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Retribution Page 12

by Sue Lyndon

  But was the general a blessing? She was still alive, and though he’d been cruel to her initially, he now treated her rather well. Was their connection purely sexual, or did he feel something deeper for her?

  After her experience with Michael, her heart was fragile, though she would never admit this truth aloud. But it was fragile, terribly so, and she wished to never experience heartache again. Michael was her first love and also her greatest mistake. His betrayal had cut deep, and she doubted those wounds would ever heal. Trusting another man again, especially so soon after becoming widowed—and especially a Kall—probably wasn’t a good idea.

  Why must General Zamek’s kisses undo her? Why must a single look from him set her pulse racing with excitement? Why must his caresses and his sexy growls fill her with longing? Guarding her heart against him felt like an impossible task.

  He might plan to keep her as his mistress, he might believe the whole plan was settled, but he could predict the future no better than she. The majority of his people might view him as cursed and therefore unworthy to take a Kall female as a wife, but that didn’t mean it might never happen. And where would that put her?

  It puts me in a precarious position, that’s what.

  What would he do if the opportunity to take a Kall wife eventually did arise? Would he sell her to another? Or kick her out of his bedroom and demote her to an actual slave? Thanks for all the sex and companionship—now go away. The uncertainty of it all boggled her mind and made her want to resist his advances, even as she became lost in his kisses.

  He pulled back and gave her an intense look full of promise. She peered up at him, trying to catch her breath. The pressure of his lips on hers lingered, and the taste of him lingered on her tongue. He drew his hands through her hair, then gave her locks a tug, causing her head to jerk back. With another growl, he descended upon her neck, kissing her and dragging his teeth along her throat.

  Shudders rippled through her and pressure coiled in her lower tummy. She felt the wetness of her growing arousal in her panties and flushed, knowing he could detect just how eager she was becoming with a quick inhale.

  He moved closer and the hardness of his erection nudged at her stomach. A jolt of excitement ran through her and she quivered in place, defenseless against the desires swelling within her. Maybe resisting Zamek was already a lost cause.

  Still kissing her neck, he tightened his hold on her hair and slowly walked her backward, until her legs hit the bed. He released her for a moment, gave her a heated look, then started removing her clothing with deft movements.

  Once he got her completely naked, he stepped back and looked her up and down, his eyes gleaming with dark pleasure. “Perhaps I ought to take away all your clothing. Then you’ll always be here, naked and waiting for me, and I doubt you’ll think twice about trying to escape in the nude.”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she said, even as she suspected he very well might dare. She lifted her chin, still bristling at his suggestion.

  He gripped her hair and gave her a stern look that only caused the aching in her core to spread, until everything between her legs was throbbing so hard, she was almost in pain. If he didn’t touch her there soon, she might have to take matters into her own hands.

  “Turn around and bend over the bed, human.” He released her hair and backed up, gesturing for her to obey with a wave of his hand. His powerful gaze penetrated deep, causing nerves to flitter in her tummy.

  Even though part of her still wished to rebel, she found herself complying with his demands, and she quickly turned around and bent over the bed. A trembling breath escaped her lips, and she gripped the covers, waiting for him to sink inside her. She heard the rustle of clothing behind her, and anticipation skittered through her body. Soon. Her aching increased. Soon he would be inside her.

  He didn’t make her wait long. A second later, she felt the girth of his cock pressing at her slick entrance. He thrust into her with one quick drive that made her cry out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. Even though she was swollen and wet and achy, his size was still difficult to handle.

  He proceeded to grip her hips, digging his fingers into her flesh, and started pummeling her with a ferocity that stole her breath.

  Was he punishing her?

  Given the recent tension between them, she couldn’t help but wonder if his roughness was meant to be chastising.

  The logical part of her brain raged at the very idea, but the other part of her, the secret part of her that craved his dominance and his possession, reveled at the feel of his fingers digging painfully into her hips and the brutality of each deep, rapid thrust.

  “I won’t let you go, human. Ever.” He growled and maintained his punishing pace of fucking her, his balls slamming into her clit with each fast plunge. “You’re my responsibility and one I take seriously. I intend to protect you from the injustices in my world, as much as I can, but you need to understand that I am not all-powerful. I cannot change Kall laws at my whim. I cannot free you. I cannot undo Judge Commak’s order.”

  He paused for a moment and when he next spoke, his voice was deeper than usual.

  “Even if I could let you go, Layla, I don’t believe I would. I like owning you, and I think, deep down, you like being owned—you’re just afraid to admit it. You’re afraid of getting hurt.”

  She remained in place, bent over the bed, while General Zamek continued to fuck her hard, as his words penetrated her conscious. She wanted to deny all he’d just said, but the words stuck in her throat.

  She was petrified of enduring another heartbreak, but she couldn’t see how her situation with the general would lead to anything but. No matter how well he treated her, she would always long for freedom, she would always crave what he couldn’t give her.

  When she felt the wave of an orgasm approaching, she tensed and tried to hold it at bay, not wishing to give the general the satisfaction of knowing he’d brought her to the heights of ecstasy. But the steady impact of his balls striking her clit soon hurled her over the edge, and she gasped and writhed in place as the powerful climax swept over her, leaving her struggling for air. Damn him. Damn him damn him damn him.

