My Name Is Pink: An Age Gap Dark Romance (Morally Questionable, #0.5)

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My Name Is Pink: An Age Gap Dark Romance (Morally Questionable, #0.5) Page 2

by Veronica Lancet

"THIS IS YOU TRYING to make it up to me, isn't it?" I arch an eyebrow at Vlad as he's pretending to check out the wigs.

  "Who? Me?" He feigns innocence, passing me a white-haired one. I put it on and then look in the mirror.

  "It makes me look old." I scowl, turning my attention to the other colors.

  "Might be in your favor. He might not be into the whole snatching the cradle thing you got going on."

  "I'm not that young." I say, even though, objectively, I might be too young for him. But he doesn't need to know my age. I put the wig back and browse the other colors. I can't seem to decide what I want to go for.

  Vlad passes me another one, and I'm about to refuse, given his obviously questionable tastes, when I notice the color.


  I snatch it out of his hands, putting it on immediately. A short, straight bob cut, the wig has a pink, almost magenta hue to it. The bangs end just above my eyebrows. As I study all the angles, I get another idea.

  "I should get some contacts too." If my goal is to eventually blow Theo's mind as myself, then I need to make myself as unrecognizable as possible.

  Vlad grunts, already preoccupied with something else. I snicker at him and go to the checkout. It takes us a few hours of navigating different shops before my disguise is finally coming together.

  "Don't you have someone else you can string alone? Like a girlfriend?" I hear Vlad mutter under his breath as I'm trying on a dress in the changing room.

  "You know I don't." I pull aside the curtain to address him. "The last girlfriend I had decided to betray me after I pulled on her ponytails." Thinking of that incident has me fuming. I'd just wanted her hair tie—it was a pleasant color.

  "And how long ago was that?" Vlad asks sarcastically, and I punch him.

  "Shut it!" Yeah, it was during kindergarten, so what? I've had plenty of opportunities to make girlfriends, but it's too much effort. Why should I waste my time with another human being when there's only one person deserving of my full attention?

  "That looks good." He suddenly mentions when he gets a better look at what I'm wearing. I'd chosen an incredibly short, skintight purple dress. "I've seen hookers wear that." He continues, and my face falls.

  "Gee, thanks." I reply drily. Now I see why he's perpetually single—he simply has a way with compliments.

  "Why? That's what you want, no? Hookers dress to attract." He shrugs.

  I pause, digesting his words. He's not wrong. I may need to pull out the big guns, and by that I mean put all my assets on display.

  "Fine. I'll take this." I pull the curtain deep in thought. I need to make this the perfect outfit to attract. Vlad is right in that regard. I need to make Theo salivate at the sight of me.

  We spend the rest of the day going from shop to shop, buying more things until my outfit is done.

  The last stop though, is at a beauty salon. Vlad checks out though, saying his duty is done. Seeing how restless he's become; I take pity on him and release him from best friend duty. I'm almost offended at his sigh of relief when he leaves, but then I remember he's not used to people, anyway. I must have worn him down.


  The lady at the beauty salon is nice enough to explain what she's doing, and I pay careful attention so I can emulate the steps. I'd told her I wanted to become someone unrecognizable, and she'd complied.

  Heavy contouring, highlight, bold eyeshadow and red lipstick. All that paired with the pink wig and the new green contacts will ensure I'm unrecognizable.

  Now there's only one thing left to do — create the circumstances of our meetings.

  For the past three years, I've been keeping tabs on him, venturing out to see him now and then — the reality is just much sweeter than pictures. I know exactly what he's been up to, and who he's been meeting. And I'd made sure there were no women. I mean, not that hard in the first place, since he doesn't seem to have a particular interest in dating.

  Which brings me to my current dilemma. I've put in so much effort to tempt him, but I still need an opportunity to work my charm on him.

  I dial my go-to P.I. and I tell him to pay careful attention to where Theo goes.

  One way or another, he's mine.

  Chapter Two

  YOU COULD SAY I'M NOT the most patient person. Especially where it concerns Theo. That I've lasted so long is a testament to my sheer willpower and a realization that our meet-cute must be perfect.

