, buddy. I don’t buy this panther is my mate. If you want to end my career and have me tossed into jail, so be it. I’m not stupid nor will I walk into an ambush. You won’t even show yourself. I’m ending this call and if you attempt to bother me again, I will sic law enforcement on your ass.” I was ready to press the button, although my hand was shaking.

  “Wait,” he said with far less superiority. There was even a sadness to his tone as well as exhaustion.

  I pulled back, crossing my arms. “I’m listening.”

  “You aren’t the only person who worked on a serum of exactly the nature you are. Someone else was close to perfecting it.”

  There was such double meaning in his words. I leaned against the counter, still hearing anguish in his tone. “You?”


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