Honorarium (ON-oh-rare-ee-um) A designated place in transports designed to carry the dead back to their home compound.
Intima Bond (IN-tih-mah bahnd) Rarest form of Scythian connection that goes beyond the most profound intimacy. Allos humans cannot experience it because they lack the intellectual and emotional depth to understand it.
Kedah (KEH-dah) The most beloved symbol in the Scythian culture that literally means sacred center of your soul.
Nex (NEKS) The Scythian grieving ritual meant to cleanse the heart after a loved one’s burial.
Nata (NA-tah) Dacian for daughter.
Novo (NOH-voh) A virgin.
Romni (RAHM-ni) A female equal, similar to the Allos term, ‘wife.’
Rovni (RAHV-ni) A male equal, similar to the Allos term, ‘husband.’
Scythians (SI-thee-ans) An evolved species of human that is stronger, more intelligent, and live longer than the Allos population.
Staratsa (sta-RAH-tza) A Dacian farewell meant to bless a family member or loved one.
Suka (SOO-kah) Dacian for whore
Suveran (SOO-veh-ran) A title given to the leaders of Scythian compounds or regions.
Tova (TO-va) Dacian for brother.
Tovaras (to-VAH-rahs) The darkest faction of the Scythian Society that are respected as much as the Chancellor and the Senate.
Vahna (VAH-nah) Scythian children.
Vtachi (vTAH-chee) Dacian, meaning little bird.
Zvaz (ZVAZ) Sacred ceremony in which warriors declare their intended equal before their peers.
It’s not often words fail me, but there isn’t a phrase or narrative strong enough to express just how much these people mean to me. My heartfelt thanks go out to the incredibly creative Corina Vaccarello, who has been with me since the very first days of purple moons and hundred-year-old Oak trees. Her unwavering friendship, support, and encouragement is a blessing beyond measure. To Mindy Ruiz, who inspires me to branch and out and grow as a writer. She, too, is immensely creative, and I’m so grateful to call her my friend. To Italia Gandolfo, agent, friend, and all around bad-ass. Her steadfast belief in me is humbling and inspires me to traverse well beyond the limits of my comfort zone. And to Liana Gardner, whose intelligence, tenacity and frankness keeps me grounded in a way few people can. You, my friend, are a true warrior.
They say to find your tribe and love them hard. I have, and I do.
About the Author
Elizabeth Isaacs is an author and teacher who began her career as a national presenter for Resource Profiles, where she developed teacher seminars designed to foster creative brain stimulation. Moving into formal education, she helped at-risk students improve their writing skills as well as created and implemented a creative writing/blogging program that centered on teaching the 21st-century learner. Works stemming from this initiative were published online and seen in over 40 countries.
Elizabeth receives invitations to speak nationwide at schools and book clubs about Young Adult (YA) content and writing. She runs the popular Facebook group, Writers etc., which builds an exciting bridge between the publishing and Hollywood communities and reaches thousands of people throughout the world. Elizabeth has a Master's degree from Austin Peay State University, where she was trained in classical opera. She graduated Magna Cum Laude and was a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society.
Her debut Fantasy title, The Light of Asteria, received Honorable Mention at the New York Book Festival.
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