World Order

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World Order Page 5

by Mark Goodwin

  “They have no choice now,” said Poochy.

  “What do you mean?” asked Christina.

  “I mean, Silicon Valley is running the GU. Fall in line or get canceled. They can literally take a news organization and blacklist them from the internet and social media.”

  “They’ve done it before,” said Rev.

  Stephanie tilted her head. “I doubt WNN is at risk of having anything like that happen. They’ve been one of the primary promoters of globalist politics.”

  Josh said, “We know the GU let this attack happen. Whether they were involved in putting it together or simply tried to prevent local law enforcement from interfering, the blood is on their hands.”

  “Why would they do that?” asked Melanie. “What could they possibly stand to gain by killing off part of the population?”

  “The globalists think we’ve got too many people,” said Rev.

  Lindsey countered, “Even if that’s true, would they risk getting caught up in a worldwide pandemic? I mean, they’re as much at risk as anyone else.”

  “Unless they have a vaccine,” said Rev. “I’d be very surprised if we see anyone in the upper levels of government get sick. And if you want to know whether or not the news media is involved, just sit back and watch. If the top reporters contract the virus, probably not, but if it’s business as usual at WNN while the rest of the country is dying off in droves, you’ll have your answer.”

  Nicole crossed her arms. “That would be too obvious. It would be like rubbing it in our face!”

  “Oh, they’ve done it before,” said Rev. “Even if it’s obvious, most of the population will never catch on. Even those who figure it out won’t do much about it.”

  “If they’re lying on their death beds, they can’t do much anyway,” said Lindsey.

  Melanie let her chin rest on her hand. “I don’t understand why you say the globalists think we have too many people.”

  Rev sighed. “I suspect it’s a Luciferian spirit at work in them. Satan loves killing. In fact, Jesus said of him in John 10 that the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. Pretty much the devil’s mission statement. Of course, he does seem to enjoy deceiving and accusing, but I suspect those are only means to an end.”

  Christina asked, “Is that what’s been going on with abortion? Do you believe it’s a depopulation tactic?”

  Rev nodded, “To some degree, yes, but that’s part of an even more ancient demonic practice. All through the Bible, we read about pagan cultures that worshiped one form or the other of the goddess Ashtoreth. She was the goddess of licentiousness and was worshipped through all types of debauched sexual rites.

  “I don’t think I’d be surprising anyone here by telling you that those types of activities often end in pregnancy. Consequently, these cultures ended up with tons of unwanted pregnancies. They didn’t have the technology we have today, so the newborn children were offered up to Molech, the god of pleasure. A statue of Molech would be placed in the center of a huge bonfire and they would sacrifice these precious little children by placing them in the super-heated outstretched arms of Molech. The attendees of the sacrificial ceremony would scream and wail in order to drown out the cries of those newborn children as they were burned alive.”

  Rev paused for a moment. Everyone listening sat upright and attentive. Their faces showed the horror they felt inside at his telling of the grotesque practice.

  Rev continued, “But today’s practices are about the same. The entertainment industry, government, and public schools endorse and promote sexual promiscuity. That, in turn, results in the same unwanted pregnancies which the Babylonians and the Canaanites faced. And while our means of child sacrifice may seem more humane, some 60 million children have been murdered in America since Roe v. Wade.

  “My point being, these two practices, fornication and child murder, are virtually inseparable.”

  Emilio’s eyebrows drew together. “Hold on, that’s not fair. I may not be a Christian, but I vote Republican and have always been a staunch supporter of pro-life candidates.”

  Nicole took his hand. “Me, too, I mean, I’m a Christian, but just because we’re not married doesn’t make me a baby killer. I always vote Republican, which is more than I can say for a lot of people who go to church.”

  Rev remained very calm. “I’m not trying to be unkind, but I want you to know the truth. On Judgment Day, which is looking like it might come sooner rather than later, the argument that you voted for pro-life candidates while a bunch of other people who call themselves Christians stayed home isn’t going to do you a bit of good. I’ll admit, the fact that the church has allowed this practice to go on for fifty-plus years is atrocious. But the Bible clearly states that in the last days much of the church will become apostate.

