Crooked Changeling

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Crooked Changeling Page 3

by Samantha Bell

I hesitated for half a second. If I wanted a chance to survive the hunters, what choice did I have? “Fine. I’m with you,” I said.

  Maddox growled under his breath and slung his bag over his shoulder. “Ok, this should make things interesting.”

  “We just need to get to Woodlock’s and we’ll be fine,” Seth said. He was the voice of reason.

  Seth was the calm one. Maddox was the fiery one. Chase was the nice one. Jasper, he seemed serious, but I was sure there was more to him than that. Every member of the pack balanced each other’s personality perfectly.

  “Let’s go.” Jasper’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

  We piled into Jasper’s SUV. It was shiny and black with leather interior that still smelt new. Every car I had ever been in always reeked of cigarettes. I sat between Seth and Chase. Maddox, in his constant effort to act coldly to me, sat shotgun.

  The feeling of magic was getting closer. I clutched my bag to my chest and rested my forehead on top of it. If I calmed myself, maybe my own magic signature wouldn’t be so strong, and we could lose the faerie hunter … or hunters.

  Jasper sped off out of the parking lot and took the main roads to the highway.

  It was past rush hour and the sun was setting to the west. I had lost a whole day sleeping. I couldn’t recall the last time I slept so soundly and yet I was still tired.

  Chase brushed my knee lightly with his hand. “Sleep. You have us here. Nothing bad is going to happen,” He said with a smile.

  I nodded, feeling reassured by his smile. “Thanks.”

  If you would have told me yesterday that I’d spend my day surrounded by a shifter pack on the run from a faerie hunter, I would have thought I was crazy. Now, it just felt right.




  The SUV came to a stop and I was jolted from my sleep.

  “Welcome to Woodlock’s Home for Magical Delinquents!” Jasper announced.

  I sat up to take a look around. A huge manor towered at the end of a long driveway. Pines surrounded every side of the property. It was dark, four stories high, and probably at least a hundred years old. Even though I was nervous, the elegance took my breath away. “Wow,” I said.

  “Woodlock’s is a great place,” Chase said. “Trust me. We got our fresh start here.”

  A fresh start? How many times had I wished I could just start over? Maybe this place wasn’t so bad. The guys hadn’t lied to me yet. “What about the fae hunter?” I asked.

  “This home is covered with powerful magical wards. Nothing gets in and nothing gets out unless it’s supposed to,” Seth explained. “You’ll be safe here.”

  How long had it been since I felt safe, I wondered?

  The SUV doors swung open and everyone got out. I was the last to skooch out from the middle seat. Seth took my hand to help me out. It was then that I realized how tall they all were compared to me. I was five-foot-five and skinny, being half-starved my whole life hadn’t helped my naturally small frame. All four men were well over six feet tall, I couldn’t help but notice.

  An old man appeared on the front poor. “Good evening, gentlemen. I was wondering when you would arrive.” He spoke like a proper old butler.

  “I’ll debrief him,” Seth said quietly to the others. “No need to get anyone in a panic over the fae hunter.”

  They nodded.

  “We’re starving, Mr. Hobbs!” Chase exclaimed. He threw his arm around my shoulder. “Any chance we could cook something up in the kitchen this late?”

  The man sighed and shrugged. “You be my guest, Chase.” He peered at me. “And who is our lovely guest?”

  “The newest member of Woodlock’s Home,” Seth said proudly. He touched that man’s elbow and nodded to the door. “Sir, can I speak to you privately?”

  The old man followed him inside without a word.

  I suddenly wondered what would happen if they decided they didn’t want me here. What would happen then? Would they kick me to the curb like last week’s garbage? What if the fae tracked me down? No. It couldn’t happen. With everything that happened the past twenty four hours, I’d have to trust this pack. It was that or be hunted and I knew which I’d rather have.


  “Do you like pancakes?” Chase asked as he rummaged through the kitchen cabinets.

  “I like food in general,” I said honestly.

