Children of the Moon: Book Three

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Children of the Moon: Book Three Page 7

by Yvonne Robertson

  “We can look them over properly when we get back and I thought we might venture into town tonight for dinner, what do you think?

  “A proper date.” she grinned, “Are you expecting me to put out.”

  “Absolutely.” he swung her up into his arms and she shrieked with laughter as he ran up the slope still holding her against his broad chest.

  Geoff was leaning on his porch rail when they reached his cabin and he gestured for them to come inside. The place was almost empty with only the bare necessities still to pack.

  “I found the plans I was talking about yesterday, son, you are welcome to keep this copy. It has detailed house plans for our cabin as well as a site plan for the whole mountain, although there have been a few new ones added since this was drawn up. We won’t be needing it anymore.”

  They chatted for a few minutes before they took their leave and set off up the remainder of the hill. He wanted to make a real effort this evening, he was going to wine and dine his sweetheart, she deserved nothing but the best.



  She hadn’t brought anything dressy with her so she had to make do with a pair of black linen pants and ivory lace and chiffon blouse. She curled her hair to fall in fat ringlets down her back and applied some eye makeup and lip gloss. Satisfied that she looked her best she fastened silver hoop earrings and a slim silver watch and spritzed a little perfume.

  Liam was wearing a pair of dress pants and a white open neck shirt and her stomach lurched when he looked up and saw that he was clean-shaven. His hair was definitely on the long side for a man but she loved it. She didn’t mind a little stubble but this look was good for him too. His eyes were unashamedly glowing and her breath hitched as she imagined them tangled up in the sheets together. God, he was sexy as sin!

  She slipped on her heels and despite the added inches they gave her, she still had to look up as he guided her out through the front door and into the car. There weren’t many times in her life where she had felt completely spoilt and feminine but tonight was one of them. She had scoffed at women who liked to feel protected and cherished by their mates, she was an independent woman and more than capable of protecting herself. She had never needed or wanted any man to do that for her but she didn’t mind so much when it was Liam

  He reached over and squeezed her hand and her heart flipped over, she may not need his protection but it sure felt nice to have it. He was one of a handful of wolves she knew who could overpower her in a fight, Seann, Garrett and a couple of other male wolves too, but none of the females were strong enough. Imogen was faster than her, faster than anyone and India had much more enhanced senses, but none of them were stronger. She had trained for many years to become so strong and it was her safety net. She would never be a victim again.

  The restaurant was way over on the other side of town and Liam put his hand on the small of her back as they went inside. One of the male diners gave her an appreciative glance and smiled at her and she felt the vibration of Liam’s growl reverberate deep in his belly. She grinned at his possessive attitude and the murderous expression on his rugged face was priceless. Just a few short weeks ago she would never have tagged Liam as the jealous type and here he was beating his chest to ward off potential suitors. Was he crazy, she only had eyes for him?

  The food was delicious and if the waiter wondered how they managed to devour so much food between them he kept his thoughts to himself. The shrimp and mushroom appetizers and the breadbasket kept their hunger at bay while they waited on their main course.

  It felt like a first date but without the awkward conversation and fear of the unknown. They knew each other better than they knew another living person and it was strangely comforting for a woman who had guarded her secrets so aggressively for so long. They had been intimate with their bodies but they were still both a little guarded with their emotions.

  She cut into the tender filet and savored the taste on her tongue as she chewed. She wasn’t much of a drinker but the Italian Barolo that Liam had chosen to go with their meal had a distinct punch despite the light floral smell. The wine warmed her and she was content as she leaned back replete in her chair, refusing dessert but accepting a refill of her glass.

  She didn’t have much of a sweet tooth and there wasn’t a chance that she would ever get fat with her wolf DNA and her rigorous training regime but she still liked to try and keep as fit and healthy as possible.

  Liam was ripped, he had a build that made the female’s eyes follow him wherever he went and his shoulder-length hair and mesmerizing pale blue eyes always sucker-punched when he turned their gaze on her. He was everything she could ever want in a mate.

  She saw another side to this man tonight. The side that knew what wine to order with which cut of meat, the side that knew exactly which vegetables were freshest for the season and the side that wasn’t in the least fazed by the numerous place settings on the table and the snobbery of the Maître d. Liam had the chance to live how the other half lived but he had chosen simpler. A life among his own kind, less public exposure and despite how much money he may have, she knew she liked his simpler side better.

  He drove them back to the cabin and she felt a flash of disappointment that their perfect evening was almost over. She didn’t want to dress up and eat at fancy restaurants every day of her life, that wasn’t her either but it was nice to do it occasionally and he had a knack for making her feel special, like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  But he was also holding back from her, she could sense it and she was almost afraid to ask the reason why.

  Closing the door behind them and she turned to reach up and kiss him softly on the lips.

  “I had the most wonderful time tonight, Liam, thank you.”

