Katie Lyn’s Guarded Heart: Sweethearts of Country Music, Book 4

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Katie Lyn’s Guarded Heart: Sweethearts of Country Music, Book 4 Page 7

by Savage, Marie

  “The problem was Waylon figured out pretty quickly that the road and a child bride didn’t mix. I couldn’t go into the clubs and he didn’t want me on the tour bus. So, one day he sent me back home to my daddy and had our marriage annulled.”

  “Well, as you probably figured out, I didn’t know it at the time, but I was pregnant with Katie Lyn. That infuriated my father, so he kicked me out.”

  “Did you contact Waylon?” Val asked her.

  “I did, but by the time Katie Lyn was about to be born, Waylon’s first hit came out. His label at the time didn’t want the bad publicity that a pregnant ex-wife would add to their hot new country star. So, they wrote me a check, made me sign an agreement to never disclose that Katie Lyn was his daughter, and I haven’t heard from him since.”

  “That’s why in the press it’s just speculation that he’s my father. He isn’t listed on my birth certificate.”

  “Oh wow. Just like Madison. Oh shoot, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to come out like that,” Taylor said.

  “It’s okay. You’re absolutely right . . . just like Madison.” Katie Lyn nodded. “I’m sorry I lied to you all, but I didn’t want my mother getting into any legal trouble because of it. The agreement she signed clearly states that she’s not allowed to expose his name to the public as my father.”

  “But what happened to the money? He must’ve paid you a decent amount,” Val asked.

  “Most of it went for my medical bills. I had some complications after Katie Lyn was born and both of us spent almost two weeks in the hospital. What was left, I used to survive on during Katie Lyn’s first year. After that, the money was gone and I had no choice but to go back to work,” Lynette finished her story.

  “So, are you going to ask for his help now? Is that what this is all about?” C.C. asked.

  “No. I won’t do that. This is my mess to clean up,” Katie Lyn spoke up.

  “Good for you. What Waylon did to you and your mama is no better than what that snake of an ex-husband is doing to you now. We don’t need Waylon Bishop coming around acting all high and mighty,” Val said.

  “Val’s right. We have your back, girl.” Rissa sat down next to her and put her arm around her.

  “Thank y’all. I promise if this starts to get ugly, I’ll bow out of the band. I don’t want to do anything that’ll hurt the band.”

  “You’ll do no such thing!” Val said. “We all made a deal to stand by each other, good times and bad. We’re a family and we stick together.”

  Everyone gathered around Katie Lyn and her mom for a supportive group hug and Katie Lyn learned the meaning of being truly blessed.

  * * *

  “Thank you. All of you, for helping me today. I don’t know where we would be right now if it weren’t for y’all,” Katie Lyn said as she tried to hold back the emotion. She was tired, but they had done it. They had gotten everything moved in today.

  “It was our pleasure. I can’t wait to see how you decorate this place, after you unpack all these boxes, of course,” Rissa said as she looked around the spacious, but right now very plain, living room.

  “Most of its pictures and some personal memorabilia. I want to do a little treasure hunting and find special pieces for the house. This place is so much bigger than the apartment I lived in.”

  “My first recommendation, darlin, is furniture,” Val said as she brought one of the kitchen chairs out to sit in as the other girls didn’t seem to mind sitting on the floor around the coffee table, the only piece of furniture in the living room.

  “I know. I just want every piece to be just right. That’s why I’m glad to have some time off to go shopping.”

  “Well, you better make the most of it, because we’ll be back on the bus in a few weeks,” Val reminded her.

  “I know and I promise by that time to have this place looking more like home. Or at least have a couch. I can’t wait to decorate for the holidays.”

  Katie Lyn looked around at all her band members in awe. It was only months ago that it was just her, her mom and little Maddie taking on the world and doing their best to make it. Now she had sisters, brothers, and a manager that was more like a second mother. And now, with the success of their music and a brand-new home, she had everything she ever dreamed of, except one thing. Someone special to share it with.

  Her thoughts immediately turned to Alec. It was the first time, in quite a while, she allowed herself to enjoy some time in the company of someone of the opposite sex. It wasn’t really a date, that morning they talked at the hotel coffee shop, but it was the closest thing to a date she’d had since she and Trevor split up. She couldn’t help but think she was doing something wrong by enjoying his company, but why? He was single. At least he seemed to be. He had no ring and no obvious indications of having a girlfriend. Would it be so wrong to want to pursue something further with him?

  “Who ordered the pineapple and bacon pizza?” Jake asked in disgust.

  “That’s mine and Madison’s. It’s our favorite. Here, let me take it to the kitchen.” Katie Lyn jumped up and took the pizza box.

  “I’m sorry y’all. I feel so cheap. I mean y’all worked so hard today, and I just buy you pizza. We should be having a catered meal or something. I guess old habits die hard.”

  “Who are you kidding? I love me a good pizza, girl. Except that concoction you and Madison like. I’m not a fan of the pineapple,” Val said in disgust.

  “I think it looks pretty good. I might try a piece,” Rissa said as she jumped up to follow her into the kitchen.

  “Who are you and what did you do with my girlfriend?” Jake teased her.

