His True Love

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His True Love Page 2

by Khardine Gray

  Being with Stephan made sense. He gave me everything I wanted. He was wealthy, gorgeous and had it all. The last year of our relationship, however revealed all. It revealed him. His team had just won the super bowl, and with that fame came more fame and more women. Women who wanted him.

  Three weeks ago, on the day before my birthday, I came home to find him in bed with not just one woman, but two.


  He thought I’d be working late. He proved to be more of an asshole when I left the house and he didn’t come after me.

  On my birthday he sent a text. Not one wishing me happy birthday. It was a text threatening me. Telling me if I didn’t come back to him he’d make my life hell.

  Within the same day, he froze my access to our joint account, never mind that what little money I had was mixed in there with his. He took my car which he bought for my last birthday and send a bailiff to me demanding all the jewelry he gave me and basically everything else.

  It was a devastating experience, but one that taught me a lot.

  It also sent me here. Here to a club by myself, something I would never, ever do.

  I came here by myself and it took me about ten minutes before I saw Mr. Gorgeous. I saw him first. I saw him before he saw me. Sitting up on the balcony in one of those cozy chairs reserved for VIP. He looked important.

  When he looked at me then, he made me forget. It had been like that every night since.

  Maybe I was crazy, maybe I was repressing all that happened to me and instead of crying about what Stephan did I was dealing like this and one day the bubble of this world I’d created would pop.

  Maybe it would be tonight because of this. The fantasy of me dancing with Eric was supposed to be just that. Sometimes when you made a thing real it spoiled it.

  The thought made me pull away, out of his grasp, but he caught my arm and pulled me back. I stood on my toes and tried to talk so he could hear me but the music was too loud.

  He moved back, giving me that dazzling smile that introduced me to more dimples and took hold of my hands. He cocked his head to the side motioning for us to go out on the balcony.

  Cautious as I was I went. I may have been desperate to preserve this fantasy but I went. I couldn’t help myself. I got the feeling as he led me away from the crowd that whatever magic this man worked on me was going to make it very difficult for me to say no to him.

  The crisp night air graced my cheeks, soothing my mind as we stepped outside. A light breeze lifted the ends of my hair about my shoulders. It was chilly but I wasn’t cold. I liked feeling the chill on my skin, and the dangerous heat, raw and primal coming from him.

  “I have to go Eric.” I just had to say it. Better to jump ship now than make it harder later. Later when I liked him more than I already did.



  His eyes twinkled and I tried to see that amber thing again but it was too dark out here.

  “Because what?”

  “Because I should.” I was pretty certain most people would call what we thought was dancing, mating. Except we still had our clothes on.

  He gave me an irresistibly devastating grin and reached out to touch my face. His fingers were as warm as I expected, and smooth against my cheek.

  “Why should you? School night?”

  I couldn’t stop myself from laughing. “School? You think I’m in school? Didn’t think you were the kind of man who’d be dancing with a school girl.”

  “I’m not, Goddess and I’m making sure I keep it that way. So, are you in college then?”

  “What’s with the fascination in academic institutions?”

  “You look young.”

  “I’m twenty eight.”

  “That is young.” He made it sound like he was older, but I was sure he looked to be around the same age as me. Thirty at the most, maybe thirty one or two.

  “Is that younger than you?”

  “A lot.”

  I rolled my eyes at him. “I’m not guessing.” I shook my head, much as I would have loved to know.

  “Let’s just say I’m thirty six.”

  That was a weird way of putting it, but I’d work with it. “Okay. I still have to go. I have work.”

  His fingers fluttered across my cheek. “Work isn’t life. Night’s still young, there’s no reason to end it when it’s just begun.”

  I liked how he talked, with that eloquence most actors used.

  “What’s the real reason you want to go so soon Ariyah?” he asked, eyes searching mine.

  I couldn’t venture down that path and explain. I shouldn’t. He’d think I was crazy. Crazy explaining that he was part of a fantasy and I was quite happy to come here every night and watch him from afar. Who did things like that?

  Wouldn’t I have preferred to have the real thing? Talking to him like I was now?

  The more I looked at him, the more I felt it. That pull of... desire.

  Was that just me?

  It was odd that desire was what I felt inside me but I swore when I looked at him, I knew he felt it too.

  “You weren’t supposed to talk to me.” I muttered. The words fell from my lips before I could think of saying something else.

  “There was going to come a point when I did. You must have known that, we can’t just keep watching each other every night.” He inclined his head to the side. “Watching and never doing anything is never good for anyone.”

  “It works for some people.”

  “So. You’d prefer to come here every night and watch me, rather than dance with me the way you want to, or be with me like this? Or allow me to touch your hair like this?” He smoothed his hand to my hair, picked up a lock and twirled it around his thumb and smiled. “Or, touch your beautiful face like this?”

  His hand returned to my face, cupping my chin tenderly in the warmth of his touch.

  My lips parted. I opened my mouth to talk but no words came out.

  His sharp eyes filled with that sexual energy bore into me. I felt that thing again.

  Attraction, desire, chemistry.