  He pulled her against him and bent to kiss her again and she leaned in and savored the moment before she had to ask the question that had been bothering her for days.

  “Liam, why haven’t you bitten me,”

  He set her back from him and she saw the raw emotion on his face as he answered her honestly.

  “You know we are mates and I want to bite you and claim you, Kandis, more than I want my next breath but I will never take anything from you without your express permission. I can wait until you are ready, sweetheart, you need to take the lead on this one.”

  Her heart jolted in her chest at his thoughtfulness and she reached out and began to open the buttons on his shirt. He stood stock-still as she stripped him naked and kissed his bare skin, tossing his clothes aside. She closed her eyes as Liam removed her blouse and then her pants and his lips were gentle as they kissed her sensitive skin. Even the softest brush of his hand had her in high alert and she tingled beneath his touch.

  He swung her effortlessly into his arms and carried her to bed and for the longest time they were happy to explore each other with only their hands and lips. Kandis was a match for him in every way but something inside her wanted to allow him to dominate this moment and she followed his lead. It wasn’t a sign of weakness to acquiesce to your partner in bed, it was a sign of absolute trust.

  Their lovemaking was as gentle and sweet as their very first time and her emotions were wildly unpredictable as she began to climb to her peak. Her cheeks were wet with tears as she clung to him and soared higher and higher and when she cried out his name, she instinctively sank her teeth into the tender flesh beneath his collar bone and he howled with pleasure.

  His coppery blood tasted as she had imagined in her wildest erotic dreams and she savored the fine red rivulet as if it was the finest red wine. She was deliriously happy as she staked her claim and a moment later, he buried his head into the hollow of her neck and she turned to give him better access. He held her tightly as his fangs pierced the skin and her wolf growled inside to show her pleasure and despite the sharp pain, Kandis reached an unimaginable height of ecstasy as the intensity of her climax reached a new peak.

  She slept like a baby and when she
woke, she was still tucked into her mate's side. His muscular arms were around her, keeping her safe and warm from the demons that had plagued her dreams for years. She would not allow them to destroy her now or ever, she was a survivor and survivors were always winners.

  She closed her eyes again and savored this moment, her hand resting on the flat of her tummy and she wondered if they had already conceived a child. Would it be pale blonde like her or have Liam’s caramel-colored hair? She didn’t care if they had boys or girls, her daughters would be tough and independent and her sons would be taught to be respectful and caring. She could imagine them with a houseful. A noisy, chaotic houseful of little people belonging to them, she could think of nothing more perfect.

  She fell asleep with a smile on her face and for the first time in years she was completely at peace with herself.



  He closed his eyes and let the hot water wash over his taut muscles, the spicy smell of his body wash was one of her favorite scents. Rinsing off, he towel-dried his hair and wrapped another around his waist and brushed his teeth.

  He was used to a good workout every morning and as enforcer, he had to keep himself in the best shape possible. Sneaking out of the cabin for an early morning run before the sun was up and anyone else on the mountain was awake was becoming a ritual and it would keep his fitness level up until they went back home and back into a regular routine.

  Kandis didn’t mind, she wasn’t a huge fan of early mornings anyway and was happy to stay in bed while he ran. The air was cooler then and he loved the feel of the wind on his face as he ran the back face of the mountain. Their assessment yesterday had been correct, there was nothing built anywhere except the south side overlooking the small town. He had called a local attorney yesterday and hoped to hear back from him today to find out who owned the rest of the land, maybe they would be interested in selling.

  Liam stood in the bedroom doorway and watched her sleeping form, his mouth twitching into a smile. The sheet was wrapped around her toned body and her long silky hair was spread out on the pillow behind her. He never imagined being this completely happy and he had her to thank for it, she was everything he had ever wanted in a mate and more. It was unfathomable to him now that he had disliked her so much and he was a little ashamed that he had never taken the time to find out why she had changed so dramatically back then.

  She stretched and he was tempted to climb back into bed beside her but she would be famished when she eventually surfaced so he reluctantly went into the kitchen to scramble some eggs for breakfast.

  He made a mountain of fluffy eggs, toast and bacon and was pouring coffee when she wandered into the kitchen, yawning and stretching.

  “Eat, while it’s hot.” he kissed her on the top of the head and put her coffee in front of her. She didn’t need to be told twice and tucked into her food with gusto.

  “What’s the plan for today?” she said in between mouthfuls.

  “Whatever you want to do is fine by me,” he smiled.

  “I would like to take a look around the town. If we are seriously thinking of making this a permanent home in the near future, we should familiarize ourselves with the area, see what shops there are and available empty space for some of the businesses to transfer out here. How likely would the locals be to sell to us, etc.”

  “We can do that after you eat your weight in bacon.” he teased her as she scarfed down her food, “I have found in dealing with people over the years that everyone has a price and if the pot is sweetened enough, they will usually sell.”

  “I love it out here but I wish we could just stay in the compound. I was born there and I will hate to leave it.”

