Stephanie's Challenge

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Stephanie's Challenge Page 27

by M. K. Eidem

  Because of the reduced number of courses, the meal was finished earlier than most of the guests had expected, and many were wondering what they were to do now. As this was usually the last banquet of the evening, most guests only stayed a short time then retired to their Consul.

  Jotham stood as the last of the dishes were removed, and everyone quieted and turned to him.

  "Jacinda and I would like to thank all of you for attending this rather unconventional banquet." Polite laughter filled the room. "But it seems only fitting as our love and Union is also somewhat unconventional." Jotham lifted Jacinda's hand and kissed the back of it. "In that spirit, we have arranged, for your enjoyment, something never before heard on Carina. Songs from Earth performed by Princess Cyndy Chamberlain from the House of Knowledge. She will be accompanied by those attending the Music Academy at Montreux under the direction of Birgin Metaxas, Director of the Arts for the House of Knowledge."

  Whispers and polite applause followed Jotham's announcement and as he sat down the room lights dimmed then rose on a stage that had been set up on the opposite side of the room from where the House of Protection Royals sat. People turned their chairs, and Cyndy walked out onto the stage wearing something different than she had for the meal. The metallic, full-length, halter dress hugged her restored generous curves and made her fiery red hair and emerald green eyes stand out.

  "Hello," Cyndy said addressing the audience. "While King Jotham has introduced me, I feel I should give you more of an in-depth background as to why I'm standing before you at such an auspicious occasion. I am from Earth, and when I was there, I was something of a famous singer. Director Metaxas has informed me that on Carina there really isn't any equivalent except for a soloist in your choirs. I've never been a 'soloist' in the way you think of it, but instead a recording artist who happens to sing alone with some backup."

  She paused to let them think about that before continuing.

  "On Earth, a single song could be interpreted in a myriad of ways depending on who sang it and how. Which is the beauty of music. So tonight, since these Earth lyrics may not translate purely, I will try to explain them to you, but the ultimate interpretation is yours. This first song I'm dedicating to the love of my life, my husband, Peter Chamberlain, who has always stood beside me, no matter the cost.”

  Turning she gave a nod to the orchestra behind her, and the pianola played the introduction of a never before heard song. As it faded away, Cyndy began to sing. When she finished, the Royals sat there in shocked silence. Never had they heard such a song or one sung with such truth.

  Jacinda was the first to break the silence by clapping her hands in appreciation. The rest of the room quickly followed.

  "Thank you," Cyndy said. "This next song was requested by King Jotham, and while not all the lyrics are accurate, the overall feeling of the song is what he wanted to convey to Jacinda."

  Cyndy went on to sing about the reason Jotham woke up every day. She then went on to sing the song Jacinda had chosen about no matter how hard it was together they would rise up.

  Cyndy bowed at the end of the song, smiling as she accepted the applause. "There is one final song I'd like to perform for you, but first I need to thank the amazing musicians behind me. She waved her arm behind her to encompass all those on the stage. "I've asked a lot of them. They've had to learn to play your traditional instruments in untraditional ways and even learn some new ones that master Carinian artisans were able to recreate from my descriptions of Earth instruments. I also need to thank Director Birgin Metaxas, without his patience and guidance, none of this could have occurred." A wave of applause filled the room as the musicians and Birgin stood accepting their due. "Now this last song is a love song, but it’s about more than the love between a man and a woman. I hope you enjoy it."

  The room was captivated with the song Cyndy sang and the way the musicians supported her with their instruments and voices. It drew them in, but it wasn't until the curtain behind them opened, and children began to sing that they truly understood what the song was trying to convey.

  When the song ended, thunderous applause filled the room when as one, the audience rose.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Nick's breath caught as once again he stared at Stephanie's reflection. Last night had been magical, and that was a term he never thought he'd use.

  After Cyndy had finished performing and left the stage, the evening proceeded with one of the traditions Jotham and Jacinda hadn't done away with, although they did tweak it a little.