  “Maybe you would keep the child if you get pregnant, but even so, it’s second-best to God’s design of a child being born under the covenant of marriage. But then again, perhaps your resolve gets tested by the overwhelming circumstances of your situation, and you decide it’s more than you can bear. Trust me, Satan will help you justify the killing of your own child when you see how tough it’s going to be. He’s done it many times in the past with women who said they’d never get an abortion—before they were actually faced with raising a child on their own, that is.

  “And as far as you being a Christian, second Corinthians says to examine yourself to see if you are in the faith. I’m not judging you or telling you that you’re not saved, but I would challenge you to make time to read the Bible and make sure that your idea of what it means to be a Christian lines up with God’s—particularly in light of our current predicament.”

  Nicole looked down at the floor, still holding Emilio’s hand. She said nothing in response to Rev’s statement.

  Emilio stood up and gently tugged Nicole’s hand. “Come on. Let’s get some fresh air.” The two of them walked out of the room.

  The living room was silent with most of the remaining occupants staring blankly at the television. Rev cleared his throat. “Since I’ve already made everyone uncomfortable, let me extend that challenge to everyone in the room. If you consider yourself to be a Christian, get in God’s Word, and make sure your understanding of what it means to be born again agrees with what the Bible says. If you’re leaning on what the Baptists think, or what the Methodists teach, or what pastor so-and-so believes, or what reverend such-and-such promised you, it don’t mean a hill of beans. You can’t outsource this one. The consequences are too grave. You have to get in there and find out for yourself.”

  Christina seemed to be in deep thought. “But our priest always taught us that the Bible was too complex. He said we needed guidance to keep from getting confused.”

  “All you need to keep from getting mixed up is the Spirit of God,” said Rev. “Read it for yourself. If you get stuck somewhere, ask God to enlighten you. He’ll do it. He’s just waiting for you to ask. And if you’re anything like me, your flesh will get in the way from time to time and you’ll still end up with some flaws in your doctrine. But it will be your doctrine that you got from reading the Word for yourself. God will give you a lot more grace for those errors than the ones you got from blindly listening to what some other yahoo had to say about the Bible. And chances are, you’ll still be more accurate than most of the major denominations.”

  Rev pointed to the teenagers. “You folks need to be careful also.”

  “What did I do?” Micah asked defensively.

  “Nothing. That’s the problem,” said Rev. “If you don’t make a commitment to stay pure, your flesh and your hormones will run the show. Every adult in this room can tell you where that will lead.”

  Micah rolled his eyes, but Lindsey seemed to take the comment to heart. She nodded slightly but said nothing.

  Rev said, “I know all of you don’t subscribe to my particular viewpoint, but I would challenge you to read the Book of Revelation and see if any of what’s going on sounds familiar. I’m conv
inced that we are in the final seven years of this age. Thanks to Josh, we’re about as well prepared as we can be physically, but you all need to be spiritually prepared for it as well. If you have questions about any of that, I’m always available.”

  Melanie raised her hand.

  Rev pointed to her and smiled, as if amused by her show of respect. “Yes, Melanie?”

  “You didn’t really get around to explaining about the globalists wanting to cull the population. I get that you think they’re all devil worshipers, and from what I’ve seen out of them, I won’t disagree. But this whole thing about the end of days is new to me.”

  “Sure,” said Rev. “Have you ever heard of the Georgia Guidestones?”

  “No. Are those like those crystals that you channel energy with or something?” she asked.

  Rev laughed. “Not quite. It’s more like Stonehenge—or like a modern version of it. It’s a collection of five large granite monoliths down in Elberton County, Georgia. Each one is about 20 feet tall. They have inscriptions on them written in multiple languages, which speaks of their intention to be global.”

