Stephanie's Challenge

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Stephanie's Challenge Page 9

by M. K. Eidem

  "I... yes, of course, I am." Stephanie took a step back, and his arms dropped away. "I'm sorry. I was in a hurry and not looking where I was going."

  "Is there something wrong?" he asked his brows shooting up at her haste.

  "No, my mother just isn't pleased with me right now." His eyes widen and Stephanie whispered conspiratorially. "I'm late for last meal."

  "I see." Nick's lips twitched, amusement replacing the concern on his face.

  "I was going to comm you about it later, but now that you're here... Would you mind walking with me? It will keep my mom from becoming even more upset with me."

  "Of course," he said, and gestured for her to precede him.

  She waited until they were outside the Guard Wing and heading toward the Royal Wing before speaking. "I reached a decision about Sergeant Woodrow's application. I notified him we will be accepting it and that he is to report at 0900 to be fitted for his jacket."

  To his credit, Nick didn't ask for her reasons after their earlier discussion. "I will make sure everyone is notified."

  "I... that wasn't why I was informing you. You are the Captain of the King's Guard, Nick, not my aide."

  His expression softened and Stephanie had to control her shiver. "I'm well aware of that, but you just assumed the position today. It's going to take you some time to get up to speed, and I'm more than willing to assist you when I can."

  "I appreciate that especially as many believe you should have been named Commander." She studied his face to see if he felt that way.

  "I have no control over what others believe, but I can assure you that I never wished for, or wanted to be the Commander. I am glad to be back to being just a Captain again."

  His honesty and integrity were a few of the things that made him so attractive to Stephanie. "You have never been just a Captain, Nick." She smiled as she glanced at his handsome feature. "You are a respected member of this House and one who does his job extremely well."

  "If I did it well you wouldn't have been injured." The vehemence with which he spoke stunned Stephanie

  She swung around, halting him with a hand on his chest. "That wasn't your fault."

  His face smoothed into a bland mask. "As you said, I am the Captain of the King's Guard."

  "Who can't be everywhere at once. That's why he relies on those under his command."

  "A good Captain anticipates everything," he told her gruffly, and she saw how much guilt and blame this fine man carried. It didn't matter that Jotham and her mother had both denied any of it was his fault.

  "A good Captain tries," she corrected. "He uses all his skill and experience. No one could have anticipated that Adelaide Pajari would attack like that."

  He reached up and covered the hand she had on his chest. "It should have been a consideration."

  Ignoring the tingles his touch caused she asked. "Why? She was the wife of a long-serving Assemblyman. She had been attending these events for cycles. Even my mother never believed her capable of something like this, and she's known her for cycles."


  "No, Nick, there's no still. You did your job. The men under your command did their job, and I did mine. No one died... I need to thank you for that by the way."


  "You were immediately at my side, stemming the blood flow. If you hadn't..." She gave him a wobbly half smile then said softly. "Thank you, Nick."

  He didn't say anything just gazed down at her as if finally absorbing the truth of what she said. Ancestors, he was so handsome. His other hand reached up to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, his fingertips grazing the soft skin of her cheek. The universe seemed to still while they gazed at each other until the sound of footsteps intruded. Stephanie spun away and started walking again.

  "Woodrow will serve under Burk," she said as if they'd not been interrupted.

  "Ethan's Captain?" he asked, nodding to the guard who passed them as he fell in beside her.


  "Woodrow will be expecting to be part of either Jotham’s or Jacinda's Guard."

  "No guard chooses his assignment. Woodrow will be treated no differently."

  "It will also limit his chances of overhearing anything of a sensitive nature," Nick said, expressing his understanding of the placement.

  "True, but Ethan is still actively investigating the Sokol Corporation and reporting his findings directly to Danton and Barek. That will need to be addressed especially as Keane Sokol isn't taking it well."

  "And how do you know that?"

  "They had a few meetings at the house. I sat in on a few of them."

  "I see."

  Turning the last corner, they approached the doors to the King's Wing, and the guards came to attention.

  "Commander. Captain," they said in unison as they opened the doors.

  "I will inform Burk. Is there anything else you need to discuss with me?" Nick asked as they walked deeper into the Wing.

  "No, that should be it," she said, opening the door to where her family had gathered. "I..."

  "Stephanie Anne, it's about time," her mother chastised then saw who was with her and beamed. "Nicholas! I'm so pleased. Stephie invited you to join us."

  "What?" His gaze flew from his future Queen to Stephanie and saw she was just as shocked. "Oh, no, no, Majesty. I was just discussing something with Steph... with the Commander, on the way here."

  "But you are here, so please, come in and join us."

  "That wouldn't be appropriate, Majesty."

  "Jacinda?" Jotham walked up to see what had his love so excited.

  "Jotham," Jacinda looked over her shoulder to him. "Tell Nicholas that it's more than appropriate for him to join us for last meal."

  Jotham gave her a small smile. "Of course it is, my love." He leaned over to press a light kiss to her lips before gesturing with his arm. "Nicholas, please join us."

  Stephanie hid a smile as Nick had no choice but to accept. They both knew how Jotham worded things. This wasn't a request. Stepping into the room Nick said, "Of course, Majesty, thank you."