  Maybe the word I was looking for was all of it.

  Whatever force it was pulled me to him, so when he smiled and lowered to brush his lips over mine I relished the feel and the sensation that pulsed through me. He moved his mouth over mine soft at first, then more urgent. Exploring me. The heady sensation made me melt into the kiss and kiss him back with the same passion he gave me.

  I was actually shocked by my own response. Soon the kiss turned hungry, and heated up when he swept his tongue into my mouth sending spirals of sheer ecstasy into the pit of my stomach. I kissed him with a hunger that I never felt before, with need and want. He crushed me to him to deepen the kiss and slipped both hands behind my head angling my face so he could devour me.

  That was the best way I could describe it.

  When he pulled back it was like something left my body. A part of the flame that ignited within me went out and I wanted it back.

  I wanted more.

  “Come home with me.” He whispered and my knees weakened.

  Go home with him?

  Could I go home with a complete stranger? I’d never done that before.

  I’d never contemplated doing that because anything could happen to me.

  “You know I won’t hurt you.” It was like he could read my thoughts. His smile widened and brightened when I nodded.

  It was a fantasy, and just like I knew I would... I couldn’t say no to him.

  Chapter 3


  I must have lost my mind and gone completely crazy.

  I must have. How else could I explain my actions?

  And yet, reality didn’t see fit to intervene and tell me I was crazy.

  It didn’t step in when the valet brought out Eric’s blood red Ferrari to him. The thing looked like it had been pulled from the set of a Fast and Furious film. Reality didn’t step in when Eric tipped the said valet two hundred dolla
rs, and it for damn certain didn’t step in when he took the highway to Bel-Air and pulled up minutes later to the set of golden gates that opened up when we approached.

  I wasn’t sure if I was shocked, or surprised. I always thought the two were different types of emotion. Given my previous experiences with the two, I usually associated surprise with something more pleasant and shock with the negative.

  I was surprised when over a hundred applicants applied for the job I had now as a social worker and I got it. Prior to that I’d been assistant to the manager at social services who I was sure didn’t like me all that much. However, surprise took me again when I was told he put my name forward and wrote a glowing reference that supported my application.

  That was a surprise. Shock took me that day when I came home and found Stephan in bed with his whores. And it wasn’t just in bed in bed. I caught him live and in living action balls deep in one of them while he was kissing the other.

  That was shock. That was damn shock.

  The combo I experienced now was interesting because I was surprised a guy like Eric was with me, and he didn’t seem to be an asshole, and I was shocked by the evident wealth I saw around me.

  We drove up a little road before his house – mansion – came into view.

  Stephan played pro-football so he was rich. Eric however was what you’d called wealthy, the kind of wealthy that was abundant. The house looked amazing in every sense. We parked and he came around my side to open the door for me. That bright smile on his handsome, handsome face.

  We’d been silent on the journey here. Silent and flirting by looking at each other. Smiling here and there. Me, liking this guy more and more.

  He put out his hand to take mine just like at the club and I took it.

  My legs wobbled when my heels hit the concrete of the drive, but he slipped an arm around me, steadying me.

  “You live here?”

  He answered by planting a kiss on the crook of my neck. “I do live here.”

  “By yourself?” It would have been weird if he lived with his family or a bunch of guys or something like that.

  It was clear why I was here, and they would have known I was some woman Eric had brought home for sex because they wouldn’t have seen me before.

  “I live here all by myself Goddess.”

  I almost sighed with relief. “Just you, here?”

  “I like my space.” He chuckled. “Also, you’re doing that thing again.”

  “What thing?” I didn’t know what he meant. What was I doing? Theoretically that was the question of the evening because in what world would I be standing outside a mansion that belonged to a man comparable to a Greek god.

  “The thinking thing.” A smile danced on his lips.

  Looking at him I was sure this was something he was used to. I saw the way the women looked at him when we were at the club. I saw it. They all looked at him like they wanted him. And, who wouldn’t?

  I wouldn’t be naïve and think this man was just for me. Three weeks ago I went to the club and saw him there in the VIP section. It was clear he was a regular. He was treated like he was a regular and a very important regular too.

  “And you’re doing it again.” The smile reached his eyes.

  “I’ve...never, um done this before.” I probably sounded silly saying that. At the club I presented this sassy woman who could hold her own but I wasn’t really like that.

  What I said though seemed to interest him more. He picked up a lock of my hair and allowed it to curl around his fingers.

  “Ariyah, do you want to come inside with me?”

  I gazed up at him and got sucked into the thrall of him. Those eyes, the way he looked at me, everything.

  The devil... he knew my answer even before I said it.


  “Great. Do me a little favor?”


  “When we go through those doors, forget everything that exist outside and enjoy me.”

  Wow... “Enjoy you.”

  That smile appeared on his lips again. “Yes, because I’ll be enjoying you. It wouldn’t be fair if you didn’t do the same. Can you do that?”

  Looking at him with all that confidence and undiluted masculinity made my mouth water. “I can.”

  In that moment I felt I’d owed it to myself. After all this was still part of the fantasy.

