Book Read Free

Chaos Kings MC

Page 7

by Linny Lawless

“Yep…” she mumbled and leaned back up on her stool.

  I used to have a better tolerance for alcohol, but after two beers, I felt giddy.

  “Let’s do a shot of something, Ratchet.”

  I looked at the shelf of booze in front of me.

  “How about some Petron?”

  He smirked, “You really think you can keep up with me, Rabbit?”

  “Sure, I can. I’ll show you.”

  I walked around into the bar and came back with the bottle of Petron and three shot glasses.

  “Let’s share with Gunner too.”

  I started to pour the tequila into the three glasses. Gunner shook his head but was grinning. We would have to do without the salt and lime. The three of us raised our glasses.

  Ratchet toasted, “To a good ride today.”

  We downed the shot at the same time and slammed the glasses back down on the table. I wiped my mouth with my forearm, trying not to show my sour pucker.

  “Another one, guys?”

  “Not for me, Sam. Keeping an even keel today with the beer,” Gunner turned down the next shot.

  I poured me and Ratchet another and we shot it down together. I slammed the glass on the bar and I was suddenly off my barstool. I wrapped my arms around Ratchet’s scruffy, bearded neck, giving him a smacking kiss on his cheek.

  Just his scent made me wet between my legs. I inhaled deep and moaned into his ear. His big hands came up and grabbed my hips.

  As I leaned back to look into his brown eyes, his stare was intense. He bit his lower lip and I saw hunger in his eyes. Just for me.

  “I can’t keep my hands off you, Sam. Then you tempt me even more when you moan like that…”

  I sensed the struggle within himself. How he was trying so hard to be gentle with me, which made my pulse pick up speed.

  “You’re so small,” he grumbled low; looking down at his hands on my hips.

  “I don’t wanna hurt you, Sam.”

  “It only hurts when I don’t feel your hands touching me.”

  His mouth suddenly crashed into mine. His tongue penetrated my parted lips and wrestled with mine. This time he moaned and gripped my hips tighter. I didn’t hear the live music anymore. All I could hear, see, smell and taste at that very moment was him.

  He broke the kiss suddenly, “I’m taking you back to my place. Now.”

  Ratchet rode me back to his place above the designated speed limit and I felt alive. I leaned with him as we took the curves, the chilly wind on our faces. We parked the bike rushing to take our helmets off. He smashed his mouth into mine like he did at the clubhouse. He bent down and his cold hands grasped the back of my thighs, lifting me to wrap around his waist. My eyes were closed as I continued to tongue his mouth as he carried me to his house. My back was pressed up against the front door. He ground his hips against the front of my heated center.

  He broke the kiss, “Fuckin’ clothes! Gotta get you out of ‘em, Sam.”

  I giggled, but I felt the same frustration. Our bodies joined at that moment, but the hindrance of clothes blocked what we both needed.

  He smiled, still holding me, but I heard the jiggling of his keys as he opened the locked door.

  He carried me up the stairs to his bedroom, my legs still wrapped around his waist. Next second I’m standing with him, my arms wrapped around his broad shoulders, our bodies pressed as close together as possible. His warm lips and rough beard nuzzled my neck and shoulder. Goosebumps rose all over my body.

  “I’m going to do things to your body, Sam. With my hands, my mouth and my hard cock…,” he growled close to my ear. My nipples hardened and ached for his touch.

  His tongue feasted on my mouth again as he unzipped my jacket. Pulling it off my shoulders and onto the floor; lifting my top and unclasping my bra, his hands cupped my breasts squeezing them. His thumbs grazed my nipples and flicked them back and forth, making me arch my back up to him. He lowered down and he drew one into his warm wet mouth, sucking and flicking his tongue against the hard pebble.

  A jolt of heat ran through my body and I gasped and gripped his shoulders, hearing him moan against my nipple as he continued the pressure of sucking, twirling his tongue over and over. He released it with a sweet little smacking sound.

  “Get on the bed, Little Rabbit,” he said low taking off his cut and hanging it on the chair, stripping his t-shirt over his head.

