Alien Prisoner

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Alien Prisoner Page 23

by Honey Phillips

  Biting her lip, she looked down. “I do. And I know that you love me. It’s just hard knowing that you were with those other women and that you met them the same way.”

  “It was not the same. I did not love them. I do love you, my zuzu. I will spend the rest of my life proving it to you.” He bent and kissed her gently, then turned her back down the path and sent her on the way with a quick smack across her round little bottom. “But now we have a vehicle to rescue.”

  After stopping at the house for tools, they drove the ATV down to the truck. The damage was more extensive than he had realized but he agreed with R’chel that freeing the wheel from the crumpled metal should make it drivable. Once he pried it loose, they discovered that the tire was flat. Since the truck was at an angle against the bank, one side in the rocks of the small creek, changing it was a precarious business. His little female insisted on helping, despite his efforts to have her wait at a safe distance. Eventually he was able to maneuver the truck out of the creek bed and back onto the road.

  “Judy is never going to forgive me for this,” R’chel said sorrowfully as they stood on the road inspecting the results of their efforts.

  “I will reimburse her as soon as I can,” he promised. “But I do not think she will blame you for the damage.”

  “No, probably not. But I still feel bad about it.”

  “I can relieve you of your guilt,” he said, stepping into her.

  Her eyes widened and her breathing quickened. He didn’t need to look down to know that her nipples had hardened. His body responded as well, the erection that had subsided while they worked springing back into full effect.

  “Th-that’s okay.” She attempted to back away but stumbled. He caught her with one hand.

  “You’re mine now,” he growled.

  “We can’t. Not here.” Despite her protests, she made no attempt to free herself.

  “We are alone, little one.” The water trickling over the rocks and the occasional rustling of small creatures amongst the leaves were the only sounds to break the silence of the forest.

  “But—” He cut off the protest by picking her up and kissing her. Her lips parted beneath his and he dipped into the succulent depths, the taste of her only increasing his need. Her eyes fluttered open, languid with desire, when he raised his head.

  “Lift your arms.”

  She obeyed immediately, her submission pleasing him, and he laid her back over the hood of the truck. Rewarding her compliance, he kissed down her neck and over her chest until he could draw a tight peak into his mouth. She moaned, arching up to meet his mouth and he sucked harder, scraping the sharp edge of his teeth carefully across the taut nub. When he lifted his head, her nipple was dark and distended. Satisfied, he moved to the other one as he brought his palm down on her mound, massaging her clit. He felt her quiver and he sucked harder, using his hand to roll the other nipple as he increased the pressure between her legs.

  “Come for me,” he ordered, lifting his head long enough to speak before returning to her breast and biting down on the swollen flesh. She cried out his name and came, shuddering against his mouth and hand. Still dazed, she didn’t protest as he flipped her over, only shivering when her nipples met the cool metal. Before she had a chance to recover, he brought his hand down across her ass, enjoying the way his handprint showed on the pale globe.

  “T’chok!” She tried to wiggle away from his hand, but her feet were suspended above the ground and she found no purchase.

  Ignoring her complaints, he spanked her with a swift flurry of blows, concentrating on the roundest part but also reaching down to cover the sensitive area at the top of her thighs. He wasn’t using close to his full strength, just enough to sting and make her squirm.

  “Do you still feel guilty, little girl?”

  “No, oh no, sir. Please stop.”

  “Three more.”

  After one more slap to her right cheek, then one to her left, he spread her legs, pleased to see her labia flushed and glistening.

  “What are you doing?” Her voice trembled.

  “Giving you what you need.” With careful aim, he brought his hand down across her ripe little cunt, catching the swollen edge of her clit. Her body spasmed and her pussy clenched around his finger as he tested her readiness. She was tight but dripping wet and he could wait no longer. Freeing his aching cock, he drove deep into her channel with one hard thrust. He groaned at the hot tight clasp of her small cunt. She cried out and he felt her body spasm again as she desperately tried to accommodate his size. It took all of his will power not to move as those tight muscles squeezed his aching flesh. But then he made the mistake of looking down and the sight of her entrance stretched around his hard cock destroyed his control.