  It's been a few weeks now that I've been working on an approach to get to Theo with my new disguise. For a while, I'd thought it was hopeless. Maybe his lack of interest in dating coupled with my interference by eliminating all women from his proximity had made it impossible to approach him.

  But then my P.I got back to me with an update. Theo's new position in the mayor's office meant he was spending a lot of time socializing with his peers at an exclusive club in the city — The Palace.

  I'd done my research. The Palace wasn't just any club. It catered to the elite, and it provided both entertainment and... relief of a certain type. When I'd heard that, I was sure this was my moment.

  And so it had taken me quite some time to infiltrate The Palace by becoming a server. You'd think it would be easy enough to score such a job, but I'd had to be vetted by three people (two of which I'd bribed) before I was officially hired. Like an excellent employee, I'd showed up every night for my shift, hoping to catch sight of Theo.

  One week passed, then two weeks, and all I was getting was less sleep and more untoward remarks. The number of people I'd had to refrain from killing had been too high for my liking.

  And so I find myself once again, prancing around with a fake smile on my face, coked up from sniffing that damned powder, and ready to murder someone.

  "Darlin' do me a favor and wipe this table down, will you?" An old man calls out to me. I have to grit my teeth at the appellation. I'm no one's darling, and I'd love to show Mr. Geezer at table two just how much I appreciate being cat-called. I've already suffered one attempted sexual assault for one night, and the only reason that man isn't dead is because I had to hurry inside and clock in. This job is too strict on working times.

  I swallow a retort and start cleaning his table, trying to ignore the way he's leering at me, his gaze too focused on my cleavage.

  Fucking hell!

  I'm mentally debating whether or not I should shoot him when a group of people make their way inside and towards the VIP wing. I turn my head to study the newcomers and that's when I see him.


  My Theo.

  He's here.

  I strengthen my spine, my eyes following his movements as he heads towards the back of the club. Absentmindedly, I drop the cleaning rag on the floor, my feet leading me towards one thing—him.

  I quickly check with the girls working the VIP wing, and I resort to buying one of them out of her shift. Nevertheless, it's not long before I'm in the same space as him... so close I can practically smell him.

  I close my eyes and inhale, a smile spreading on my lips. This is it. My chance.

  Theo and his entourage settle down at one table and drinks are served. They seem to be deep in conversation, and as I see other girls walking around suggestively, I prepare myself.

  This is it! I must make an impression.

  So many times I've imagined this moment, and now that it's here, I don't even know what to do first.

  Lap dance?

  No, too common. There are already a few girls doing that around.

  No, I have to make my entrance with a bang.

  Determined to give my best, I school my features into a seductive smile, and I start walking.

  Boobs out—check.

  Hips swaying—check.

  Biting my lips seductively—check.

  And now... eye contact—check.

  His eyes flicker over my body and he doesn't look away. I advance slowly, and in the reddish light of the club, Theo looks even more attractive.

  When I'm almost next to him, I
notice his dilated pupils, the way his mouth is slightly agape.

  How I wish I could kiss that mouth.

  The way his eyes are roving over my body tells me he likes what he sees. I decide to be brazen, and as I hold his gaze, I slowly lower myself to my knees, placing one cheek on his thigh.

  Some men are watching intently, while others are busy with their own entertainment.

  But I tune it all out. I focus on the handsome man in front of me and I relish the proximity. This is the first time I've touched him in the flesh and I find my senses are getting numb, almost as if his mere touch is getting me drunk.

  A shiver goes down my spine as I trace the contours of his muscles. Surprisingly, Theo is seriously packing. You would have never expected that behind his boring gray suits there would be a wall of muscle.

  "You know the rules, handsome?" I turn to him, licking my lips suggestively. He's holding himself still, watching me intently.

  "Look, but don't touch?" His voice is just like him — all male. There is a roughness to it that just serves to turn me on even more.

