Alien Prisoner

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Alien Prisoner Page 21

by Honey Phillips



  R’chel and B’nji spoke simultaneously but she frowned her brother down and continued.

  “Yes. We’re fine. You concentrate on getting well.”

  He arched a brow and turned to the boy. “B’nji?”

  Ignoring his sister, he gave T’chok a direct answer. “We have enough for about a week for both the stove and the fireplace, unless it snows again.”

  “Very well. I will make plans to collect more tomorrow.”

  R’chel sat forward. “Just how are you going to do that? You’re barely capable of getting to the outhouse and back.”

  “Do you question my strength, little girl?”


  He looked down at the boy who was watching their interaction with a grin. “We will discuss this later.”

  She sniffed defiantly but returned to her sewing. He studied the books he had chosen. Much of the information would be useful, although he missed Yehrin technology intensely. Silence filled the cabin, broken only by the crackling of the fire, and he found himself curiously content, despite the absence of technology. He had his L’chka and the young male to care for, they were all safe, warm, and fed, and tomorrow he would face the challenge of a new environment. It was more than he had dared to hope for in his years of duty.

  Soft snorts broke the silence and he looked down to find the child asleep. R’chel smiled and spoke softly. “It has been a long day for him. He worked very hard.”

  “I am sure that he did. He is a fine young male.”

  “I’m sorry that he has been rude to you.”

  “Words do not bother me.” He shrugged. “I understand his feeling. However, if he does not treat you with respect, we will have a discussion.”

  “Is that what you were talking about outside?”

  “That is between the two of us.” She started to protest but he put a finger over her lips. “You must allow us to develop a relationship of our own. We both love you. That is a good start.”

  She kissed his finger, then took his hand in hers. “You’re right. It will be good for him to have a positive male influence around, especially as he gets older.” She looked down, playing with his fingers. “I was thinking about that earlier. What is going to happen to us? We can’t stay here forever.”

  “We have only been here for one day. Is it not too soon to worry about forever?” he asked casually. As he hoped, she laughed and let the subject drop. He also had concerns and had begun to consider several options, but it was premature to discuss them now. At the present time, he would put his faith in T’lan and concentrate on his little female.

  “Let us put the child to bed. I believe you owe me a bath.”

  Her small pink tongue ran across her bottom lip and his shaft immediately began to stiffen. She started to reach for B’nji, but he stopped her. “I will carry him.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” he growled, but softly. He still felt a moment’s dizziness when he stood but he waited until it passed before lifting the child in his arms and carrying him to his bunk. R’chel followed and removed his shoes before covering him with a blanket. He didn’t stir.

  “He sleeps soundly.”

  “Ever since he was a baby.” R’chel bent and kissed B’nji gently on the forehead. “Night, bug.”

  “It is good that he sleeps well.” He guided her hand to his erection. She gasped and he caught the scent of her arousal which in turn made his own excitement build.

  “We still have to be quiet,” she warned him.

  “Of course. Do you wish me to bank the fire while you prepare the bath?”

  “You know how?”

  “Your guidebooks were quite helpful.”

  As he attended to the fire, she placed the bathing tub behind the curtain and added water from the stove and from the pump. He could see her watching him, nipples prominent against the thin dress. Stepping behind the curtain, he removed his belt and his uniform pants. She entered with the last pitcher of water and her eyes immediately went to his cock. He fisted it casually, remembering how much that excited her. The touch of his hand was pleasant but not enough; he wanted her hands on him. She wet her lips and the delectable scent of her arousal intensified.

  Blushing, she finally turned her eyes away. “I’m not sure how this is going to work. I can sit in the tub but it’s a tight fit. There’s no way you could manage. Maybe you could just stand in it? I can wash you and the water will just drain back down.”

  “Very well.” He stepped into the warm water and waited until his claws found purchase on the metal bottom. “You may begin.”

  “Bend your head,” she whispered, and he bent forward obligingly. She poured water over his scalp then massaged the fragrant soap into his hair and around the base of his horns. He shuddered at the caress of her fingers in such a sensitive spot.

  “Now close your eyes,” she warned, and poured more water over him. She wet a small cloth and rubbed soap on it before moving on to the rest of his body. With a careful touch, she washed over his shoulders and back, stopping frequently to rinse off the soap. When she got to his chest she lingered, playing with the whorls of hair surrounding his nipples and teasing the hard nubs. His cock was so stiff that it stood straight up and she brushed against it as she moved, causing drops of precum to emerge. Her soapy fingers trailed across his lower stomach but instead of moving further down, she circled around and caressed his ass. She squeezed each taut globe before trailing her finger between them, teasing at his anus.

  “Little girl, do not tease me.” His voice was low and guttural, almost unrecognizable.

  “Mm.” She probed a little harder. “Remember when you did this to me?”

  “I will do it again,” he warned. “And I will not stop at teasing.”

  She shuddered, the movement causing her nipples to press against him. He gave both impudent peaks a quick twist, hard enough to make her catch her breath.

  “Continue,” he ordered.

