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Bonded Page 6

by Nicky Charles

  God, what was coming over him? He wasn’t some young pup who got randy at the sight of any passable female. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply seeking some self-control, but her scent filled his nostrils instead, pulling him even deeper under her intoxicating spell.

  Unable to resist, he held her tight, grinding their hips together, making his desires known. He felt her body jerk, her quick inhalation a quiet hiss as she registered his arousal. Leaning even closer, he nuzzled her neck and spoke directly into her ear, his voice rough with need.

  “Feel what you do to me.”

  She clenched her hands where they rested on his chest, her nails scraping lightly through the material. A groan escaped his lips. Her muscles tensed, and after a pause, she answered breathily. “Me too.”

  “Really?” He leaned back and studied her flushed face, her heavy lidded eyes. Through her thin t-shirt he could see her erect nipples. It was like a punch to his gut and he tightened his grip on her even more. “Do you want to leave?”

  She hesitated and seemed about to look around for her friends then apparently changed her mind. A quick nod was followed by a husky “Yes.”

  Her acquiescence notched his desire up even more and he barely registered how they left the bar or got to his car. “Your place or… ?”

  “Mine. It’s close by and no one will be home. Tabi’s staying at Brad’s.” There was a faint trembling in her voice and he reached out to hold her hand as he drove, following her directions. Once he’d parked his car outside her dorm, he turned to face her. It was hard to see in the shadowy interior, but he could sense her nervousness.

  “If you’ve changed your mind… ” He paused, giving her an out, but she shook her head and surprised him by taking his face in her hands and kissing him thoroughly.

  The feel of her warm mouth was his undoing. Unclasping his seatbelt, he twisted around and gathered her close. He teased her lips intending to go slow, but when she opened for him he couldn’t help himself. Slipping his tongue inside the warm cavern, he stroked and explored, the tang of alcohol mixing with her sweetness.

  He slid his hands around her body and leaned in, pressing her back against the seat. She shifted around and rubbed her calf against his leg while skimming her hands up and down his back. Grabbing the edge of her shirt, he pulled it up then smoothed his palm over her stomach. It quivered at his touch and excitement flared within him. His wolf narrowed its eyes, intent on its goal. A growl rose in his throat and she responded with a whimper, clutching him even more closely. She was eager, nervous yet willing.

  “Yes,” his wolf murmured. “A female for us.”

  Reno broke the kiss and gave his head a small shake, warning his wolf to remain controlled before returning to nuzzle Brandi’s neck. He couldn’t seem to get enough of her scent, inhaling deeply so that it filled him, reaching out to every corner of his being. It wrapped around him, breaking down his reserves and he revelled in the sense of freedom that burst to life inside him.

  “She is for us. With her we can be ourselves, wild and unrestrained.” The beast within growled at him, but before he could respond, Brandi pulled his mouth to hers again and the sliding of lips and tongues made all else fade from his mind.

  Soon their hearts were pounding, their hands pulling at the barrier of cloth that separated them.

  Breaking the kiss, Brandi gasped. “Inside. Now.”

  They stumbled from the car and moved to her apartment. Reno had only the vaguest impression of her home—cheap furnishing, a student’s dwelling—before she led him to her bedroom. As the door clicked shut, desire took over until all that existed was the inferno of feeling between them.

  How they ended up naked on her bed he didn’t know or care. She was there beneath him, her hair spread out on the pillows like a fiery halo, her green eyes staring up at him hungrily. Her skin gleamed in the moonlight that illuminated the room, every curve seductively calling for him to worship her.

  How could one female be so beautiful? So desirable? He skimmed his hands down her body, her moans of delight driving his own desire ever higher until he could barely think. She was everything he’d ever dreamed of, warm and soft and lush.

  Only at the last minute did he remember to don a condom before sliding between her willing thighs and sinking slowly into her hot body. As her walls enclosed his throbbing shaft and her gasp filled his ears, he shuddered, fighting against his wolf’s urgings to possess, to mark…

  Reno moved his hips deliberately, drawing out the moment, listening to her sighs and moans of pleasure. The sound wrapped around his heart, but he couldn’t concentrate enough to wonder why. Feeling was all that existed. A delightful pressure was building inside him, starting at the base of his spine, and expanding with every slow thrust.