  “Oh, hush and eat your plain pepperoni, Mr. Afraid to Try Something New,” Rissa teased him back.

  “Need some help?” Rissa asked as she walked into the kitchen.

  “I’m good, just getting more napkins.”

  “When will your mom be back with Madison?”

  “Any minute now. I can’t wait for her to see her room.”

  “I’ve never seen so much Little Mermaid stuff in my life. You really went nuts with the mermaid theme.”

  “I know I did, but I couldn’t help myself. The other rooms can wait, but I wanted to get hers done and surprise her. Besides, I got most of it on clearance.”

  Katie Lyn paused for a moment, remembering how much fun she had picking out each piece online, while they were on the road heading to another concert. She wasn’t a fan of the long bus rides, so she’d stay on her tablet and shop.

  “She and I’ve been sharing a room since the day I brought her home from the hospital. I wanted her to have something special. I never had my own room growing up.”

  “That’s one of things I’m growing to love about you. You don’t let our success go to your head. You stay grounded and remember where you came from. You drive a modest car. Bought a modest home and you’re going to yard sales this weekend to buy things for your home. Some people would have already broken the bank.”

  “Well, it’s hard, but I’m trying to keep a level head in all this. I don’t need fancy cars and big mansions. I do have a confession, though.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I would love to own a farm someday. Have cows and horses and chickens. Have you seen some of those cute hen houses they have on Pinterest?”

  “Girl, you’re too much. I could see you naming each critter and picture you in the kitchen making strawberry jam with your mama and Madison.”

  “One day. Not now, though. We have music to play and songs to sing.”

  “I’m sure she’s going to love her room. You’ve earned it, girl. Enjoy.”

  “Thanks, Rissa. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.” She hugged her friend.

  Just as they were starting to clean up after the quick pizza dinner, Lynette walked in with Madison.

  “Mommy!” Madison came running up to get a big hug.

  “Hey, honey. Did you enjoy your day with Nana?”

  “Yes, we went shop
ping and to lunch and then to a movie.”

  “You did?”

  “Uh huh and I have a secret.”

  “You do? What’s that?”

  “Madison, sweetie, wait,” Lynette said

  Katie Lyn looked up at her mommy and could tell right away from her expression, it wasn’t a good secret.

  “It’s okay, Nana. He said it was okay to tell.”

  “Tell me what, baby?” Katie Lyn pulled her girl onto her lap.

  “I got to see my daddy today,” she whispered in her ear.

  Katie Lyn pulled her child closer, feeling sick to her stomach that her child could have been snatched away from her.

  “How did you see him, baby?”

  “He came up to us when we were shopping in the mall. He wanted to say hi.”

  Katie Lyn hugged her closer as she looked over at her mom.


  “It’s true. He popped out of nowhere. I never let her out of my sight the entire time, but I didn’t want to make a scene in public. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “What did he want?”

  “Just to see her and tell her who he was.”

  “It’s okay, Mommy. He said he was sorry for being away so long. But he’s back now. He wants us to be a family again.”

  Katie Lyn sat there in shock. This was just too much to process.

  “Maddie girl, let’s go see your room,” Taylor said.

  “My room?” Madison said as she wiggled her way out of her mother’s arms to take Taylor’s hand.

  “The girls helped decorate it. Do you want to see it?” Katie Lyn changed the subject, not wanting to make a bigger deal about her father than it already was.


  Katie Lyn followed her daughter as Taylor led them to the room. She never imagined Trevor would be stalking them. This whole thing was taking a creepy turn. She needed to let Alec know as soon as possible.

  “Oh, Mommy! It’s mermaids.”

  “Do you like it?” Katie Lyn asked as she tried to remain calm.

  “I love it, Mommy,” she said as she looked at all the decorations.

  “Mama, I need a word with you in private,” Katie Lyn said as she stepped out of the room and back down the hallway.

  The girls stayed with Madison as Katie Lyn and her mom went to the kitchen.

  “Look, I know what you’re about to say. I was shocked, too. I didn’t know what else to do. I wasn’t going to lie to Madison.”

  “I know. But he’s following us. How do I know he won’t try to snatch her and run off?”

  “He’s not the brightest man I’ve met, but I doubt he’s that dumb.”

  “This has to be stopped. He has no right to just come barging in on our lives like this. And what’s this about him wanting us to be a family again?”

  “That’s what he told her. He asked about you. Asked me if you were seeing anyone. He said he hoped not, because he’s changed, and he really would like to see you again.”

  “Over my dead body.”

  “Honey, look. Maybe he’s changed. Maybe he does want to start over with you.”

  “Whose side are you on, Mama?”

  “Always yours, baby. But I’m thinking about Madison, too. I know how hard it was for you not having a father in your life.”

  “I lived. And so will Madison.”

  “But if he truly wants to be a part of her life, don’t you at least owe him that chance?”

  “I can’t believe my ears right now. Don’t you remember how I cried when he left me alone and pregnant?”

  “You’re right. It’s just she seemed so happy to finally have a daddy. I guess I felt a little guilty.”

  “Look, if I truly felt he wanted nothing more than to see Madison, I’d talk to him. But you saw the papers . . . he wants money. It’s always been about the money.”

