Adore Me

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Adore Me Page 21

by Kelly Elliott

  “When did they realize they were in love?”

  I smiled. “Dad says it was the moment he saw her. Something in him changed, and he knew he needed to be with her the rest of his life. To protect her so she would never have to face something like that again. Mom always said she fell in love with him the first night he cooked her dinner. I guess he was exhausted from working all night in the ER, then helping Mom with all of that stuff that day. He even took her to Target so she could buy some things like clothes and toiletries since she only had the clothes she went to the ER in.”

  “It’s so tragically beautiful.”

  “Yeah, I guess it was. Anyway, Dustin and I never knew any of this. Mom had decided that her past was just that. Her past. Then that day, when she saw the guy she had been married to, she panicked. I begged her to tell me what was wrong. If only she had told me, I would have been able to protect her. She didn’t want Dustin and me knowing. Something about being embarrassed she had gotten into such a toxic relationship.”

  I jerked my fingers through my hair, thinking back to it all. I could have protected her. “If only she had fucking told me.”

  Morgan reached for my hands and squeezed them. “Do you want to stop talking?”

  I out a gruff laugh. “Why stop? I’ve already put a damper on the night.”

  She shook her head. “No, you haven’t. If you want to keep going, I’m here to listen. If you want to stop, I’m here for you.”

  Morgan’s words left me momentarily speechless. She was the most amazing woman I had ever met, besides my own mother. After my mother died, I had vowed never to let another woman into my heart. But when I saw Morgan, I knew I didn’t want anyone else.

  “I need to tell you, Morgan. I don’t want to hold anything back from you. I don’t want anything between us.”

  “Blake, something like this is not ever going to come between us. This is not a dirty secret you’ve been hiding that will change the way I feel about you.”

  “You don’t know the whole story, Morgan.”

  She swallowed when she heard the darkness in my voice.

  “Then tell me.”

  I looked at our hands clasped together.

  “Dustin was pissed he had to come home, and I was mad that I had to cancel a date with the girl I had been seeing. Both of us were pretty upset with our mom. Neither of us had any idea why she was acting the way she was. I went to bed early that night, and Dustin snuck out to go to the party. After he was gone, I heard glass breaking, and I bolted out of bed. Then I heard my mother screaming.”

  When I glanced up, Morgan was fighting back tears.

  “I ran to my parents’ bedroom, and I saw a man over my mother. He was punching her while trying to rape her.”

  “Blake,” Morgan whispered.

  “I pulled him off of her and started hitting him as hard as I could. My mother was screaming for me to stop, telling me to run, to get away. I just kept fighting him. He was bigger than me—a built son of a bitch. I couldn’t get the image of him hitting her out of my head, and I just kept hitting him. He managed to get a good punch in, knocking me back enough to get up and grab my mother again. I stood up, ready to go after him again, but he pulled a knife out and stabbed my mother right in front of me.”

  Morgan lost her battle, and tears silently fell down her cheeks.

  “Then he started to walk away. I ran over to my mom and put my hand over her wound and reached into my father’s night stand. I pulled out his pistol and I . . . I . . .”

  “Shh, stop. Blake don’t say anything else.”

  Dropping my head, I let the tears fall. I knew I had to tell her, for my own sanity.

  “I yelled for him to stop, and he turned. When he saw the gun, he told me I didn’t have the guts to do it. My mother reached up and grabbed my shirt. She said two words to me: do it.”

  Morgan got up and sat next me. Wrapping her arms around me, I leaned into her. “I shot him, and I didn’t think twice about doing it. That’s when Dustin walked in and saw what was happening. He rushed over to help me with our mother while he called 911. By the time the ambulance got there, she was gone. She died in our arms.”

  “Oh Blake, I’m so sorry.”

  “The last thing she said to me before she took her last breath was thank you. She thanked me for killing him, Morgan. She fucking thanked me for killing him.”

  MY MIND HAD barely wrapped around Blake’s words when he dropped his head into my lap and cried like I had never seen anyone cry. If I had to guess, this was most likely the only time he’s ever allowed himself to properly grieve over the loss of his mother and the knowledge he had taken another’s life.

  Running my fingers through his hair, I didn’t say a word as he lay on me and expelled years of built-up emotions. Had he ever told anyone? Surely he had. He said he was seeing a therapist. Did Nash and Tucker know? Was that why they’d changed the subject when Charlie had brought it up? God, I prayed he had told them. To keep something like this a secret was beyond awful.

  I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what that night must have been like for him. Opening them again, I took in a shaking breath. I didn’t even want to imagine it.

  The air felt as if it had been ripped from my lungs as I remembered his words from earlier. How in the world would he think this would change the way I felt for him? He did it for his mother, who had been brutally beaten and murdered in front him.

  My own head dropped as I let my tears fall again. I’d let myself cry now while Blake did, then I vowed to be there for him, in whatever way he needed me to be.

  The sparkle of the engagement ring caught my eye, and I stared at it. I’d noticed when Blake gave it to me it looked like an antique ring. My heart raced as I pondered.