  I watched him unbuckle his belt, removing his boots and lowering himself on the bed next to me. His mouth smothered me with kisses. His tongue darted out and trailed down my stomach.

  I arched my back again and moaned. My nipples hard as pebbles, on display for him.

  “Please don’t stop, Ratchet.”

  “Not gonna stop, Sam… Not this time…”

  He was suddenly on his knees above me, pulling my boots off and yanking my jeans down. He froze and his eyes roamed my body, devouring me.

  “God, you are so beautiful, Sam. So real.”

  He planted warm kisses on my thighs, moving toward my hot and wet center.

  “Has a man ever kissed you here, Sam?” He mumbled in between his kisses tormenting my thighs.

  “No. Never,” was all I could manage to say.

  “Open yourself to me, Sam. I want to see you. Taste you.”

  I opened my thighs to him. He nestled his big body between them. His tongue darted out, down the middle of my opening, sending jolts of pleasure deep inside me. He caressed my body with his tongue and lips and the desire I felt was new and exciting. He opened my folds and began to flick his tongue across my little nub lightly. I raked both my hands through his hair, feeling the softness of it and the warm sensations of his mouth.

  My hips rose off the bed moving with the rhythm of his tongue making little, wet circles against my clit. An orgasm suddenly exploded from me and I cried out, grinding up against his mouth, riding the wave of hot ecstasy.

  I was sighing and keening, breathing fast. He lifted himself up above me. The head of his hard thickness was at the opening, between my pussy lips.

  “I’m gonna be gentle this time,” he gritted out low and strained.

  Moving slowly, he entered me. His thick girth stretched me. He moved his hips gently and pulled out and then slid back in. My nails dug into his shoulders and back, crying out when he was totally deep inside. My hips rose in rhythm to meet his and I felt another orgasm rise and explode around his hard cock. My walls contracted around him tightly as he started to move his hips faster.

  He pulled away and was on his knees above me. He gripped his wet hard shaft, pumping it fast. He roared, throwing his head back. I watched his milky, hot cum shoot onto my breasts and stomach.

  I smiled up at him and sighed. He lowered himself back down to cover me again. I wrapped my arms around him feeling his heart pound against mine.

  When Tanya called and invited me over to her apartment to watch a movie, I was so excited giddy for the next two days. I never really hung out with girls when I was in high school. I just kept my nose in books and studied. I envied them, in their cliques planning on what they were wearing to Homecoming or who was going to the Friday night football games.

  Kat and I were working on the stacks of used books traded in at the counter, grouping them by genre before stacking them in the appropriate sections in the store.

  Kat was filling me in about her weekend and how she went to see the latest movie with a date.

  “The movie was pretty good. My date was not so…. He’s nice and all and I’ve been out on a few dinner dates with him. But he doesn’t really interest me. Like he doesn’t have an edge to him.”

  She got quiet concentrating on the titles on the book spines.



  “What’s it like dating a biker?”

  I turned to look at her. She smiled and a pink shaded blush came over her face.

  “It’s nice I guess. You know, Kat, bikers are no different than anyone else. There are good and bad

  “Please don’t get jealous when I say this, Sam. I have only seen your boyfriend on his bike when he comes to pick you up. And I think he is so… I don’t know… he looks like a caveman! A very handsome caveman!”

  “Yeah. I guess Ratchet is in a way. He is kind of a primal in some ways,” I giggled.

  “Is he nice to you?”

  If Kat only knew how I had been treated when I was property of Sid and the Hell Hounds.

  “Yes. He’s kind and gentle.”

  “Well, your caveman just showed up, Sam,” Kat nodded her head toward the glass door of the store. Ratchet pulled up in his truck out front.

  “Hold on. I’ll ask him to come in, so that I can introduce you.”

  “Oh gosh, Sam! No. I’m so friggin’ embarrassed now,” she called out as I walked to the front door. I smiled at him sitting in his truck and beckoned him to come in with a hand gesture.

  He got out of the truck and walked toward the door with his confident swagger. Walking in full stride, a playful grin on his face.

