Alien Prisoner

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Alien Prisoner Page 9

by Honey Phillips

  “It’s beautiful,” Lizabet whispered as they were led along a wide path onto a long veranda and through graciously arched doors into a spacious entry. An enormous chandelier hung overhead, dripping with dusty crystals. Beyond the lobby, more arches led to an expansive lounge, filled with comfortable-looking, human-sized chairs, and displaying an impressive view of the lake through tall, multi-paned windows.

  Unfortunately, they weren’t given a chance to explore. The guards led them to the registration desk where an officer checked each name off a list and handed out keys. Rachel bit back a laugh at how much they resembled one of the tour groups that must have populated the hotel in its heyday.

  “R’chel R’dtree. You are assigned Room 1105, along with L’zabet W’lliams.” The officer handed them two keys and directed them to take their baggage to their room. “Your meal schedule is in your room. You may go outside during the daylight hours if you wish but must return to the hotel at dusk. Lights out between eleven and seven and you may not leave your room during those hours. Do you understand?”

  They both nodded and moved back from the desk, waiting for Sarah. Rachel gave Lizabet a rueful smile. “Looks like we’re still roomies.”

  “That’s okay. If I have to room with anyone, I’m glad it’s you.”

  Sarah and Heather were in Room 1107 and they all headed for the elevator together. As they crossed the lobby, Rachel noticed T’gana’s eyes following Sarah and, by the way she carefully avoided looking in his direction, she knew her friend was just as conscious of him. It reminded her of the way she always knew when T’chok was in the room. He hadn’t been on the flight, but since he was in charge of the prisoners, surely he would have to show up sooner or later.

  As they emerged from the elevator, she recognized the women exclaiming over their rooms. Curiously relieved that their pod was still together, she followed Lizabet down the corridor. On one side, windows displayed a view out across a valley to another range of smaller mountains. Doors lined the other side and Lizabet gave an excited yell as she found theirs.

  The door opened to reveal more faded luxury. A spacious room with two big beds ended in a big bay window overlooking the lake and the mountains surrounding them. It was spotlessly clean but the heavy gold curtains and coverlets were old and out of style. Rachel didn’t care—the view more than made up for it.

  To one side of the room was a spacious, marble-tiled bathroom. Some of the tiles were cracked and stained, but not enough to detract from the size of the space or the enormous tub. She sighed happily at the sight. The showers on the ship were more than efficient but nothing replaced a nice long soak. She wandered back into the bedroom to find Lizabet bouncing on the bed by the door.

  “I want this one.”


  “I’m going to go see what Sarah’s room is like. You wanna come?”

  “In a minute,” Rachel laughed. “I’m still checking this one out.”

  Lizabet left and she wandered over to the bay window. Two armchairs faced out to the view and she could see herself sitting there, watching the mountains. She realized that one window was actually a door leading out onto a small balcony. The air was colder now, the sun beginning to set behind the mountains and tinting everything a soft pink. Standing on the balcony, she drew a deep breath, letting the mountain air fill her lungs. She found herself wishing T’chok was here to share the moment.

  Since the sun was setting, she wouldn’t get a chance to explore today. Instead, she leaned over the balcony, to see as much as possible. There was a large terrace far below, and beyond that, overgrown gardens led down to the lakeshore. There was no beach, only a rock bulwark, but several docks stretched out into the water. She followed the curve of the lake for only a brief distance before she saw the wall. She had missed it before, but now it was all too obvious. A tall, grey wall reached back from the water to disappear behind the hotel, reappearing on the other side to enclose the building and grounds.

  A lump appeared in her throat. How could she have forgotten? No matter how beautiful her surroundings, she was still trapped, still a prisoner of an alien race.

  Chapter Twelve

  T’chok paced from one side of his quarters to another. In the week following his defeat of T’judin, he had managed to stay away from R’chel, but it had been a constant battle. He spent hours training each day, but no matter how much punishment he delivered—or received—he could not erase the desire to go to her. His cock throbbed constantly, but more than that, he worried about her. Was she sleeping? Was she eating? During his restless nights, he watched the day’s recordings, eager for any glimpse of her.

  Seeing her again today had exacerbated his need for her. Despite his efforts to please her, he had been sure this morning that she still rejected him. Her dismissal angered him, but only hardened his resolve to lay claim to her as soon as the Forbidden Cycle ended. Then she smiled at him as she left to board the transport, and it took all of his military discipline to avoid tugging her into his arms and taking that succulent mouth. Now, she was thousands of miles away from him, and he felt like he was missing a vital organ.

  He switched on the feed from the Earth facility, but only a limited number of monitors were in place. The external monitors covering the road to the hotel, the wall, and the front of the building were all working; however, inside the hotel, only the entrance and the hallways, the main lounge, and the dining room were covered. He watched until lights out, but he never saw R’chel. He wanted to roar with frustration. Aside from his longing for a glimpse of his mate, he was certain that she had not eaten. Tomorrow he would take a trip planet-side. His little human needed a lesson.

