Wisdom's Allegiance

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Wisdom's Allegiance Page 19

by M. D. Grimm

He simply smiled at her for a moment. “Thank you for being my cheerleader.”

  “Well, you were rather pathetic.”

  He snorted. “Ouch. Thanks.”

  Without warning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him close. He held her back as tightly as he dared.

  “I love you, Beatrice,” he whispered.

  “I know.”

  She stepped back and smoothed her hands over his shirt. He thought he caught a gleam of unshed tears in her eyes before she turned away.

  “Now hurry up, big boy. I want you to meet my Kevin.”

  “I’d love to. Want to help me with the food?”

  “What am I, your servant?” Despite her complaint, she hefted the plate of ham. Dexter picked up the turkey since Orion insisted he do both. At first he felt weird about cooking a turkey since his mates were owls. But Talon reminded him that owls often prey on other birds, and while Dexter knew that fact and knew Talon meant to reassure, it only disturbed him. He kept thinking of a larger bird preying on little Orion as his elf owl. His life had become so damn weird.

  He wouldn’t change it for a second.

  He then noticed mistletoe was woven through Beatrice’s white hair. Before he grabbed the food, he bent and kissed her cheek. “You want a whole bunch of kisses tonight, don’t you?”

  She cackled again. “Well, don’t limit those kisses to me. If you and one of your boyfriends happen to be near me, feel free to snag one.”

  He laughed.

  Dexter had set up a long folding table in the middle of his living room, shoving the rest of the furniture aside. The table was soon loaded down with food, and everyone sat to pack as much in as they could. Kevin turned out to be the perfect complement to Beatrice—he was around her age, looked like the stereotypical college professor, and was eccentric in his own ways. Whenever they looked at each other, gooey love was visible between them. It warmed his heart. They were besotted with each other.

  The lively conversation soon turned serious when Beatrice said, “Did they ever catch who attacked Orion?”

  Shit. What could they say?

  Talon answered first, gritting his teeth. “No.”

  Orion set a hand on Dexter’s thigh, and he covered it with his own.

  “The police have nothing?” Beatrice scowled. “You boys be careful.”

  Talon set his hand on Dexter’s other thigh. “That’s the plan.”

  After everyone was stuffed, a few presents were handed out. When Talon and Orion began to apologize for not having gifts to give, Dexter assured them that they’d already given him the greatest gift he could ask for: coming into his life and his heart.

  Then he promptly lost his breath when Orion pounced and devoured his mouth. The minute he let Dexter up for air, Talon claimed his mouth. Beatrice’s trademark cackle echoed in his ears, and Kevin’s light chuckle held amusement.

  “Kids,” he murmured.

  Kevin and Beatrice left soon after, and Dexter knew why. Not only were Talon and Orion eyeing him hungrily, but Kevin had started to shoot dark looks at Beatrice that made her blush. Dexter had never seen her blush since he’d known her. It would seem that after all these years, she finally found her own mate.

  As soon as the door shut behind the older couple, Talon and Orion dragged Dexter to bed and proceeded to blow his mind.

  Orion lay underneath him, arms and legs wrapped tightly around his body. He was shoved to the hilt inside Orion’s tight, hot channel when Talon pushed into him from behind. Dexter grunted and bent over Orion, fumbling for a kiss as Talon pounded into him mercilessly. His relentless movement forced Dexter to claim Orion just as viciously. Orion whimpered and moaned in joy, spurring them both on. Dexter grunted and gasped as he was plowed and did the plowing.

  Then Talon and Orion opened their minds to his, and he was lost in overwhelming pleasure, drowning in the flood of lust, love, and need from his mates merging with his own. They became one, one heartbeat, one life, one being.

  As their climaxes hit like a ton of boulders, Dexter knew he’d endure those years of loneliness all over again if it meant coming home to these two extraordinary men. They were the prize he’d never expected.

  His owls.

  His mates.

  THE EMAIL came a day later.

  From Stacey.

  Dexter swallowed hard as he read.