  The Union Dance.

  The first dance for the new couple together, and even though Jotham and Jacinda weren't officially wed yet, this was the banquet where it traditionally occurred.

  Jotham had escorted Jacinda to the dance floor as the musicians that had remained on the stage played, and they began to valsa. It had been beautiful to watch the way they moved perfectly together. How Jacinda smiled up at Jotham and how he'd returned it. In all the cycles Nick had been with his King, he'd never seen him that happy. As the first song ended another began, and the rest of the room was invited to dance with the new couple.

  He and Stephanie had danced nearly every dance together only dancing separately when family or close friends cut in. Jotham had danced with both Stephanie and Kasmira while Jacinda danced with both her sons, Nick and Barek. They'd both even danced with William and Cassandra, but he'd noticed that Jotham made sure Yusuf was never allowed to dance with Jacinda.

  Yes, the night had been magical and his life mate had been beautiful but seeing her now, in something she'd helped design, that represented not only her beautiful side but her professional one, he found he couldn't take his eyes off her.

  "How do you do it?" he asked quietly.

  "Do what?" she asked turning to face him.

  "Get more beautiful every time I look at you."

  Her eyes softened as she moved toward him. "Thank you, but I think you might be just a little biased." She lifted a hand, her thumb and finger almost touching to show him how much.

  "I am, but that doesn't mean it's not the truth. You look stunning, Stephanie, even more so because this is you."

  "You think so?" This was the first time Nick had seen this outfit even though she had told him about it.

  "Yes, it says you are the beautiful female Commander of the House of Protection, and you aren't afraid to let everyone know it." Leaning down he gave her a light kiss. "Are you going to wear your medal?"

  Stephanie was still uncomfortable over the fact she had received that medal. She'd learned all about the past recipients in the academy. It was a required course. The thought that she would now be included in that course was slightly unsettling.

  "No," she told him. "This is a Union, not a professional event, and I don't want to be saluted all the time. Today is about Mom and Jotham, not me."

  "Agreed," he said rubbing his hand up and down her still bare arms. "But you do know eventually you will have to wear it."

  "I do, but it needs to be the right occasion, and besides," she gave him a shy grin, "Jotham sent over something else from the vault."

  "He did?" Nick wasn't sure how he felt about that. Yes, Stephanie looked beautiful in the Royal jewels, but he wanted her wearing things he'd given her.

  "Nick? What's wrong?"

  "Nothing," he told her shaking off the feeling. Stephanie was a Royal, she needed to wear the Royal jewels, and he would just have to find another way to show her how much she meant to him. "Can I see it?"

  Stephanie turned and walked into the closet to retrieve the box that had been delivered while Nick had been meeting with his men. Returning she handed it to him.

  Opening it, he found that while the violet necklace and earrings were simpler than the night before with just a short strand of diamonds connected to the large square cut jewel, they were still stunning. It would fit close to her neck and go perfectly with her outfit.

  "Would you put it on for me?" she asked.

  "Of course
," he said, and she gave him her back. Once it was on, she reached for the earrings.

  "Okay?" she asked turning back for his approval.

  "Perfect," he told her then looked at the time on his comm. "Why are you ready so early? Has something changed that I'm unaware of?"

  "No, I just want to go to my office before I need to meet up with the rest of the family."

  "Turn," Nick ordered as he ran a more critical eye over her. As she did, he noticed what no one else would because he knew her body so well. She carried three weapons. One at the small of her back and the others tucked into her boots.

  "You're already armed so what do you need to do there that you can't do here?"

  Knowing she was caught, she gave a little put out sigh and confessed. "Alright. I wasn't going to my office. I was going to walk around the Palace then inspect the limisins one last time."

  Nick understood her need. He'd had a hard time last night not being on duty and the banquet had been within the Palace walls.

  "I'll go with you."

  "You still need to go over the final details with your men."

  "Already done," he told her, "and before you say anything else, after escorting you around the Palace and inspecting the limisins, I will make sure Princess Stephanie arrives safely at the King's private quarters."