  “That’s my kind of girl!” Chase chuckled. “We shifters can work up an appetite, so I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all,” I said. I was sitting in a wooden chair in the corner of the huge kitchen. The appliances were old and industrial sized. The fridge and pantries were big enough to walk straight into. This place was built for feeding a crowd. “So, shouldn’t there be staff for this big of a place?” I asked.

  “There is,” Jasper answered. He walked out of the fridge with two packages of bacon cradled in his arms. “Just not this late. I wouldn’t dare wake the housekeeper at this time of night. She’s a wicked witch after dark.”

  “You can say that again,” Chase chuckled. He was busy filling a mixing bowl with flour, eggs, and milk. He glanced up and me and grinned. “We know our way around the kitchen because we help out on the busy days.”

  “Oh, I see.” Could these guys get anymore perfect? Gentlemen, defenders of lost souls, chefs? “Where’s Maddox?” I asked after a while.

  “Sulking somewhere,” Jasper said with a shrug. “Don’t worry, he’ll come around. He’s just not overly fond of outsiders.”

  “Plus, you get more time with us,” Chase chirped as he lit the stove. “And more pancakes.”

  “What about Seth?” I asked.

  “Probably talking to the Headmistress to make a good case for you,” Jasper said. “There’s never been a faerie here before. Err, sorry, a changeling. No offense. We help shifters, witches, warlocks, and the like, mostly. Fae kind of sort out their own problems.”

  If by sorting out problems he meant murder, extortion, and hard labor, he was right. “What if I’m not allowed to stay?”

  “Won’t happen,” Jasper said with complete certainty. “Seth sniffed you out before you even tried to steal my wallet. He was looking out for you. He had plans to bring you here. It just so happened that you complicated them with your fast fingers.” His eyes twinkled when he grinned.

  Soon the kitchen smelled like bacon. Every time the pan sizzled, I got a little more impatient. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait much longer.

  Chase set down a plate with a stack of pancakes and bacon on the wooden island that was probably meant from prep work. “Here, dig in!”

  There was no designated dining spot, so I brought my chair up to the counter and dug in. The pancakes were thick and fluffy, and the bacon had just the right amount of crispiness. I moaned as I took the first bite. “This is the best bacon I’ve ever had in my life.”

  Jasper chuckled, filling his own plate. He slathered the pancakes with an obscene amount of maple syrup. That’s right, real maple syrup, not that shitty stuff from Denny’s.

  Five pancakes and countless strips of bacon later, Seth appeared. “I hope you guys saved some for me,” He said.

  Chase gestured towards the pan. He had made enough pancakes to feed a small army, so there was plenty to go around. “Help yourself.” Then, he asked the question I had been dying to hear the answer to. “So, what did the Headmistress say?”

  “Luna can stay,” Seth replied.

  “Yes!” Chase and Jasper exclaimed together.

  I beamed. “Really? That’s great.”

  Seth raised his eyebrows at me. “So, does that mean you want to stay after all?”

  I wilted at the challenge in his tone. “I mean, I don’t think I have much of a choice, do I?”

  “Not if you want to stay away from the faerie hunters,” Chase added.

  “Exactly,” Seth said. “The Headmistress was leery about that, but I managed to convince her that it was for
the best. We’ll take each day as it comes and then go from there. Hopefully, they won’t track you to this place.”

  “It would be near impossible for them to sense her through the wards,” Jasper said.

  “Near impossible still leaves a chance,” Seth warned. He set his plate down on the counter. “But, for now, we’re safe.” He smiled at me. “Welcome to Woodlock’s. Now it’s official.” He said. “Hobbs has already made a room up for you. I can take you there if you like.” His stomach growled and he looked down.

  “Let me do it,” Jasper said. “You need to eat, man.” He slapped Seth’s shoulder playfully. “That shifter appetite is no joke. I don’t want you getting all snarly at me later.”

  “Fine, fine.” Seth sat down by the counter. “She’s in room three-eleven. The magical lock has been replaced with a regular one, so you’ll need this.” He tossed a key at Jasper who caught it effortlessly.

  “Ready to go?” He asked me.

  I nodded. Despite sleeping in the SUV, I was still exhausted, and my internal clock was all messed up. “Yeah.” I smiled at Chase and then Seth. “Thanks for the pancakes and thanks for bringing me here.”

