Little Lost Things

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Little Lost Things Page 23

by Eleanor Chance

  “Take your time,” William said. “I’m glad the days of having next of kin come in to identify bodies are behind us. I know this must be torture. Just remember your medical training, take a breath and examine the body.”

  Grace nodded and raised her chin. What she saw wasn’t what she’d expected. The victim’s face was so bruised and distorted that it was hard to tell he was human, but that didn’t matter to Grace. It only took seconds for her to determine that it was not her Johnny. Her relief was so overwhelming that her legs started to give way. The young woman standing next Grace caught her under the arms and lowered her to the floor.

  “No, Grace. Is it him? Is that Johnny? I was so sure it wasn’t,” William said.

  Grace pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them. She tried to answer but words wouldn’t come. Someone put a bottled water into her hand. She twisted the cap off and took a gulp.

  “It’s not Johnny,” she croaked and took another drink. “Even with the injuries to this poor boy, I can tell it’s not Johnny. Body shape is all wrong.”

  William removed his glasses and gloves and ran his hand over his face. “Thank God,” he whispered. “Help Grace to a chair.” The beanpole intern lifted Grace to her feet and guided her to a plastic chair on the far side of the room. William turned to his team. “Let’s take a ten-minute break.”

  His staff stripped off their sterile clothing and tossed them into a biohazard receptacle before filing out of the room. A few nodded and smiled at Grace as they left. When they were alone, Grace stood and hugged William, ignoring the tears streaming down her cheeks. She still didn’t trust her legs when she backed away, so she dropped back into the chair. William handed Grace her water and sat on a rolling stool facing her.

  Grace wiped her face on her gown and sipped her water. “I’m so elated. Johnny’s still missing, but there’s hope. It would have killed me if that had been my boy.”

  “It wouldn’t have, but you would have been facing a nightmare time. The months, or maybe years after we lost Marissa were unbearable, and we knew her death was coming. You think you’re prepared, but you never are. We survived it, though. Diana even laughs and smiles again and is able to focus on the other kids. Chelsy is pregnant with our first grandchild.”

  Grace squeezed William’s hand and smiled. “Ryan’s daughter, Jennifer, gave birth to twins this morning.” She took her phone out of her pocket and showed him a picture.

  “Beautiful.” He handed the phone back and crossed his arms. “You have been through the wringer today. Does Jennifer live in Richmond?”

  “No, DC. Who knows when we’re going to get to meet the babies? Did you see Alec’s interview?”

  He looked away which told Grace all she needed to know. “Damned media.”

  The feeling had returned to Grace’s legs, so she stood and removed her sterile clothing. After throwing it away, she glanced at the body. “Feels wrong to sit here chatting in front of that poor soul. I’m beyond ecstatic that Johnny’s alive, but he’s someone’s son. I feel guilty for feeling this happy with him in the room. Some mother is going to get terrible news soon.”

  William stood and followed Grace to the door. “I get so focused on my investigations sometimes that I forget these victims aren’t just evidence. I needed this reminder. I suspect that he was involved in a drug deal gone bad, but he was a person.”

  “I need to call Stephanie and Agent Reid.”

  “Leave Reid to me.” William rubbed his chin. “How am I going to explain IDing the victim so quickly? He had no dental records on file, and the initial DNA analysis won’t be back for hours.”

  “Have you done x-rays?” When William nodded, she said, “Did he have signs of healing from an old fracture on his right forearm?”

  William went to a laptop sitting on the counter. He searched through some images and shook his head.

  “Tell the FBI you compared Johnny’s medical records to the victim, and they didn’t match,” Grace said. “You would have done that, right?”

  “That works.” He walked back to Grace and took her hands. “Congratulations for this and the new grandbabies. The four of us should have dinner once Johnny is home, and this nightmare is over and done.”

  Grace kissed his cheek. “I don’t know how to thank you. You didn’t have to do this. I owe you more than you’ll ever know.”

  “It was worth it. Now, get out of here. I need to re-scrub before my team gets back.”