  “You’re right, honey. I’m so sorry.”

  Katie Lyn hugged her mom.

  “No. You did the right thing. The last thing he needs is to have more to use against me.”

  “Are you going to call your attorney?”

  “Yes, and then I’m going to see him personally in the morning.”


  Alec got up early to join his best friend, fitness coach, and business partner, Brian, for their morning workout. He pushed through the pain of muscle strain as he lifted the weights over his head one last time, before Brian helped him set the dumbbell back in place.

  “Where’s your mind today, buddy?” Brian asked him.

  Alec sat up and looked at his friend while he tried to catch his breath.

  “What do you mean? That’s the most I ever benched.”

  “Yeah, but you seemed a little angry about it.”

  Alec shrugged, neither confirming nor denying.

  “Hey, I’m not complaining that you benched a new record, but I’ve been watching you this morning. The way you were hitting that bag earlier . . .” he raised his eyebrows. “Well, let’s just say I hope you weren’t imagining my face when you were hitting it.”

  Alec laughed at his friend. When he was coaching Alec in the beginning, he was indeed thinking of his face every time he hit the bag. He was, and still is, a brutal coach, but now he was grateful that he’d been so tough on him.

  “No. I wasn’t imagining your ugly mug. At least not today.”

  “Hey, don’t be hating on this face. Girls love this face, especially the beard,” he said as he stroked the stubble on his face. “So, if it isn’t me you're mad at, then who?”

  “A first-class jerk by the name of Trevor Howell.”

  “Never heard of him. Does he work out here or something?”

  “No. He’s Katie Lyn’s ex-husband.”

  “Katie Lyn? Hold on a second. You mean the singer in that all girl band, Lipstick Chicks or something like that?”

  “Lipstick Outlaws,” Alec corrected him.

  “Whatever. You know I’m more of a classic rock fan. So, what’s up with fantasy girl’s ex-husband.”

  “Fantasy Girl? What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Well, dude, she must be a fantasy, because I’ve yet to see you dating her or anyone else for that matter.”

  “I told you, it’s timing. It’s not the right time for Katie Lyn and me.”

  “Not the right time? Dude, you’ve been carrying this torch for over four years. I think it’s way passed time. So, what’s going on? Is he trying to get back with her something?”

  “Maybe. I don’t know. I really shouldn’t even be representing her in this case.”

  “Wait. You’re representing her in a case? Should you really be doing that?”

  “She’s counting on me. I can’t refuse to help.”

  “Yeah, I understand that, but does she have any idea who you work for?”

  “No, she doesn’t, and we’re going to keep it that way, at least for now.”

  “Okay, but what if she finds out? She’s probably not going to like it.”

  “I know she won’t like it. I can only hope she understands.”

  “Well, I’m sure she will. After all, you helped her when she had her baby. How could she stay mad at you for long after that?”

  Alec looked at this friend.

  “What? What did I say wrong now?”

  “Nothing.” Alec shook his head and hoped his friend would drop it.

  “She doesn’t remember you, does she?”


  “Seriously? She doesn’t remember you?”

  “I’m not sure. Either way, it doesn’t matter. She had a lot of trauma that day, in fact she nearly died. I’m not going to add to her problems by making her feel bad by not remembering me.”

  “I personally think you should tell her. That’s a pretty big secret to keep to yourself.”

  “I will.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. When the timing’s right. Well, let’s turn all that negative energy you have right now into something positive. Ready to do another set?”

  Alec nodded before laying down and pressing the bar up once again.

  * * *

  Later, back at the office, Alec was still struggling with what was right and wrong about helping Katie Lyn. He was usually more on his game but seeing the very attractive Katie Lyn in person again over the weekend had him on edge. And his question was answered, she had no idea who he was.

  What was he thinking the other day, when he promised her that he’d win this case? That’s just it, he wasn’t thinking about the case. This wasn’t some small matter that he could fix and be done with it.

  He had gotten word the night before from the security detail that Trevor made an appearance. Alec panicked. Was he so caught up with seeing Katie Lyn again, that he was putting them in danger? They had strict guidelines to only interfere if it looked like it would be dangerous.

  Shortly after speaking at length to security and putting more detail on both Madison and Lynette, he received a phone call from a very upset Katie Lyn wanting to meet with him first thing this morning.

  Maybe it was time to bail out of this case. From a lawyer’s standpoint, he felt too close, too personal. He was there the day that beautiful child came into the world, and he understood the frustration that Katie Lyn was feeling right now.

  He dialed the number. Knowing that he’d answer.

  “Good morning, Alec.”

  “Good morning.”

  “What’s going on? Are my daughter and granddaughter okay?”

  “Yes, sir. They’re both fine.”

  “I heard that Trevor Howell spoke to my ex-wife and granddaughter yesterday.”

  “Yes, sir. That’s correct. Everyone was on standby if he tried anything, but we have tightened up security just to be safe.”

  “I know this already, so why are you calling?”

  “Sir, I don’t feel I should be handling your daughter’s case.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “There’s something you should know. It’s about the day your granddaughter was born.”


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