Happily Ever After: A Contemporary Romance Boxed Set

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Happily Ever After: A Contemporary Romance Boxed Set Page 58

by Piper Rayne

  “God, I love you.” Between each word, he kisses my lips, my face, my neck. He kisses everywhere he can touch.

  The Ferris wheel slows, letting people off. We’re at the top and there are several capsules before us.

  “This is it.” I check my backpack and look out at the mountain.

  “If you ever need to find me, my ranch is in Montana.”

  I know he’s pretending this isn’t goodbye. I feel the ache in my chest before he slips behind his shield. I wish I had a shield to block the gnawing, but I have a journey to focus on.

  “The moment he opens the cage, I’ll stand in front of you.”

  I nod. He kisses me as the attendant steps forward.

  “What a beautiful night. Step this way to exit.” The attendant points to the side.

  “Fuck,” Xander mumbles.

  “What is it?” I can’t see around his chest.

  “Gunner. Dive.”




  I dive deeper and deeper into the ocean. My clothes disappear and my tail emerges, jerking my body around, slowing me down enough for a bullet to nip my side.


  Blood clouds the water. I stare up for a second, concerned, then I remember my mission. While dodging bullets I sing and draw deeper into the water.

  I turn to the east, toward the mountain. Sending a siren to the kingdom while bullets cut through the water. I speed up listening for a response when something changes.

  I stop and look back.

  I can’t hear Xander’s heart.


  Gunner sends a bullet through my shoulder before I grab my piece. The crowd screams and scatters. He stalks through the crowd and we exchange shot for shot until I leap, following Talia into the water.

  The saltwater stings the wound in my chest. I dive, but with one good arm it’s virtually impossible. Just when I think I’m in the clear, more bullets cut through my stomach and my left thigh.

  I look and see two mermaids, but it’s hard to see through the cloud of blood swarming around me. No, those aren’t mermaids but Jude and Adan.

  That muthafucker!

  Talia… Talia…

  I call to her, knowing she should be near the mountain by now. Praying her guards have found her. Adan stops and sends a last bullet in my direction and instead of fighting, I let go.

  Sinking instead of swimming.

  Thinking about Talia’s smile and her eyes and how saving her means I’ve done something right.

  Then everything goes black.




  I send one more siren to the kingdom and I turn around. The gash in my side throbs and I must see a doctor, but not until I hear his heartbeat.

  The blood-streaked ocean makes it hard to see. So, I listen for him using my hands for light. I sweep the area and oh my god there he is.


  I swim faster than I have in my life and just when I reach out a pain shoots through my fin. I spin around lighting the ocean with a small orb and I see them—Adan and Jude.

  “What are you doing? Where’s Colt?”

  “You can’t go back to the kingdom, princess.” Adan swims closer.

  “Freeze.” I thrust powerful arms in front of my body. “Don’t move. I don’t want to kill you. But I will.”

  Jude laughs.

  My body pulses with power and I send off a warning shot.

  “You missed, princess. I guess you need a little more practice.” Adan laughs.

  He sends a streak of energy my way and I dodge it.

  “I meant to miss you because I will not kill you. But you will die for your violations against the kingdom and for killing Xander.”

  I gather water, swirling around, creating a vortex to distract them. Then I dive for Xander and his pants are caught on something. I remove them and recreate the bubble spell, but make it large enough to hold him.

  He jerks gasping for air and the bubble bursts.

  I look back and it’s Jude, again. Oh no, Xander. He’s sinking. I look between the two and I can’t think of a spell.

  Fuck it! I’ll make my own.

  I summon the bed of the ocean to bring Xander to me. And I turn on the traitors, removing the magic cuffs from his pocket.

  Oh… the seal. I press Xander’s nose. This spell makes it possible for him to breathe underwater. And I feel his shield around us. Jude and Adan shoot at us, but they can’t touch us.

  I can’t hold it much longer. Xander says.

  I nod. I’ll meet you on the shore.

  I sigh. Relieved that he’s alive. The chief guard sends a response and I face Jude and Adan. The guards are coming, and I’ll be the only one alive when they get done with them.

  They turn and swim towards the shore. But I extend my arms.


  They remain frozen. I slip up and handcuff them together.

  “Please, princess. This is all a misunderstanding.” Adan pleads.

  “You’ll have to explain that to the queen.”

  “They can start now.”

  I spin around. “Mother.”

  I swim into her open arms as the guards take Jude and Adan into custody.

  “How’d you get here so fast?”

  “The Walker arrived, and that’s when we realized something was awry.” She holds me tighter. “Come on, dear. Let’s get you checked out.”

  I float with mother, and I remember Xander. “I’ll meet you there.”

  “What? You can’t be out here alone.”

  “Mother, I made it this far. Plus, Colt is back on shore. I’ll get him and meet you at the castle.”

  I don’t wait for her response. I rush through the ocean searching for Xander. Hoping he’s still alive.

  I find a place to resurface. I run along the coast, calling out to Xander. I’ve never been so scared in all my life.


  “Xander. Where are you?”


