Stephanie's Challenge

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Stephanie's Challenge Page 25

by M. K. Eidem

  Chapter Twenty

  Stephanie couldn't have been prouder as she shook the hand of the last newly-appointed guards for the House of Protection. These men and women were some of the finest she had ever seen, and it was a privilege to be their Commander. The Jacketing Ceremony had gone off without a hitch with Chandra jacketing the new Palace Guards, and the new Royal Guards each being jacketed by their new Captain. All off duty guards had been in attendance not only to meet their new members but because it was a historic ceremony. Never had so many been jacketed at the same time. Still, Woodrow hadn't attended even though he was scheduled to go on duty in under an hour. Making her way through the crowd, she smiled and shook hands with the new guards and the one member of their family that had been allowed to attend.

  "Captain Burk," she said stopping in front of him as he spoke with the two new guards under his command.

  "Commander," he replied.

  "Once you are done here I will see you in my office as we discussed." She didn't say it as if it were an option.

  "Yes, Commander."

  "Good." Nodding to the two new Royal Guards, she left the room.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Woodrow couldn't help but smirk slightly as the new Royal Guards entered the Guards Quarters that was housed within the Guard’s Wing. Ancestors, they all look so proud. Like they'd actually accomplished something. While he... he'd completed Peter Chamberlain's Elite course. It didn't matter that Chamberlain had helped train them, they'd never be as good or as honored as Wortham Woodrow.

  "Get settled then meet me in the Captains' Office," Burk told them. "Woodrow with me." He didn't look at Woodrow as he turned and left.

  "I'm not due to go on duty for another twenty," Woodrow told him even as he followed.

  "The Commander has called a priority meeting we need to attend," Burk responded as he stopped in front of the door to the Commander's Office and knocked.

  Woodrow was surprised that he would be included in such a meeting and was even more so when he found the eyes of every Captain in the Guard on him when they entered the room. Maybe the bitch had finally realized how valuable he was and wanted the rest of them to know it.

  Stephanie sat behind her desk in the room her mother had so tastefully decorated for her. The Captains flanked her and took up nearly all the space in the room except for the area directly in front of her desk. She watched Woodrow take them all in as he moved into the room. Burk fell a step behind, so Woodrow stood alone before her.

  "Sergeant Woodrow, the Captains of the House of Protection's Royal and Palace Guards are present as witnesses so there can be no misunderstanding or misinformation spread about what happened here today."

  Woodrow said nothing as his gaze traveled over every man there and suddenly realized they stood beside and around the Commander forming a united front, while he stood in front of her, alone. The first tendrils of trepidation had his stomach tightening, but he refused to let it show on his face. He also refused to let this woman have the upper hand.

  "And what's happening here?" he challenged.

  Nick's hands clenched behind his back as he stood silently next to his Commander. It was the only reason he allowed that outward sign of emotion. This fucking little foabhor dared to challenge her? In her own office? In front of her Captains? Nick wanted to wipe the floor with Woodrow’s House of Healing ass, and without needing to look, knew the other Captains felt the same way.

  "Charges have been made against you..." Stephanie began.

  "By you," Woodrow interrupted.

  "For dereliction of duty and conspiracy against the House you serve,” she continued.

  "What?!" Woodrow couldn’t contain his shock or anger this time.

  "I have reports filed by every member of the Guard you are currently assigned to detailing the times and places where you left your assigned post early or arrived late. They also detail how you tried to incite them to be discontent with their assignment."


  "It's also come to my attention that you have not only been in contact with Queen Pima but with Keane Sokol, a man who has made verbal threats against Prince Ethan."

  "That's a lie!" Woodrow denied.

  "I have your comm records right here." She lifted a thick file. "Comms were made while you were both on and off duty in Comorin. Were you giving away Prince Ethan's location for a possible assassination attempt?"

  "What? No! That's ridiculous!"