  He roared and pulled back, loving the way her body clung to his, before plunging deep. At first, he had to fight for every inch, but her body gradually softened around him until he could move freely, thrusting harder with each stroke. His little female shuddered beneath him, calling out his name, and he could tell that she was on the edge of another orgasm. Spreading her cheeks, he took the finger still slick with her juices to her bottom hole. The tight ring of muscle resisted, but eventually yielded to the pressure and accepted him. The additional fullness made her impossibly tight and he growled at the sensation. She cried out her pleasure as he buried his finger deep in her dark channel and her body clamped down so hard that he couldn’t move. As soon as her spasms stopped, he thrust wildly. Her body slid across the slick metal and he grabbed her hip, pulling her into him with every stroke until he exploded, his seed erupting in a rush of ecstasy that left him panting and drained. He collapsed over her, retaining just enough control to avoid crushing her with his weight.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Sprawled across the hood of the truck with T’chok’s warmth enclosing her still quivering body, Rachel slowly relaxed. The metal of the hood, warmed by her body, felt slick and smooth against her peaked nipples. The forest noises, stilled by their passion, began to resume and she heard an owl call nearby. A cool breeze warning of the approaching evening drifted across her cheeks. T’chok’s cock was still inside her, stretching her even in its softened state, and she could feel their combined fluid dripping down her legs. She never would have pictured making love outside, let alone over the hood of a truck, but she had loved every minute of it. Even the throbbing of her still-heated bottom was more exciting than painful. He took her so far outside her comfort zone, but she always ended up feeling safe and loved—and sore, she thought as she wiggled a little and his weight came down firmly on her inflamed ass.

  “Where do you think you’re going, little girl?”

  “My butt hurts and I think my legs are going numb.”

  He moved immediately, the feel of his cock slipping free sending a shiver through her. As soon as he was standing, he picked her up to cradle her in his arms. “I am sorry, my zuzu. I should not have left you in that position. I lose all sense with you.”

  “Mm. You have the same effect on me.” She smiled up at him as she waved her hand at their surroundings. “Not the most romantic place in the world, is it?”

  “Anywhere you are is a romantic place,” he said solemnly, and she melted a little. “Does this location disturb you?”

  She thought about it. “No, not really. It’s beautiful here and we’re alone together.” She bit her lip and looked away. “It’s just that I always kind of pictured sex as occurring in a bed. You know I didn’t have any experience.”

  “Is it selfish of me to say that I am glad of that? That all of your tight little holes will belong only to me?”

  Her cheeks flamed bright red and she buried her face in his chest.

  “But this was a first for me as well. I have never made love in nature. I find that I enjoy it very much. Perhaps we should send B’nji fishing every afternoon.”

  The knowledge that it had been a first for him as well filled her with a foolish happiness and she smiled at him befor
e changing the subject. “Speaking of Benji, we should probably get back. I don’t want him to return to cabin and find us missing.”

  “Very well. Sit here while I fetch your clothes.” He sat her down on the hood again. She protested as her punished bottom hit the now cool metal and he gave her a devilish smile.

  “A punishment is supposed to hurt.”

  “Easy for you to say,” she pouted. He laughed and nipped her protruding lower lip before easing the sting with a slow sweep of his tongue and kissing her with tender thoroughness until she melted against him. Once she relaxed, he stepped back, releasing the shoulder catch on his shirt and pulling it off. Her gaze swept over the muscles defining his broad chest and rippling down his abdomen beneath the dark silky hair that narrowed down to a trail leading beneath his waistband. Her swollen pussy clenched, and she winced and felt herself dampen at the same time.