  "There are no titles here, Nicholas," Jacinda told him beaming from Jotham to him. "Now let's eat before all Safford's excellent food gets cold."

  Nick looked to Jotham and saw his barely perceptible nod. "Of course, Jacinda."

  Stephanie's eyes narrowed on her mother's back as she followed her across the room. She sensed her mother was meddling, but there was no way she could confront her about it when the entire family was waiting for them on the patio.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "About time," Danton proclaimed when Stephanie crossed the threshold, entering the King's Garden. "You always were the last one to the table, Sis."

  "Only because you and Ethan would shove me out of the way so you could get there first."

  "Really?" While two sets of wide eyes turned to their father, it was Eliron that spoke. "We always get in trouble when we do that."

  "So did your father and uncle," Jacinda informed her grandsons giving her first son a quelling look that told him to behave. "It's why Stephie usually got her dessert first. Now everyone take a seat."

  As a guard, Nick had attended many meals where Royals were present. From the extremely formal to those which were supposedly informal, but never really were. He'd never been to one like this and was sure neither had Jotham or Barek. The table had been set up in the shade with chairs surrounding it with platters of food running down the center. Jotham sat at the head of the table with Jacinda on one side and Barek on the other. Stephanie sat next to her mother and everyone else filled in the remaining seats.

  He was surprised to find himself sitting between Danton and Stephanie, while Ethan sat next to Barek. The boys sat between their father and mother. The conversations flowed easily as the food was passed. It was very much like the meals Nick had experienced growing up with his own family but had never witnessed in the Palace before.

  "So, Captain, I don't believe I know where you're from," Danton
commented when all the food had been passed around once.

  "Danton, there are no titles at this table," his mother reprimanded quietly. "Remember?"

  "I'm sorry, Mom, I forgot," he gave her a rueful look.

  "I grew up in the Baku region," Nick answered Danton's question. "My mother and father still reside there, as does my younger brother. They both work in the family business. My sister lives here in Pechora with her husband and two children."

  "And what business is that?" Danton asked.

  Nick caught the frown Stephanie sent her brother. Honest questions didn't bother him but now this was starting to sound like an interrogation. Not tensing he answered the question.

  "Handmade furniture," Nick told him, his tone never changing.

  "Handmade furniture?" Jacinda leaned forward slightly, her interest obvious. "From the Lake Baku region?"

  "Yes, have you been there?" Nick asked.

  "Of course. We used to take family vacations there every summer when the children were younger. Stephan's brother, Byron, had a cabin there. You remember don't you, kids?"

  "They were great times," Ethan smiled nodding, then looked to his wife. "We should take the boys there sometime."

  "You clear the time, and I'll make it happen," Kasmira told him, knowing that would be the hard part.

  "You need to make the time, Ethan," Jacinda reprimanded him gently. "There's nothing more important than family."

  "You're right, Mother. Do you know if Uncle Byron still has his cabin?" Ethan asked.

  "I believe he does, although Leander maintains it now. I'll get you his code." Her gaze returned to Nicholas. "There are many talented artisans in the Baku region. When we were there, I would browse all the little shops that surrounded the lake. One of my favorites was called Nicholas'."

  Nicholas tipped his head slightly in acknowledgment. "My great grandfather started it, on my mother's side. I was named after him."

  "Isn't it a small world?" Jacinda smiled. "I would always purchase a special piece every time we took a trip there. It's where I purchased Stephan's desk."

  "Really? The one in the home office?" Danton asked, awe filling his voice. He'd always admired that desk.

  "Yes. So now your father and brother are continuing the tradition?" Jacinda asked Nicholas.

  "Along with my grandfather who still insists on coming in several days a week."

  "How wonderful. And your mother?"

  "She and my grandmother run the business next door."

  "Next door?" Jacinda's eyes narrowed slightly as her fingers went to the necklace around her neck. "You mean Treasures?"

  Nicholas was surprised that Jacinda would know that. "Yes, my grandmother started it. It's how she met my grandfather."

  "What a romantic story," Kasmira said, only to have her two boys make gagging sounds. She just shook her head and looked to Jacinda. "See what I have to put up with?"

  "Oh, I remember," Jacinda said laughing. "Thank the ancestors I had Myesha, or I don't know what I would have done."

  "So you didn't work in the family business?" Danton asked.

  Nick wondered if Danton had somehow caught his interest in his sister. "I did before I went into the Academy, and then when I was on break or whenever I was on planet after I graduated. But in all honesty, I was never as talented, skilled, or passionate about it as the rest of my family."

  "I would have to disagree with that, Nicholas. Your talents and skills just lie in a different area," Jacinda told him. "Now would someone please pass me the salad?"

  Chapter Eight

  Stephanie paused as she stepped into what would be her office. The first sun was just breaking over the horizon, and yet Nick was already working at his desk.

  "Did you even go to bed?" she asked moving toward her own desk.

  Nick looked up and smiled. "Of course I did. I've just found I don't need as much sleep lately."

  "More like you've just gotten used to doing with less." She could see the lines of fatigue around his eyes.