  "Or perhaps it was so Sokol's supporters could harass Prince Ethan when he's out in public which only seems to happen when you are on duty." Stephanie made sure to stress her brother’s title.

  Woodrow's face turned red, but he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut. Barely.

  "No denial,” she said neutrally. “I expected no less. As for Queen Pima..."

  "You'll never prove that!" The words burst out of his mouth. "Royal coding is unbreakable."

  "Within the Fleet it is," Stephanie told him quietly, "but on planet..." she trailed off and watched Woodrow pale, "I see you now understand. Therefore because of this and what has already been filed in your permanent record..."

  "You mean the slight you believe I gave you."

  "No, Woodrow," she refused to call him by his rank as she no longer felt he deserved it, "the one you gave Captain Deffand.”

  “What? I never..."

  “You insinuated he would knowingly harm a superior officer in an attempt to usurp the officer's position."

  "That's not what you filed,” he denied.

  "Isn't it?" she asked.

  "Everyone believes..." he began.

  "People are allowed to believe whatever they want," she cut him off, "but the facts are clearly stated in my reprimand. Now, in light of these new charges, it is my decision that you, Wortham Woodrow, will be stripped of your Royal Guard status within the House of Protection and immediately dismissed. In addition, it will be known that you are banned from being near any of our 'real' Royals, whether they're in our House or any other."

  Nick's eyes shot to his life mate at that, although his expression never changed. She hadn't told him about that last part, and in all honesty, he'd been concerned about how they'd handle it if Woodrow became a Royal Guard for another House. But he should have known she'd already thought of that.

  "You can't dictate what happens in another House!"

  "I can when it concerns one of my Royals," she told him then looked behind him. "Captain Burk, if you would?"

  “With pleasure,” Burk said and stepped up behind Woodrow, but when he went to grip the other man’s shoulders to remove his jacket, Woodrow spun around and went into a defensive stance.

  "Don't touch me!" he snarled.

  Instantly eight blasters were drawn and pointed at him, and Woodrow froze. Burk stepped forward again and ripping open Woodrow's jacket, pulled out his blaster and comm unit, then growled angrily when he found another. He looked to Stephanie before handing them to Landon. Reaching up, he jerked Woodrow's earpiece out then spun him around and proceeded to strip off the jacket that indicated Woodrow was a Royal Guard. He was about to drop it on the floor in disgust when Stephanie stopped him.

  "No, Burk. We will not dishonor those who wore the jacket so honorably. It will be destroyed properly.”

  "As you wish, Commander," Burk said and carefully folded the jacket before setting it on her desk.

  "Now, Captain, would you and our other Captains please remove this piece of shit from my office, out of the Royal Wing, and off the Palace grounds."

  "Happily, Commander," Burk told her and gave Woodrow a hard shove toward the door.

  "You'll regret this!" Woodrow hollered. "All of you! I'll make sure of it!"

  For the first time since the meeting had begun Stephanie rose to her feet. She walked around her desk and let Woodrow see her rage. "Don't you dare threaten me, my men, or my family. I am Commander Stephanie Anne Michelakakis. Daughter of Assemblyman Stephan and Jacinda Michelakakis. Recipient of the Medal of the
Ancestors, and soon to be the daughter of King Jotham. I have served my House and people with honor while you are nothing but a gender purist who has disgraced not only himself but his House. Challenge me, Woodrow, please! Because once this woman is done proving which one of us deserves their position, I will make sure King Yusuf knows exactly what your relationship is with his Queen!”

  That had Woodrow's face going white.

  "Get him out of here!"

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Nick stared down at the strong, beautiful, and amazing woman sleeping in his arms and couldn’t believe she was his life mate. How in the name of the ancestors had he gotten so lucky?

  “You’re thinking awfully loud,” Stephanie murmured sleepily as her blue-green eyes opened to meet his.

  “Sorry,” he said giving her a teasing smile. “I’ll try to think more quietly next time.”