  “Our pleasure, my dear,” Seth said. He brushed his dark curls out of his eyes and went back to stabbing a slice of bacon with his fork.

  I followed Jasper to the main lobby and upstairs to the third floor. It was silent and empty. “Where are all the students?” I asked.

  “Bedtime is strictly adhered to. There is a schedule here. In order to reform young magical people as good citizens, we need to have a schedule to follow.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “So, no more sleeping in past dinner time,” Jasper said with a wink.

  “To be fair that’s only because I spent my night running away from hunters,” I countered.

  We stopped at my bedroom door and Jasper opened it before handing me the key. “Here you are,” He said.

  It was a small room with a simple bed, desk, chair, and wardrobe. Everything was white and clean. It smelled faintly of soap and lavender essential oil. “It’s perfect,” I said. Even this modest space was like a palace to me.

  “Good to hear.” Jasper reached for the door. “Well, goodnight,” He said. His dark blue eyes lingered on mine just a moment too long.

  Was I ready to be alone here? Everything happened in such a whirlwind. Now to be alone in this silence seemed wrong. My heart quivered and I tasted bile. My anxiety was getting the better of me.

  “Wait,” I exclaimed. “Actually, I don’t know. I’m really nervous,” I added softly, glancing around the small room. Nothing was out of place, but the coziness felt foreign to me. I should have been comfortable, but instead I was on edge. “Don’t go yet. I’m…” I struggled to find the words to describe the stress I was feeling.

  “I know something that might help you relax,” Jasper said with a shimmer in his eye.

  I held my breath as he kissed me. The faint taste of maple syrup was still on his lips. It was sticky, sweet, and made me melt into him. I shouldn’t be doing this. I knew guys were nothing but trouble. Was the pack the exception to the rule? I moaned against his mouth.

  “You’re beautiful,” He said as he broke away from the kiss. “You’re feisty, smart, strong, everything a wolf would want in a female.” He growled against my cheek and kissed me again. “You’re trembling. How long has it been?”

  I had never let a man go all the way with me; living on the streets made me colder than ice. How long since I had been kissed? I had no idea. “I don’t know,” I admitted.

  Jasper’s eyes softened. “Do you want me?” He asked.

  I nodded. Just a tiny nod. I was so embarrassed that a simple kiss had made me so hot. He knew it too. The wolf inside him was writhing impatiently. “But, I’ve never…”

  “Don’t worry, beautiful,” Jasper said. “This is for you. Let me help you relax.” He scooped me up and set me down on the soft mattress.

  The goose-down pillows and soft quilts surrounded me.

  Jasper was above me. I stared up at him as he slowly brought his hands down to the waist band of my leggings. He pulled them down gently over my hips, taking my panties with them. He touched my thighs, grabbing and squeezing my flesh gently as he made his way downward.

  “You smell like heaven,” He whispered.

  My cheeks went hot. I opened my mouth to respond but my words were cut short as his fingers ran down my slit. I let out a tiny moan.

  Jasper chuckled and explored my folds with two fingers, brushing against my clit and moving up and down, teasing my tight entrance but not daring to force himself in. He was gentle and slow.

  The tension began to release from my body. I opened my legs wider, surrendering myself to the pleasure that he was submitting me to. I clutched the quilt that was bunched up underneath me.

  Jasper lowered his mouth down to his prize, flicking his tongue against my sensitive nub and then sucking it into his mouth.

  My eyes rolled back in my head. I was helpless now, held down by the wolf shifter and being pleasured like I had never experienced before. Wave after wave of ecstasy hit me; every time I thought he would let me cum, he held back until I was begging for it. “Please, please,” I whimpered.

  “Mm,” Jasper hummed against my flesh. “You need this, huh?”

  I bit my lip. “Yes,” I gasped. “Please!”

  Jasper slowly slipped one finger inside of me, exploring my wetness before pressing up towards my navel. At the same time, he sucked my clit, holding me down so my hips were against the bed.