  Skin sliding against skin, warm and wet. Panting breaths, inarticulate sounds. Brandi was clutching at his back, urging him onward while his own wolf was pushing impatiently at the restraints he imposed.

  The animal wanted out. His jaw ached as his canines partially extended. Reno shook his head and tried to force them back. No. No biting. Despite the command he found himself shifting position. His hands were no longer on her hips; they were bracing his weight on either side of her head. He was leaning forward, eyes focussed on the slim column of her neck.

  Brandi whimpered, her head thrown back, her throat exposed. He licked the vein at the side, then ran his teeth over the area not breaking the skin, but wanting to, desperately. His body shook with the need and he jerked his head back, clenching his jaw.

  What the hell was going on? A moment of clarity had him questioning his own actions. This had never happened to him! His hands fisted and he shook his head trying to clear his mind. Focus on this, he told himself as he gave a hard, deep thrust. The wetness, the heat, the clenching of her body around his as she started to climax. Brandi dug her nails into his skin and he welcomed the small erotic pain.

  “Reno… ?” There was a hint of panic her voice. He blinked, sweat stinging his eyes as he tried to see her clearly. Her pupils were dilated, a hint of canines showed between her parted lips. It was so damned sexy. “Reno, what… ?” Brandi licked her lips and tried to continue, but apparently couldn’t. She rolled her head from side to side, then stiffened and cried out.

  For a moment he watched her come. Just knowing he’d driven her to such a loss of control filled him with deep satisfaction while at the same time, driving his own desire impossibly higher.

  He gave into his own need then, dropping his head into the crook of her neck. Giving up the fragile hold he had on his control, he began pistoning even harder and faster, the primitive search for pleasure dominating his mind and blocking out all else. When his own release came, it was explosive and freeing as nothing had ever been before. He groaned deeply, a long drawn out shudder wracking him as his seed spilled from his body.

  Collapsing on top of her, he struggled to draw in air. His heart was pounding and his thinking was fuzzy. God, that had been like nothing he’d ever experienced before.

  For all that he wanted just to lie there, Reno made himself slide sideways, relieving Brandi of his weight. She murmured in acknowledgement, her eyes closed, faint tremors still wracking her. He reached out a hand and stroked her gently, entranced by the total abandon that they’d created in each other.

  “Bathroom?” He finally forced his lips to form the single word and she vaguely gestured with her hand. Not wanting to leave the pleasant cocoon of feeling that he was wrapped in, he forced himself to stand.

  In the bathroom, he squinted in the harsh light, staring at his reflection in the mirror. His face was flushed, his hair stood on end from Brandi’s wild clutching, however it was his eyes that really told the tale. His wolf stared boldly back at him, challenging, wanting control.

  An icy rush of reality doused any passion remaining within him. With shaking hands, he gripped the cold edge of the porcelain sink and braced his arms while he fought an inner battle. The wolf couldn’t win; it was
too dangerous to be let loose without other Enforcers around to keep it in check. Dammit, things had been going so well lately he’d let down his guard, which just went to prove what could happen if he became complacent about the beast.

  He wasn’t sure how long he stood there. Eventually his wolf conceded and grudgingly stepped back. Reno murmured approval of its obedience and it thumped its tail once before subsiding and sinking into sleep. A sigh of relief escaped his clenched lips. It was a good wolf… once it remembered its place.

  Some Enforcers hated their wolves, calling them demons or hell-hounds, but Reno tried to live in peace with his creature. He was firm and demanded obedience, yet tried to respect the beast as well. After all, they were stuck with each other and might as well try to co-exist. If not, he’d end up bitter and haggard from the constant war within. At least his way, the war was less frequent and tonight’s episode was more of an anomaly than a constant occurrence. Perhaps he was even at fault. The creature hadn’t been out for a run in a few days.