  Biting her lip, she traveled down the back of his legs, circling his clawed feet cautiously, before resuming the torturous journey up the front. She kneaded his thighs, fingers edging closer to his shaft, before finally taking his balls in her hands and caressing them gently. The feeling of her soapy fingers sliding over the sensitive flesh had him on the edge of exploding. He groaned.

  “Very good, my zuzu. Rinse me.”

  “Yes, sir.” She bent for another cup of water, trickling it teasingly over him as his sack tightened.

  “Now take them in your mouth.”

  She gave him an uncertain look but bent forward obediently. She could only manage one at a time, but she sucked him into the liquid heat of her mouth and teased him with her tongue. Letting it slip free, she took the other one then switched back and forth, even laving the sensitive skin between them. His knees threatened to collapse as the wave of pleasure swept over him.

  “Now my cock. Take it deep into that hot little mouth of yours.”

  Keeping his balls in one hand, she licked her way up his shaft before closing her mouth over his swollen cockhead.

  “Deeper, little one. Open for me.”

  Looking up at him with wide eyes, she attempted to follow his order but her small mouth was already stretched to the limit. He twisted his hand in the dark silk of her hair and urged her forward, watching her carefully for signs of panic. She choked a little, but her gaze didn’t falter. Her mouth was so hot and tight that he wouldn’t last much longer. He pulled her harder into him, fucking deeper with each stoke.

  “Good girl. Take all of me.” He could feel her throat spasming around his tip and the movement sent him over the edge. A bolt of electricity swept up his spine and he barely managed to refrain from roaring as he exploded into her mouth. He could feel her gulping desperately, trying to swallow his seed, and the feeling prolonged his pleasure, making him shudder and gasp. When at last he pulled back, her eyes were wet, her lips red and swollen, but she s
miled up at him. Traces of pale blue cum glistened around her mouth and the sight brought his arousal roaring back, but it would have to wait. He unwound his fingers from her hair, cupping her cheek with a loving hand. She nestled against it, eyes heavy and dazed with pleasure.

  “That was magnificent, my zuzu. Now it is my turn.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Rachel stared up at T’chok, shaken from the intensity of sucking him. Despite the patient start, he had been ruthless at the end, thrusting into her mouth until she could barely breathe, but his actions only aroused her. She could feel the pulsing ache between her legs and knew her panties were soaked.

  He growled and lifted her up in his arms, taking her mouth in a slow, thorough kiss. She must taste of him, but he didn't seem to care as he plundered her mouth until she was clinging to him helplessly. He placed her back on her feet and stepped out of the tub, not caring that water still clung to every inch of his heavily muscled frame.

  “Remove your clothes,” he ordered. Still overwhelmed, she didn’t move. All she could do was stare at him, and he leaned down until he was looking directly into her eyes.

  “Do not make me tell you again. I can not spank you but there are other ways to make disobedient little girls obey.”

  The thought of her brother asleep nearby boosted her courage and she gave in to a provocative impulse. “I’m not scared of you; you won’t do anything to wake Benji.”

  “Are you challenging me?” He bared his teeth in what could not really be called a smile, showing the row of sharp white points.

  “Would I do that?” She tried to sound innocent as she took a step back, her heart beginning to thud in a combination of excitement and fear. She knew he wouldn’t really hurt her, but… He took a step forward and her fingers immediately went to the top button on her dress. He halted and watched with gleaming eyes as she fumbled her way down to just above her mound. At that point the dress began to fall. She started to catch it but gulped under his stern gaze and let it drop.

  “Much better. I never want your beautiful body hidden from me.” He turned to the bed and moved the pillow down to top the trunk at the foot. “Bend over this.”

  “T’chok, you can’t spank me. Benji’s a sound sleeper but he won’t sleep through that,” she whispered frantically.

  “Did I say I was going to spank you?” He arched a brow. “Bend over. I grow weary of repeating myself.”

  She gulped again and with a wary look at the curtain, she followed his directions. The trunk came to her upper thighs and she felt vulnerable bending over it, even more so when he pushed her legs further apart, causing her to go up on her tiptoes. Off balance and nervous, the ache between her legs only increased and she squirmed. He held her in place with one big hand, easily spanning the width of her back.

  “Very nice, my zuzu.” He leaned over so that he could whisper in her ear, keeping his weight off of her but allowing her to feel the warmth of his body as he slid a long finger between her legs. She jumped and had to bite back a cry.

  “Ssh. You have to be quiet, remember.” He teased her entrance and then stroked up between her lips to circle her swollen nub. Her cheeks heated at how easily he moved through her slippery folds, but she still tried to press into the too light touch. “You are very wet, little one. Did you enjoy having me fuck your mouth?”

  She gasped, his dirty words adding to the fire building inside her.

  “Tell me.” His breath was a harsh whisper against her ear, the heated air raising the hair on her neck.

  “Yes. Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Because I intend to do it again. Often.” She shuddered and he swirled over her clit again, before stroking back down. He teased her entrance again, this time inserting the tip of his finger and making her clamp down on the intruder before he withdrew it. Instead of returning to her swollen clit, he moved higher, circling her puckered anus.

  “What are you doing?” She jumped and tried to move away but his hand on her back and his legs between hers held her firmly in place.