  I met him at the door and tip-toed to speak low in his ear,” My friend, Kat wants to meet you. Is that ok?”

  “Sure, Rabbit.”

  We both approached Kat. Ratchet winked at her and gave her an easy nod.

  “Kat, this is Ratchet. Ratchet, this is Kat.”

  “Pleasure, Kat,” he reached down and took her hand in his huge one and gave it a gentle shake. Her eyes were round saucers as she looked down at her hand swallowed up in his.

  “Ah… Hi, Ratchet”

  He smiled at her turned from her gawking eyes to me.

  “Ready to go, Rabbit?”

  “Sure… I’ll see you tomorrow, Kat.”

  “Ah… Ok, Sam. Have a nice night you two,” she smiled at both of us as we left the bookstore together.

  On the ride back to his place was when I told him about my plans with Tanya.

  “Not sure it’s a good idea yet, Sam. You and Tanya should just go and hang out at the clubhouse instead.“

  Ratchet sounded a bit annoyed.

  “Why? It’s just Tanya and me. She wants to watch a movie and talk.”

  “I just need to keep my eye on you. Don’t want to give the Hounds any opportunity. Not on my watch.”

  I crossed my arms in front of me. I turned from him and stared out the window at the blur of trees passing by us at forty-five miles per hour.

  When I talked back to Sid, I got a smack on the cheek and was told to shut up. I snapped out of that image in my mind and grounded myself back in the truck again with Ratchet. I was fed up with his hovering over me. I turned back to him.

  “You’re crowding me again. Sometimes I think you don’t trust me. You think I’m going to run again, don’t you?” That was my voice. And it came out loud and clear

  He turned to look directly at me. His eyebrows raised and then the side of his mouth lifted in a smirk. He huffed and chuckled arrogantly. Sometimes he acted smug and superior. He patted the bench seat next to him.

  “Sam. Come over here.”

  I turned back to the window.


  Suddenly we swerved off the asphalt, onto the gravel by the road. I lurched forward when he suddenly stomped his booted foot on the break.

  “Look at me, Sam,” he barked. I did.

  “I’m crowding you? Get used to it. I know what those piece of shit Hounds did and will do to you if they catch a whiff that you’re alone or not protected by Chaos or by me,” his voice was strained. His brows pinched together with a look of anger and frustration.

  “There’s nothing left that they can do to me, James. I’ve been banged up a few times and the bruises have all healed now. I don’t want to go back to that Hell. I’m leaving all that behind me. I’m doing good for me.”

  He shook his head and turned to stare at the dashboard. A few moments of silence between us.

  “Ok, Sam. Yeah. You should go over to Tanya’s. Do your girl night. But on one condition. You two stay there. Don’t leave her apartment. And text me when you’re ready for me to pick you up. Deal?”

  My jutting jaw quickly turned into a smile.


  He returned that handsome smile and patted the seat next to him again.

  “Now come over here, Rabbit.”

  I scooted over next to his hard and warm body; my thigh pressed up next to his.

  I pulled into Tanya’s apartment parking lot with Sam on the back of my bike. I was also keeping watch on my side mirror at the primer grey car that followed us a few blocks away. I parked and planted both feet to steady the bike as Sam got off.

  “I’ll be back later tonight to pick you up, Rabbit. Have fun with Tanya.”

  I kissed her juicy lips quickly to get her go up to Tanya’s apartment quick. I watched her plump little ass as she walked away and up the stairs to Tanya’s.

  I let out the clutch and rolled on the throttle back out the lot and turned left. The grey car pulled out and followed. I kept it at the legal speed limit. It pulled up to my right side at a red light. I looked over. It was that Hell Hound. The same motherfucker who got a punch in at the Knotty Pine. He rolled down his window, turned toward me and pulled his shades down his nose.

  “Hey, Chaos. My VP wants face to face. Like now.”

  “Lead the way, dip-shit.”

  The light turned green and I followed him a few miles. Ten minute ride and I pulled in to the lot at the Steel Cage strip club. Should have known this would be the spot Sid wanted to meet. I turned off the ignition and then swung my leg off my bike. The Hound got out of the car and walked up the steps. I took off my lid, lit a smoke and followed him inside.