  Resolving to head into the woods that weekend for some back to nature time, he splashed cold water on his face before glancing in the mirror again. Wet strands of hair clung to his forehead and beads of water zigzagged through his stubble before meandering down his neck to his chest. Grabbing a towel, he dried off, pleased to note that his eyes were clear again.

  Thankful Brandi hadn’t witnessed his battle—what female wanted a man around that might suddenly go rogue?—he headed back to the bedroom, thinking they might have another round. Easing the door open, he slipped inside and came to a sudden halt, his plans fizzling out. She was sound asleep.

  Reno leaned against the door frame, once again marvelling at how the moonlight highlighted her body. A faint flush still stained her cheeks and her hair curled about her bare shoulders. He could see other marks on her skin, signs that their passion hadn’t been gentle. Just the thought had his body stirring and he had to fight the desire to climb back in bed and rouse her. Swiping his tongue over his lips, he recalled her taste.

  Brandi rolled onto her side and murmured in her sleep, her hand reaching out for the blanket. Reluctantly, he stepped forward and pulled it up hiding her beauty. A small smile graced her lips before they slackened again in slumber.

  Should he stay the night? They’d barely shared a few dozen words and he knew next to nothing about her, yet for some reason he was reluctant to leave, feeling a need to guard her while she slept. However, the battle he’d waged with his wolf just moments ago reinforced the fact that he shouldn’t get too attached. He wasn’t suitable material for a relationship with her or anyone.

  After a moment’s debate, and against his better judgement, he pulled a sheet of paper from a notebook he found lying on her desk and scribbled his phone number and the words ‘Call me.’

  He never did that. Brief encounters, one night stands; that was all he had to offer. The paper crinkled as his hand fisted around it. This was foolishness. Complete and utter idiocy. He was an Enforcer, dammit. Shaking his head at his own stupidity, he flattened the page and placed the note prominently on her desk. Donning his clothes, he then let himself out and headed back to his temporary home.

  Chapter 5

  Brandi awoke the next morning feeling relaxed and happy after having slept more deeply than she had in years. Stretching, a secret smile spread over her lips as she recalled why. She, Brandi Johansson, had had a one night stand with Reno Smith. Just the thought made her giddy and she allowed herself to giggle like a school girl while giving herself a hug.

  She relaxed and sank back into the pillows, running one hand lazily down her side. Naked. God, she never slept naked. The covers brushed over her skin as she adjusted her position and she wondered why she’d never tried sleeping in the buff before. It made her feel deliciously sexy and wicked; a woman of the world. The type of woman who would meet a man in a bar and take him home. And it hadn’t been just any man. It had been Reno Smith.

  Pushing a stray curl from her face, she contemplated how the previous evening had gone. When she’d bumped into Reno, her brain had gone to mush and she’d hardly been able to string two words together. He hadn’t seemed to mind though. In fact, he’d actually been… nice. Except for when he’d dissed her fighting skills, that is. But then again, he’d only been telling the truth. And once the awkwardness had passed, she’d actually enjoyed his company. His stories of life as an Enforcer were both entertaining and fascinating, especially the parts about his work with the ACS.

  When she’d talked to Tabi later on, she’d only half-heartedly scolded her roommate for setting her up yet again. And when Tabi had urged her to grab the opportunity and get it on with Reno… Well, just a glance at Reno’s handsome face and amazing physique had made her own doubts easy to dismiss.

  All evening she had felt Reno’s intent gaze as it raked over her body. Whenever she’d caught him looking at her she was sure he was stripping her naked in his mind. From anyone else, she might have found that to be offensive, but with Reno it had seemed right. Her wolf had revelled in the attention, spurring her onward, encouraging her to dance more provocatively than normal. When he’d finally stood and moved towards her like a predator closing in on his prey, her breath had caught in her throat. He’d ground his hips against hers, his arousal undeniable. Heat had flared through her and she’d barely hesitated when he’d suggested leaving.