  “Little girls who challenge their daddies need to be reminded who they belong to.” He circled again before pressing his dampened finger firmly against her bottom hole.

  “No,” she protested. The sensation brought new nerves to life and she tried to squirm away from the forbidden feeling. He bent over further and clamped down on her neck with his teeth. He wasn’t breaking the skin, but the sharp points of his teeth prickled a warning. She froze.

  “Do not move,” he warned as he lifted his head. He increased the pressure and she felt the tight ring of muscle give way as the tip of his finger entered her untried channel.

  She immediately tried to squirm away from him but still couldn’t move. “It burns.”

  “Because you were a naughty girl. Accept me and this will be easier.” He stroked a soothing hand down her back. “Relax.”

  He thrust harder, pressing a thick finger deeper into her body. It still burned but combined with that sensation was a rising sense of arousal. Her clit throbbed and she could feel the moisture beginning to drip down her legs. Ignoring her resistance, he kept going until his entire finger was buried in her. It felt wrong, unnatural, but her nerves were alive in a confusing mixture of pain and pleasure.

  “Good girl. We will continue.”

  Continue? Before she could protest, she felt a second finger nudging at the already stretched entrance. She had to bite down on the pillow to avoid a cry, but her pussy clenched around emptiness. This finger was harder to take, her muscles protesting, and she whimpered into the pillow. He brought his thumb up to press against her clit, sending a wave of pleasure through her. He withdrew it immediately, but the sensation was enough to cause her to loosen up the tiniest fraction and he took advantage, driving the second finger into her. She panted, trying to cope with the sensation of being impaled.

  “Such a good girl,” he repeated, brushing a gentle kiss across her neck. “One more to go.”

  “No, I can’t,” she whimpered.

  “You can,” he said confidently. “You will accept all of me. These are just my fingers. Soon you will take my cock in this tight little ass.”

  “What? No. You’re too big.” Scared now, she tried to wiggle away.

  “Ssh. Not tonight. But soon.” He teased her clit again and she shuddered helplessly. “And you will enjoy it. Eventually. Now relax for me.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said reluctantly, trying to force her body to comply. It wasn’t easy. She already felt stretched beyond bearing, but eventually she loosened enough for him to add the third finger. They both groaned. Thanking God that he only had three fingers, she tried desperately to take him. The burning stretch was almost unbearable, but he left his thumb against her clit and the pressure sent streaks of pleasure through her clenching channel.

  “Are you going to challenge me again?”

  Unable to talk as she fought the conflicting feelings of pleasure and pain, she shook her head.

  “Answer me, R’chel.” He scissored his fingers and she had to bury her head in the pillow again as she fought to cope with the increased pressure. As soon as she could, she raised her head.

  “No, sir,” she gasped.

  “Who do you belong to?”

  “To you, T’chok. Only to you.” Impaled on his fingers, the weight of him over her helpless body, throbbing on the edge of orgasm, the truth of the statement raced through her. “Please, sir.”

  “Please what?” He chuckled and spread his fingers a little wider, sending more shocks through her system.

  “Oh please, sir. Let me come.”

  “Good girl. Since you asked so nicely, I will allow it.” He began to remove his fingers, making her gasp at the overwhelming sensation, only to plunge back inside. As he fucked her slowly with his fingers, his thumb began sliding across the exposed top of her clit. It was all too much, the sensations drowning her in a haze of pleasure and pain. She reached back blindly, and he took her hand, tucking it in his and holding it
across her back, as he increased the speed of his strokes.

  “Now, little one. Come for me.” He plunged all the way inside as he bore down on her clit and her whole body lit up. She screamed into the pillow, desperately trying to muffle the sound as she convulsed around him. Clamping down on his fingers sent a streak of fire through the abused flesh but prolonged her shudders of pleasure. When she finally began to return to her senses, T’chok was pressing kisses all over her neck and shoulders, her hand still tight in his.

  He gently removed his fingers, sending another jolt through her and she tried to reach down and cover her exposed hole.

  “Be still, R’chel. Let me clean you.”

  He took the cloth from the still warm water and carefully washed her, but even the gentle touch against her swollen flesh made her shiver. After he dropped the cloth, he spread her legs to inspect her, and she blushed at what he must be seeing. He ran a teasing finger around her sore entrance, reawakening the sensitive tissues, and she had to bite back a cry as she felt her body respond, despite the lingering ache.

  “So responsive. I love the sight of your little hole, all swollen and red from my use. I will not wait long to take you there.”

  A confused mixture of lust and trepidation swept over her, but she didn’t have the energy to protest. He picked her up and laid her in bed, following her in to curl protectively around her exhausted body. Her butt ached but the warmth of his body soothed her, and she drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Rachel woke alone the next morning. Before she opened her eyes, she sensed the emptiness next to her, her hand reaching blindly for T’chok. The curtain at the window, as well as the curtain separating the bed from the rest of the cabin, was still closed but she could make out the glow of light. No sound came from the other side of the curtain and she fought down her immediate urge to panic. She couldn’t believe that she would have slept through a crisis big enough for T’chok and Benji to be taken from her.


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