  He took my hand and led me across the path and up to the front door.

  He opened it and as I stepped inside the house I made myself forget. Forget everything, and all the shit that Stephan put me through. All the shit that life had thrown at me.

  I stepped into a home that took my breath away. The décor inside was even more breathtaking than the scenic view of the house itself. If I wasn’t so consumed with the beautiful man behind me I would have loved to go exploring. Exploring the house however was something I would happily pass on to get the chance to explore him.

  He slipped his hand around my waist when the door closed and lowered to kiss my neck, tracing a line of fiery kisses where his lips connected with my skin. Turning to face him I kissed him when his lips met mine, truly stealing my thoughts away. As the kiss heated up he pulled me closer, rough and needed and tugged at the straps of my dress.

  The strap fell down my arms and he took advantage of the moment to push the other strap down too while he kissed me. I giggled when he picked me up and carried me up the wide set of marble stairs. Still kissing me, kissing my lips and my neck.

  We entered a large bedroom and the light came on. He set me down in the center of the king sized bed that took up the bulk of the space in the room.

  I shuffled against the cool silky sheets and gazed up at him.

  He lowered and kissed the top of my feet. My skin prickled at his touch and a shiver of delight ran through me.

  “These stay on.” He looked over my heels with pure satisfaction. “Everything else comes off.”

  He lowered and started planting kisses all the way up my leg, making me giddy with pleasure. Up he went until he got to my core and stopped but shocked me when he slid the edge of my dress up my hips, parted my legs and licked over the lace of my panties. He looked up at me and I was certain I saw that amber flicker in his eyes again.

  Maybe, it didn’t matter. Whatever I thought I saw dissipated from my mind when he moved my panties aside and pushed his tongue right into my core tasting me. Tasting me and licking the already hard nub of my clit. I sucked in a breath to control my moans but it didn’t work.

  He looked up at me and grinned.

  “Scream if you want to Goddess. We have the place all to ourselves. You can make whatever sound you want to in here.”

  “Oh God.” I gasped as he rubbed over my clit again.

  He then made his way up and pulled the dress up and over my head. He tossed it somewhere over to the side. My bra followed when he took that off too.

  His eyes lit up when my breasts spilled out and bobbled towards him.

  “Beautiful, just fucking beautiful.” He ran his fingers now over my taut, tight nipples. “I’ve been looking at your tits all night. Dying to suck them. Wanting you, wanting to taste you.”

  Before I could absorb his words he squeezed my breasts hard and leaned down to lick the tips.

  I had to place my hands behind me to stay up. I winced when he lowered to my left breast and closed his lips over the diamond hard peak. Instantly, I became wet and arched my back into his mouth allowing him to take me in more. A hum of pure satisfaction fell from my lips and I tilted my head back to enjoy it.

  He stopped sucking and when I looked back to him I noticed the pleasure on his face.

  “Good girl, enjoy me. You want more?”

  “Yes.” It was a no brainer, and on my word he moved to my right breast and gave it the same attention. He nuzzled my breast, savagely licking and sucking my nipple while he caught the nipple of the other between his thumb and forefinger. Making them harder, swollen. Mindless moans of pleasure escap
ed my lips and I couldn’t control myself.

  Seeing how much I enjoyed it he sucked harder and harder taking me deeper into his mouth. My breath hitched as the first tug of orgasm pulled at my insides.


  “Come for me baby. Just let yourself go.”

  I didn’t need to be told twice. The orgasm that took me was greedy, hot and electrifying. All he’d done was suck my breasts and this was what happened to me. We’d barely done anything else.

  While I gasped for breath, moaning against the sensational pleasure, he lowered between my thighs and lapped up my release. Drinking and eating me out with his clever tongue.

  When he was done he moved back to my lips and his savage tongue circled with mine. I smoothed my hands up the hard walls of his chest while he played with my nipples. It was a good feeling I could relish forever.

  I also wanted to relish the sight of him. I giggled and pulled back, but he came closer catching me.

  “I’m topless with my panties and heels on, I want to see you too.”

  “Of course, goddess.”

  Lust burned my brain when I watched the beautiful man before me stand up and unbutton his shirt to reveal a black dragon tattooed right across his chest. The head started at the bottom of his left pec and the body of the dragon took up most of the space along his midsection imprinted in the tight, taunt peaks of his six pack. When he back off his shirt I saw the dragons tail curved right around his waist. He turned showing me that it curved around his back and tapered off down his left hip.

  My blood throbbed in my veins with the deadly mixture of attraction, desire and chemistry when he undid his pants and pushed them down his legs showing off the massive bulge of his cock pressing against his Calvin Klein boxers. He kicked off the pants and his shoes.

  He reached for my hand again and I straightened up moving closer.

  He pressed my hand to the hardness of his cock and closed my fingers over it. I felt the thickness despite the cotton fabric of his boxers and it hardened even more in my palms when I ran my hand up and down it, trying to give him as much pleasure as he gave me.

  He groaned as I moved and I watched him, relishing the fact that I could make a man like him groan like that.


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