  Is this his mother’s ring? Is this what brought the memory on this evening?

  Blake had finally stopped shaking.

  “Let me hold you,” I whispered.

  He slowly pushed off of me and stood. The way he was staring out the window told me he was still lost in the memory of that night. I slowly undressed him. My hands shook as I removed his clothing piece by piece. I traced my fingertips over his broad chest, causing him to inhale. He looked down at me, and something in his eyes changed. He was coming back to me.

  “Turn around,” he softly said.

  I did as he asked. His hands trembled as he unzipped my gown, letting it pool at my feet.

  Soft lips touched my shoulder, causing my own breathing to quicken. His hands went to my arms, where he gently rubbed his thumbs over my sensitive skin. I dropped my head back against him and let him do what he needed to do. If it meant I would only hold him tonight, I would gladly do it.

  “I want to make love to you, Morgan. Get lost in you and think only about us.”

  His hands moved to the front of my body, where he caressed me gently. Then he made his way to my breasts while he placed soft kisses on my shoulder and neck.


  It was the only thing I could manage to say. This man had a way of making everything else in the world disappear.

  I gasped when he pinched one of my nipples as his other hand made its way to my aching core.

  “Never in my life did I ever dream someone could make me as happy as you make me.”

  His whispered words brought tears to my eyes. It was time both of us learned to bury the past and focus on the future.

  Our future.

  “I love you,” I breathed, not able to think coherently enough to find any other words to express my emotions. I was so head over heels in love with my best friend. My lover. Future husband. The man who would be the father of my children.

  Turning, I pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him. I poured everything I could into that kiss. I needed him to know how much he meant to me.

  “I need you, Morgan.”

  Lifting me into his arms, he carried me to the massive king size bed and gently laid me down. I moved up to the pillows and watched as his eyes roamed ev
ery part of my body.

  “You’re so beautiful. I don’t deserve you.”

  My hands cupped his face, and our eyes met. “We deserve each other. I’m nothing without you, Blake.”

  “I’m nothing without you,” he replied with a smile tipping at the corners of his mouth.

  “Then don’t say that ever again. You are who I want to be with the rest of my life. I’ve never loved anyone like I love you, and with each passing day that love only grows.”

  Blake stared into my eyes for the longest time before he spoke. “The first time I ever saw you, at Tucker’s birthday party, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. I think I fell in love with you that very moment.”

  A tear slipped from my eye, and I touched the side of his face. “I didn’t think you ever noticed me.”

  He laughed. “Notice you? I noticed you, princess.”

  His mouth crashed to mine. I opened myself to him and moaned when I felt him slowly entering me.

  Blake pushed in and pulled back, resting his forehead on mine. “Don’t ever leave me, Morgan. I don’t think I could survive without you.”

  A rush of warmth filled my entire body from head to toe. I wrapped my arms around Blake and lifted my hips, prompting him to move.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I promise you.”

  We made slow, passionate love. Blake rolled me over so I was in control. I soon trembled from my orgasm. When he gently moved back over me, I swear I thought I had gone to heaven. He was gentle. Slow. Whispering words into my ear. The night couldn’t have been any more perfect.

  When his body trembled, I knew he was close.

  “Come with me again, princess. God, come with me.”

  Tingles erupted as I felt my orgasm build with his pleas. He moved his hips, and I fell gloriously into a euphoria I never wanted to leave.

  When I awoke to the feel of the bed moving and a soft kiss to my forehead, I peeked one eye open.

  “Good morning, princess. I want to show you something.”

  Smiling, I sat up and yawned. “What time is it?”

  “It’s six fifteen.”

  I groaned as Blake pulled me from the bed.

  “Lift up your arms.”

  I did as he asked, and he slipped one of his T-shirts over my head.

  When I looked past him out the window, I gasped.

  “The sunrise!”

  Blake chuckled. “See why I woke you up? I was sitting out here on the patio, and I had to share it with you. It’s our first day as an engaged couple.”

  I swooned inside at how romantic that notion was.

  The field in front of us was still covered in wild flowers, casting the most beautiful yellows, blues, reds, and pinks. It was a pathway that led to an orange horizon topped with clouds the color of dark purple and orange.

  “I’ve never seen such a colorful sunrise in my life,” I said while Blake wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

  “I don’t think I have either. Tucker and Charlie moved out to the hill country for all the right reasons.”

  With a giggle, I added, “And that’s why Nash and Kaelynn are following in their footsteps.”

  We stood there, watching and listening to the sounds of birds and wildlife waking up with the sun. It was one of the most peaceful moments of my life. I was in the arms of the man I loved, surrounded by God’s beauty.

  The sun slowly peeked up over the hills, and night became day.

  “It’s so peaceful. Even before the sun started coming up, I felt so calm sitting out here. Relaxed like never before.”

  I lifted my head and looked back at him. “Are you sure that isn’t from the two times we made love last night?”