  Dexter. I’m sorry I hurt you. That was never my intent. I wanted to protect you from what I’d suffered. I hope you’re right and that your mates are kind and loving. You deserve nothing less. If they give you love, then I’m so sorry for harming Orion. But if they ever hurt you, contact this email immediately, and I will help you. Otherwise you won’t see me again. I’m going to another university. You are still my friend, Dexter. I love you.

  He laid his head on his arm.

  Orion found him there not long after.

  “Dex? Are you….” When he went quiet, Dexter knew he was reading the email over his head. Then Orion sighed and set his hands on Dexter’s shoulders.

  “I’m sorry this is how it worked out between you two.”

  Dexter reached back and touched Orion’s hand, saying nothing. There was nothing to say.

  Talon walked in, and Dexter finally lifted his head. He swiveled in his chair, and Orion sat on his lap. He smiled slightly and curled his arms around him.

  “I was just contacted by a guy named Mac from the Agency,” Talon said.

  “That’s Officer Monroe’s younger brother,” Dexter said.

  “Well, he didn’t go into detail and only said that all evidence had been wiped. We’re to keep our eyes peeled for more activity from what they termed the ‘purity cult’ making its way through some shifter groups. Mostly wolves, but a few other clans have picked up the cause.”

  Orion shivered, and Dexter rubbed his arm.

  “What do we do?” Orion asked.

  Talon tucked his hands in his jean pockets. “Stand together. It’s all we can do. The purity cult and haters like Stacey want to keep us apart. We can’t let them win.”

  Dexter swallowed the lump in his throat. “Speaking of Stacey… she won’t be a problem anymore.” He nodded to his computer.

  Talon stepped forward and placed a hand on Dexter’s shoulder as he read. He narrowed his eyes and huffed a breath. “Can you trust her word?”

  Dexter hesitated before nodding. “She wanted to protect me. If she doesn’t think I need protecting, then she’ll leave us alone.”

  Talon squeezed his shoulder. “I’m sorry you lost a friend.”

  Dexter sighed. “So did you.”

  Orion shook his head. “They lost us. We found each other. I think we got the better end of that stick.”

  Talon smiled and kissed Orion’s head. Orion looked at Dexter. “Besides, you’re going to make new friends when we visit our families on New Year’s. Just you wait.”

  Dexter couldn’t stifle his groan.

  Talon and Orion laughed.

  Chapter Fourteen

  THEY WERE at Orion’s childhood home, a large house that had seen many celebrations and funerals. The bright colors and kitschy knickknacks were all his mother and the large landscape paintings were from his father, created by his own brush and paint. The house was two stories and every inch was filled to bursting with cousins, aunts, and uncles, as well as his and Talon’s grandparents. The high ceilings barely contained the laughter, arguments, and yelps and hoots from the children.

  The long table set up in the family room was loaded down with spicy empanadas, nachos, sandwiches, as well as fruit salads and vegetable platters. Something for everyone. The dessert section was the heaviest, filled with pies, cupcakes, brownies, and cookies. All adults were encouraged to stuff themselves and get a little drunk.

  Orion covered his grin with his glass as his sisters converged on Dexter, smothering him with affection. Dexter blushed and didn’t seem to know what to make of the acceptance and gushing of five enthusiastic females. They were all older
than Orion, yet still acted like teenagers at times.

  While a handful of family members, both his and Talon’s, expressed some displeasure at a human in their midst, they took their grumblings elsewhere. Orion didn’t sense hostility, merely disappointment. But since the majority of their families, and their parents, welcomed Dexter with open arms, he dismissed the grumblers. They weren’t worth his time.

  Orion brushed Dexter’s mind.

  Don’t worry. They won’t bite.

  I’m not worried.

  Orion smiled at Dexter’s emotions, his shock at the acceptance, and his surprise at the warm welcome continually buzzed in his mind.

  I have a family. Dexter’s wonder was evident. Marie, Orion’s eldest sister, rose on her toes and kissed his cheek. His eyes swam, but not a single tear was shed. The others saw his emotion and decided a group hug was what he needed.

  Orion giggled. Yes, you have a family. Two, in fact.