  "This one, you can touch." I say, mesmerized by him. I keep touching him, my hand creeping higher and higher. I watch as his Adam's apple bobs up and down in anticipation.

  "And what else?" He breathes out, almost as if he'd run a marathon. This might be my first attempt at seduction, but I can tell that I have him.

  His hand comes up, his palm settling on my cheek. I lean into him, savoring the feel of his skin next to mine. His thumb slowly caresses my lips, smearing some red lipstick. I don't even think as I open my mouth and suck my tongue gliding over his digit.

  "You can do whatever you want to me." He has no idea just how much I mean those words.

  My hands continue to roam over his thighs, going higher and reaching the growing bulge in his pants — the proof that he does indeed want me.

  A little nervous, but mostly intoxicated by desire, I work on the zipper of his trousers. It might seem I'm going a little too slow, but I'm trying extremely hard to mask the sweat accumulating in my palms, and the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing.

  I keep the eye contact as I lower the fly and take him in hand. The moment I wrap my fingers around his cock, I let out a loud moan.

  God, he's certainly not disappointing!

  His clothes are definitely a camouflage for the man underneath, his generous size exciting and scaring me at the same time.

  It might hurt.

  I push that thought aside and I focus on the present.

  Moving my hand up and down, I become more familiar with him. The warm flesh is beckoning, and I don't even think as I dip my head low and take him in my mouth. I lick the entire length before focusing on the head, sucking him, my tongue playing with the underside — just as I'd seen the hooker do. Going by his reaction, I'm doing it well enough.

  His head is thrown back, his mouth slightly parted, and his hooded eyes are watching me. Spurred by his expression, I take more of him inside, struggling to accommodate his size. I gag when the head hits the back of my throat, but he seems to enjoy this, so I will myself to relax.

  Theo seems lost to sensation, his hands resting on top of my head and controlling my movements. The moment I slow down my ministrations he takes over, lowering me over his length and fucking my mouth repeatedly. My eyes tear up as he holds me down, my lips at the base of his cock. His chest rumbles with a groan, and hot liquid shoots down my throat. I'm so fucking turned on right now, and the taste of him lingering on my tongue is making me grow even wetter. I'm two seconds away from grinding on his leg, so I lean back, still keeping my eyes on him. Now, I need to make a memorable exit.

  Slowly, I lick my lips clean and give him a wink before standing up to leave.

  His voice seems pained as he asks.

  "Your name. What's your name?" My back is to him, so he doesn't see the slow tug of my lips, satisfaction settling deep into my core.

  "Pink," I drawl, "my name is Pink." I don't look back as I head directly to the staff area.

  My heart is beating loudly in my chest, my panties soaked. I did it. I fucking did it. And oh, was it everything I had thought it would be and more?

  I prop myself against the lockers, trying to catch my breath, my mind slowly replaying every moment — every touch and every sound. God... My hand sneaks under the waistband of my panties, my fingers on my clit, and seeking that relief. I turn my head to the side, stifling a moan as I bite into my shoulder. I hold on to the memory of his cock in my mouth, his cum on my tongue — a few strokes and I come, the orgasm so intense I stagger off my feet.


  "Pink!" Someone yells from the door and reality crashes down on me, dissipating my previous high.

  "Yes." I respond, glad to see my voice sounds unaffected.

  "The manager wants to see you." One girl peeks her head inside, looking at me with a scowl.

  I nod and follow her.

  I've had limited interactions with the manager, and of all the times he decides to call on me, he does it now? He should be grateful I don't have a gun attached to my thigh, or he'd...

  "Pink." He stands up from his seat, his expression contrite. I almost roll my eyes, but I still need the job — especially now. He narrows his eyes at me before shaking his head.

  "I've been made aware of what you just did." He starts, as if he can't watch the camera feed from behind his desk. There's CCTV all throughout the club. He probably jacks off to it, the pervert.

  "Oh?" I raise my eyebrows, pretending to be oblivious to what he's referring.

  "You can't just perform sexual acts in the club. That's why we provide special rooms." He scowls at me.