  The beat of his heart is faint. So faint I can barely feel it. “Drop you shield, please so I can find you.”

  He drops it, and I follow until I see him. Face down on the shore. I roll him over on his back. Blood is everywhere.

  “Xander, we have to get you to a doctor. Come on baby, get up for me.” I reach for his arm.

  “No, Talia. No.”

  I stop. “What do you mean, no? We made it. They are in the custody of the guards. We did it.”

  “Talia, love, this is it.” He coughs and I’m not understanding. “Can you do me a favor?”

  I sit beside him, gathering his head in my lap. “Please don’t do this Xander.”

  “Talia, my love, sing to me. Please.”

  “Sing to you! What are you taking about?” Then it hits me. I shake my head. “No, Xander.” I won’t kill you. I can’t.”

  “You can.”

  “Xander, I will not... I can’t.”

  “You can do this. Please… Send word to my father. Tell him I’m sorry, but I met a beautiful mermaid.” He smiles and coughs, pulling my lips down to his.

  “Don’t ask me to do this. Please don’t ask me to do this.”

  “Don’t let them determine my death. You can do this, princess.”

  Singing to him is the kiss of death. The myth about mermaids and sirens are in fact one. Both are capable of death. Both have the power to end a life with the sweet melody of a song.

  The souls of humans enrich the earth of our kingdom. I can’t imagine letting Xander fall to that fate, not after he saved me.

  “I’ll honor your request if you make love to me one more time.”

  “It will be my absolute pleasure.”

  I climb on him, afraid to move him. Both of us wounded, but I want to take a piece of him with me. I told him I’d love him for life, and I will.

  Xander’s hands trace my markings and don’t stop until they cup my hips, lowering me. He guides my h
ips, telling me how our love story will be told forever. Then he whispers our story to the multiverse.

  “Once upon a time... A ruthless centaur met a majestic mermaid princess. One White, one Black. Both seeking and finding love. A love created at the beginning of time. A love they fought for and seal by making love on the shores of Imperial Bay under a blue moon. I will always love Talia Hudson…”

  “… and I will always love Xander Durante.”

  I kiss Xander from the depths of my soul, and with the last thrust we visit heaven together. And I surrender to our fate, praying the Creator grants my prayer.

  Creator, please give me his child.

  Xander’s eyes round. Talia you can’t.

  I can. You want to quit, and I’ll give you your dying wish, although my soul will die with you. But you will not deny my last request.

  He holds my face with tears in his eyes. “What if she hates me?”

  “She can’t. She won’t. Not when I tell her our love story.”

  I retell the story as we walk to the ocean. Xander lays back, staring at the sky.

  “Will it hurt?”


  His hair floats around his head, and I mentally take a picture. And once my body transforms, I swim us out into the night.

  “Talia, don’t let her end up like me.”


  “I blamed myself for my parents. I ruined their entire lives because they had me. Hold her identity to your heart and know she’s special. Make sure she knows she’s loved and not a mistake. I love her and you.”

  “I will.” My voice cracks and I’m numb. But I kiss him anyway. “How do you know she’s a girl?”

  “She must be a girl because one day she too will rule the Malawi Kingdom, like her mother.”

  “What should I name her?”

  He twists to the side. “Aaliyah. Aaliyah Hudson.”

  I nod, willing to give him whatever he wants.

  We kiss one last time and I turn my head to the heavens and sing. Until Xander slips from my hands and the bed of the ocean welcomes our soul.

  I love you.


  I return to the shore, broken. I walk transitioning without thought, clothing my body with the gown I wore when Xander and I met.


  I hold up my hand.

  “Asaad Walker.”

  “The Walker.”

  “Yes, it’s nice to finally meet you.” He extends a hand and I change my attire to an outfit appropriate for my role. He stands over six feet in an expensive suit with golden eyes and a dimpled smile.

  I take his hand and give it a firm shake, then step back. “We weren’t expecting you until tomorrow.”

  “That’s until we got word of your ambush.”


  “Yes.” He extends a hand over his shoulder and several men step forward. I see Drake’s amber eyes before he emerges. “Drake and Kordell. The others are on the hill collecting evidence.”

  “Are you alone, princess?” Drake asks, looking around me.

  “Yes.” I expected Colt on the shore, however at this point nothing surprises me. The betrayal of Adan, mother arriving in the ocean, and watching the love of my life take his last breath. It would feel like a nightmare, except I found love. How did this all occur in a single week? I face him. “Did you apprehend Jude and Adan?”

  “Yes, thanks for Colt.”

  “Colt, where is he?”

  “He’s assisting with the investigation. He escorted a small team back to the hotel.”

  Okay. He’s the only one that will understand the transformation I’ve experienced this week. Then I thought about the fae.

  “What about Gunner and his troop?”

  They exchange a glance. “We apprehended two men. Gunner isn’t one. They also said one died by gun shot by Xander Durante. We’ve been hunting him for a while. Did you see him?”

  Both await my response about Xander. I glance out to the ocean. “He was swept away in a wave.”

  “So, he’s dead?” Drake asks.