  “Do not look at me like that, little one, or B’nji will be waiting for much longer,” T’chok said in a husky voice, and she looked up to find him watching her in turn, desire turning his eyes into a ring of blue fire.

  “Yes, sir.” She wet her lips deliberately. He leaned over and pinched one of her still sensitive nipples and she squeaked.

  “Are you asking for more, little girl?”

  “No, sir. Not at all. I’ll be good.”

  “Somehow, I doubt that,” he said drily, but he turned away to wash his hands in the stream and wet his shirt. When he ran the cold wet cloth over her sensitive folds, she yelped but submitted to his ministrations and the cool water was soothing once she adjusted. Once he was satisfied, he helped her down from the truck and dressed her tenderly. He rinsed his shirt out again, wrung it dry, and put it back on.

  “That’s wet,” she protested. “You’ll catch cold.”

  “It is not wet. Feel it.”

  To her amazement, the fabric was almost dry. “That’s amazing.”

  “Our uniform fabrics are chosen for their utility. That’s why I brought several, even though I am no longer part of the fleet.”

  She searched his face for signs of regret. “Does that bother you?”

  “I was concerned that it might,” he said slowly. “But I have spent twenty years in the service of the Empire. As the years passed, I no longer considered the future with hope. I did not believe that I would ever find a mate, let alone a true L’chka, or that I would have a home and a family. You have given me all that, R’chel. I have no regrets.”

  She blinked back the tears. “I don’t, either. Even if we have to spend the rest of our lives in hiding.”

  Rachel drove the truck up the road to the cabin, with T’chok following in the ATV. Late afternoon sun slanted low amongst the trees, turning the small cabin into a shadowy refuge. She was relieved when Benji arrived shortly after they did. He had landed seven smallish fish and they made a nice change, sautéed in an iron frying pan and accompanied by rice flavored with more soup.

  “We need vegetables,” she said as she surveyed the empty plates.

  Benji made a face. “Yuck.”

  “Don’t be like that, bug. You’re a growing boy and you need your strength.”

  “I have a supply of supplements,” T’chok said. “They are nutritionally complete.”

  “Even for humans?”

  “I will research it; however, they should suffice. Your guides also have suggestions on wild foods. Perhaps there are items that we can gather in this area.”

  After dinner, they all gathered around the fire. Rachel somewhat doubtfully read up on wild foods, while Benji studied animal tracks. T’chok worked on some small snares but Benji interrupted him frequently to show him an illustration or pepper him with questions. She watched them together, T’chok always patient with her brother, and her worries eased. T’chok was the father that Benji had never had and even if they weren’t able to send him to school, she knew that her warrior would make sure he lacked for nothing.

  They all took turns bathing behind the curtain. Benji objected at first but one stern look from T’chok brought instant compliance.

  “I wish you’d been around when he was a toddler,” she murmured after Benji went to bathe. “He hated taking his baths.”

  “I wish that I had been there as well. If we are blessed with a child of our own, I promise that I will handle the bathing.”

  The sudden image of T’chok cradling a baby against his massive chest gave rise to an unexpected surge of longing but she sighed and pushed it aside. There were in no position to even think about babies right now.

  T’chok took his bath next and emerged wearing a pair of white pants that cupped his ass and hugged his muscular thighs. The light color accented the dark grey of his skin tone, making him look both exotic and enticing. It was the first time she had seen him without his uniform, and she eyed him appreciatively. “That’s a new look.”

  He shrugged. “It is comfortable. I wish that I could procure more clothing for you. Human females seem to enjoy a variety of attire.”

  She gave her clothes a rueful look. “I must admit that a change would be nice.” A troubled look crossed his face and she added hastily. “Don’t worry about it. I have everything that I need.”

  After she bathed, she changed into the white pajamas from her time on the ship. They had been in her bag, but she hadn’t worn them because of the memories they brought. With time and distance, the associations were no longer painful, and she hoped that the sight of another outfit would moderate his concern. He did smile as she emerged, but he seemed more focused on the way the thin material clung to her body.