  He winked and flashed me a grin that made my knees weak. “I have no doubt that had something to do with it. Just hearing everything, though—the creek running down below, the animals waking up, the wind blowing through the trees—makes me want to stay here longer instead of leaving today.”

  “I don’t have any patients booked next week. We can stay here as long as you want.”

  Blake’s gaze met mine. “We’d be hiding.”

  “What’s wrong with hiding every once in a while?”

  “Do you remember once you told me you didn’t need me to come in and save you? Just being there with you was what you wanted and needed.”

  I nodded.

  “That’s how I feel. A small part of me wants to run again like I ran to New York—run and not ever come back. The bigger part of me wants to start building our life together. I want to design a house with you. I want to start thinking about when we want to have kids. Where we want to live. I don’t want to be in a condo in downtown Austin. I want space for your birds and our kids.”

  Turning in his arms, I watched him as he looked out over the landscape.

  “I want to build you birdhouses and bird feeders. I want to get a horse.”

  “A horse?” I asked with a lighthearted laugh.

  He shrugged and looked down at me. “We could have anything we wanted.”

  My arms wrapped around his neck, causing him to look at me.

  “The only thing I want in this world is you. You, Blake Greene, make me happier than I have ever been in my life.”

  He leaned down and picked me up into his arms.

  “Let’s go take a shower.”

  My lower stomach pooled with heat. Showers with Blake meant orgasms for me.

  “I DON’T LIKE the kitchen.”

  Nash and I exchanged a quick look before I focused back on our client.

  “Okay, what don’t you like about it this time?”

  If she noticed the rough edge in my voice, she ignored it.

  “It’s all wrong. I mean, how am I supposed to entertain people in a kitchen that small? You need to remove the island.”

  Mrs. Delany’s husband moaned and scrubbed his hand over his face.

  “If they remove the island, where are people supposed to sit or put their drinks down? Or their food, for that matter, since they will be in a damned kitchen!”

  Nash interjected. “Mrs. Delany, you have the outdoor kitchen as well as the large breakfast area to the side of this kitchen, if you would like for your guests to be close to you while you cook.”

  Mr. Delany let out a roar of laughter while his wife shot him a dirty look.

  “My wife cook? Please. She’s never cooked a day in her life. That’s why we have to pay for two cooks.”

  Two cooks? Holy shit. Did they have one each?

  This couple had more money than sense. When they came to Venture Architecture, they’d claimed they wanted to build a smaller house now that they were empty nesters. Mrs. Delany’s idea of downsizing meant going from twelve-thousand square feet to eight-thousand square feet, and even that was almost too drastic for her liking. Mr. Delany, on the other hand, wanted it to be no bigger than five thousand square feet. We were currently at sixty-five hundred, and she was not happy.

  “Why don’t you take a day or two to really look over the new plans? What you have to remember is that a majority of the time it will only be the two of you in the house.”

  Mrs. Delany sighed. “I don’t need to look over the plans anymore. It’s fine. Just build it.”

  I turned to Nash and tried like hell not to smile. Barrett Construction was the lucky winner of that bid.

  Clearing his throat, Nash forced a smile. “We’re not set to break ground until July tenth.”

  “You can’t move that up? You own the company!” Mrs. Delany shrilled.

  “No, ma’am. Like I’ve said before, we have other projects that we’re working on, and that is when the foundation crew will be available.”

  She rolled her eyes and stomped off toward her BMW convertible. Slamming the door, she started the car and peeled out.

  The three of us stood there, staring at the retreating sports car.

  “How long do think it will be before she notices I’m not with her?” Mr. Delany asked.
br />   Nash and I looked at each other, then back at the car.

  “Do you need a ride anywhere, Mr. Delany?” I asked.

  He threw his arms up in the air as he yelled, “Don’t come back!”

  Nash had to turn and walk toward his truck to hide his laughter. I stood next to Mr. Delany and silently tried to figure out why in the world he stayed married to a woman he clearly no longer liked.

  “You sure you want to get married, Blake?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Pains in the asses, all of them.”

  I cleared my throat and motioned for him to follow me over to my truck.

  “How about that ride?”

  “Nah. I’m going to let her get a good bit away before I call her and let her know she left me behind. She’ll be back. After all, I’m the guy who has all the money to build this”—he gestured toward the surveyed spot of land—“bullshit of a house.”

  This time I lost the battle and chuckled.

  Nash walked back over and reached his hand out to Mr. Delany. “Sir, it was good seeing you again. Once we get your written approval on the plans, I’ll file them with the city. If you’ll excuse me, I need to get going. I’m leaving for Utah later this afternoon.”

  “Utah? What’s taking you there?” The older man asked.

  “My wife’s from there. We are going up for a wedding reception and baby shower.”

  Mr. Delany smiled. “Well you have a safe trip, and don’t worry. I’ll get her to sign off on the plans, and it will be in your inbox within twenty-four hours.”

  Right as he finished speaking, the white BMW pulled up. Mr. Delany turned to me and winked. “She probably tried to stop at a store and realized I wasn’t there to pay.”


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