Blood Magik- A Cold Day In Hell

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Blood Magik- A Cold Day In Hell Page 48

by Corwyn Matthew

  She didn’t know how to respond to that so she didn’t try. If there was one thing she’d learned out of all of this, it was that there were a lot of things happening she didn’t understand. She instead decided on addressing another topic, still being sure to avoid anything relating to them as a couple.

  “Do you think someone should wait here for Alex? She told Jimmy she’d meet us here…”

  He took in a deep breath and let it go.

  “We shouldn’t split up.” He paused, thwarted by his own words. “There’s no way of knowing for sure if she’ll even make it back here.” He shook his head. “We stick together.” His stare finally broke away from the demonic fog and drifted over to her. “There’s a better chance we’ll find Coach right now than Alex, and we shouldn’t wait much longer. If he’s not dead already, then he will be if we don’t get to him in time to back him up.”

  “And then what?”

  “Then we get you guys out of the city. I’m sure there’s some kind of government resistance being setup out there to fight. We’ll hook up with whoever has the balls to take on Hell’s soldiers and hopefully find a way to take back L.A.”

  He looked her in the eyes and she finally found the guts to meet his gaze. It drew her into the depths of the ocean of green swirling in his retinas and she found that it lent her courage. She nodded with apparent confidence and Marty turned back to the rest of his friends who’d all been quietly eavesdropping on their conversation.

  “You guys all cool with that?”

  They were all quiet for once, each with a sincere look of loyalty in their eyes. Terry nodded when no one else spoke and gave Marty an answer everyone could get behind.

  “One, two, three, Priests.”

  He recited their mantra with mitigated conviction, and Marty found it within him to nod, summoning a grin.


  Desi walked out of the back hallway right after, wearing a pair of Alex’s jeans, some sneakers, and a yellow V-neck t-shirt. She put her hands up to her sides to offer herself for inspection.

  “Looks like Alex is about my size.” The boys looked her over, the top-half of her being more exposed now by the tighter, lowcut shirt she wore. “I think the jeans are a little loose on the ass, though…”

  She turned to the side and pulled up her pants, accentuating every crevasse and fold in her backside. Jimmy and Terry’s eyes lit up and Tara shook her head.

  “Don’t worry,” she promised. “You’ll be able to fill out a pair of jeans when you get a little older.” Her comment was meant more for Terry than her, considering he had close to a decade in-hand over the young blond.

  Jimmy noticed Tara’s subtle affront and rushed to Desi’s defense.

  “I think they fit fine… Right, Terry?”

  Terry dragged his eyes away from her ass and up to meet her stare with shrug. “I could stand them being a little tighter.”

  Desi grinned, and he replied with a smirk.

  “Jimbo,” Jimmy looked over to his team captain and friend with wide eyes. “You need to go another round with the shit-box before we go?”

  He shook his head despairingly. “After that last one, I might never need to go again.”

  Terry eyes rolled. He apparently had his doubts.

  “Everyone else ready to roll?” The question was aimed at them all but his eyes asked Tara directly. She nodded back as everyone else shifted about eagerly. “Good. Then the concessions stands are closed. Bathroom breaks are over. I’ll take the lead on the bike. Desi, you’re with Terry. Mac and Bobby, you got the rear.”

  “Me and Bobby thought it’d be a smart move if we took fewer vehicles. We got our own ideas for first-class travel if it’s alright with Tara.”

  Marty was intrigued by Mac’s vagueness but would let him enjoy his theatrics and wait to find out what he had in mind.

  “Then we’re all on the same page.” He looked around at his crew of supposed, apocalyptic do-gooders and felt that for all of their righteous intentions, they might not be enough. But every revolution had to start somewhere…

  So, he nodded with a swelling of pride tingling inside and confidently addressed his crew.

  “It’s Sermon Time, boys…” His fellow Priests waited for their Captain’s tailored mantra – the one he’d recite before every game that would lead to their cheer. “…Let’s go preach…”

  And they unanimously answered their captain with a word. One that instilled strength and hope. One that defined their struggle and bound them in brotherhood – that they wore with pride across their chests: a magnanimous hurrah that would be their battle cry to summon the apocalypse—


  —The word to precede the Reigning Dead.



  I know, I know, I know, I'm an asshole...

  It wouldn’t be a soaring leap for me to assume you’re slightly peeved about the ending. And all I can say to that is this: I hope you read the Forward first before diving in so you knew what to expect. But, if not? Go read it now, take some time to ring out the bitter juices from this pestering predicament, and if you still feel the need to fill my emails and blog spots with grueling disgust, then hit me with it. Punish me like the naughty little book-tease I am. I can take it. Get it all out. We’ll work through this together. And by the time we do, you’re gonna have a brand new, hardy horror/fantasy novel weighing in your sweaty palms just waiting to be eagerly explored.

  And for those of you who read the Forward first and bought this jip of a storybook anyway, thank you darkly form the deepest pits of my most private of places. Sincerely. Your generous contributions get me all tingly and clammy down under, and without them the second half of this (part of a) whole wouldn’t even be feasible.

  For those who aren’t exactly in the know, this fraction of my story is the first of five more to come. So, if you found some enjoyment out of this amateur attempt at literature then you’re gonna fucking love what comes next. The next novel – Blood Magik: The Reigning Dead – is the original ending to the story you just read, cram-packed with undead action, zombie gore, and heroic, morbid adventure. You’ll be shocked at where it lands you and probably even more pissed about the ending than you are now. But it’ll be worth it.

  So, thanks again for being a part of my world and don’t forget to check the web page ( for exclusive previews, discounted books, merchandise, and more.

  Eternally indebted,





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