  Dexter met his eyes from across the room, over the heads of his fluttering sisters. You gave me this family. I love you so damn much.

  Now Orion was choked up, and he swallowed the rest of his wine to clear his throat. Talon dropped a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

  “Did you hear him?” Orion whispered.

  “Yes. I’m glad he can appreciate the crazy.”

  “No one has a right to tell him he can’t have this. Not his parents, not Audrey, no one.”

  Talon kissed the top of his head before stepping back. “I agree. Completely.”

  “So do I,” Dexter said, having finally broken free of Orion’s sisters to join them. “Thank you for dragging me here.” Dexter grinned, far more open and happy than Orion had ever seen him. “Now you’re never getting rid of me.”

  Orion slipped his arms around Dexter’s waist and snuggled close. “Promise?”


  Orion closed his eyes and sighed. Talon lightly stroked his back. He’d become more affectionate of late with him and Dexter. In public or private, it didn’t seem to matter. Orion couldn’t be happier that Talon lost some of his aloofness.

  “To a new year full of new promises and hopeful beginnings!”

  Orion opened his eyes and looked at Julius, Talon’s father, an older man who’d given his severe looks to his son. The only difference between them, other than age, was Talon had his mother’s eyes.

  Julius raised his glass in a toast, looking right at the three of them. “It is with great pleasure that I watch my son with his mates. I am truly happy that he has welcomed someone else into his heart. And it is with even greater pleasure that I welcome Dexter Fortis to our family. May they love, listen, and protect each other to the best of their abilities for the rest of their lives. My boys, I wish you nothing but joy on this New Year and for many New Years to come.”

  Everyone raised their glasses, even the grumblers, and toasted them. Dexter was blushing furiously when Orion pulled back to acknowledge the toast. He gripped Dexter’s hand, then took Talon’s and stood tall, smiling wide.

  “Thank you, all of you,” he said. “Talon was my first mate, and Dexter is my true mate, and I couldn’t be happier.”

  “I second that,” Talon said, kissing the back of Orion’s hand, piercing eyes flickering with amusement and promises of pleasures in the near future.

  Chuckles sounded around them at Talon’s uncharacteristic show of public affection. Dexter’s breathing was a little rushed, but he was also smiling, squeezing Orion’s hand. When Talon took his free hand, Dexter visibly relaxed, the tension in his shoulders easing.

  “Beatrice will be more than happy to put your names on the rental agreement,” Dexter said quietly when the attention of the group moved away from them. “I mean, no pressure. No rush. Just thought it’d be good to have things settled before classes start again. Are we moving too fast?”

  Orion kissed Dexter to silence him. “No, we’re moving at just the right speed. I want to live and sleep with both of you every day and every night.”

  Talon kissed the back of Dexter’s hand, giving him the same look he gave Orion minutes before. Dexter blew out a sharp breath.

  “What do you say about giving this another hour, then we… retire?” Talon said, smiling wickedly.

  “And miss the ball drop on TV?” Orion said, teasing.

  “We can have our own ball drop.”

  Dexter turned his laugh into a cough.

  Orion grinned. “Sounds like a plan. We just have to make sure to kiss at the stroke of midnight.”

  “Oh, I guarantee there will be kissing and stroking.”

  Dexter couldn’t quite muffle his laugh this time.

  Orion drank in the sight of Dexter, so carefree and eager to please. It was perfect. At that moment, their world was perfect.

  “TIE UP the loose end,” Kia said as she read her email. She winced. Great, now she would be an assassin. She was a therapist for goodness’ sakes, not a murderer. But when Gregor, her commander and right hand of Arcas, told her to do something, she had better do it or a hit would be put out on her.

  “Sorry, Stacey,” she said softly. “I can only have your back if you stay in the fold.”

  As if on cue, her phone rang and Stacey’s name was on the readout. With a deep breath, she answered.

  “I’m sorry!” Stacey sobbed.

  Kia winced. “Breathe with me, Stacey. That’s it, breathe. Where are you?”

  “I’m at my parents’ home. I just… oh, Kia, what do I do? I’m so confused.”

  “We need to meet. I’ll come to you. Where’s a good quiet spot for us to talk?”