  "Could be," he said noncommittally. "What are you doing in so early?"

  "I'm the Commander," she reminded him. "I'm supposed to be here this early."

  "You're also still recovering."

  "That doesn't mean I can't do my job. If it did, then I should never have accepted the position."

  "I didn't mean to imply you couldn't do your job, Stephanie." He rose and moved around his desk, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back against it. "Only that there's nothing wrong with you easing into it. Everyone would understand."

  "I wouldn't, and neither would you if I were a man."

  "I would for any guard that was recovering from serious wounds received while doing their duty. This isn't about being male or female, Stephanie. Don't make it be."

  The censure in his voice had her cheeks flushing, but she knew he was right. Nick had never treated her differently than any other guard. "You're right. I'm sorry. I guess I'm just more sensitive to how others will view my promotion than I thought."

  "You are in charge of the people who will be protecting the woman Jotham loves. After losing one Queen, do you really think he'd give the position to anyone NOT exceptionally qualified? Family or not?"

  "No, he'll always put her protection first."

  "Yes, and anyone with half a brain knows that."

  She nodded. "I still owe you an apology, though."

  "For what?"

  "The way my brother tried to interrogate you last night. Danton always tried to intimidate anyone I was interested in growing up, and since Dad died... well, he's taken it to a whole new level."

  Nick's breath paused at her words. Was she trying to tell him something? Because if she was, he was more than interested. Had been ever since he'd first met her all those moon cycles ago.

  Stephanie frowned at his continued silence then realized how her words must have sounded. "Ancestors, Nick! I'm sorry I didn't mean to imply..."

  "What if I want you to?" Straightening he moved toward her.

  Stephanie's pulse sped up and her breath shortened as Nick moved toward her. Ancestors, he was so powerful, so gorgeous, she so wanted him.

  Reaching out slowly, he gave her every opportunity to stop him if she wanted. But Stephanie held still as he slipped one hand through her silky curls, cradling the nape of her neck. He tipped her face up to his, while the other hand went to the base of her spine, pulled her close. Stephanie let out a small gasp.

  "I'm going to kiss you, Stephanie. If it's not something you want, tell me now."

  She responded by reaching up and pulling his mouth down to hers. The moment their lips touched, Stephanie couldn't remember why she'd fought this for so long. Kissing Nick was like coming home yet like going somewhere totally new all at the same time. Groaning, she moved in closer, opening her mouth so he could deepen the kiss.

  Nick grabbed her hips, his tongue plunging into her mouth, claiming it as his own. Her tongue wrapped around his, giving as much as she took. This was what Stephanie had been searching for all her life but never truly believed existed.

  Stephanie wanted nothing more than to continue kissing him, but couldn't. Her chest hurt. Her vision grew blurry and her heart raced.

  "Nick," Stephanie gasped ripping her mouth from his.

  Nick lowered his head to recapture her lips when he noticed the panic on her face. "Breathe, baby," he murmured loosening his grip, so there was more room between them. "Just breathe."

  Closing her eyes, Stephanie concentrated on the breathing techniques Bliant had taught her for just such a situation. Well not this situation exactly, but for when she overextended herself. After a few moments, her light-headedness disappeared, and her breathing returned to normal.

  Opening her eyes, she found concern-filled, brown eyes staring down at her.

  "Are you okay?" he asked quietly, as one of his hands slowly ran soothingly up and down her back.

  "Yeah." Her cheeks heated with embarrassment. What could he possibly b
e thinking? "Sorry about that."

  "I'm the one that should be sorry. You're still recovering, and I shouldn't have held you so tightly. My only excuse is that I've been dreaming about kissing those luscious lips of yours ever since we first met."

  "But I..."

  "Shot me down?" he questioned. "Put me in my place?"

  Stephanie braced her hands on his shoulders and peered up at him in teasing outrage. "I did no such thing."

  "Of course you did, especially the second time we met, and I deserved it." He smoothed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I need you to know that I've never seen you as entertainment, Stephanie."

  "Then how do you see me?" Stephanie's breath stuttered but not because of her lung this time.

  "As a woman I want. Badly."

  She released a little sigh then stepped out of his arms. "I'm your Commander."

  He reluctantly let his hands fall from her body. "I know, and I don't have a problem with that."

  "Are you sure?" she couldn't stop herself from asking.

  "Stephanie, I have no problem taking orders from my Commander, male or female. You're the Commander. I'm one of your Captains. That's how it works, but when we're not on duty, I expect us to be equals."

  She tipped her head slightly to the side and asked, "Do you really think that's possible?"

  "Why wouldn't it be?" he responded. "Jotham and your mother do it every day."

  "That's an entirely different situation," she told him.

  "Is it? Jotham is the King, and your mother defers to him because of that, at least in public. Just as the High Admiral does with Queen Cassandra, but neither lets it bleed into their personal time."

  "If it does, Mom quickly lets Jotham know," she told him starting to chuckle.

  "Just as I would you," he told her as he moved a step closer to her.

  "You seem pretty sure we'll get that far." She moved close enough to him to smell the musky scent she was coming to associate with him.


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