  “Do I look like a Yehrin female?” she asked with a flirtatious smile.

  “No.” Before she could feel disappointed, he added. “You look like my beloved.”

  With a pleased blush she proceeded to hustle a protesting Benji off to bed before returning to her chair and her studies. T’chok resumed his work and a pleasant silence filled the cabin, broken only by Benji’s soft snores. Her eyelids began to droop.

  “Come, my little one,” he insisted after the fourth time she yawned. “Time for bed.”

  “I’m not tired—” Her protest was broken by another yawn.

  “You are as bad as your brother. Bed.” T’chok picked her up before she could argue, nestling her against his chest as he carried her to the bed. He stripped off her clothes and wrapped the covers around her before turning back to take care of the fire. By the time he returned, she was half asleep. The feel of his warm body curling around hers made her sigh and snuggle closer. He began kissing her, sending little ripples of arousal through her but she had to draw back to yawn again. He chuckled.

  “Go to sleep, little girl.”

  “Yes, Daddy.” Her eyes were already closing.

  At some point during the night, she awoke from a warm delicious dream to find T’chok sucking gently on her breasts as he teased her clit with clever fingers. He inserted a finger, making a pleased sound as he slid easily into the waiting warmth. Still half asleep, she watched lazily as he rose over her in the dim light, a dark, horned figure like a demon out of a nightmare. But she felt no fear, only a slow spreading warmth as he entered her, working her channel open one tight inch at a time. She was panting by the time he had embedded himself to the hilt, but the languorous pleasure still enveloped her. A soft cry of pleasure escaped her lips as he reached the end of her tight channel.

  “Shh, little one. You must be quiet.”

  He withdrew as slowly as he entered, letting her feel each ridged inch. She kept expecting him to speed up but he continued the leisurely pace, rocking in and out of her as slowly and inexorably as the ocean, letting the pleasure build until her orgasm took her by surprise, flinging her over the edge with a sudden cry that he muffled with his mouth. His body shook and she felt his hot seed spilling inside her, but she was asleep again before he even left her body.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  The next few days flew by. T’chok continued to haul lumber, until he had a
ccumulated a large stack of usable timber next to one end of the cabin. He had also managed to locate the other abandoned building. This one was less dilapidated, and he was able to rescue a door and several windows. In addition, he brought home some fabric remnants. She raised an eyebrow when he handed them to her.

  “Um, thank you?”

  “I thought perhaps you could make yourself some additional attire.”

  She tried to hide her expression of dismay as she studied what appeared to be fifties style curtain fabric and several extremely dirty sheets that must have been used to cover furniture. “I suppose I can try.”

  After washing the sheets several times, she took some berries that the scanner indicated were unsafe and used them to dye the fabric a soft shade of lavender. To her surprise, after several evenings of sewing—and swearing—she managed to make a simple dress. It would never win any fashion awards but the look in T’chok’s eyes when she wore it for the first time was reward enough.

  Her plant gathering was only moderately successful. She accompanied Benji to the lake several times to gather plants that grew in the damp soil while he fished. The scanner boosted her confidence about their safety; however, it did nothing to access their taste. After several failed experiments, she identified one plant whose roots were reasonably pleasant once soaked and added to a stew and another that made a somewhat bitter but edible salad.

  T’chok’s snares were more successful and he regularly brought home small game. Fortunately, he dressed it and butchered it before he gave it to her, and she was able to pretend that it was just another packet of meat from the supermarket. Benji was nowhere near as squeamish and was always eager to accompany T’chok on his trips once his schoolwork was done.

  Standing on the porch one afternoon, watching them from a safe distance, she noticed that the last remaining leaves had fallen. The wind sweeping through the small clearing sent a cold chill across her neck and she watched as a flight of geese flew by far overhead. Winter was coming.


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