  It was dark inside the club, clouds of cigarette and cigar smoke floated around me. Black lights made some things show up bright like the tiny G-strings the dancers wore on the center stage and in the three cages in each corner of the place. Marilyn Manson’s version of “Sweet Dreams” blared through all the speakers. The heavy beats thumped throughout the place and in my chest. I didn’t see any customers, only a good number of Hell Hounds standing or sitting near the stage. I was outnumbered and I knew I would be.

  Dip-shit Hound was three steps ahead of me. He stopped and turned around to face me. I got another good look at him since the Knotty Pine. Reddish greasy long hair, pale eyes and a long beard. Tall as me but not as wide.

  He chuckled right in my face. “That whore’s pussy been fucked so much, you’ll want to give her back.”

  I was just a foot from his face. He started to chuckle.

  I grinned back. My left fist came up with a hard jab, connecting with his face in half a second. Surprise, mother fucker. I’m a southpaw.

  I kept grinning as his head snapped back. He stumbled back a few steps grabbing his nose. He regained his balance and looked down into his bloody hands.

  “We’re even now, Hound.” I couldn’t stop grinning.

  “You mother fucker!” he growled; charging at me.

  The greasy fucker was quickly held back by another Hound.

  “Cool down, Rusty. You’ll get another turn. A dark-haired Hound held him by the upper arms. He looked a bit younger than me but looked able to keep the greasy Hound at bay and away from me.

  “Get the FUCK off me Skully!” he jerked out of the other Hound’s grasp.

  “I’m off, brother.”

  Skully raised his hands up.

  “You’re going to have to give my property back, Chaos.”

  The voice came from a small round table near the stage. Sid. His silhouette, sitting in a wooden chair under the beam of a red stage light. Smoke hovered around his slender frame.

  “Sam’s not your property anymore, Sid. She’s free but she belongs to me now.”

  He was off his chair, walking four paces toward me.

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re talkin’ to, Chaos?”

  “I’m talkin’ to the VP and I’m tellin’ you that Sam belongs to me now.”

  Sid rolled his eyes and tilted his head, “Out of all the gash out there for grabs, you want that little used up whore? Your club is not even in the one percenter business. She’s worthless to, Chaos.”

  I was getting sick of hearing these pieces of shit dogs calling my Sam a whore.

  “She’s not a whore and never was. And now she’s mine.”

  I turned and walked out of the club, anticipating the next move from any of the lowlifes.

  “Hey, Chaos, enjoy that whore a few minutes more. She’ll belong to me again in no time.” Was the last I heard Sid spout off as I pushed on the metal door and walked out.

  I really liked Tanya’s apartment when she gave me a quick tour. The décor was bright and colorful, turquoise blues, orange and hot pinks.

  “I just love your place, Tanya. The colors are so you,” I said as she poured me a glass of white wine.

  “Thanks, Sam. This place really needed a lot of colors after Matthew left,” she smiled, but it faded the moment she said his name.

  “I’m sorry, Tanya…”

  “Oh, nothing to be sorry about sweetie. You just have to learn from the hurt thrown at you.”

  I agreed with her. But that nagging worry came back to the forefront. Could I ever learn and move on past my pain?

  “Come on, let’s hunker down on the couch, sip some wine and girl talk!”

  She handed me a wine glass and took my hand.

  I was looking forward to spending some time with Tanya when she called me a few days ago inviting me over. She was kind and warm and had a happy glow to her.

  “So, how do you like your job at the bookstore?”

  “I really like it. And the other clerk, Kat, who works with me has been nice, showing and teaching me everything I need to know.”

  “The customer service business is fun. I like my job as a salon specialist. I enjoy making someone happy when they need a fresh look and I give them that new look. I can tell you like to make people happy too, Sam,” she beamed one of her pretty smiles at me.

  “I want to thank you, Tanya… For being kind to me. And helping me come out of my shell. I’m not used to having friends. I’m used to being around people who only want to take from me…. But then, maybe that’s all I’m good for…”


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