  Grace gave a small wave as she went into the hallway and fought the urge to run back to her car. She called Steph the instant she was in the parking lot. When she gave her the news, Steph broke down and sobbed into the phone.

  Grace let her cry it out. When Steph quieted, she said, “Don’t ever tell anyone about this. It’s our secret. Your dad would kill me if he knew I stormed in here, especially without him.”

  “I agree, but has it occurred to you we could still have to face the same situation? I’m trying not to admit it to myself, but it could happen. Maybe we should be preparing ourselves for the worst now that we know what to expect.”

  “No, Steph. I refuse to think that way. I wish you’d never overheard Wes talking about the body. Whatever Mara’s twisted plan is, killing Johnny isn’t part of it. She loves him in her own sick way. You need to remember that and focus on finding Johnny, nothing more. Promise me.”

  “Fine, but I have no idea what to do next. I think it would be best to avoid the field office for now.”

  “Probably. Have you talked to Jen?” Grace asked to change the subject. “It would be good for both of you if you called and raved over her little darlings. Aren’t they gorgeous? I can’t wait to meet them.”

  Steph gushed about her new niece and nephew as Grace drove for home. She was glad to have distracted Steph from the harrowing ordeal they’d experienced and hoped her stepdaughter wouldn’t suffer any lasting trauma. Grace hoped the same for herself but knew it would take time to erase the image of that brutally murdered boy from her mind.

  Chapter Seventeen

  There was a car Grace didn’t recognize in the driveway when she got home. She was too exhausted to give it much thought. A stream of unfamiliar people had paraded through her house since Johnny’s abduction, and they still had two Richmond police officers standing guard. They wouldn’t have allowed the car’s owner to enter the house unless they were cleared to be there.

  Her gut tightened for a moment at the thought that it could be someone from the press until she remembered that Scott Michaels had arranged for them to be barred from closer than a hundred yards for security reasons.

  Grace parked in the garage, went inside and dumped her purse on the kitchen table as she passed. All she wanted was a long hot shower and to change into sweats and a t-shirt after the day she’d had. She opened the door to the living room and had to stifle a groan when she saw Craig reading Alec’s book on the couch. She’d forgotten about him in all the chaos and hadn’t talked to him since Saturday. She secretly hoped he was on his way back to Albuquerque.

  He put the book down and sat forward. “I hope you don’t mind that Mark let me in before he left to deal with some crisis at his restaurant. I was going insane waiting for news at the hotel.”

  Grace gave him a weak smile. “I wish I had news to give you. What do you think of that?” she asked and pointed at the book.

  Craig relaxed back into the cushions. “Alec’s an amazing writer. I was just reading the part about your childhood. I’m so sorry. I never knew. What was it like reading about yourself from Alec’s perspective?”

  “I haven’t read it. Alec gave it to me just before the kidnapping. She’d kept it a secret, and I was furious with her for not giving me more warning.” She stared at the book for a few moments. “Seems like such a trivial thing to have been upset about.”

  “You should read it. You might be surprised.”

  Grace dropped onto the loveseat and hoisted her feet onto the ottoman. “You sound like Ryan. Has he b
een home since you got here?”

  Craig shook his head. “It’s just been me. I saw the interview this morning. It was painful to watch. That Ethan is a moral degenerate. I’d like to strangle him.”

  “You and half of Richmond. The FBI is working on damage control. I’m not sure what that means or if it will do any good. Have you eaten? I haven’t had a bite since breakfast.” She checked her watch and the lingering elation of knowing Johnny was still alive drained out of her.

  Craig leaned forward and drew his brows together. “What’s wrong?”

  “Johnny stormed out of the house and into Mara’s web a week ago this very minute.”

  Craig got up and moved next to her. “It’s just time on the clock, Grace. It doesn’t signify anything. The FBI could bring Johnny through that door five minutes from now. You can’t let it get to you.”