  Melanie took Poochy’s burner phone and looked up the guidestones. “English, Spanish, Chinese—Babylonian? Why would they use up one of the sides with a language nobody speaks?”

  Rev answered, “Babylon is the archetype used by Christ in describing the final world empire in the Book of Revelation.”

  “That’s creepy.” Melanie wrinkled her nose. She continued to read what she’d pulled up on Poochy’s phone. “Wow. The first line says to maintain humanity under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature.” She looked to Poochy. “How many people are on the planet now? Like 8 billion or something?”

  Poochy nodded. “That sounds about right.”

  “So, 7.5 billion of us need to die, according to these guidestones.” Christina’s voice sounded incensed.

  “Who put these things up?” Micah asked.

  Melanie read from the phone. “Some anonymous guy, RC Christian.”

  “Any idea who that is?” Lindsey looked to Rev.

  “A pseudonym, I assume. Christian Rosenkreutz, or Christian Rose Cross, is the legendary founder of the Rosicrucian Order.”

  “Who the heck are they?” Lindsey asked.

  “They’re students of esoteric knowledge and mysticism, which was brought to Europe by the Knights Templar. Their magick is similar to what was practiced by the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians. They also claim to be the founders of freemasonry. I think if you look, Egyptian hieroglyphics are also on the Georgia Guidestones.”

  “Yeah.” Melanie continued reading.

  “The all-seeing eye, which is so common in freemasonry, has its roots in Egypt,” said Rev.

  “You mean like the one that used to be on the back of the dollar bill?” Micah asked.

  “That’s the one. Back to culling the population to be in balance with nature, does that remind you of any present-day movement?” Rev watched Micah and Lindsey for a response.

  “Agenda 2030,” said Micah. “Dad had me watch some of those videos you sent him.”

  Rev nodded. “The green movement is just an excuse to kill a bunch of people. When we’re filled by the Spirit of God, we embrace things like love, peace, joy, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. When people entertain the spirit of darkness, they are pulled toward Satan’s values, stealing, killing, and destruction.”

  Melanie continued reading more of the text from the guidestones. “It has ten line items written out.”

  “Sort of like the new ten commandments?” asked Rev.

  “I guess so,” she said.

  “Replacing God’s laws with man’s laws. RC Christian went so far as to even have them inscribed on tablets of stone, just like the ones given to Moses, and at a time when the originals are being banned from courtrooms, school buildings, and their likenesses are being hauled away from public spaces.”

  Christina asked, “You said earlier that they’ve done stuff right under our noses before. What did you mean by that?”

  “I’m talking about soft-kill tactics like poisoning our water and food supply. Did you know the Nazis actually added fluoride to the water in concentration camps? Fluoride can damage the brain, lower IQ, cause early-onset puberty, damage bones, cause arthritis, cause cancer, increase infertility. And that’s just what they’re putting in the water! I’d be here all day talking about the poisons put in the food.”

  “He’s right,” said Stephanie. “Genetically modified cottonseed oil causes infertility, hydrogenated oils and palm oil increase heart disease risks, aspartame and carrageenan both cause cancer, pesticides are sprayed on everything not labeled organic-obviously that’s poison. All the dyes are carcinogenic, and high-fructose corn syrup is one of the main culprits for nearly 10% of Americans being diabetic.

  “It cost me almost four dollars in the price of produce alone to make a glass of organic juice at my old juice bar. Plus, prepping the fruits and vegetables is very labor-intensive, then add rent, taxes, insurance, license, and regulatory fees. I had to sell it for ten bucks a glass to make a profit. But the people who could afford it didn’t mind because they knew the value.

  “The elites have no problem buying all organic food and paying private chefs to make everything from scratch, but that’s the only way you can get away from all the junk. I’m serious, they’ve poisoned everything. Just read the labels. You don’t have to convince me that it was intentional.”

  Rev motioned to Melanie. “Please go on.”

  “The next line says, Guide reproduction wisely improving fitness and diversity.”