  Stacey told her of a small park near her parents’ home.

  “Perfect. I’ll see you in a day or two, okay? Hold it together for me.”


  They hung up. Kia leaned back in her chair and sighed heavily. She stared at her email and read that line again.

  Tie up the loose end.

  Damn. This time she had to get her hands dirty. She opened a new window in her browser and began shopping for plane tickets to Maine.

  More from M.D. Grimm

  The Shifters: Book One

  Humane Officer Derek Wiliams has been toying with the idea of asking out Brian O’Donogue since the veterinarian started working at the Pet Rescue Center two years ago. So why hasn’t he made his move? It’s complicated… but it has something to do with the fact that Derek occasionally likes to run around on four legs instead of two.

  Recovering from an abusive relationship and hiding supernatural abilities of his own, Brian takes a chance and agrees to go on a date with Derek. The ensuing relationship is better than either of them could have hoped—until a rogue wolf shifter attacks Brian while he’s walking his dogs. The abrupt attack forces Derek to confront his feelings, but the danger isn’t over. The rogue shifter is out there, and he’s hunting them.

  The Shifters: Book Two

  Ryan and Caleb became the best of friends while Caleb taught Ryan as best he could about being human. Born a bull shifter named Whirlwind, Ryan was taken in by Caleb’s mother, who wanted to protect him—just as Caleb did. Their time together leads to deeper feelings… and now they’ve decided to give a relationship a chance. Unfortunately, Ryan is kidnapped, and Caleb has to call in the Agency—an organization that protects shifters—or their new life together will end before it ever starts.

  The Shifters: Book Three

  In Haven, Montana, the shifters and their human allies are safe—for now. But that safety hinges on the town’s location remaining a secret, and it’s about to be compromised.

  Cougar shifter Travis Kuger spent the past ten years alternating between craving revenge and wishing he could forget his painful past. Ever since the shifter-hating Knights blinded him and killed his family, Haven—and Sheriff Jack Ulger—have been Travis’s refuge.

  Travis and Jack know their friendship could be much more, but Jack is part of Haven’s ruling wolf shifter pack. If he takes a non-wolf mate, he’ll b
e banished forever. But when one of the Knights infiltrates Haven, love becomes the least of their problems.

  The Shifters: Book Four

  Orphan Hunter Landon craves a family who will love him unconditionally. When he’s adopted by the Knights, an organization dedicated to destroying shifters, Hunter is grateful, but their ideology never sits right. Finally, on a rite of passage during which he’s supposed to kill his first shifter, Hunter discovers the truth: he meets Glenn Lightfoot, a deer shifter, and asks a lot of questions.

  Glenn hates the Knights and worries about the safety of his herd with one in their midst. After all, the Knights have hurt his family before. On the other hand, this is his chance to convert an enemy, and some instinct tells him Hunter won’t betray him.

  Soon Hunter sees the Knights for the monsters they are. When his time is up, he leaves the herd to protect Glenn. But Glenn is determined not to lose the man he has come to love and respect to the Knights’ cruel campaign.

  The Shifters: Book Five

  Josh McPhee always wanted to be an agent. To keep from going crazy at the Agency’s New Mexico substation, he talks to the imprisoned wolf shifter—or tries to. Their one-sided conversations only prove the shifter is not getting the help he needs. After all, he is a victim too.

  Wolf shifter Xavier doesn’t remember much before his time with the Knights or the time under their control, where he was brainwashed and used to kill innocent shifters. He wants to recover his memories, and yet he fears what he might find. He would escape were it not for the aide whose voice quiets Xavier’s implanted urges.

  Late one night the Knights attack the station to retrieve what’s theirs. Overpowered, Josh cannot stop them before they unlock Xavier’s cage. But Xavier rushes to Josh’s rescue and, sensing his opportunity, escapes, taking Josh with him. When Josh wakes up on the road, they strike a bargain: Josh offers Xavier one month of freedom before he calls in the Agency. Both doubt he can be cured, but something about Josh makes Xavier better. They just have to figure out what before the past catches up to them.


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