  He gave a dark chuckle that revealed he’d sensed her internal struggle.

  “Don’t worry, little human, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I know I am difficult for you to resist.”

  Her face heated and if she had the strength, she would’ve growled at him and tried to push him on the floor.

  Moments later, his cock jerked inside her, beginning its usual vibration as he started to fill her with his seed. He groaned and his movements slowed, just a little, and she felt the heat of his essence inside her and even slipping down her thighs.

  He withdrew from her center and gave her bottom a light tap.

  “You look beautiful like this, human, bent over the bed with your hair in complete disarray after a long hard fucking, your pussy swollen and wet, and my seed trickling out of your privates and down your thighs. So fluxxing beautiful.”

  Chapter 17

  Zamek helped Layla clean up in the shower, then he dressed her in one of his robes and tucked her into bed. A servant would arrive with their evening meal soon, and he anticipated sharing their first meal together. It pained him to know that she’d always eaten alone in her cell until now. His fault. He’d put her there.

  She’d been quiet since the end of their mating session, and he sensed she was deep in thought. How long would it take her to accept her new circumstances? A dark thought struck him. What if she never accepted her place as his mistress?

  She’ll accept it. She has to. She has no choice.

  Perhaps once he got her situated in his home, she would eventually change her mind. Once she realized how good her life could be with him, she might very well come around to his way of thinking.

  His door chimed and Drias soon entered, carrying their evening meal. The servant set about placing the covered plates on a small table near the viewscreen, ar
ranging the cutlery, and pouring drinks. He gave Zamek a deep bow before departing the room.

  “Come, human, let us eat.”

  She gave him a wary look, as if afraid she was on the menu. With a deep sigh, he approached her, flipped the covers back, and gently lifted her out of bed. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss atop her head.

  “What is wrong, Layla?” he asked.

  “I-I don’t know,” she replied with a shrug. “This is just so strange. A few weeks ago, I was certain you meant to kill me, and now we’re playing house together. I don’t know what to think or how to feel, and it’s all very confusing and it’s happening fast and…” Her voice trailed off and she sighed. After a short while, she gave a shake of her head and her lips curled in a slight smile. “Sorry. I might be having a little mental breakdown at the moment. Carry on. Don’t mind me.”

  He tugged on her hand, guiding her to the dining area. “Perhaps a filling meal and some strong Kall wine will help you feel better.”

  “There’s wine?” Her face lit up visibly.

  He helped her into her seat and then took his place across from her. He nodded at the wine goblet near her plate. “Of course, there is wine,” he finally said. “Try it and let me know what you think.”

  She gave him a curious look before taking a long sip. Her eyes flashed with pleasure as she set the goblet down. “Wow, that’s very good. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever tasted Kall wine quite so delicious.”

  Zamek beamed with pride. “I’m glad you like it, human. It’s from my vineyard.”

  She shot him a look of wonder. “You have your own vineyard?”

  “It was my grandfather’s winery, but it has been passed down to me. My cousin, Xazzok, runs the day-to-day business aspects of it. You will meet him and his wife, a Flourishian named Fallonn, when we reach Sumlin District. They live in my house and act as caretakers when I’m away on warrior duty.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you owned your own winery, General? I might not have argued too much about becoming your mistress,” she said with a playful look.

  And suddenly, the tension between them began to dissipate, and hope rose in Zamek’s chest. The worry was starting to leave Layla’s eyes and she appeared happy at the moment. Was it wrong that he only wanted to see her happy?

  Was it wrong that he wasn’t fulfilling the act of retribution as expected by his people? He refused to believe so. The prospect of hurting Layla now felt abhorrent to him, and everything inside him screamed that he ought to protect her instead.

  Not for the first time, he considered conferring with the High Council about the laws pertaining to retribution. Though most Kall were notoriously stubborn, change was possible. Ambassador Merokk had recently convinced the High Council to enact a change, making it illegal for Kall males to kill their human wives, which protected the human females who’d been forced to marry Kall warriors as part of the treaty between Earth and his planet.

  “Why did you resign as an advisor to President Carson?” Zamek suddenly asked, as he recalled one part of the report about her that had confounded him. It made little sense to him that she would work so hard to become a respected Kall expert, only to resign from what she’d once in an interview described as a dream job.

  Her face darkened. “How do you—oh, the report.” She paused as a haunted look overcame her. “Well, I resigned because I no longer respected President Carson. When his daughter, Betsy Carson, who was my best friend in the whole world, was charged with espionage and other ridiculous crimes that she never even committed, he didn’t do much to help her. He made a special deal to ensure she wouldn’t be sentenced to death, but that left being sold into slavery, life imprisonment, and even torture on the table. And he didn’t show much remorse about it either, he thought she deserved to suffer after she… um, you’re friends with Ambassador Merokk, so am I correct to assume you know what really happened, and not the official Kall version of events?”

  Zamek nodded. “I know all the details.”