  “We could go back eventually, Kandis and pretend to be our offspring. It’s worked that way for generations but as the world becomes more connected, that facade is harder to maintain. The last few years haven’t been easy and the police have the idea that we are some sort of cult, it’s becoming more and more difficult to hide what we are from the general population. I have moved several times now and it will be okay, the people are what makes it home, not necessarily the place. Personally, I would love to be able to put down some permanent roots but to do that we would need to own the entire town and encourage the humans to move on. It won’t happen overnight but I think it is doable in a small town like this one.”

  She threw a rasher across the room that he caught in his mouth and grinned. Her face softened as she met his eyes and he knew that no one would believe this sweet, beautiful woman could break a man’s arms and legs without working up a sweat.

  “Leave those, go get ready,” he said as she started to clear the plates.

  By the time he had everything cleaned up and the dishwasher turned on she was showered and dressed in shorts and a cotton shirt and ready for the day. There was an underlying sadness in her that hadn’t been there before and he knew it was because they were planning to move away from the only home she had ever known. It would take a couple of years to get it all in place anyway and hopefully, she would get used to the idea by then.

  They parked in front of the town’s only drugstore and Kandis had her pen at the ready to jot down any pertinent notes. They went inside for a look around and she bought a few toiletries and chatted to the super friendly pharmacy tech. Liam turned away to hide a smile as he listened to her milk the young woman for information, she could charm anyone when she put her mind to it. This was the Kandis that not many people saw but as time went on, she was thawing.

  They went back outside and she made some quick notes in her book and they decided to split up to cover more ground.

  “I’ll take this side of the street, you take that side and we can meet for lunch over on that diner in the corner in a couple of hours.” he leaned in and kissed her and crossed the road to begin his investigation at the newsagents.

  The boy behind the counter was no more than seventeen or eighteen but he was an open book and Liam discovered the shop was his Grandfathers. This one would be an easy sell as the kid wasn’t interested in running it, he wanted to go out west to college and his mother was a nurse in the next town over and wanted her widowed father to move there with her. He told him that went to the local high school, which was small by today’s standards, it had about three hundred students which Liam knew the kids in the compound would like. He bought a newspaper as well as a notebook and pen and jotted down the information, Kandis would be happy, she wanted as much detail as possible!

  The next stop was a bakery and small cafe and the bell above the door rang out as he entered, the smell made his belly rumble, despite his large breakfast. A small middle-aged woman with a pristine white apron wrapped around her ample body came through from the back and smiled as she greeted him. He knew she was sharper than the kid, he could tell by her intelligent eyes so he trod carefully and ordered several cakes and freshly baked bread to go. She admitted the shop was hers and said she had worked there all her life but that it wasn’t as busy as it used to be and her kids had moved into the city for work. He could tell by the wistfulness in her voice that she missed them terribly, this may not be as difficult a sell as he had thought after all.

  He stood back and glanced along the street, the attorney's office was next then there was a florist and a small grocery store and at the end, a double fronted general hardware store. The diner was the last on the street. He didn’t want to appear too eager and should wait on the attorney returning his phone call but the chance to find out who owned the land was too tempting and he opened the office door and went inside.

  The woman on the front desk was young and he guessed by the textbooks open on her desk she was a student. She pushed her glasses up her nose and asked if he had an appointment. Liam flashed her a smile and saw the red creep into her cheeks as he admitted he didn’t but would only like a moment of Mr. Wade’s time if he would see him.

  She asked his name and picked up the desk phone and Liam was amused to see that she
couldn’t look him straight in the eye, the poor kid was painfully shy.

  “Mr. Wade will see you in a few moments, sir, please take a seat.”

  He opened his notebook and made a few more notes while he waited and a few minutes later her phone buzzed and she stood up to take him through to the attorney’s office. He followed her through the corridor and she knocked timidly on the door before opening it to announce him.

  “Mr. McGuire to see you.”

  “Thank you, Anna.”

  She scuttled off to her desk and Liam closed the door behind him and walked toward the man who had stepped out from behind his desk to come toward him. He was almost as tall as Liam and just as broad and looked to be in his early thirties. His coal black hair was short and groomed and his pale gray eyes were a little wary as he gripped his hand and shook. His suit looked like something his father would have favored and he was wearing expensive cologne. His Italian leather loafers were silent on the plush oriental rug.

  “Mr. McGuire, I have the information you wanted. I was going to call you after lunch.”

  “Just Liam, please.”

  “Nathaniel Wade but everyone calls me Nate.”

  Liam smiled as he took the proffered chair and inhaled the woodsy scent that filled the room. To a human it would hardly be noticeable but it was almost overpowering to his wolfy senses. He recognized the cologne as one that Garrett favored but it did nothing to hide the other familiar scent in the room.


  Nathaniel Wade was a wolf, he hoped this meant that this job just got a whole lot easier.




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