  "I'm so sorry." I say immediately, and I school my features to look guilty — and apologetic.

  He looks me up and down for a second. I hope he won't get any ideas. I really don't want to kill him and lose my job.

  "This is your first warning. Don't do it again. Next time, make them book a room." He waves his hand dismissively and I know I got off easy. Those rooms cost a fortune, so it's no wonder he doesn't want to lose potential clients.

  I nod and quietly make my way out, heading back to the VIP wing and hoping Theo might still be there.

  To my great disappointment, he's not.

  Damn it!

  TRUDGING MY WAY TO the club, I have to make a conscious effort to keep my eyes open. After last night, I'd barely slept a wink. Still, I have to be here on the off chance that Theo shows up. A quick glance at my watch and I realize I'm late.


  I increase my pace, hurrying to clock in before the absence is put on my record. Almost dashing through the club hallways, I greet the night manager and go to the lockers to change. As soon as I have my outfit on, I decide to head straight to the VIP lounge. If he's at the club, then he's most likely to be there.

  The club is sectioned in two parts, one room for the regular people and another for the ones requiring more privacy. There is a dark tunnel connecting both of them, and only select people are allowed in — those with access to the entire club. Before I switch places with another girl working the VIP side, I have to be sure Theo is present. One night there and I'd realized that the girls were expected to be propositioned. I don't want to risk injuring anyone if I get pissed — especially someone important.

  Being late also means there's less traffic in the tunnel at this time. I pause for a second to catch my breath and to compose myself. I still have to look my best.

  I pat my dress down, making sure to emphasize the contour of my breasts. I'd seen the way Theo had looked at my cleavage, so I'd put on an extra padding bra today. I'm trying to adjust one boob, when suddenly someone pulls on my arm.

  I'm thrust against the wall, and my fight instincts kick in.

  He didn't!

  I feel a fiery breath on skin, skimming the curve of my neck and towards my ear.

  "I've been looking for you, barbie girl." His voice sends a shiver down my back, and I kno
w instinctively who it is.


  "Is that so?" I ask breathlessly. The moment I confirm his identity, my body does a one-eighty. Goosebumps cover my skin, and the increasing arousal I'm feeling has me crossing my legs to find some relief.

  His hand moves up, trailing feather-like touches up my arm before dipping between my breasts. My breath hitches as he stops, and anticipation builds.

  "We have unfinished business." He continues, his voice so suave — palpable sin. I don't trust myself anymore, and my hands grip onto his biceps for support.

  Oh la la, more muscle.

  "Do we?" God, I must sound like an idiot, but it's his fault. How can I be coherent when the object of my desire is within reach — within touching reach?

  "You're such a fucking tease," he rasps, his face moving closer, "you think you can strut into the room, blow me until I see stars and then simply disappear?"

  "I thought men enjoyed the chase." His hand is moving down, tantalizingly close to the spot that needs him the most.

  "Oh, I am. I spent hours last night imagining all the ways I'd fuck you when I catch you." A whimper escapes my lips, and I feel myself growing wetter by the second. "Tell me, barbie girl, " his lips are hovering right above my flesh, "how do you like to get fucked?" His tongue sneaks out to lick right below my ear. When I feel the warm contact on my neck, I sigh, closing my eyes. My whole body contracts, my fingers digging into his arms. His chuckle brings me down to earth. "One touch of my lips and you came." He says, amused. I'm breathing hard, trying to gather my wits.

  "I see you, barbie girl. You want it rough," his teeth nibble at my earlobe "hard and fast in a body-bruising way. You want me to fuck you like the dirty little girl you are." Theo skims his fingers up my thigh, tracing the material of my panties.

  "Please." I moan, overwhelmed by the sensory overload.

  "Please what, barbie girl?"

  "Please fuck me." I want to tell him how much I want him, how I might die if I don't feel him inside of me right this second, but words seem to fail me.

  "Your wish is my command." I feel his smile against my neck, and in no time, he rips the fishnets off my body, pushing my panties to the side. His hand sneaks between my lips, and I almost die from the sensation.


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