  Grace peered into his eyes. Her interactions with Craig had been limited in the past, but they’d usually been intense. She realized that she knew very little of him as a person or what his life must be like. She wondered if she’d misjudged him.

  “You’re right. The minute has passed, and nothing’s changed. Let’s go make a dent in the mound of food in the kitchen.”

  Her phone buzzed as Craig extended his hand to help her off the couch. “It’s Scott Michaels.” She tapped the screen to answer and didn’t hesitate to put it on speaker so Craig could hear. She’d declared him to be family and there was no longer a point in hiding anything from him. “Hello, Scott. Why are you calling instead of Wes?”

  “Because this involves you and me. We’ve arranged a press conference to put this nonsense about a hoax to rest. The director himself has requested that you join me in front of the cameras and make a statement. Are you willing to do that? I know it’s a great deal to ask, but it could make a world of difference in our efforts to recover Johnny.”

  She frowned, but Craig nodded to encourage her. “I don't know what to say.”

  “Public affairs will help with that. We need you to come now.”

  “Now? I thought you meant in the morning.”

  “We’re jumping on this before it spins any further out of control. We would have arranged it earlier, but we had another situation to handle first.”

  Grace knew what the situation was but kept that to herself. “I’ll have to trust that you know what you’re doing. See you shortly.” She hung up and stared at Craig before burying her face in her hands. “It’s too much. I don’t have the strength to go on live TV in front of the entire country.”

  “Scott didn’t say it was the entire country, but what does it matter? Johnny needs you to do this. Don’t lose sight of that.” He reached out his hand to her. “I’ve eaten. Let’s fix you a to-go bag, and I’ll drive. You can eat on the way.”

  Grace took his hand and let him lead her to the kitchen, confirming for her that there was no question she’d misjudged him, and she was glad to have him at her side.

  * * *

  Ryan was waiting for Grace at the field office entrance. He raised an eyebrow when Craig walked in behind her. “What’s he doing here?”

  “Long story, but I wouldn’t have made it here without him,” Grace said and took Ryan’s hand.

  “I called Steph and the Emersons. They’re on their way. Mark’s still at the restaurant, but he’ll do his best to make it,” Ryan said.

  “That’s not necessary. He should stay at work. Did you say Alec’s coming? Is that wise?”

  “Like I could stop her, but she already knew about the press conference. Her publicist told her. We’ll hide her in a corner.”

  “Hide Alec in a corner? Good luck with that.”

  A public affairs specialist met the three of them in the lobby. After introducing herself as Megan Nelson, she said, “Please, follow me,” and led them to a tiny annex attached to the press conference room. “Mr. and Mrs. Walker, I’ll need you to stay here. Mr. Stuart, you may take one of the chairs reserved for family in the press room.”

  Craig gave her a nod and took Grace’s hands. “I’m proud of you. Remember, this is for Johnny.”

  As if I could forget, Grace thought as she watched him go.

  Ms. Nelson handed Grace a sheet with talking points just as Scott came in with Wes and a tall, striking man Grace had never met. Wes introduced him as Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Jamal Wilson.

  He shook Grace’s and Ryan’s hands. “I’m truly sorry about Johnny’s abduction. Please know his case continues to be our top priority. The director himself has taken an interest and has allocated whatever resources we need to bring your son home.”

  “We’re deeply grateful,” Ryan said and turned to Scott. “How bad is the fallout from Alec’s interview? I’ve abstained from the news or social media today to preserve my sanity.”

  Scott rubbed his face. “It’s been a hell of a day, but it could have been worse. You have no idea.”

  Grace caught the glances between the three men. They had no way of knowing how much she understood the significance of Scott’s comment.

  “This press conference will slam the lid on the hoax rumors, and we can get back to focusing on finding your son. Ready for this, Grace?” She nodded and tried to project more confidence than she felt. “Great, then let’s get this show started.”

  Ms. Nelson gave them instructions and told Grace what to expect. Grace struggled to hear her over the pounding in her chest.