  “Yes, sir, Xander is dead.” I turn my gaze away. I expect it will hurt for a while, but first I want to find the man responsible for his death. “Do you have plans to track Gunner?”

  “We do, with your help, of course.”

  “Of course. I’ll gladly tell you everything I learned. And what about the other two?”

  “What other two?”

  “Gunner had five associates, not including Xander.”

  The one Asaad introduced as Kordell gathers the notes while whispering with Drake.

  I walk towards the lake. “What about the Dark One and Kaden?”

  “What about him?”

  “Him? As in they’re one in the same person?” I face the three men, seeing this situation in a new light.

  The men share another look, as if trying to discern how much to tell me.

  “Sirs, I have carefully transcribed notes. I’m sure I can answer your questions and then some. Including several conversations with Kaden and a substantial payment made for the apprehension of my mother. You do understand that leaving such man free places our kingdom in imminent danger.”

  “Yes, princess,” Asaad says.

  “And you can also understand my desire to find the men responsible for ambushing me minutes after I transition, which is the most vulnerable time for our kind.”

  “The safety of your kingdom is a priority,” Drake adds.

  “I’m glad we are in agreement. I’ll share my notes and I’ll probably remember more if you ask the right questions.”

  “Like the circumstances behind Xander’s death.”

  “Yes, Walker. Especially if it means his murderers will receive their just due.” I face them secure in my stance as the voice for my people, my love, and the future of our kingdom. “Will we leave for the reformatory tonight?”

  “Dear, you don’t have to go. Come home and get rested up. I want to hear about your encounter, alone.”

  I shake my head. “Mother, I’ll tell you everything. But I respectfully request permission to complete your original request.”

  Mother looks at me, searching my eyes. Then a soft smile touches her lips. “I would decline your request if I didn’t trust Asaad and Drake. You’re in great hands.”

  I nod.

  “Can I accompany her?” Colt steps forward, passing a pair of handcuffs to a guard.

  I run and jump in his arms. He knows what I’ve endured, and I’m thankful when he holds me tight.

  “Yes, Colt,” Mother says.

  “Then we’ll leave now,” Asaad states.

  I journal and cry my way across country. Stopping at every ice cream shop, remembering the time I had with Xander.

  Asaad and Drake take turns gathering information about our week. I share the details about Xander’s contract, his thoughts about Kaden’s involvement, however, I leave our personal relationship private.

  Then one evening while stopping at a rest stop to stretch our legs, I broached the subject of Xander’s father. Asaad told me his father was executed last year.

  “Why would the Dark One promise him?” I asked.

  Finally, Asaad leveled with me. “Princess, we believe Kaden is building a militia of hybrids and insurgents against the Dakes Empire.”

  “Do you think an uprising is heading our way?” I ask Asaad, thinking about Xander’s predictions of the unrest amongst the gifted.

  Asaad regards me for a moment, then dismissed it. “You’ll always have a level of tension between the haves and have-nots. Leadership and civilians. But not everyone understands the delicate balance the Dakes Elders must uphold to ensure we, as a people, do not become extinct.

  “Inactive keepers who align themselves with our enemy and hybrids who have no direct leadership are grounds from unrest. My role is to ensure the wellbeing of most, not some.”

  I nod, but it doesn’t change the fact that Xander risked his life for nothing.

My time at the reformatory went fast since I had a week to tell Asaad and Drake about my experience. The testimonies of the two troop members shared no more than what I told them. And as predicted, they were both sentenced to life in the reformatory.

  The biggest takeaway on the return trip was consulting Drake and Kordell about securing our kingdom from similar attacks. And getting to know Colt.

  Mother was right, we have a lot in common. Who knows what would have happened if I would have had time with him first? But he’d never be what Xander is to me. And I’m okay with that.

  I spend the rest of my time resting and sketching concepts for installing a vortex to keep trouble outside our waters. Maybe a vortex and security cameras. And at the close of our trip, Asaad agreed to a pit stop by the ice cream parlor and the ocean in Imperial Bay before taking us home.

  I get a double scoop of black walnut and sit on the shore.

  “Xander, we did it.”

  The waves crash and I listen for any confirmation that his soul is at peace. I rub my hand over my belly and stare out to the horizon.

  We created a child.

  “This is where we’ll met and one day, I’ll see you again.” I brush away my tears. “You’ll have my love for always.”

  Mermaids carry our children for no more than five weeks. And if my calculations are correct in two weeks, I’ll have the surprise of my life.

  Will I have a mermaid, a merman, a centaur? I don’t know and I don’t care. I’ll cherish her because she’s part Xander and part me. However, the thought of how others will treat her keeps me up at night. I’ve called her Aaliyah the entire trip and if it’s not a girl, I’ll have to find a new name.

  Either way, I have a couple of hours to decide how I’ll break the news to mother. All I know is I’ll keep the truth of Aaliyah’s identity to myself for as long as possible.

  The sky opens, and a bolt of lightning kisses the surface of the ocean.


  “How will I do this without you?”

  “Marry me.”

  I jump at the sound of Colt’s voice. “I can’t do that it wouldn’t be fair to you.”


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