  “Do that.” Her voice was husky as she stretched her arms up over her head. “But now that you have me awake, what’s got you thinking so hard? Security for tonight’s banquet?”

  It was the eve of the Union and citizens from across Carina were pouring into Pechora for the festivities which had begun two days ago, but today the Royals would arrive. Every House had its own Consul in the capital city of the other Houses. It’s where its visiting dignitaries and Assemblymen would stay when conducting business with the House. If a Royal were to visit, they most often stayed in the Royal Wing of a House but as this was a Union and all Royals were visiting that wasn’t an option, especially as the Chamberlains were already in residence.

  Usually, the Royal banquet was held after the Union with the reigning Royal Couple presiding until the new couple could arrive after putting in an appearance at the various other banquets. But as Jotham and Jacinda were the reigning Royal Couple, it had been decided that their banquet would occur the evening before allowing them to spend more time at the other banquets.

  Stephanie had pushed for this plan even though it meant longer hours for Jotham and her mother’s guards, as several of the events would be occurring outside the Palace. But it also meant that after the Union and the mandatory visuals were taken, she could resume her role as Commander that Nick would be handling until then.

  “No, just wondering how I got so lucky to have you as my life mate.” Rolling onto his back, he pulled her up, so she was straddling him and slowly entered her.

  “Hmm, I’d say I’m the lucky one." Groaning she rolled her hips and took in all of him. "Especially right now. Ancestors, Nick. Don’t stop."

  “Wasn’t planning to,” he growled as he palmed her breasts, rolling the nipples between his thumb and forefinger the way he knew drove her crazy.

  "Yes!" she cried out, her hips moving faster and faster until as one they cried out their satisfaction.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "What time are you planning on coming back to change for the banquet?" Nick asked setting his dirty first meal dishes in the sink.

  Stephanie gave him a disgruntled look. "Kia is delivering my gown at 1600."

  "What? Gown? I thought you'd come to an understanding?"

  "We did, but as this isn't the Union, Pazel took it upon himself to design a gown that he thought would be fitting for the occasion."

  "Without your input?" Nick couldn't believe it.

  "Yes, although Kia has assured me I will approve."

  "And do you believe her?"

  "I really don't have much choice, do I? I don't know why, when I was pushing for the banquet to be the night before the Union, I didn't realize I couldn't wear my uniform."

  "Because you had more important things on your mind," he said then pulled her close and ran his hands up and down her arms. "Look, I'm sure it will be fine. More than fine because Kia and Pazel have been dressing your mother for cycles and in all that time I've never once seen her look anything but stylish and beautiful."


  "Really." Reaching out he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Because anything they design will be beautiful because you are the one wearing it."

  Blushing slightly, she tipped her head into his hand. "Thank you."

  "Just being honest. Now I suppose I should get to work before I'm late or my Commander will be all over me."

  "I will be," she agreed, "later."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Good. Good." Nick heard Jotham say through the open door of his office. "That's fine, Chesney. Now take the rest of the day off."

  "Are you sure, Majesty?" Chesney asked. "I'm happy to remain in case you need something."

  "Everything has been arranged and is under control," Jotham reassured his trusted personal aide, and it was. Jacinda had enlisted the help of a trusted friend and Union planner to coordinate a million details surrounding this Union and its multiple banquets. She hadn't wanted to add to Chesney's already hectic workload although she'd known he'd be happy to do it. "You’ve cleared my schedule until after Jacinda and I return from Baku. Now go home. I'll see you tomorrow at the Union."

  "Yes, Majesty," Chesney said as he bowed and left his King. He still found it hard to believe he and his wife were being allowed inside the Temple to actually witness the Union. His Helen had been beside herself when they'd received the coveted invite. Entering the outer office, he found Nick there. “Captain.”

  “Is that Nicholas out there?” Jotham asked.

  “Yes, Majesty.”

  “Send him in.” Nodding to Chesney, Nick obeyed his King and entered the inner office to find Jotham sitting behind his desk. “How are you doing today, Nicholas?”