  The next morning, T’chok landed his personal flyer in the parking lot of the hotel. Despite his eagerness to see R’chel, he found himself reluctant to approach her. The news he had received this morning would distress her greatly, and he wished he could spare her pain. Unfortunately, he did not think he could conceal the information from her. He could only hope that there was a reasonable explanation.

  As he walked into the lounge, he scanned his surroundings for her. Women were gathered in small groups, talking and working on projects, but he knew immediately that she was not present. Through the glass doors, he could see more women seated on the terrace enjoying the cool sunshine or traversing the paths along the waterfront. A few had even ventured out on to the docks. He shuddered internally. Most of his life had been spent on spaceships or military posts. He had no affinity for untamed nature, and he found the vast expanse of water menacing rather than attractive. But perhaps the open space appealed to R’chel. He would continue his search outside.

  L’zabet came rushing up as soon as he stepped out on to the terrace.

  “Commander T’chok.”

  “Yes, L’zabet?”

  “Thank you for putting me with Rach. The room is fucking awesome.”

  “How do you know I was responsible?”

  “Well, duh. Other than Sarah and Rachel, you’re the only one who seems to care about me.” An edge of bitterness crossed her young face, and he couldn’t help but wonder why she had no kin to care for her. A young female should be protected at all times. Before he could inquire, she rushed on. “Are you here to check on Rach?”

  Alarm flared in his stomach. “Is something wrong?”

  “I don’t know. She seemed okay when we first got here, but she hasn’t left the room since. She’s just lying on her bed staring at the ceiling—the same way she used to do back in the pod.”

  “I will go to her.” He was already turning away when L’zabet called after him.

  “Don’t you need the room number?” She laughed at his expression and tossed him her keys. “Guess not. But these might help.”

  Too concerned to wait for the elevator, he raced up the stairs. The door to her room was unlocked, and he had to suppress a surge of anger at her carelessness. Anger immediately vanished as he saw her body huddled in one corner of the big bed near the windows.

  “My zuzu, what is wrong?”

  Without waiting for a response, he scooped her up in his arms and settled back against the headboard with her cradled against his chest. All his restless, unhappy energy disappeared now that she was in his arms where she belonged. After one startled glance, she burrowed into his chest, gripping his uniform with both hands. The door to the balcony stood open and a cool breeze drifted into the room, bringing the scent of greenery and the distant sound of bird song. He picked up the blanket and wrapped it around her, then leaned back, content for now just to have her in his arms.

  Eventually she sighed and her fingers loosened. She turned her head up and smiled at him.

  “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, as well.” Unbearably. “Is that why you are no longer eating?”

  “Don’t be so conceited.” A spark of the fire he enjoyed crossed her face. “I think it’s more because we’re in this beautiful place, and it reminds me of my home. But I’m not home, and I’m still a prisoner.”

  He tucked her closer and fought down his guilt. Even though she had disobeyed the law, the Yehrin had placed her in this situation. “I am truly sorry, R’chel. I would release you if I could.”

  “You would let me go?” He couldn’t read the expression on her face.

  “Would I remove you from Yehrin custody? Yes.” He leaned closer, letting her see his intent. “Will I ever let you go? No.”

  She looked away, and muttered, “I thought a breeding contract only lasted for thirty days.”

  He frowned down at her. He had never discussed their future since it was inappropriate until the end of the Forbidden Cycle, but surely she was in no doubt about his feelings. “Why would you think that I would be done with you in that time? You are mine, R’chel. I want you with me always.”

  Cupping the delicate curve of her cheek, he brought his mouth to hers. She opened to him immediately and he plunged deep into the succulent depths. She mewled and her hands clutched at him again, sliding up to grasp the base of his horns and sending his arousal soaring. The tight points of her nipples rubbed against his chest and his shaft stiffened beneath the tempting softness of her ass. His hand left her cheek and traveled down to enclose her breast. He squeezed gently and stroked his thumb across the taut peak and she arched into his hand. She cried out when he moved away, but he only went far enough to slide his hand up under the fleecy material of her sweater. The skin beneath was even softer against his fingers and he caressed the supple flesh as he returned to her breast. He rolled her nipple between his fingers and she moaned.

  He reluctantly stilled his hand, leaving it cradling the soft mound. He wanted to give her pleasure, but first she needed a reminder to take care of herself.

  “You have been a bad girl, my zuzu.”

  Dazed eyes lifted to his, first confused then defiant.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “You have not been eating.”

  Her face was so expressive. He saw the flash of guilt before her chin lifted.

  “So what?”

  He pinched her nipple reprovingly. “You will not neglect your health. Have I not made that clear?”

  “Yeah, well, you aren’t here,” she muttered, her tone sulky.

  “That does not mean that I do not care.”

  “You do?”

  Another pinch. “You know I do, little girl.”

  The delicious scent of her arousal increased. Impatiently, he pushed her sweater out of the way so that he could see her beauty. Her breast was small and pale against his darker skin, her nipple dark red and swollen between his fingers, and he squeezed it again, watching as her eyes lowered and her back arched. Anxious for more, he lowered his head and fastened his mouth on the impudent nub.