  "I don't need an escort."

  "Princess Stephanie does, and as you've already reassigned your detail and Captain to the Temple, the King's Captain will make sure you are safe."

  Stephanie just shook her head knowing it was useless to argue with Nick about this. They already had when she'd told him what she planned to do. Gilbert and her detail would be better utilized at the Temple since she would be arriving in the same limisin as the rest of her family. Barek would be traveling with Jotham, and her mother would be in the last limisin.

  "You have your earpiece in so you'll hear if there's a major problem and I know you're carrying your comm."

  "You know me well."

  "I do, which is why I can tell you this."


  "Everything is going to be fine. Relax, enjoy your mother's Union, and let your men handle everything else. This is a once in a lifetime event, Stephanie. Be there."

  "You're right, and I will be," she told him. "So Captain, let’s get going. Your Princess is getting antsy."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Stephanie watched as Kia did up the last button of her mother's Union dress and couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. She and Kasmira were in the bedroom assisting Kia and Pazel while Danton, Ethan, and the boys waited in the outer room. Jotham and Barek had already left for the Temple. Jacinda had requested it this way because she wanted some time alone with her children before their lives were officially changed forever.

  The tiara Jacinda had chosen rose high above her styled hair. It was rather elaborate with hundreds of diamonds and the largest violet gems Stephanie had ever seen, but it went perfectly with the simplicity of the Union gown.

  "There," Kia said stepping back to run a critical eye over her and Pazel's creation. "Perfect."

  Jacinda looked to her daughter and daughter-in-law for confirmation.

  "Kia's right, Mom. You look beautiful."

  "You really do, Jacinda," Kasmira agreed.

  "If you have everything you need, Majesty, we will leave for the Temple and be there in case any last minute adjustments need to be made," Kia said.

  "I do. Thank you so much, Kia. Pazel." Jacinda gave each of them a hug. "I couldn't have done this without you."

  "You are truly welcome, Majesty."

  "There is a guard outside that will escort you to your limisin," Stephanie told the couple, and they left the room.

  "What else do you need us to do, Jacinda?" Kasmira asked.

  "Nothing," Jacinda said reaching out to take each one’s hand and squeezing. "Thank you both so much for helping me today."

  "We didn't really do that much, Mom.”

  "Doesn't matter, you were here supporting me."

  "And we always will be," Kasmira told her.

  "I know. Now should we go out and see how the rest of our family is doing?"

  Kasmira left the room first, and they both heard her exclaim, "Eliron Stephan Michelakakis, what do you think you're doing?!"

  Stephanie and Jacinda rushed out expecting the worst only to find the bottom half of Jacinda's first grandson sticking out from under one of the couches.

  "Ethan! How could you allow him to do that?!" Kasmira demanded, quickly moving across the room.

  "But, honey..." Ethan began.

  "Got it, Dad!" Eliron's muffled voice interrupted and working his way back out from under the couch held his hand up triumphantly. In it was one of his dad's cuff links.

  "Jotham gifted Danton and me each a set of Royal cuff links," he told his wife showing her the one cuff that held a dark violet jewel. "I dropped one and Eliron went to get it for me.”

  "But he's dressed for a Royal Union," she stressed.

  "It will be fine, Kasmira," Jacinda said coming up to put a soothing hand on her daughter-in-law. "Let me see you, Eliron."

  Slowly, with his head down, Eliron did as his grandmother asked. He hadn't meant to ruin the day, he'd just wanted to help his dad.

  Jacinda straightened his jacket then lifted off a small piece of lint. "There," she told him. "Good as new."

  "Really?" he asked looking up at her with hopeful eyes.

  "Yes, you weren't down there long enough to get even one wrinkle." Jacinda turned to her sons and asked. "May I see the cuff links?"

  They both moved toward her and lifted their wrists.

  "You haven't seen these before?" Danton asked as her mother carefully studied each set.

