Robert Castillo (Vol. 24) was storyboard artist for the documentary “Kids for Cash” and “The Angriest Man in Brooklyn,” a film releasing later this year. Ty Carter (Vol. 26) is working on the upcoming Peanuts movie, which is scheduled for release during the 2015 holiday season. He also recently published a book Musings and Wanderings.
The just-released 2014 Campbellian Anthology included ten past winners. Of these, two are from Vol. 28 and eight are from Vol. 29. Included in the anthology from Vol. 28 were David Carani and Gerald Warfield. Those from Vol. 29 were Alisa Alering, Tina Gower, Marina Lostetter, Chrome Oxide, Shannon Peavey, Christopher Reynaga, Stephen Sottong and Brian Trent.
Sadly, this past year, our longtime friend and Judge Frederik Pohl passed away.
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America named Pohl a Grand Master in 1993. In 2000, he was honored with the L. Ron Hubbard Lifetime Achievement Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Arts. He became a judge for the Writers of the Future Contest in 1985 and was one of the instructors at the first WotF Workshop in Taos, New Mexico.
The Contests continue to grow in size, while our past winners continue to grow in artistic stature and gain wider recognition. We look forward to seeing what exciting changes this coming year may bring.
For Contest year 30, the L. Ron Hubbard Writers of the Future Contest winners are:
First Quarter
1. Terry Madden
2. Amanda Forrest
“The Shaadi Exile”
3. Anaea Lay
“These Walls of Despair”
Second Quarter
1. Randy Henderson
“Memories Bleed Beneath the Mask”
2. K.C. Norton
“What Moves the Sun and Other Stars”
3. Liz Colter
“The Clouds in Her Eyes”
Third Quarter
1. Leena Likitalo
“Giants at the End of the World”
2. Shauna O’Meara
“Beneath the Surface of Two Kills”
3. Paul Eckheart
Fourth Quarter
1. Megan E. O’Keefe
“Another Range of Mountains”
2. Oleg Kazantsev
“Long Jump”
3. C. Stuart Hardwick
“Rainbows for other Days”
Published Finalist:
Timothy Jordan
“The Pushbike Legion”
For the year 2013, the L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future Contest winners are:
First Quarter
Vincent-Michael Coviello
Seonhee Lim
Kristie Kim
Second Quarter
Adam Brewster
Trevor Smith
Sarah Webb
Third Quarter
Kirbi Fagan
Bernardo Mota
Michael Talbot
Fourth Quarter
Cassandre Bolan
Vanessa Golitz
Andrew Sonea
Our heartiest congratulations to all the winners! May we see much more of their work in the future.
New Writers!
L. Ron Hubbard’s
Writers of the Future Contest
Opportunity for new and amateur writers of new short stories or novelettes of science fiction or fantasy. No entry fee is required. Entrants retain all publication rights.
Prizes every three months: $1,000, $750, $500
Annual Grand Prize: $5,000 additional!
Don’t delay!
Send your entry now!
To submit your entry electronically go to:
E-mail: [email protected]
To submit your entry via mail send to: L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest, PO Box 1630, Los Angeles, California 90078
Writers’ Contest Rules
1. No entry fee is required, and all rights in the story remain the property of the author. All types of science fiction, fantasy and dark fantasy are welcome.
2. By submitting to the Contest, the entrant agrees to abide by all Contest rules.
3. All entries must be original works, in English. Plagiarism, which includes the use of third-party poetry, song lyrics, characters or another person’s universe, without written permission, will result in disqualification. Excessive violence or sex, determined by the judges, will result in disqualification. Entries may not have been previously published in professional media.
4. To be eligible, entries must be works of prose, up to 17,000 words in length. We regret we cannot consider poetry, or works intended for children.
5. The Contest is open only to those who have not professionally published a novel or short novel, or more than one novelette, or more than three short stories, in any medium. Professional publication is deemed to be payment of at least six cents per word, and at least 5,000 copies, or 5,000 hits.
6. Entries submitted in hard copy must be typewritten or a computer printout in black ink on white paper, printed only on the front of the paper, double-spaced, with numbered pages. All other formats will be disqualified. Each entry must have a cover page with the title of the work, the author’s legal name, a pen name if applicable, address, telephone number, e-mail address and an approximate word count. Every subsequent page must carry the title and a page number, but the author’s name must be deleted to facilitate fair, anonymous judging.
Entries submitted electronically must be double-spaced and must include the title and page number on each page, but not the author’s name. Electronic submissions will separately include the author’s legal name, pen name if applicable, address, telephone number, e-mail address and approximate word count.
7. Manuscripts will be returned after judging only if the author has provided return postage on a self-addressed envelope.
8. We accept only entries that do not require a delivery signature for us to receive them.
9. There shall be three cash prizes in each quarter: a First Prize of $1,000, a Second Prize of $750, and a Third Prize of $500, in US dollars. In addition, at the end of the year the winners will have their entries rejudged, and a Grand Prize winner shall be determined and receive an additional $5,000. All winners will also receive trophies.
10. The Contest has four quarters, beginning on October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1. The year will end on September 30. To be eligible for judging in its quarter, an entry must be postmarked or received electronically no later than midnight on the last day of the quarter. Late entries will be included in the following quarter and the Contest Administration will so notify the entrant.