  Wow. Sex with Reno had been amazing. The brush of his stubble over her skin, the roughness of his palms cupping her breasts. Feeling him pressing into her, filling her completely and then stroking deeper and harder. He’d driven her to heights of passion she’d never thought possible. In fact, he’d taken her so high that she’d lost complete control and almost transformed in the middle of the act. It had been scary, but then she’d climaxed and after that… well… she’d fallen asleep! All that studying, alcohol, and great sex had knocked her right out!

  That little fact was rather embarrassing. Wasn’t the guy supposed to fall asleep while the female wanted to snuggle and talk? She felt her face flush as she contemplated the fact that Reno might have been studying her naked body as she slept. Her stomach gave a funny little flip-flop at the very idea and she wished she had some way of knowing what he might have been thinking. Yet then again, maybe it was better not to know!

  Rolling over, she buried her nose into the cool pillow beside her, inhaling deeply to take in the remnants of his scent. She wasn’t surprised to find the bed empty. Reno didn’t strike her as the kind to stay around after the fact. A small hurt twinged in her heart over that, but she pushed it aside. Tabitha had told her to go for it. That she’d probably only get one chance with Reno and to take the plunge. Well, for once she was glad that she’d listened to her roommate. It’d been worth it. A night like that would live on in her memory for years.

  Reluctant to leave the bed and abandon her recollections, Brandi sighed and threw back the covers. Unfamiliar aches afflicted her as she stood and she winced at the evidence of last night’s passion. She hadn’t been a virgin, but neither was she that experienced either. A brief affair with a cadet during her first year—before she’d realized he was an egotistical jerk out to gather as many notches on his bedpost as he could—was the sum total of her love life. After that she’d sworn to dedicate herself to her career, a plan she’d followed until Reno crossed her path.

  A grin passed over her face as she contemplated exactly how he’d crossed her path. Too bad it wasn’t likely to happen again. Peering in the mirror over her dresser, she examined her face noting sensitive pink marks on her skin. Whisker burn no doubt. A part of her would like to let the world see them, like a flag announcing her encounter with the oh-so-sexy man, while another part wanted to hold the experience close to her heart, a cherished memory only she knew about.

  Would Reno ever think of her, she wondered? Would he remember the girl he’d met in a college bar and had a bit of wild sex with or would she become just a dim memory, another one night stand in a list too l
ong to contemplate? She tried to picture him this morning and a surprisingly clear image came to mind. He’d be standing in front of the mirror humming as he shaved and trying to brush his hair into some semblance of order. Faint scratches on his back and shoulder would cause him to pause and smile, recalling last night’s pleasure and the beautiful woman who had put them there.

  Whoa! Brandi gave her head a shake. Where did she get off calling herself beautiful, even if it was just in one of her own fantasies? She pulled a face and scolded herself. A bit full of yourself this morning, aren’t you Johansson? One roll in the hay with a hunk and suddenly you’re seeing yourself as beautiful? With a regretful sigh, she shook her head again. Passable was more like it, not beautiful.

  Well… she pulled open the shade and examined her features in the sunlight that streamed into the room. Turning her head this way and that, she relented a bit. Okay, she was a bit more than passable, but definitely not beautiful. That term belonged to the Tabithas of the world. Short, curvy girls were ‘cute’ or ‘cuddly’ but that was it. Another critical look had her poking her belly and resolving once again to lose weight and work out, maybe even retake that self-defence course like Reno had suggested.

  Her alarm beeped and she checked the time. Darn, she’d have to hurry. She had a meeting scheduled with her faculty advisor to go over the results of her final exams. With any luck, she’d passed and would be on her way to a new job before the week was out. Excitement curled in her belly at the thought of finally starting her career.

  After showering, she dressed and grabbed her purse off the top of her desk. A piece of paper fluttered to the ground and slid under the bed. She almost ignored it but then hesitated for a moment, some inner voice telling her to get down on her hands and knees to look for it. It probably wasn’t important… Feeling around with her hand, she finally managed to locate the page and got to her feet.


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