  "No, Jotham never said anything to me." Her eyes filled at the thoughtfulness of the man she'd fallen in love with. These were true 'Royal' cufflinks worn only by the Princes of the House of Protection, and even while neither of her sons would ever be in line to rule, these stated for all to see that Jotham considered her sons, his sons.

  "Don't cry, Mom," Ethan begged.

  "Because Jotham will kill us if he finds out," Danton finished for him.

  "He would not," Jacinda denied, but it had her laughing just as Danton had known it would.

  Danton let his gaze travel over her. "You look beautiful, Mom."

  “Really, beautiful,” Ethan echoed.

  "Thank you, Danton, Ethan." After kissing each of her sons’ cheek she stepped back and took a deep breath. "The reason I asked you all to join me before going to the Temple is that I just wanted to say 'thank you' one last time for allowing this to happen. I know it hasn't been easy on any of you, adjusting to your new status, and everything that comes with it. But please know that I'm still just your mother and grandmother," she looked to her grandsons. "I still expect comms and monthly visits and invites to all your education programs."

  "You'd still come, Grandma?" Roland asked his eyes wide.

  "Of course, honey, and to as many of you and your brother's sukan games as I can." That got her a big smile from both boys.

  "Mom, I think I can speak for all of us when I say we all know none of that's true." At her mother's disbelieving look, Stephanie quickly continued. "Yes, you'll always be our mother and Eliron and Roland's grandmother, but things are going to be different now. Harder sometimes, but that's okay," she reassured. "We're Michelakakises, we can handle it. Jotham has brought back your smile and the sparkle in your eyes. So if a little 'inconvenience' is necessary for that to happen, then so be it."

  "Agreed," Ethan and Kasmira agreed.

  "Danton?" Jacinda asked her first born.

  "I agree with everything Stephanie said, Mom, but I'd like to add one thing more."


  "Dad would be happy for you."

  Jacinda clenched her fist to her chest at the emotion his words caused because she knew her son was right. Stephan would be happy for her because he'd truly loved her, just as
Jotham did.

  "You're right," she said hugging her first born.

  "Of course I am," he said, closing his eyes for a moment holding his mother tightly for a moment longer than normal before releasing her. "Because I'm the smart one in the family."

  "Oh, please," Ethan and Stephanie groaned, as this was a long-running argument between the siblings. It had Danton and Jacinda sharing a smile as he slipped her hand into the crook of his arm.

  "Now let’s get you to the Temple."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Stephanie caught Nick's eye as she stood in the back of the Temple waiting her turn to walk down the central aisle as Ethan and his family were doing now. He nearly faded into the shadows as was his job, but her well-trained eye saw not only him but every other guard. He gave her the slightest of smiles before his face went expressionless and his gaze returned to scanning the crowd.

  Stephanie's gaze turned forward, and she saw the aisle was clear signaling that it was her turn. Taking a deep breath, she made her way down the long aisle in steady, measured steps. Reaching her row, she slid in and sat next to her brother who had the boys sitting between him and Kasmira. After she sat, the buzz of conversation returned to the Temple, and she was amused to hear it was all about Cyndy's performance the night before. The entertainment portion of the Banquet had been transmitted live across the planet and was now being replayed over and over again. Cyndy was indeed an overnight sensation and was going to be in high demand.

  In her earpiece, she heard Nick say that the King was on the move and the music began. Everyone stood as the Guide entered followed by Jotham who had chosen not to wear his crown and robe. Instead, he wore a solid black jacket with a single violet arrow, the symbol for the King of the House of Protection, emblazoned across his chest matching the color of his pants.

  Barek walked on one side of his father, dressed similarly but the arrow across his chest was black, signifying his position as First Son and Heir to the Throne. Danton walked on Jotham's other side. It was traditional that the father of the bride walks beside the groom symbolizing his approval of the union. As Jacinda's father had met the ancestors cycles ago, it wasn't necessary, but Jacinda had asked Danton if he would walk with Jotham to show their family’s support.


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