  “You may speak from your heart or read the statement I prepared which will scroll on the teleprompter. Do whichever feels more comfortable for you.”

  Ms. Nelson opened a door leading to the small press room and motioned for them to follow. A podium covered with microphones faced the room packed with reporters from every news outlet Grace had heard of and some she hadn’t. She froze in the doorway.

  Ryan tenderly placed his arm around her waist. “It’ll be fine. You’ve done a dozen of these.”

  “But never one like this, and it’s been years. What if I freeze up there?”

  Ryan kissed her cheek. “Just imagine you’re talking to Johnny.”

  Grace took a deep breath and squared her shoulders as she followed the ASAC into the room. She was pleased to see Steph already waiting for them. She squeezed her hand, and they shared a knowing look.

  Scott stepped to the podium, and the buzz in the room quieted. As he began to speak, Grace glanced at the front row to find Alec sitting with Adam and her agent. Alec mouthed an I loved you and blew a kiss. Grace’s fears melted away, and she had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from smiling.

  She switched her focus to Scott as he began to speak.

  “I’m Special Agent in Charge Scott Michaels. Behind me are Assistant Special Agent in Charge Jamal Wilson and Grace Walker with her family. I will make this brief as we have urgent work involving life and death situations to attend to. We’re only taking time from that work to counter false and dangerous accusations made during an interview with author Alexandra Emerson this morning. Ethan James insinuated in that interview that the abduction of Johnathan Walker by Mara Brennen was a publicity stunt planned and executed by Mrs. Emerson to sell more copies of her latest book which releases to the public tomorrow. My colleagues and I are here to emphatically refute that accusation and assure the nation that Johnathan Walker was in fact forcibly removed from his home by Ms. Brennen one week ago today.”

  Scott paused and waited for the buzz to again quiet. Several reporters raised their hands, but he ignored them.

  “We again plead with the citizens of this country to aid us in locating Ms. Brennen and Johnathan, who goes by the name Johnny. As of this moment, we believe they are still in the greater Richmond area, but we have no concrete proof of this at the moment. We’re asking citizens across the country to be on the lookout. In conjunction with private contributions, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is offering a reward of $200,000 for information that leads to Ms. Brennen’s capture or Johnathan Walker’s location. Information with th
e phone number and website address for the tip-lines is scrolling across your screen. I’ll now turn the podium to Mrs. Grace Walker, Johnny’s mother, to make a statement.”

  Grace stepped to the podium without hesitation. She looked at the words on the teleprompter, but they didn’t represent what was in her heart. She gazed into the faces of the reporters and spoke from her heart.

  “As many of you know, Mara kidnapped Johnny from the hospital nursery on the day he was born more than fourteen years ago. Six months later, she, along with her husband, abandoned Johnny at Richmond City Hospital in his time of greatest need. This proves the kind of person she is. Through the intervening years, while the FBI has hunted for Mara, Johnny’s father and I have lived with the constant threat of Mara resurfacing and trying to steal our son from us. That fear became a reality one week ago today.”

  The room was silent while Grace paused to catch her breath and gather her thoughts. Every eye was locked on her face.

  She raised her chin and said, “Alec Emerson has been my closest friend for many years and stood by me during Johnny’s ordeal early in his life. She stands by our family now and thinks of Johnny as her nephew. She was with me the night Mara called twelve years ago to confess to kidnapping Johnny. She wrote her book, Baby John Doe and gave me a copy just days before Johnny’s adduction. She was completely unaware that Mara had resurfaced, as we all were. I’m incensed that she’s been accused of manufacturing this crisis to sell books. That is a complete and offensive lie. Alec is suffering from this tragedy as much as our family is.”

  Alec looked to Grace with tears streaming down her cheeks. Grace again bit her cheek, but this time to quell her own tears.

  “I have a message for Mara. Johnny is not your son. He doesn’t belong to you now and never has. I’m his mother, and Ryan is his father. Give up your insane scheme to steal him away from us. Set him free to come home where he belongs.”


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