  “I’m fine, Majesty," Nick told him.

  “Ready for tonight?” Jotham asked.

  “Everything has been taken care of, Majesty. The Public Wing was closed yesterday and has been thoroughly searched. There were no suspicious packages or persons found. Security has been doubled at all entrances and along the walls. We have also coordinated with the Royal Guards from the other Houses so they can be near their Royals.”

  “Fine. Fine. That’s all fine, but I was referring to you being ready for attending tonight.”

  Nick frowned slightly. “Of course, Majesty. I’ll be close by should you need anything, as always.”

  “You won’t be attending as my Captain tonight, Nicholas, but as Stephanie’s life mate and a member of my family.”

  Nick couldn’t keep the shock off his face. He hadn’t anticipated this.

  “You really thought you’d be on duty tonight?”

  “Well yes, just as I will be tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow you will be, because if you weren’t Stephanie never would have agreed to sit with the family which would have upset Jacinda. And I won’t have that, ever, but especially not on our Union day. But tonight, you will be with the family.”

  “I never expected...”

  “That you would be included in important family events?" Jotham gave him a serious look. "Why? You are important to Stephanie, which makes you important to Jacinda and me. Tonight our family will be one. Oh, and tomorrow you will be included in the family visuals.”

  “I... yes, Majesty.”

  “It’s Jotham, Nicholas, at least when it concerns family matters.”

  “I... of course, Jotham.”

  “I had a feeling you didn’t realize you’d be attending as a member of the family tonight, so I took it upon myself to have the staff clean your dress uniform and make sure your medals and shoes were polished.”

  “Thank you.” Nick was surprised he hadn’t noticed the uniform missing even though it had been hanging in the back of the closet. “I’ll need to brief my men on this change.”

  “Of course.” Jotham rose and walked around his desk. “Do what you have to do then take the rest of the day off. I’ll be in my wing until it’s time to appear at the banquet. The family is gathering there at 1800.”

  Nick nodded even though he was already aware of that. “I’ll walk you to your Wing then and let the rest of your detail know.”
/>   “You don’t think I can get there by myself?”

  “I know you can, but as it’s part of my duties as your Captain to make sure you arrive safely, I hope you will allow me to perform it. If something were to happen to you, I’d have not one but two very upset Michelakakis women on my hands.” Nick gave an exaggerated shiver. “And that, Majesty, truly frightens me.”

  Jotham laughed. “Yes, I can understand how that would. Well we can’t have that now, can we? So let’s take a walk together and keep both of our women happy.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Stephanie closed down and secured her comm. It was time to head to her quarters and get ready for tonight's banquet. Ancestors, when was the last time she'd had to dress up for something like this? Cycles ago before she went to the Academy? That was probably it. Some Assembly function that included families. She remembered how excited she'd been to go and how boring it had ended up being. But then what did a ten-cycle child know?

  Tonight would be different because she was different. She actually thought she'd enjoy herself, if only at seeing her mother so happy. The only thing that would make it better would be if Nick could be there with her instead of on duty.

  Rising she secured her office then headed for her quarters half-excited, half-terrified, to see what Pazel and Kia had created for her.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Seriously?" Kort leaned back in his chair and started to laugh. "Ancestors, this is going to be epic. I'm going to get to watch Nicholas Deffand interact with the Royals."

  "I've always interacted with the Royals," Nick fired back.

  "Not socially. Not even with ours, except for Stephanie, and that's private. You do know which utensil to use at dinner, don't you?"

  "Of course I do," Nick told him insulted. "I was instructed in all the proper Royal etiquette when I became a Royal Guard, just like you were."

  "But do you remember them?"

  "I've stood through enough meals that I don't think it will be a problem," Nick laughingly told him then turned serious. "Rin will be in charge while I'm off duty, but I'll have my earpiece in so you can contact me if you need to."


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