  “Well, President Carson thought she deserved to suffer just because she ran off to avoid her arranged marriage to Ambassador Merokk, so he didn’t do anything else to help her. He also didn’t visit her or send her a letter while she waited in prison. He completely cut her off. It was heartless, and I was deeply appalled by his behavior. And so, I resigned my position working for his administration.”

  Zamek could respect her reason for leaving her job at the White House. From what he knew of President Carson, the man was cowardly and only cared about protecting his own skin.

  “You were supposed to start a new job soon, weren’t you?” Zamek asked after a moment.

  “Yes, working for the Interstellar Intelligence Agency. They recruited me after learning I’d left my old job.” A wistful look came over her. “I think I would’ve loved that job. But I couldn’t start on time, since I couldn’t safely leave Ambassador Merokk’s house before the trial, so I had to withdraw my acceptance of the position.” She sighed. “The ambassador feared if I was spotted on the street, I might be taken into custody and imprisoned as I awaited the court date.”

  When guilt panged in Zamek’s chest, he reminded himself that Michael had taken the job away from her, not him. Her late husband had caused her to lose everything.

  “Please eat,” he said with a gesture at the food, his sudden brusque tone causing a shadow to fall over her face.

  Layla picked up a spoon and tried the sautéed vegetables first, then scooped up a bit of the meat pie. He dug into his meal with gusto, feeling near starved after an eventful day.

  As Layla ate, she also took frequent sips of her wine, and he soon refilled her goblet from the pitcher. She shot him a timid smile that warmed his heart.

  He liked this. He liked dining with her. He liked having her in his quarters.

  He could only imagine the gossip that was occurring in the corridors, mess halls, and training rooms on the Tammusha at this very moment. His warriors probably thought he’d lost his mind. Not that he cared what they thought, but he supposed he ought to be more careful going forward.

  As far as he knew, no Kall had ever balked at or refused retribution rights. He was in uncharted territory, though he didn’t think Kall authorities could interfere in any way. As long as he followed the rules and registered her as a slave immediately upon reaching Kall. Complaints might be leveled against him, but from his interpretation of the law, he didn’t believe Layla could be taken away from him.

  Normally, he was always eager for a battle. If Layla weren’t here, he would be raving with excitement over the prospect of another fight with the Bexxanians. But he now disliked that the Tammusha’s arrival on planet Kall was being delayed while they patrolled this sector of space for signs of other Bexxanian warbirds.

  All he wanted was to get Layla home, where she would be safe and out of sight. In time, the authorities might even forget about her. He could only hope. A thought struck him, one that felt like a desperate contingency plan.

  Commander Edek, who lived near Zamek in Sumlin District, was married to Betsy Carson—the very human who’d once been his slave and also happened to be Layla’s friend. Yet the Sumlin District council had approved a marriage license for the commander and Betsy. Though Commander Edek lived near Zamek, they didn’t know one another well, as Edek used to live in Yomma, though he now resided in his family home on the mountainside of Sumlin with his brother Draken.

  Xazzok sent Zamek messages about the goings on in Sumlin District frequently, as well as providing updates on the winery, and his cousin had given him periodic updates on Commander Edek—first informing him that Edek had moved back to Sumlin after returning from battle on Earth, then that Edek had taken a human slave, and finally, that Edek had married his slave.

  It was still a shock to Zamek that the Sumlin District council had approved the marriage between Edek and Betsy, and yet it had happened. This knowledge gave Zamek hope, and he tucked the possibility this presented for him
and Layla into the back of his mind. If Layla’s status as his slave/mistress was threatened, he supposed he could simply marry her.

  His gaze collided with hers and all the air suddenly left his chest.

  What was he doing? What was he thinking?


  Her body still rested in his warship’s morgue, awaiting burial on the mountainside, and here he was, dining with a human female and contemplating marriage. His mood darkened and the food suddenly became tasteless. He pushed his plate away and started drinking a copious amount of wine.

  “Is-is something wrong?” Layla asked.

  He glared at her, trying to summon the anger he’d once felt toward her, even though he’d promised to protect her. A growl of frustration rumbled from his throat and he pushed away from the table.

  “I must return to my duties,” he said.

  “Of course.” Hurt reflected in her eyes, but he tore his gaze from hers and stalked to the door.

  Once he was out in the corridor, he took a long inhale and fought the urge to brace himself against the wall. The last thing he wanted was for one of his men to witness a moment of weakness. He stood taller and marched to the section of the ship that contained the training rooms. May the ancient gods help the poor soul who volunteered to spar with him tonight.

  Chapter 18

  Just before he reached the corridor containing the training rooms, Zamek spotted Commander Vavvis rushing down the hallway toward him.

  “General Zamek, it is fortunate we ran into one another. I was about to contact you and request your presence on the bridge. I am headed there now myself,” Commander Vavvis said with a gesture in the direction that led to the bridge.

  The two males started heading that way before Zamek even opened his mouth to question the commander. Whatever it was that required his attention, he was glad for the distraction. He needed some time away from Layla to think. He also needed to visit the morgue and pray over his wife. It shamed him that he’d gone several days without doing so.


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