  I literally saw stars. The pleasure ripped through my body like a tsunami. “Oh my god!” I gasped. My body trembled under him. I lost it then, letting out the biggest orgasm of my life. It rocked my whole body.

  When Jasper withdrew, I was shuddering and panting beneath him. “You ok, beautiful?” He asked. His tongue flicked out to taste my juices on his fingers.

  “Yes,” I said. Suddenly, I felt very sleepy and was having trouble keeping my eyes open.

  Jasper stood up and tucked me in, wrapping the soft quilts around me tightly. “Goodnight, Luna.”

  The last thing I remembered was Jasper kissing my forehead.




  “Luna!” Someone knocked at my door.

  I groaned, sitting up. The sun was streaming through the narrow window. I could hear birds outside. My pink hair looked like a monster and my clothes were all disheveled. I had slept so deeply that I couldn’t even remember dreaming. I blinked and rubbed my eyes. Yesterday come rushing back to me in a rush. I jumped from my bed. It wasn’t a dream. I was here. I was here in Woodlock’s, with my own room, a full belly, and four men who had saved me from the faerie hunter.

  “Luna!” The voice came again.

  “Who’s there?” I groaned.

  “It’s me, Seth.”

  I finally registered his voice. “Oh!” I unlocked and opened the door. “Sorry, just woke up.”

  “I see that,” He said. His gray eyes flicked over me. “I know it’s your first day, so you’ll be forgiven, but starting tomorrow you need to be up at eight o’clock sharp, or you won’t get any breakfast.”

  Logan told me how strict this place was. “Fine,” I said. “No problem. What time is it?”

  “One in the afternoon,” Seth said flatly.

  “Oh, shit,” I giggled. “Sorry.”

  “Like I said, it’s fine for today. The headmistress wanted to meet you before you began classes anyways.”

  Headmistress. Classes. It all sounds so formal. So strange to a high school drop out runaway like me. “Sure, no problem,” I said with a generous helping of false confidence.

  Seth handed me a bundle of navy fabric in his arms. “Here’s your uniform,” He said.

  “Uniform!” I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

  “Yes, everyone needs to wear a uniform here,” He said.

  “Except you
,” I fired back.

  “I’m not a student,” He raised his eyebrows at me. “And, I mean no offense, but you probably shouldn’t go seeing the Headmistress in that.” He gestured at my sweater.

  I wasn’t offended. It was the pure and honest trust. “Fine,” I sighed.

  “I’ll wait out here for you to get ready,” Seth said.

  I almost dared him to stay but bit my tongue. His smoldering eyes were alluring but I had just let another member of his pack put me to bed. What was I thinking? This was so not like me. I shut the door and got cleaned up in record time.

  My first thought was how to hide my fanny pack of cash that I had stowed under my pillow. This place wasn’t like the streets, though I knew that thieves could be anywhere. I mean, let’s face it, I was a thief and I was here. I decided to hide it under my mattress for now until I found a better place for it. Then, I focused on getting dressed.

  The uniform wasn’t terrible. I almost looked cute. I pulled my pink hair back away from my face and adjusted the navy blazer before smoothing the white shirt and blue plaid skirt. I looked like a prep-school girl. I barely looked like myself to be honest. I could change my appearance at will, but even I never expected to see a girl like this staring back at me. I shook my head and grabbed the doorknob.

  When I emerged, Seth looked at me with surprise. “You clean up good,” He said.

  “Thanks. I was wondering about you,” I added, gesturing to his casual jeans and t-shirt.

  “No uniforms for me, like I said. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll see me dressed up sometime.” His eyes glittered when he chuckled.

  I tucked a stray hair behind my ear. “Maybe.” I couldn’t help but wonder what he looked like without anything on. That sounded much better than a suit. His slim fitting t-shirt didn’t leave much to the imagination, his muscles stretched the fabric to its limit. The V-neck gave me the perfect glimpse of the notch of his collar bone. “Anyways,” I said, afraid to get carried away in my own thoughts. “You said the headmistress wanted to meet me?”


  The Headmistress’ office was on the fourth floor at the end of the hallway. I stood nervously before it, reached to knock, and then hesitated. “Are you coming with me?” I asked.


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