11. Each entrant may submit only one manuscript per quarter. Winners are ineligible to make further entries in the Contest.
12. All entries for each quarter are final. No revisions are accepted.
13. Entries will be judged by professional authors. The decisions of the judges are entirely their own, and are final.
14. Winners in each quarter will be individually notified of the results by phone, mail or e-mail.
15. This Contest is void where prohibited by law.
16. To send your entry electronically, go to: and follow the instructions.
To send your entry in hard copy, mail it to: L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Contest, PO Box 1630, Los Angeles, California 90078
17. Visit the website for any Contest rules updates at:
New Illustrators!
L. Ron Hubbard’s
ors of the
Future Contest
Opportunity for new science fiction and fantasy artists worldwide. No entry fee is required. Entrants retain all publication rights.
$1,500 in prizes each quarter.
Quarterly winners compete for $5,000 additional annual prize!
Don’t delay! Send your entry now!
To submit your entry electronically go to:
E-mail: [email protected]
To submit your entry via mail send to: L. Ron Hubbard’s Illustrators of the Future Contest, PO Box 3190, Los Angeles, California 90078
Illustrators’ Contest Rules
1. The Contest is open to entrants from all nations. (However, entrants should provide themselves with some means for written communication in English.) All themes of science fiction and fantasy illustrations are welcome: every entry is judged on its own merits only. No entry fee is required and all rights to the entry remain the property of the artist.
2. By submitting to the Contest, the entrant agrees to abide by all Contest rules.
3. The Contest is open to new and amateur artists who have not been professionally published and paid for more than three black-and-white story illustrations, or more than one process-color painting, in media distributed broadly to the general public. The ultimate eligibility criterion, however, is defined by the word “amateur”—in other words, the artist has not been paid for his artwork. If you are not sure of your eligibility, please write a letter to the Contest Administration with details regarding your publication history. Include a self-addressed and stamped envelope for the reply. You may also send your questions to the Contest Administration via e-mail.
4. Each entrant may submit only one set of illustrations in each Contest quarter. The entry must be original to the entrant and previously unpublished. Plagiarism, infringement of the rights of others, or other violations of the Contest rules will result in disqualification. Winners in previous quarters are not eligible to make further entries.
5. The entry shall consist of three illustrations done by the entrant in a color or black-and-white medium created from the artist’s imagination. Use of gray scale in illustrations and mixed media, computer generated art, and the use of photography in the illustrations are accepted. Each illustration must represent a subject different from the other two.
6. ENTRIES SHOULD NOT BE THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, but should be color or black-and-white reproductions of the originals of a quality satisfactory to the entrant. Entries must be submitted unfolded and flat, in an envelope no larger than 9 inches by 12 inches.
7. All hardcopy entries must be accompanied by a self-addressed return envelope of the appropriate size, with the correct US postage affixed. (Non-US entrants should enclose international postage reply coupons.) If the entrant does not want the reproductions returned, the entry should be clearly marked DISPOSABLE COPIES: DO NOT RETURN. A business-size self-addressed envelope with correct postage (or valid e-mail address) should be included so that the judging results may be returned to the entrant. We only accept entries that do not require a delivery signature for us to receive them.
8. To facilitate anonymous judging, each of the three photocopies must be accompanied by a removable cover sheet bearing the artist’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and an identifying title for that work. The reproduction of the work should carry the same identifying title on the front of the illustration and the artist’s signature should be deleted. The Contest Administration will remove and file the cover sheets, and forward only the anonymous entry to the judges.
9. There will be three co-winners in each quarter. Each winner will receive an outright cash grant of US $500 and a trophy. Winners will also receive eligibility to compete for the annual Grand Prize of an additional cash grant of $5,000 together with the annual Grand Prize trophy.
10. For the annual Grand Prize Contest, the quarterly winners will be furnished with a specification sheet and a winning story from the Writers of the Future Contest to illustrate. In order to retain eligibility for the Grand Prize, each winner shall send to the Contest address his/her illustration of the assigned story within thirty (30) days of receipt of the story assignment.
The yearly Grand Prize winner shall be determined by the judges on the following basis only: Each Grand Prize judge’s personal opinion on the extent to which it makes the judge want to read the story it illustrates.
The Grand Prize winner shall be announced at the L. Ron Hubbard Awards Event held in the following year.
11. The Contest has four quarters, beginning on October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1. The year will end on September 30. To be eligible for judging in its quarter, an entry must be postmarked no later than midnight on the last day of the quarter. Late entries will be included in the following quarter and the Contest Administration will so notify the entrant.
12. Entries will be judged by professional artists only. Each quarterly judging and the Grand Prize judging may have different panels of judges. The decisions of the judges are entirely their own and are final.
13. Winners in each quarter will be individually notified of the results by mail or e-mail.
14. This Contest is void where prohibited by law.
15. To send your entry electronically, go to: and follow the instructions.
To send your entry via mail send it to: L. Ron Hubbard’s Illustrators of the Future Contest, PO Box 3190, Los Angeles, California 90078
16. Visit the website for any Contest rules updates at
Writers of the Future, Volume 30 Page 39