  Rev commented, “That’s the motto for eugenics. Create a master race. Hitler used that philosophy to kill Jews, people with Down Syndrome, and physically handicapped people. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, subscribed to the eugenics school of thought as well. She wrote in a letter that she wanted to exterminate the Negro population. Even to this day, Planned Parenthood clinics are located in inner cities with disproportionately high black populations.”

  Melanie continued, “Line three says unite humanity with a living new language.”

  “Why don’t we all speak the same language already?” asked Rev.

  Lindsey seemed to grasp for an answer. “Because…God confused the languages at the tower of Babel?”

  “Exactly!” Rev sounded pleased that someone knew the right answer. “Babel, consequently, was founded by Nimrod, who was worshiped as the original sun god. All sun worship cults can be traced back to Nimrod. God said to spread out upon the earth. Nimrod contradicted Him and said let’s build a city so we won’t be scattered. Most historians believe that the tower was actually a ziggurat, a type of pyramid. By the way, Micah, what’s under that all-seeing eye on the dollar bill?”

  “A pyramid.”

  “Right. A sort of artificial mountain, if you will. Moses, Jesus, Elijah, Abraham, all went up upon a mountain to meet with God. We might think of pyramids and ziggurats as counterfeit mountains on which to meet a counterfeit god.

  “The word, Babel, means gate of the gods, in the Babylonian language. It’s quite possible that Nimrod’s intention was to open a portal to communicate with demonic forces on his artificial mountain. Pyramids and ziggurats are both common in cultures that practiced sun-god worship. And, incidentally, Babel became Babylon. Are you starting to see a familiar thread here?”

  Melanie nodded hypnotically, then continued reading. “Line four says, Rule passion, faith, tradition, and all things with tempered reason.”

  Rev replied, “Of course. We don’t want any fanatical Christians who think the Bible was intended to be taken literally.”

  Stephanie joked, “Did you say that was from the guidestones or is that a line out of Carl Jacobs’ new book, Enter Faith? Because it could just as easily be one of his key tenants.”

  Melanie quickly read over the next few lines. “This one is interesting. Line nine says, Be not a can
cer on the earth. Leave room for nature.”

  “More Agenda 2030,” Josh said.

  “As if man, created in God’s image, was a plague upon the planet.” Rev shook his head. “At least the message is consistent.”

  “Consistently anti-human,” said Micah.

  Josh added, “And consistently anti-God.”


  If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.

  Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

  One week after the outbreak began in the New York City area, Josh and the others gathered around the television for the latest news update from Lilian Lopez’s primetime show on WNN.

  “Tonight, we have three guests,” said Lopez. “First up is the Director General from the World Health Organization, Dr. Subhash Ahuja. He’ll be providing us with the latest information on the spreading health concerns with the Red Virus.

  “Following Dr. Ahuja, we have two amazing guests, Pastor Carl Jacobs and Secretary-General Lucius Alexander will be with us right here in the studio.

  “Dr. Ahuja, thank you so much for being with us tonight. What can you tell us about the virus? What do we know now that we didn’t know 24 hours ago?”

  The doctor spoke with a distinct British accent but hints of his native India could still be detected. “Lillian, thank you so much for having me. Let me start by providing the latest statistics. The virus is spreading rapidly in Europe and the UK. We have hundreds of confirmed cases in Paris, London, Rome, and Madrid. Retrospectively, we know the virus appeared in Europe about the same time it popped up in New York. However, most cases were overlooked as a bad case of the flu until people began dying en masse earlier this week. The current worldwide death toll has surpassed one thousand.

  “Earlier today, the World Health Organization, in conjunction with the Global Union issued mandatory quarantines for Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, LA, Miami, Washington DC, Dallas, and, of course, New York. The military will be responsible for bringing medical supplies and food into those cities, but otherwise, no one will be allowed in or out. This is a drastic measure that we wish we could have avoided, but we have no other option.”


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