  “Oh,” she cried, her hands coming back up to grasp the base of his horns. Her touch on the sensitive area sent his own arousal soaring, but he was determined to remain in control. He slid his hand under the stretchy material of her pants, gratified to find her slick with arousal. Focusing his attention on her swollen clit, he teased it until she was panting beneath him, then paused.

  “Will you promise to take better care of yourself?”

  “W-what?” Her eyes fluttered open. “Can’t we talk about that later?”

  “No.” He fluttered his fingers across the sensitive flesh, and she moaned.

  “Please, T’chok.”

  “Will you promise?’

  “I…” Her brows drew together, the defiance starting to reappear. Very well. He bent his head once more, licking and sucking, teasing her with the edge of his teeth, while he played with her clit, keeping her on the edge of her climax. When she was writhing against him, he raised his head again.

  “Promise me, little girl.”

  He felt her surrender even before she spoke. “Yes, Daddy.”

  With a triumphant growl, he rewarded her, lifting her against his mouth as he finally sent her flying into an explosive climax, prolonging the pleasure until she was limp and sated. Warmth filled his hearts as he looked down at her.

  “When you are mine, I will keep you this way. Relaxed and happy in my arms.”

  For a moment she returned his smile, then tears shone in her eyes. “I would stay with you if I could, T’chok. But my brother needs me. He is still so young.”

  Her words reminded him of his original purpose. Ignoring his aching cock, he settled back against the head of bed once more and tucked her closer.

  “I have some news for you about your brother.”

  “About Benji?” She gripped his shirt. “Why? What is it?”

  “You were concerned so I ran a check on him. His school attendance has been erratic since you were taken.”

  “Damn her.” R’chel pushed out of his arms and he let her go. Scrambling off the bed, she strode to the window, anger in every stiff line. “How hard is it to make sure that he gets up and goes to school? But she’s too busy worrying about herself to think about him.”

  “There is more,” he said, already dreading her reaction. “As I said, his attendance has been erratic up until last week. That was the last time he was in school.”

  Her face paled. “He hasn’t been in school in over a week? He must be sick again. T’chok, I have to go to him.”

  Her distress tore at him. “I can not allow that, but…” What he was about to do violated every principle behind confining the potential breeders. They were allowed no communication with their former lives. Yet, he could not stand to see her in such pain. “I have a device that you can use to contact your maternal parent. You can only use it this one time and you may not speak of it to any other female.”

  “I can call him?” The light in her face made the risk of the call more than worthwhile. “Thank you, T’chok.”

  Removing the communications device from his belt, he handed it to her. “The number is programmed. Simply press the green button.”

  While the device connected, she began to pace. “Come on, answer the damn phone.”

  “Mom? It’s Rachel. What happened to Benji?”

  T’chok’s sensitive hearing caught the female’s reply. “N-nothing. Are you coming home?”

  “I can’t come home. The Yehrin arrested me because I was out after curfew.” Rachel rolled her eyes. “Because I had to fill Benji’s prescription, remember?”

  “I told you to wait,” the female said petulantly. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. Can I speak to Benji?”

  Even over the device, the female’s hesitation was obvious. “Um, not now. He’s in school, remember?”

  R’chel’s hand fisted on the device. “No, he’s not, Mom. I know he hasn’t been there for over a week. Where is he?”

  The female began to cry. “You don’t understand. He’s just been so difficult since you left. Tom told him to shape up, but it didn’t make any difference.”

  “Mom. Where. Is. He?”

  “I don’t know.” More sobs echoed through the phone. “He ran
away. We looked for him everywhere. Tom said he’d come back when he got hungry.”

  “He’s been missing for over a week! Don’t you think he’d be hungry by now? What did the sheriff say?”

  “The sheriff?”

  “Yes. Oh God, Mom, please tell me you at least reported him missing.”

  Silence fell and R’chel’s hand clenched so hard on the device he thought it would shatter. “Mom?”

  “Well, Tom didn’t think it would look good. You know how people around here talk. They might think I was an unfit mother or something.”

  “You are an unfit mother,” R’chel yelled. “You are a spoiled, selfish bitch who let her ten-year-old son run away and didn’t even bother trying to search for him. I’m going to find him and I’m going to make sure you never see him again.”

  With an angry cry, she threw the small gadget across the room.

  “How could she do that? He’s been missing for over a week, and she never even bothered to call the police. Oh, T’chok, it’s October. It gets so cold at night. How is he going to stay warm? What’s he going to eat?”

  Her anger dissolved into tears and she threw herself into his arms. T’chok’s anger matched hers. Her irresponsible parent had left a child in danger. It was unacceptable. Fighting back his own rage, he stroked R’chel’s back and tried to soothe her. “Hush, little one. We will find him. I will contact the local law enforcement immediately.”

  “You will?” she asked, eyes bright with tears.

  “Of course. I will make sure that they begin searching today. But, R’chel, I do not know how long it will take to find him. You must be patient.”

  R’chel shuddered against him. “I will never forgive her for this.” Her spine straightened and she pushed away. “And if anything has happened to him, I don’t think I can ever forgive you, either.”

  His hearts skipped a beat. “Why would you blame me?”

  “The Yehrin took me away from him, even though I told them that he needed me. How can I look at you and not remember that?”


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